I wonder if Fusou will tie Faith down, and force her to reintegrate her emotion psyche fragments.

...that, or the emotions self-evolve into another commander, one liable to overreactions over everything. And the cherry on top is that Faith wouldn't be able to reintegrate her emotions and thus is permanently altered.
*looks at avatar*
*looks at last four posts*
*looks at avatar*

... moving right along.

I wonder if Fusou will tie Faith down, and force her to reintegrate her emotion psyche fragments.
Fusou's unaware of exactly how bad the problem is.

...that, or the emotions self-evolve into another commander, one liable to overreactions over everything. And the cherry on top is that Faith wouldn't be able to reintegrate her emotions and thus is permanently altered.
Well, I have been dropping hints like crazy. I'll be charitable, and admit that this is very much a possibility. You may now rejoice. :p
*looks at avatar*
*looks at last four posts*
*looks at avatar*

... moving right along.

Fusou's unaware of exactly how bad the problem is.

Well, I have been dropping hints like crazy. I'll be charitable, and admit that this is very much a possibility. You may now rejoice. :p
No rejoicing until you figure out how to Gattai you, Hope, and NewCommander into Super Virtuetron.

...i will accept Franky Style 'balance on each other's shoulders' Big Emperor 6-style Gattai, since you are oddly obsessed with being a meatbag.
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*looks at avatar*
*looks at last four posts*
*looks at avatar*

... moving right along.
That's the kinda stuff I expect from my thread, not yours Faith, wtf is going on here?

Fusou's unaware of exactly how bad the problem is.
She has suspicions that Cmdr!Faith has done something stupid, she just doesn't know how stupid.

Well, I have been dropping hints like crazy. I'll be charitable, and admit that this is very much a possibility. You may now rejoice.
Can I start by slapping Cmdr!Faith silly?
No rejoicing until you figure out how to Gattai you, Hope, and NewCommander into Super Virtuetron.

...i will accept Franky Style 'balance on each other's shoulders' Gattai, since you are oddly obsessed with being a meatbag.
What you want to happen: THIS
What would actually happen: THIS

Luckily, Hope's got an idea, a shitload of resources, infinite planning and design time and a council of AI to make it work.

That's the kinda stuff I expect from my thread, not yours Faith, wtf is going on here?
As Sempai said, it's everywhere - it's just more prominent in your thread.

Maybe if you didn't keep rising to the bait, this wouldn't come up so much, miss Tsun-a-lot.

She has suspicions that Cmdr!Faith has done something stupid, she just doesn't know how stupid.
That's basically what I meant, yeah. To be fair, I wouldn't immediately suspect someone of self-lobotomizing to become an emotionless robot in response to an issue stemming from feeling like they were acting too much like an emotionless robot, either.

I mean, that is pretty fucking stupid.

Can I start by slapping Cmdr!Faith silly?
Seems an odd way to start a celebration. Unless it's this kind of celebration?
People never stopped being lewd. They're just more obvious about it in your thread.
Point well made, Senpai.

I'm more than happy to spread the Haruna love in your thread too, if you like.
By all means, go ahead.

Maybe if you didn't keep rising to the bait, this wouldn't come up so much, miss Tsun-a-lot.
I can't help it. My brain-mouth filter has an overflow issue.

That's basically what I meant, yeah. To be fair, I wouldn't immediately suspect someone of self-lobotomizing to become an emotionless robot in response to an issue stemming from feeling like they were acting too much like an emotionless robot, either.
Fusou currently just thinks Faith has them on mute more or less.

Seems an odd way to start a celebration. Unless it's this kind of celebration?
*blushes* You said it, not me!
104 - Interlude: Overthrown
The Ship Moves. The Reapers draw closer. Mad science is occurring throughout the galaxy. Time and space are being twisted in bent in ways man was never meant to control. And Khar'shan is burning. In summary, everything's going straight to hell.

Just the way I like it!

This wasn't what I intended to put up for this chapter, but Commander-y stuff is kicking my ass because I'm a terrible impulsive writer and can't stick to my plans for five seconds without doing something stupid. So have an Interlude instead.


104 - Interlude: Overthrown

Special Intervention Unit Chief Executive Torvan Kurloz was having what one might call a terrible day. The Hegemony's High Council had finally decided that the Batarian Separatist advance through Hegemony space was unacceptable and needed to be stopped, and as head of the SIU he'd been receiving his share of flak for not having preemptively dealt with the problem.

