So, she doesn't know that all contact between humans and the Citadel is restricted to some extent. Meaning no matter what, she's going to freak people out.
Hey, remember when I told you to wait for it? Well... you're going to have to wait a little longer.
You're a prat Faith~

I haven't done that many of them... the only ones that leap to mind are RWBY Semblance rants, over on SB.
Link please~

Fusou's even faster. Get on her level scrub.
Indeed, I'm fairly sure I'm sitting around a minimum of 360,000 light years per second if not more given that travel from Earth to the Ark is pretty much instantaneous for me.
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Yay Chapter! Note: Needs threadmarking! <3

Hey, remember when I told you to wait for it? Well... you're going to have to wait a little longer.
You stinker!

I can't wait to see what happens at the Citadel. Is this close enough to the relay incident that Humans are still persons non grata, or have they already ingratiated themselves?

Waiting to hear more about the Reaper nomming.

New ships, Oh so blocky. Makes them feel... aggressive. Muhahaha.
Down right dastardly, if I do say so myself.

So, complacency-induced diplomatic incidents are a go...

I guess someone had to give up the game :drevil:.
Diplomatic incidents is Faith's bread and butter, at this point.

Nope! Except for Drich, who has exactly as many as she needs.

The UNSC design aesthetics are bleeding through. They still look very nice. Even if they are kinda small for being 'cruisers'. They're corvettes and destroyers! Get the designations right!
The Birch is larger than the Normandy SR-2 by 140~ metres. It's actually quite big for a MEverse frigate, as mentioned in chapter. Mass Effect Corvettes are quite small by sci-fi standards - TikiTau touched on it on his latest chapter, but the average crew for a Corvette is around ten men and even the Quarians only cram in 20 or so.

The Rowan at 530 metres is a weird case, because cruisers in Mass Effect range from 500m or so (Turian, the Batarian cruiser for the purposes of FiSF) all the way up to around 700m. Being that the Faith Foundation is supposed to be a privately funded group with a relatively minor military, it only makes sense that their ships would be on the smaller end of the scale.

Also, what they lack in size, they make up for in features. And by features, I mean firepower. But also other features.

Fusou's even faster. Get on her level scrub.
Fusou's a cheater. And that means she's trying. And that makes her a try-hard. And I don't play with cheaters. Or try-hards. :p JK we cool Fusou

There's no way this could possibly go wrong!
No possible way! :evil:
something something no way we'd ever regret this something something.

Birch, Rowan, Juniper... Faith, have you been doing anything Pokemon related recently? Because picking those three trees as names and using them in that exact order makes me wonder...
Are you trying to imply that there's some kind of hellish, imperfect state of being where people... aren't doing Pokemon related things all the time?

Madness, I tell you.

Actually, it's funny you mention. Initially, it wasn't intended as a Pokemon reference. I just figured that since the small craft are named after flowers, the big craft should be named after bigger plants - ie trees. The Oak dreadnought was an idea I tossed around a little, but then I realised how silly that would be and put an end to it. See above, RE: Faith Foundation as a fleet.

I can't get over how much the Birch looks like someone strapped a pair of kitchen knives to a fat water pistol.... :)

"And what are those bits on the sides of the ship for?"

"Oh, those are the stabbing wings. Wait 'til you see them deploy..."
Nah, nah, nah. Now it's a water gun.

Both were an experiment in styles other than my usual '100% smooth curves, everywhere'. Thinking I very much like the general body shape, but I definitely prefer the Rowan's wings to the Birch's. However, I couldn't be bothered to go back and change the design to reflect hat, so... meh. Maybe the Birch-II frigates will be cleaned up a little.

*Continues sitting on the edge of his seat, whilst mutting to himself*

Wait for it... Wait for it... Wait for it...
Wait for it...

Eh, write a visualiser plugin to tie them to your background music.
Meh. Too much effort.

Next comes the Oak battlecruiser/carrier, the baddest ship in space.
Technically, since I'm escalating ship sizes by generation, the Oak has to be either a Corvette (with the Elm as a variant) or... uh... something smaller than a Corvette. An FTLverse Air Cruiser, perhaps? Sycamore would be the next big ship after the Juniper.

