You know what, you're gonna be fine, but just roll me a flat 2d20 real quick, and then roll 3d10+5 for air patrol.

Edit: I'll do it myself to get it out of the way.

Texas Red threw 2 20-faced dice. Total: 16
10 10 6 6
Texas Red threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: 3d10+4 Air Patrol Total: 11
1 1 6 6 4 4
Texas Red threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: 3d10+5 AIR PATROL Total: 17
9 9 2 2 6 6
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Okay people, it's very important to remember to not look at our fuel gauge for the remainder of the mission. Fuel use is not realuntil you acknlowledge it.
3-5 Heat Signatures
You couldn't help but wonder what it had been like to live in a place like this. So divorced from nature that there needed to be designated areas where you could encounter it. Working your life away, sunrise to sunset, just to be able to live. The city sounded fascinating, but horrid. Sometimes it seemed like that was all the world was. You passed above a number of buildings in the same street blackened with char. Some of them were completely burnt to the ground. You assumed that in their desperation when the bombs dropped some citizens most likely burnt their homes down to keep warm. Like starving razor swarms jumping from a burning airship with nowhere to go.

You passed over a line of strange machines, like giant sealed metal carriages without oxen to pull them, frozen in place in the street. As you dipped a little lower to get a better look, you saw huge banners hung across the road proclaiming "VICTORY IMMINENT" with cartoon soldiers standing on top of the Gotha spade. The irony wasn't even poetic, it was just sad. You flew over the marina, a massive lagoon dug inland from the Dark Sea right next to it.

Then you saw what looked like a bright flash from the ground. Then another. Before you could really think about what just happened, a BANG that made your entire body shake made you reflexively maneuver drastically back towards town. The explosions continued all around you, and looking around you could see it was flak fire making dark grey clouds all around you. You managed to swerve enough to get out of the line of fire fast, but looking behind you, you could see the airship rocked and damaged by the fire. It clearly took a few hits before it was able to get out of the danger zone.

Your whole body was aching. You were thirsty, hungry, and exhausted. The filtered air was giving you a headache, and the continual concentration on your spell was making it hard to keep flying. You passed over a strange sight. It looked to be made of the same material as that metal beast you fought a few hours ago, but it was MASSIVE. Like a tangle of mechanical pieces the size of a building. In front of it was some strange machine in the shape of a tower with a metal bulb on the top. Lightning arced off the bulb directly into the nose or the huge clockwork beast.

OH DOANA RHONA AND ELBA FINALLY. You detected heat. Blessed, life giving heat. You followed it towards the industrial district, full of warehouses covered in snow and icicles. The heat seemed to be coming from a generator as well as some kind of room underneath one or the warehouses. You shot up a green flare, and dove down towards the road. It was clear of any blockage, and wasn't snowed on too deeply, somehow, so you touched down on the street, blasting snow all around you.

You switched off the engine and climbed out of the pilot's seat as Riya and Edgar both landed around you. The airship was still slowly descending towards the street. You were really only able to tell the two apart from the planes they climbed out of. Edgar climbed out of his plane and pulled forth his rifle, keeping it in the ready position while looking around. As soon as Riya landed she sprinted through the snow over to you and hugged you so tight you felt suffocated.

"Are you ok?! I saw you get shot and spin out, are you hurt?" She asked, her magenta eyes showing panic through the mask.

"I'm fine! I'm fine. A little shaken up, but I'm ok. My plane isn't doing so good though, we're gonna need, like, new skin for all of it." You responded, barely able to hear yourself.

"Airship took some damage too, must have been some shades waiting in the flak guns." Edgar casually responded. "You found her? Where is she?" You pointed towards a running generator next to a set of metal cellar doors. You all jogged to the doors, and Edgar pried them open, leading to a set of stairs lit by a single lightbulb down to a steel door. You walked down to the heavy door.

"She's in there?" Riya asked. Behind the door felt warm. Cozy. There was energy there. You couldn't detect anything more than that.

"It's the only bit of heat I've detected since casting the spell. If she's not in there, I don't know where she could be." You respond, putting a gloved hand to the door.

"Well, how do we get in?" Edgar asked, putting his rifle back over his shoulder.

[ ] Have Riya use her infinite AP sword (Destroys Door)
[ ] Come up with a spell to open the door (Good Luck)
[ ] Write in something different
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Sensible answer : We knock on the door.