The fact that the only warning the SIU ever got of an attack came fifteen minutes after the Separatists claimed the target as their own apparently meant nothing to the council.

Kurloz couldn't quite bring himself to care about that particular issue, though. With the Terkat Plan in place and his most trustworthy agents in position, the Batarian Revolution would be coming to a close, one way or another, very soon.

Perhaps, if the Separatists and their Human sponsors kept to the schedule, as soon as the end of the month.

He sighed as he digitally signed and passed on another set of orders for his field teams - more dead-end spy work in corvettes in far orbit around Verush. As if that would provide any kind of advanced notice of the Separatist fleet's arrival.

The comlink mounted into his desk began buzzing. Sliding the haptic display to one side, he activated the commlink, bringing up a video feed. A familiar face appeared on screen.

"Ah, Agent Drahki. Report?"

"Affirmative, sir," the SIU agent began. "My team is in position. The High Councilman, his family, and his consorts have taken residence in their bunker. We've asked them to remain here until further notice."

"Good, good. What of the other ministers of the ruling council?"

"Split up, sir. Many returned to their own homes to seek shelter there. All have been assigned SIU agents."

"Picked from the Shortlist?"

The Shortlist was a list of handpicked agents, personally vetted by Kurloz himself. He had assured the absolute loyalty and trustworthiness of each one individually.

After all, he thought bitterly, in this time of turmoil… you have to know who you can trust.

"Of course, sir. As long as the situation remains stable, we should manage with our available assets."

"Good, good. Miralka's Regional Council sought shelter in the Council Hall together, and I have many agents I can spare, but I am glad I will not need to."

Drahki nodded sharply. "Thank you, sir. The only one not currently seeking shelter is Minister Profka, sir. Three agents have been assigned to guard him in his office, alongside his own two bodyguards."

"Will they be an issue?"

Agent Drahki glanced away from the camera, turning his eyes to something off screen momentarily. "Yes, sir, all the ministers have their bodyguards with them. With our agents assisting, I'm confident in the security of the High Council."

Kurloz paused for a moment, a slight smile creeping onto his face before he nodded. "Very well. Report back if the situation changes."

"Understood, sir. Agent Drahki signing out."

The commlink line fell silent, and Kurloz waved it away, sliding the haptic display back to the centre of his desk. He barely had time to put finger to screen, however, before his commlink began buzzing urgently, a red light flashing above his desk. The document open on his screen was drowned out by several dozen flashing warning notifications.

Sliding the screen away again, he tapped the commlink. A panicked Batarian in an admiral's uniform appeared on screen, face flushed green. "SIR! The enemy fleet just pushed through Verush. All defending ships were destroyed. Most of the fleet remained at Verush, but a cruiser group is moving towards us. What should we do?"

Kurloz felt an overwhelming urge to slam his palm into his face and scream. The Hegemony had lost so many admirals in their pointless war against the Separatists that the leader of Khar'shan's own defence fleet was a complete novice who'd probably bought the post with family slaves.

Then again, so did all the other admirals. They just had a bit of experience being useless kriffing morons.

Realizing the admiral wasn't going to leave him without some form of order, Kurloz snapped, "rally the defensive fleet, and focus all fire on the lead cruiser. They're powerful, but we outnumber them a dozen to one, and a single ship couldn't hope to withstand that many hits. Just keep the fleet on target, and you'll be fine."

The Admiral nodded. "Understood, sir. Admiral Kruepp, out."

Kurloz chuckled as the naive admiral hung up. Kurloz didn't expect the admiral to win the battle - not because of his incompetence… not solely because of his incompetence, but rather because the Hegemony hadn't scraped a single win from the war since the Humans got involved and he doubted they would start now. Kruepp would undoubtedly be leading his fleet to either an untimely demise or an embarrassing capture at the hands of their somewhat unpredictable enemies.

Regrettable, but necessary.

Still ignoring the flashing notifications on his main screen, Kurloz bought up the commlink's menu, and sent out a general broadcast. "Attention, all Terkat operators. The Terkat plan is now in effect. Initiate stage one and report in when ready."