Of course, that's assuming the Faith Foundation ever bother increasing the number of ship varieties in their fleet, and there's not much reason for that. They're a private interests group, not a full-blown armada.

So, she doesn't know that all contact between humans and the Citadel is restricted to some extent. Meaning no matter what, she's going to freak people out.
Oh, yes.

You're a prat Faith~
My brother, wondering why I was cackling madly at eleven PM whilst curled up in bed under a thick fluffy blanket: "Are you pissing people off on the internet again? For fuck's sake, you're such a bitch."

Beep boop

Indeed, I'm fairly sure I'm sitting around a minimum of 360,000 light years per second if not more given that travel from Earth to the Ark is pretty much instantaneous for me.
Forerunners be bullshit, yo! You have precurser-race grade FTL, all of Faith's is 'modern' era.

Meeeeh. Will fix, soonish.

Yay Chapter! Note: Needs threadmarking! <3

You stinker!

I can't wait to see what happens at the Citadel. Is this close enough to the relay incident that Humans are still persons non grata, or have they already ingratiated themselves?
Wait for it...

Waiting to hear more about the Reaper nomming.

New ships, Oh so blocky. Makes them feel... aggressive. Muhahaha.
Good! Working as intended.
The Birch is larger than the Normandy SR-2 by 140~ metres. It's actually quite big for a MEverse frigate, as mentioned in chapter. Mass Effect Corvettes are quite small by sci-fi standards - TikiTau touched on it on his latest chapter, but the average crew for a Corvette is around ten men and even the Quarians only cram in 20 or so.

The Rowan at 530 metres is a weird case, because cruisers in Mass Effect range from 500m or so (Turian, the Batarian cruiser for the purposes of FiSF) all the way up to around 700m. Being that the Faith Foundation is supposed to be a privately funded group with a relatively minor military, it only makes sense that their ships would be on the smaller end of the scale.
By canon ME scaling, you got the designations correct. By UNSC designations you got it wrong. Sub 200 meters are corvettes and ships around 500 meters with two MAC's are destroyers. Course, you don't know this in-story so I can't blame you for the mix-up. My original comment was also a bit of a dig that if you're going to use the name of one of the UNSC's officers for a ship and their design aesthetics, you should use their designation system. I guess the implications got lost somewhere. *shrugs*
By canon ME scaling, you got the designations correct. By UNSC designations you got it wrong.
Ah, I see. No, the Faith Foundation is sticking to the Mass Effect system with the Rowan and Birch class vessels, because they are, after all, designed entirely to blend in with the Mass Effect universe. And besides, it's not like the UNSC have a monopoly on geometric 'gun with engines' designs.

Also, only one of the fleets is named after UNSC people. It's just that ships like the FFV Jackson Whalebrook and the FFV Bain wouldn't have gotten the same response from Fusou as the FFV Jacob Keyes and its (currently absent) fleet.
Besides it not like Faith has gone thru the Haloverse... yet.
By canon ME scaling, you got the designations correct. By UNSC designations you got it wrong. Sub 200 meters are corvettes and ships around 500 meters with two MAC's are destroyers. Course, you don't know this in-story so I can't blame you for the mix-up. My original comment was also a bit of a dig that if you're going to use the name of one of the UNSC's officers for a ship and their design aesthetics, you should use their designation system. I guess the implications got lost somewhere. *shrugs*
The only ones currently running on UNSC scaling at the moment are the Systems Alliance.

Fusou's a cheater. And that means she's trying. And that makes her a try-hard. And I don't play with cheaters. Or try-hards. :p JK we cool Fusou
I'm hardly trying. Were I trying, I would be attempting to reach a million or more light years per second.
And suddenly,after seeing Fusou's signature,I have to ask a very impportant question; Why doesn't Faith in Superior Firepower have a TVTropes page,yet!? Or Commander,for that matter?
Do we know how fast a mass effect drive could, in theory, go? I'm assuming it's art major science enough that there isn't a formula to calculate max speed, which would be nice.
That's probably because they spend more time and resources trying to all look like the exact same cuttlefish instead of anything useful.
I'm... not sure if you're joking or not, but the Reaper fleet has quite a significant disparity in form.