Less sensible answer : if there's a generator, there's a chimney. Block it, and the people inside have to go out

Daring 4 answer : Grab some air, grab some gifts, we're Sinterklaas now. Dive down that chimney.

Are you voting all of those? Lmao
[X]Try diplomacy first
-Knock on the door to see if anyone responds
-Make sure to let them know why you're here
-Let them know that if they do not or cannot answer you will have no choice but to cut through the door, potentially ruining this shelter
-If they don't respond, have Riya cut the door open
[X]Try diplomacy first
-Knock on the door to see if anyone responds
-Make sure to let them know why you're here
-Let them know that if they do not or cannot answer you will have no choice but to cut through the door, potentially ruining this shelter
-If they don't respond, have Riya cut the door open
X]Try diplomacy first
-Knock on the door to see if anyone responds
-Make sure to let them know why you're here
-Let them know that if they do not or cannot answer you will have no choice but to cut through the door, potentially ruining this shelter
-If they don't respond, have Riya cut the door open
Alright, three votes for diplomacy, no votes for anything else, and I feel like anyone else voting would also vote for it cause y'all wanna be nice folk. I'm gonna need Press The Issue+Calm. So, 2d10+1.
3-6 Wrap-up
You slammed your fist on the door, hard enough to make a noise, but not trying to be aggressive.

"Hello? Is anyone in there? We're looking for someone named Monika! She might be hurt!" You called through the door. You could hear something shifting beyond. Then a slit opened up on the door at eye level, revealing a piece of glass, and beyond it a green rubber mask with two eye glasses, staring wide at you. They were bright blue. A voice crackled from a strange object on the wall next to you, a metal circle with black holes all over it, attached to a plastic box.

"Who are you? What do you want?" They asked in a muffled, strained voice.

"Monika! We're looking for Monika!" You repeated.

"Press the bottom on the intercom to speak." The masked figure spoke through the box. You pressed a button on the box and spoke again.

"I'm looking for Monika. She might be hurt. Have you seen her?" You asked, before releasing your finger. Then you pressed it again. "Or just… anyone? Even someone wandering?" The survivor looked back for a moment before responding. You feared the worst. Had they… eaten her? Or something? "We just want to get her out of here. We can take you with us!"

"Do you have castor oil? Fresh! Not spoiled!" They asked desperately. You turned back to Edgar.

"Do you…?"

"Yeah, we have a spare barrel to lubricate the engines." He responded. You pressed the intercom again.

"Yes, we do, do you need some?" You asked.

"Yes! E-Enough to fill a rotary engine's oil tank!" You turned back to Edgar, who nodded at you.

"Is Monika in there with you?" You ask quietly.

"I'm gonna let you in, but you need to leave any weapons you have by the door, ok?" They asked, before unlocking the door's comical amount of latches while Edgar laid his rifle against the wall. The door swung open with a heavy creaking, revealing a skinny figure in a military-looking wax sealed gas protection suit, with a green rubber mask with two air filters. They leveled a homemade-looking rifle into your face. You shakily raised your hands in the air, as did Riya and Edgar. The survivor stepped back to the back wall of the concrete basement, still holding their rifle at you.

"Whats your name?" You ask quietly, while going to take off your hood.

"THIRTY SECONDS! WAIT THIRTY SECONDS!" The survivor screamed, shaking their rifle at you.

"Ok! Ok! I'll wait!" You responded as the door shut behind you. "What's your name?" You asked again. They looked like they had to think about it for a moment.

"Tomas." He responded, saying it like he wasn't used to it.

"What's going on?" A small, feminine voice asked from the ground. As you turned your head, you saw someone laying on an old mattress, in a gas suit similar to your own. There were a few cans of food around her, and a single spoon.

"Monika?" You asked. She nodded. "We're here to take you home." She coughed and laid down.

"About time…" she said with a pained laugh.


It was uphill after that point. Tomas had an old plane in the warehouse above his bunker, a strange, pieced together rotary plane with everything but castor oil to make it functional. You said you could lead him back to civilization, and he graciously accepted your offer. Monika's life was actually saved by him, she crashed from a gust of wind, and wrecked her gas suit, but Tomas dragged her back to his bunker, fed her, and patched her gas suit. She was exposed to the gas, and got a bad case of pneumonia, but the captain of the airship she was going to be ok.