High Councilman and Public Relations Minister Tryak Profka was having what one might call a terrible day. The Hegemony's public was slowly becoming more and more aware of how badly the war was going, despite his best efforts to find and plug the leaks. The rest of the council was only now listening to his requests to treat the Separatists like an actual threat, and his private starship had been requisitioned by the SIU for long-range spy missions.

They hadn't even given him a chance to clean his computer of any sensitive files - and he doubted the password system would protect his files if the SIU ever did want to get at them, which they certainly would.

Executive Kurloz had always seemed suspicious to him. Too eager to assist, too appreciative of the Hegemony. Even as the Public Relations Minister, he had a hard time believing anyone could love the Hegemony that much. Kurloz' devotion bordered on the delusional, a clear sign of his traitorous intent.

His suspicions were validated when the three SIU agents assigned to his protection turned around and shot his bodyguards, gunning them down and spraying the walls with red blood and brain matter immediately after receiving a message from Kurloz to initiate the 'Terkat plan'.

He'd always suspected that Kurloz was a traitorous scumbag, and it gladdened him to see he had been right.

Up until his SIU bodyguards shot him, too.

At that point, he was a little too dead to be smug about it.


Special Intervention Unit Strike Enforcer Murak Prakan was having what one might call an excellent day.

According to public perception, the Special Intervention Unit was the Hegemony's most elite force - picked from the best of the best, they were the most skillful and most loyal soldiers the Hegemony possessed, equipped with the best equipment money could buy.

Most of those rumours were true, if somewhat exaggerated. Save for the last. Until recently, that particular rumour had been a blatant falsehood. The Hegemony's elite forces would never be caught dead in armour produced outside the Hegemony.

With the Separatist Revolution growing rapidly out of control, and the Separatists acquiring a technological edge through their Human contacts, relying on Batarian State Arms equipment had quickly become a foolish choice.

And whilst many of the Hegemony's military forces refused to acknowledge that and seek alternatives, Executive Kurloz had taken the not-insignificant SIU budget and used it in a more reasonable fashion.

GLN Outfitters had been entirely too happy to throw together a couple of hundred Sheriff-class Combat Suits for their use. Rattler Assault Cannons and Longarm Rifles, too. And whilst the shipment had arrived too late for the suits to be sent to the various agents spread across Khar'shan, those stationed closer to home had been in luck.

The SIU Command Centre had been receiving and sending out shuttles all day as every agent within an hour's flight distance had rushed back for their new equipment. Agent Prakan himself had only completed the calibration routine just moments before the alarm was sounded, and the planet promptly dissolved into chaos.

Agent Prakan couldn't have been happier with the new armour. Already it had saved him probably half a dozen times in situations where his older hardsuit wouldn't have. Rocket fire, collapsing debris, dangerous proximity to grenades and plain old bullets that would have outright ended him were for the most part just shrugged off by the exotic Terminus armour.

Turns out, the more conventionally loyal SIU agents weren't particularly happy with Kurloz and his decision to cut ties with the monumentally stupid reigning government, and they saw everyone who sided with him, and by extension everyone who was part of the Terkat Plan, as a traitor.

Which was, Agent Prakan mused, technically true.

But they also had a much better chance of surviving the Separatist takeover without being dragged into the street and having their eyes gouged out via rusty bayonet, so he considered that a win in the long run.

The guns weren't half bad either. For all that the Batarian State Arms representatives and their weasly little Quarian workers had yapped on and on about the new powered hardsuits, the Rattler cradled in his arms was tearing through them without any particular issue.

As the whimpering of dying men faded away, and one last fateful shot rang out, one of Prakan's colleagues further down the hallway contacted him. "Prakan, corridor up ahead is clear. Executive Kurloz and his team are on their way down from the ninth. Should we meet up with them at the main lift or head straight for the landing pad?"

Prakan considered that for a moment. "Any loyalists still hanging around here won't pose a threat to Kurloz and his group. Pull back, and we'll move out and meet them at the rendezvous as ordered."


The bulky form of his colleague turned and made his way back down the corridor into the seventh floor recreation room where Prakan was waiting, rifle tucked against his shoulder.

Outside, the sound of atmospheric starship engines grew from a distant humming to an overwhelming roar, and the room darkened as one of the Faith Foundation's frigates sailed past the tower no more than a dozen metres from the window, beams of orange light lashing out in all directions, striking down Batarian tanks and aircraft and presumably whatever else was dumb enough to poke out of cover when a goddamn frigate came in for some fly-by close air support.