They have similar aesthetics, yeah, but there's still quite a significant difference between some of them.
I'm kinda joking yes, but all the reapers do look the same to me.

Agreed, They are all the same, in exactly the same way that all humans are the same.
For all their "differences", each one is rather clearly a SPACE! Cuttlefish.

Allso much the same as all wasps look like a wasp. (no, I frankly don't care whether the one I just splattered all over the wall was actually a mud-dauber or a yellow-jacket, they're all spindly, aggressive, and keep strafing my face.)
I know all Commanders are tech kleptomaniacs and all at the equivalent of a genetic level... but why exactly is it wearing a bandit mask?

I'm not actually sure that is even the front end of the ship... but its designed with a robber mask... its even a black mask.
Uh... what? If you're referring to the black block at the rear end of the wing, that's one of the ship's engines. It's designed to look like the ones on the Normandy (and all other Alliance ships). It's just a really low-poly model, because I cannot into sketchup.

The front end of the ship being painted orange is a reference to those stupid laws where toy guns need to be colourful to distinguish them from the real things.
Uh... what? If you're referring to the black block at the rear end of the wing, that's one of the ship's engines. It's designed to look like the ones on the Normandy (and all other Alliance ships). It's just a really low-poly model, because I cannot into sketchup.

The front end of the ship being painted orange is a reference to those stupid laws where toy guns need to be colourful to distinguish them from the real things.
Don't worry, I tried making a commander in sketchup and the legs looked like someone glued a couple of legos together.
Uh... what? If you're referring to the black block at the rear end of the wing, that's one of the ship's engines. It's designed to look like the ones on the Normandy (and all other Alliance ships). It's just a really low-poly model, because I cannot into sketchup.
Combined perception and thought pattern thing on my end then. I think it stands out because its the only black on the ship, which draws attention to it. Looks like half a domino mask to me, now that you point it out I can see what you were going for. Though the drawing makes it look to close to ship not to risk setting it on fire. Also it looks like its against the ship under the wing. I thought it was a matter of back swept wings like the Normandy has and an orange, primary engine thruster.

Though it looks rather space only in build that way... all the aerodynamics of the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo, with wings to go faster. Probably the low polygons there... it doesn't help my brain didn't start off with flying Nerf gun as basis... or that I looked at the pic and then read the chapter so I can't unsee my first thought.

Instead its forward swept wings (which makes it look like a highly aggressive dive attacker) and this relatively huge spinal mount gun. Now that I'm thinking Nerf gun and know what your going for I want to add a third engine on the center top and add something on the center front to give it an iron sight motif. Such is my brain.
The front end of the ship being painted orange is a reference to those stupid laws where toy guns need to be colourful to distinguish them from the real things.
Actually, the reason those laws exist is because back in the 1980s a pair of kids were playing Laser Tag while on opposite sides of the street. A cop on patrol randomly stopped between them and when the cop looked to the side saw a big black gun thing pointed towards his head and wasted the kid in a panic. I don't even think he got out of the car till after. Honest mistake and trained reflexes for less than stellar neighborhood.

Laser Tag guns don't even really look like real guns. At the time toy guns were getting very, very hard to tell from real thing at a distance or even close up. Criminals were using toy guns in robberies. Cap guns (lets off a bit of a band and a puff of smoke) were getting to the point of display pistols... also made of metal. My brother has a reprint of a Generation 1 Megatron (Transformers) toy that looks like a real gun and is die cast. You can pistol whip someone with that thing. He had to order it from Japan. Kids accidentally got shot by each other when they grabbed a real gun and tried to use it as a toy or to show it off to a friend. The news media loved those stories.

Granted the fake looking plastic toy guns of today don't need that as they are Neon colors and such, but that is because no toy maker want to have the motto, "Real looking enough to get your kid shot!".

Also I'm pretty sure painting the end of a real gun orange was done by criminals, but the point is keeping kids safe not 'clever' scum bags. Judges tend to take 'camouflaging' weapons that way as concealed weapon and intent to use it on someone.

So no, those laws aren't stupid, its that they are a product of a different era. In the origin era it was 'the more realistic the better', now because of these laws its 'Nerf or Nothing'. Funny how things change.