You'd switched off the engine before your wheels even touched the runway. You tore the gas mask off your head, throwing it onto the runway, and jumped from your plane before it even rolled to a stop. Everything hit you all at once. The poison gas, the near death experience, the obscene amount of death you'd seen, you felt your body trying to violently eject it like some poisonous mushroom. You fell to the ground, and vomited your breakfast out and onto the runway.

2 Stress from flying, no stress triggers but I'm adding some custom ones.
  1. 1 Stress for facing down a Clockwerk for the first time.
  2. 1 Stress for The Horrors™️ of the city.
  3. 1 Stress for a gun in your face for the first time.
You stumbled back onto the airship somehow, finding Gunther patiently waiting for you like nothing was wrong. In a combination of laughter and sobbing you grabbed your bird and hugged him tight as you could without hurting him. He didn't resist, he could tell you needed it. You weren't sure how long you were hugging Gunther, but it was long enough for Riya to find you and pat you on the back.

"Hey... Hilda." She said cautiously. "I got my first victory today!" She continued, before you turned back to her and hugged her as well.

"That was horrifying." You simply said, trying not to cry again.

"Yeah. It was." Riya said, hugging you back. "What do you want to do about it?"

"Wash my dress. Take a shower. Probably drink."

Vice time. Wow, ok, that was a heavy one. Let's take a breather on some downtime! As a reminder, your vices are drinking, cannabis, and hallucinogens, Riya's vices are drinking, cannabis, and casual sex, and if you wanna hang with Edgar his vices are opium and music, he plays the flute. If you want to check in on Tomas, Riya rented him a night at the local tavern until you can figure out what exactly to do with him. Oh, and you have 15þ now from the job, and 5 scrip on the tally. I'll remember to roll this time during finances. You've flown 2 missions with your used plane, so the cost to fully repair it to mint is 4þ.

[ ] Now! Tell me how you spend the night. This includes vices, potential upgrades you want for your plane, specific social interactions, and/or trust changes.
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Go get a fucking drink
Complain about the fucking city while drinking
Light up a joint
Talk to the guy we rescued? He can probably use a friendly ear too.
Go buy a Musical instrument and offend him with our "attempts" at using it
Run into angry locals concerned over Riya
We should hang out with Gunther and Ria and Dipak. Maybe they can race. If gambling gets involved that's sure to be disruptive and possibly turn into a new vice.

Summary of upgrades:
  1. Keep Strengths of plane, but costly and will take time.
  2. Shore up Weaknesses of plane, can do now.
  3. New(ish) plane, all new weaknesses
As for plane upgrades, we probably don't want to spend all our money at once. If we save up, there's a Rare engine we might be able to find. Whoever has it probably won't want to give it up cheap though. Then we can add more weapons or armour without losing capability, but it'll probably take another routine or so.

Alternatively, we can accept some performance loss and a grumpy mechanic to put armour and a better gun on our current plane. A Windscreen, 2 sheets of steel behind and below the seat, and a Medium Machine Gun with a nice fancy interrupter gear so we don't have to worry about shooting our own propeller off. Would cost 5 thaler, and a Get Stuff to find the gun, and someone willing to buy our LMG for cost (might add some thaler to the price). Upgraded Plane

Alternative 3, save up for a whole new (used) plane.
Let's get our plane fixed up and buy off that Used penalty. It's going to be a serious problem if we don't. In the short term, however, we need to find a local dealer of weed and/or halucinogens. Once we're adequately lubricated, we should show off our no-doubt awesome singing voice for music! And see if Ria also has ideas for fun.
I'd prefer votes in the usual format, if thats not too much trouble. Just makes it easier to read and mentally organize.
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Options so far (pick the ones you want and put an X next to them.
[ ] Go get a fucking drink
[ ] Complain about the fucking city while drinking
[ ] Light up a joint
[ ] Talk to the guy we rescued? He can probably use a friendly ear too.
[ ] Go buy a Musical instrument and offend him with our "attempts" at using it
[ ] Run into angry locals concerned over Riya
[ ] Hang out with Gunther and Ria and Dipak. Gamble on the birds.

Plane Options
[ ] Do nothing, save up.
[ ] Clear used penalty (-4th, +4 max strain)
[ ] Upgrade plane (lots of changes, see link)

My votes.
[X] Go get a fucking drink
[X] Light up a joint
[X] Talk to the guy we rescued? He can probably use a friendly ear too.
[X] Run into angry locals concerned over Riya
[X] Hang out with Gunther and Ria and Dipak. Gamble on the birds.