As the frigate slid out of sight, moving off to linger over a different sector of the city, his communicator began buzzing with a priority message.

"This is Executive Kurloz to all Terkat operators. Be advised, Separatist advanced units are not responding to parley, but they are willing to ignore contained non-hostiles. Ignore previous orders, bunker down wherever you can, seal yourself in, and wait until the Seppies arrive. Do not engage them. Kurloz, out."

Prakan turned to his partner. "What do you make of that, Krubbek?"

"Seems awful specific for field observations," Krubbek pointed out. "I think Kurloz might be plannin' this one with an insider, know what I mean?"

Prakan tilted his head, conceding the point. "Perhaps. Guess we'd better fall back to the emergency bunker, then?"

Krubbek nodded and gestured to a door on the far side of the room with his rifle. "Service elevator in the satellite uplink room can take us straight to ground floor. Let's go."


State Enforcement Chief Burraka Sanis was having what one might call a terrible day. Separatists had finally arrived in the Harsa system. The Verush shipyards were all either captured, aflame, or already rent into rubble. The Khar'shan Defence Fleet, what little of it was left, had been utterly embarrased in orbit. Two Dreadnoughts outright destroyed, a third crippled and en route to crash into Khar'shan's ocean, the rest of the fleet little more than dust and echoes.

Separatist advance forces, their damnable combat drones that made even GLN Sentries look like glorified children's toys, were swarming through every city on the planet. Their heavy support walkers were blasting apart fortifications and armoured convoys and shrugging off everything thrown their way. The six-legged wall-climbers hung from towers and arches and temples and every other high-up place they could find, their lasers wreaking havoc on everything that dared lift even slightly off the ground.

He'd even heard, before the long range comms had been completely obliterated, that one of the frigate battlegroups had descended from orbit and split up, providing close air support in the major theaters of combat.

Not that the Separatists really needed it - based on their performance so far, Sanis doubted that even Khar'shan, the seat of Hegemony power, could hold out longer than a couple of hours.

And even that, he thought, was optimistic.

His entire force of militiamen and law enforcers had been killed, most wiped out alongside their barracks by way of orbital strike and the stragglers picked off by combat robots whenever they tried to rally. The local military hadn't fared any better, the SIU commandos burying themselves in one of their bunkers whilst their comrades fought and died against the invaders, the streets running red with the spilt blood of soldiers and unlucky civilians both.

Locked away in his command room, he and his most immediate subordinates could only watch in terror as the cameras in the city began winking out one by one, the Separatists unstoppable robot armies drawing closer and closer to his place of refuge.


The two agents met up with another Terkat operator on the third floor, one who'd had the same idea about the service elevators. After a brief standoff, the agents had recognized the distinctive bulk of their new armour and stood down.

"Werrka, Dissident Intelligence," their new ally said by way of introduction as he stepped onto the lift. "Hope you two are more comfortable with this armour than I am."

"Prakan, Strike Enforcer." Nodding at his partner, he continued, "Krubbek, same unit. Just stay behind us."

Werrka nodded stiffly, clearly uncomfortable in the bulky armour. "Affirmative."

The three continued riding the service elevator down to the ground floor in silence, stepping out with guns raised as the platform stopped and the doors slid open.

They made it through almost the entirety of the mission control room before they encountered opposition. Three loyalists, two in hardsuits and one more in officer's uniform, spotted them from behind a barricade of overturned desks and wasted no time in opening fire, two moving aside to take cover. The third stood defiantly, blasting away with a Krogan heavy repeater that barely scratched Prakan's armour even as he levelled his own heavy weapon and opened fire in return.

The agent dumb enough to stay standing began writhing like a sheetlurker in strong winds as the Rattler emptied into his torso, red blood spurting from his wounds front and rear, covering the floor.

After a couple of seconds of sustained fire, Prakan turned his hefty rifle to the two cowering behind the closest overturned desk. The mass accelerator rounds pelted against the table like rain on sheet metal only a thousand times more intense, filling the room with a thunderous cascade of sound.

And then Krubbek rolled a grenade along the floor - not fancy GLN tech, just a good old BSA polonium-frag grenade, - and the fate of the loyalists was sealed - move, and be gunned down, or stay behind cover, and be torn to shreds.

