You made the sandwich, you said you wanted it to be bad for Riya specifically.
My only regret is that the ivy wasn't more harmful. Technically, it was Tetragramm who came up with that vote.

We should land in more towns where the ground is poison.
Hmmm, if that's what you want to see, I'll be sure to keep that in mind for the next town. Though, I'm still hoping the community of liars wins at some point. Perhaps I'll combine the two.
12-11 What Luck!
Before I forget. Oats and bath are both a scrip.

You spent some time walking around town, firstly to familiarize yourself with the surrounding countryside and services, and secondly to ask around town to see if anyone remembers a witch coming through nearly a decade ago. The village was small, the kind of small where drama spread like wildfire and could be remembered for a lifetime through the collective memory of the townsfolk. So you literally just spent an hour collecting bits of information about some young witch everyone remembers. She did come to this town, spending a few weeks operating as a healer for money, before she was caught stealing from the Burgermeister's safe and fled the village on her broomstick with ten Thaler in a sack. There had been some snippets of gossip about the "Horned Witch" either playing the healer or the thief in a few towns she'd gone to, but the news tapered off after she went north towards the Gotha Plateau. Still, it was useful information!

You were surprised that the niece you knew would resort to theft, she'd always been a sweet and obedient girl. Right up to the day she left. Oh well. You cut loose too the day you left home, it wasn't that uncommon, you guessed. You stopped by a cobbler on the way back to the hotel and bought some fresh new jackboots for yourself. They were more snug, slimmer, and less clunky, if a bit uncomfortable. You'd break them in though.

+1 Scrip from new boots

you met your partners back at the hotel and sat down for some coffee to discuss things. Riya was barefoot in a set of silk pants she rarely wore since she'd passed her skirt off to be washed and thrown away her shoes. You relayed the information that your niece had gone north towards the Gotha Plateau, and Edgar was pleased to inform you he saw a job posting for taking a shipment of cargo north to a town named Birkenbrücke, deep in the Albatross Valley. Not an escort, a delivery job. Riya said it sounded like a good idea, but was skeptical as to why they wanted to hire a circus for it.

You and the team followed the directions on the posting to a homestead about a kilometer east, an acre-sized patch of salted earth that operated as the village's airfield. Good to know, if you ever came back. There was a large plane painted a dull grey halfway out of the barn adjacent to the field that you soon recognized as the boarding platform the Goths used during the sortie where you escorted an airship of soldiers. A man was sitting with a newspaper in a folding chair next to the aircraft as mechanics were performing maintenance on the four engines of the cargo aircraft. He was a Wildleute, like you, with short, bright orange hair, the ears of a red fox, and a short white beard and long mustache with the white hair occasionally broken up by a black strand, like whiskers. As soon as he saw you three, he grinned, most so at you, showing off the fact one of his canines was either covered or replaced with gold, and stood up to greet you.

"You're that badger girl from down south! Am I right? Birds of Prey, kid with the eagle, right? I'm from around there myself! I've heard a lot about you making ace from some scuffles with the Goths!" He immediately began, grabbing your hand and firmly shaking it. He had an odd accent, it didn't sound southern like you at all. You'd never heard folk from Macchi speak before, but you were confident he sounded to be from there. You were surprised your story had traveled so fast back toward your home.

"Uh... Yeah! That's me!" You responded, trying to shake back. He was a solid foot taller than you, and was waving your arm around wildly shaking it, so it was difficult.

"I can't believe I'm hiring you for this. And your friends too." He released your hand and looked at your partners. "I've got five crates I need to deliver to Birkenbrücke by the new year. They're heavy, but you fellas have an airship, yeah? I'll give you sixteen pucks for the delivery. I've got a guy working the airfield up there with the cash ready, he'll pay on delivery." He vaguely motioned towards five wooden crates with a tight tamper-proof patterned rope vertically and horizontally over it.

"Pardon asking, but, you've got a plane, why aren't you doing it?" Riya asked, ever the suspicious one.

"I've gotta go visit my cousin in Grünes Blatt, but I need these delivered soon as possible. Oh, and please don't open them, think of it like mail delivery." He finished, still smiling.

[ ] You always have questions, so write in any you have and they'll be answered. I'll give the usual customers a fair time to list any they have, you can write in more than one if you want.
@Texas Red 4 quick things: I am *legit* worried about how that Ivy turns Bad, the Oat bath was *impressively* intimate without being sexual, short-handing Phlar "pucks" is brilliant, and thank you again for sharing your writing!

Ok, Chat, hear me out: this is the second mission we have asked to transport sus cargo; and the first time it was *sooooo* sus that the quest giver had stopped telling people what it was. That cargo will one day bite us in the ass, I don't want this to do the same thing.

Thus -

[x] Even the Mail had Limits
- if you want no questions asked, hire a Courier. I need to know what's in the cargo, if only so we don't incorrectly store it and then it explodes (pretty sure nitro-glycerin existed during WWI). I'm fine with broad strokes (medicine, eggs, colorful paint, etc), but the Air Ship floats w/ *hydrogen*, if this stuff randomly lights itself on fire; we all die.

EDIT: this is Sus as hell, and Mr. Definitely not Redd from Animal Crossing has already name dropped The Goths…we need to get a replacement Sawed-Off Shotgun
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[x] Even the Mail had Limits
- if you want no questions asked, hire a Courier. I need to know what's in the cargo, if only so we don't incorrectly store it and then it explodes (pretty sure nitro-glycerin existed during WWI). I'm fine with broad strokes (medicine, eggs, colorful paint, etc), but the Air Ship floats w/ *hydrogen*, if this stuff randomly lights itself on fire; we all die.
12-12 Bombs? Rope?
"Alright, yeah, no, I'm going to need to know what we're carrying, because the last time we picked something up where we didn't know the contents it nearly blew up Riya's brain and made someone set themselves in fire. So we're going to need to know what we're carrying." You asked very seriously.

"Munitions. Nothing unstable, but live ammo and explosives. Just don't open them and arm them and you'll be fine. They're having some bandit trouble up in that direction and they need defenses they can't make themselves. I don't want you opening them because ein, it makes me look unprofessional, and zwei, I don't want anyone taking anything from it, so I'd rather keep the seals on for insurance on my payday. I probably should have led with the contents, sorry kid." He admitted and apologized. "Everything cleared up? Should I sign the voucher for you?"

[ ] Take the job
[ ] Negotiate for something (say what)
[ ] Decline Mr. Nott Redd
First guess, there's a clockwerk missile in there. Do the cages rattle?

Anyway, shame we don't have a water focus, we could use magic to sneak a peak.
Just wondering, where do they come from? Because they sound really eldritch.
So people say they were invented in Macchi right before the war. They aren't automatons. They're some otherworldly being bound to machines through a pact with humanity. Each clockwerk has a golden key that gives them life by twisting it to wind their mainspring. They require humans to turn their keys to move. For clarity, the weird metal "bird" Hilda encountered back in the frozen city was a clockwerk scout. They haven't just been around since right before the war though, they keep popping up throughout history as some incredible new invention, literally all the way back to Sigvird's court. It's not really explained where they're from, or what they are, but the prevailing theories are demons from Hell, fae of industry, or malice incarnate in the same way The Gas is.