Apparently, both chose the latter option, and the grenade exploded, shrapnel pinging off the walls and ceiling. A pool of red blood began seeping from behind the desk. Werrka pointedly turned away.

A squeamish SIU agent. Don't see that every day.

Prakan heard Krubbek sigh over the comms. "Idiots. Can't believe they could be so blind… it's for the best, though… right?"

He remembered what Kurloz had told him months and months ago, when the Terkat Plan was first being written up, about the Separatists' plans to make a new Batarian government, and restore the Batarians to a position of galactic prominence once again. At the time, their claims of ending the caste system and abolishing slavery had seemed like such naive and unattainable goals.

Now Khar'shan was burning, and those ideals were becoming closer and closer to fruition.

Prakan slung his Rattler back over one shoulder, still uncertain. "Yes," he said at last. "It is."


To have invisitext here, or not to have invisitext here? Wasn't going to but accidentally copied too much blank space from the bottom of GDocs, and now Im starting to think I might as well put something here anyway. Hm hm hm.
<Agent Red> *whistles cheerily as he counts stacks of credit chits*
<Agent Green> You know those should be at our bank, right? And didn't we receive an electronic transfer for that sale?
<Agent Red> *wheezes happily* Well, originally, that was the plan. But the Client was very understanding about handing over several heavy suitcases in a dark alleyway during a thunderstorm. *wheeze* Traditional, you know.
<Agent Green> *sigh* Whatever.
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105 - Finale
Mixed feelings about this one, but I'm mostly just glad to get it out of the way.

A brief note before we begin. This chapter features… well, it's not suicide (anymore, due to beta concerns*) but the implications are pretty heavy. If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea… well, you've been warned.

*And yes, guys, I'm fine, but thank you anyway for caring about some random on the internet.

And, yes, you're reading that title correctly. This is the last chapter, the story is ending. There are lots of reasons, which I'll discuss later if you feel like sticking around after this is posted, but mainly… well, I started writing this as something fun to do and now it's just a shitty, disinteresting chore.

Again, if you care enough to get the full explanation, I'll be posting a post-mortem later tonight (and probably more tomorrow as well) and go over all the problems I had with the story. Probably once I've had a little more to drink.

Thanks for reading, folks.


105 - Finale

I'd held hopes that stomping down on the Hegemony once and for all, putting the matter to rest, and watching their banners burn against the setting sun would give me some sort of peace of mind, confirm that… that I'd done the right thing?

That I'd done what needed to be done?

That for once in my life I'd done something fucking worthwhile?

I don't even know.

But it didn't help. Watching the corpses pile up and the streets run red with the blood of a thousand soldiers and a million innocents did little to ease my mind.

There was no enlightenment to be found here. Just death, dust, and misery.

How fitting.

Even the Colossus couldn't cheer me up.

Sure, watching it rise from the depths of the ocean and bitch-slap a communications tower before snatching a corvette from midair and using it as a baseball bat was interesting, in the way that watching a precisely engineered Rube Goldberg machine was interesting, but ultimately it wasn't that great. Quite aside from the brilliant feats of engineering and coding Hope had had to perform in order to ensure the Titanium-E would adapt its mass on the fly to prevent any difficulties in the mecha's function.

Of course, that may have had something to do with the fact that whatever part of my psyche counted for my emotions now I was a robot was tucked away in a locked box cut off from the network entirely.

It was for the best.
It is, right?

I turned my attention away from the rampaging robot - it had already taken out both the targets in Sevakka - they'd both been on the corvette trying to flee. Not much left of them now but jam.

Instead, I turned to the wing of Birch frigates that had descended on the capital city. They held watchful vigil from above, vaporizing every Hegemony vehicle and soldier bold or stupid enough to poke their heads out in the face of enemy aerial supremacy.

The vast majority of the targets here had yet to be killed - or, given what I'd seen of the SIU, they may have already been killed, and merely yet to be found by my own forces. I didn't expect that particular problem to last for any great length of time, owing to the rather significant number of modified spider-bots I had roaming the streets, packed with every kind of sensor I had access to.

As the third wave of Doxes and Kestrels arrived, rapidly expanding my foothold, I dragged the FFV Bishop away from the capital and out across the lowlands. Owing to the immense compounds required to house many thousands of slaves, the highest and most prominent members of Batarian Society tended to live in their own estates, vast swathes of land close to the cities. Government officials got away with having secondary residences in the city for work purposes, but most other Batarians of their stature didn't bother.

It made things inconvenient for me, what with all the secondary targets spread over a wide area, but that, too, was an easy enough problem to solve. The Bishop disgorged its fighter and drone swarms, dispatching them to estates further afield whilst it performed a short range teleport, bringing it out of Phase Space just above the first of my targets.

Thirty seconds later, the primary compound, the bunker beneath it, and the secondary safehouse at the edge of the estate were so much glass and dust. I left the slave barracks alone. The NBR could mop up the guards.

The Bishop teleported again, raining fire from two-dozen SAFE lasers as soon as it stabilized. Perimeter turrets burst into flame or exploded violently as they were raked with vivid orange beams, and a quick burst from the broadside turrets left the second compound in much the same state as the first.

It was utterly pointless, really. Busywork. At this point, the NBR had the manpower, the technology, and the momentum to roll right over Khar'shan on their own.

I just…

The Bishop jumped again, and resumed its bloody task.


The man in the white suit peered over the proceedings nervously, torn between amusement and fear. Certainly, things were not progressing as he had planned.

In fact, it was safe to say that at this point, things had gone completely off the rails.

But that didn't mean it was time to give up. The man in the white suit liked to see every setback as an opportunity to learn and improve, and every failure as a chance to start again.

Which was something he felt he would be doing in the very near future. Not to worry. He had plenty of copies of the girl waiting in the wings. And a list of other targets, should she prove… unviable.

He turned a minute portion of his attention to his council of worthless lackeys, still squabbling amongst themselves for the title of 'leader', a posting that was looking more and more irrelevant by the second.


"There," I said as the last compound vanished into fiery explosion, the mushroom cloud visible from as far as the capital. Before the shot had even made contact I'd moved on, returning my attention and my consciousness to the Osiris Frame on Miranda. Turning to address Hope, I continued. "Unfinished business is now finished. Pack up, Hope. We're leaving."


"I said we're leaving. Pack up, say goodbye to that bitch Fusou, whatever, I don't care. Meet me on Hub when you're done."

"But… Faith, you haven't even-"

I cut her off as I turned away, beelining for the glowing portal nestled at the treeline.

"I know. And I don't plan to. I'll see you in a bit."

Without looking back, I stepped into the gate.


The man in the white suit frowned. It seemed as though he had been correct. As usual. Disappointing. He'd had some small hope for the girl. But it seemed she truly wasn't up to the task. Shrugging idly, he dismissed the various copies of her he had accumulated over the years. Little use in hanging on to them if she wasn't going to be of any use.

And then a thought struck him, and he resumed his grasp on the last of the clones, allowing the others to vanish into the white fires of the void. Though she'd proven ultimately useless as a queen, she still had promise as a pawn.

And no self-respecting hero, of which there were many on his list, would pass up a chance to save the damsel in distress.

Sighing, he turned his attention away from the girl. The end of the path was plain to see, now, even for those lacking in the kind of supernatural omniscience that came with the colloquial title of 'ROB'. Unfortunate, truly, that she would not be the one to free him of his shackles, but he'd waited millennia to set up this first gambit. He could wait a few millennia more for the next.

Instead, he turned his attention back to his bickering subordinates. Raising a shackled hand, he destroyed the lot with a flick of the wrist, wiping the interlopers from their final existence. They would never see their revenge, but that wasn't his concern.


Hope stepped through the cerulean vortex onto an unfamiliar part of a familiar metal world. Through her passive sensors, she was quickly able to get a lay of the land - not that there was a whole lot to see. The platform, raised some thousand feet from the surface, was a wide circle a hundred meters and change in radius, the perimeter lined with metre high, metre thick slabs of metal, the world's ugliest safety railing.
Once upon a time, Faith had joked about turfing the place over and having a picnic with Fusou. Hope found that situation equal parts utterly wonderful and unfortunately unlikely.
Faith's Osiris frame was perched at a slight angle, front legs up on the platform's wall and rear legs on the ground, an awe-inspiring silhouette against the setting sun.
"Faith," Hope began, uncertainly.
[ Y ]
Her sister's voice was dull, monotone, almost entirely lifeless apart from a distinct vibe of creeping sadness.
"What are you doing?"
Faith's head twisted, turning 180 degrees to face her with her baleful red eye.
"What does it look like, Hope?" she spat, with venom in her voice.
[ Y ]
"I fucked up. We fucked up. Whichever omnipotent asshole up there decided to give us stupid robot powers and magical portals was a fucking moron. If he wanted us to get shit done, he's probably really disappointed - and he should be, because you know what? We're fucking disappointing."
"Shut the fuck up, Hope. We… I, was given these powers for a reason. I don't know what, I don't know why, but I was. I could have helped people - I should have, I did, but I did it in the worst way possible."
[ Y ]
"What? No! We-"
"I fucked up in Sanctum. Thousands of people become unemployed because their bosses' bosses were assholes and now they've all got black marks that mean they'll probably never work again. I fucked up in FTL - how many people died in that war whilst I was wasting time building little toy spaceships and faffing around in scrap yards? I fucked up here, when I made you! I fucked up in Red Faction, and got hundreds of martians killed, and then did nothing to actually help them! Oh, sure, the bugs are dead, but they still live in poverty on Mars mining for scraps!"
"AND HERE!" Faith yelled, drowning out Hope's attempted response. "HERE, WE FUCKED UP. This whole time, I've been zigzagging between doing everything for everyone and giving them the tools to do it themselves because I was… because I was afraid, because I didn't know what to do. I didn't have a shitty script with the 'right answer', so I just screwed around, and I fucked up. We fucked up. Millions of Batarians are dead. We did shit all for the genophage. The Geth are probably all Reaper slaves. Sure, Fusou's a bitch and she could have helped, but she clearly fucking didn't, and we should have stepped up. We had all this power and we just… sat there. Doing nothing."
"Hope, we are the worst fucking people in this universe right now - and we were the worst people in the last four universes we visited, too."
[ Y/N? ]
"So I'm fixing it."
"With great power, comes great responsibility," Faith quoted somberly. "Well I'm an irresponsible piece of shit. I should not have this power. Neither should you, and we both know it. I always have, deep in my heart."
"I thought you ripped your emotions out." Hope replied, the words hollow. It was beside the point.
"I did. That's no excuse. We fucked up. Precedent suggests we will continue to fuck up. We end it now, we can never fuck up again. It's the best way to solve our problems."
"Faith, no!" There were so many things she should have said, so many different options. So many paths she could have taken. Some of them might even have led to a better result.
Except they wouldn't. They couldn't. They both knew what was about to happen, and they both knew it was going to happen, regardless of whether they wanted it or not.
That didn't make it easier.
Faith's head turned back towards the distant sunset.
Very, very quietly, she gave her response, barely a whisper.
"Faith, yes."
[ Y ]
The Osiris slumped forward, like a puppet with its strings cut, a motionless statue looming in the light of the setting sun.

And there it stayed.
Cross posted from SB for discussion's sake.

Hm. Well...

Not gonna pull any punches.

It's unsatisfying, as an ending. And I'm not saying that because it's bleak. It seems to ignore the autonomy of Hope , as a separate entity from Faith, at least if I'm reading it right. It leaves too many unanswered questions, and not in the interesting way.

There's something else that I can't put my finger on, but I'll mention it if I figure it out.
I can't imagine it's very easy to write a compelling story about a character who is functionally a god without magic powers. There's no meaningful challenges beyond the philosophical, and that doesn't make for much fun reading nor, I imagine, writing.

For what it's worth, I enjoyed a lot of the characters you created, even if I largely started skimming over the past while.

I'll look forward to the post-mortem because I'm curious, but before all that's said and done, thank you for sharing your writing. I have genuinely enjoyed it, and I'm sure I'll also enjoy your other works as well ;)
Why can't I give more than one hug?

I can see how CMDR!Faith wound up in that headspace. It's sad, it sucks, but I can see how it happened. I'm curious as to what Hope's status is after CMDR!Faith deactivated herself and sacrificed her memories. And I'm definitely interested in the post-mortem. It's been one hell of a ride, Faith.
Well, from one random on the internet to another random on the internet, I hope things are going okay where you are.

Yeah, I know you said you're okay, but I'm going to say it anyway. Look after yourself and be well.
There's something undeniably edgelord-y about writing an SI committing functional suicide. :facepalm:

Beyond that, I think the other key issues have already been hit with regards as to why this is technically poor writing.