Extrication, or: Tricking Fate

The big problem is failure to account for the Echo. The Echo means you cannot try to force your worldview. It will literally warp your personality until you conform to it. See also: tendency to evil laughter, something we already have gained because of it. There is no victory through technicality or through willpower. If you try to recategorize like @Pyro Hawk's tragically wonderful plan, you'll end up changed into the very monster you hoped not to be.
Yeah it seems to me this quest's thing is going to be it literally runs on dramatic story telling principles so whatever makes for the best story is indeed what well happen. I'd guess in this world some one saying "What's the worst that could happen?" than having something awful happen is a super freaking strong echo or part of many echos as an example which pops to mind.
Yeah being a mentor type would likely be the easiest way to survive if we can ditch the land we already control which I don't think is likely but who wants to be mentor to some whippersnapper with a sword? Not I at the very least we've got a bit of a kingdom and I for one want to rule it.
Well, there is one other route. It's a bit more recent then most other stories but, arguably, it has more stories then any single other brand if you don't count fanfiction. X-Men has a lot of issues, and a few others have taken cues from it.

We could go the Charles Xavier route. Use divination to people of potential as well as experienced older people and just start a school. Of course, we might be at risk of falling into the Evil Cult echo, but it's an option.
We could go the Charles Xavier route. Use divination to people of potential as well as experienced older people and just start a school. Of course, we might be at risk of falling into the Evil Cult echo, but it's an option.
Hmm I'll admit it does sound more fun then outright Merlin sort of mentor to me yeah. On the other hand I'm pragmatic at heart and if mentor is super viable over other options I'd be willing to go with it.
[X] Plan 'Evil' Artemis
Mundane Skills & Knowledge
[X] Food Preparation (1)
You know how to tell what parts of an animal carcass are to be discarded, which bits to remove and put to the side, how to clean the entire thing, and how to do the same for assorted vegetables and spices.
[X] Cooking (1)
You can make your own food without the need for servants. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean you want to, but at least you have the option. A bit of magic often helps with the taste, too.
[X] Logistics (1)
You know all the various little things that are needed to keep your little corner of the world intact. Happiness is optional.
[X] Politics (1)
You knew what the political landscape was five years ago and you know how to find out what it's like now.
[X] Cleanup (1)
You're quite good at doing your own laundry and generally cleaning up after yourself.
[X] Haggling (1)
You can avoid being cheated at a market stall. Of course, turning people into frogs could probably serve the same purpose, albeit with the side-effect of people wanting to burn you at the stake.
[X] Archery (2)
You're no master, but it's often easier to aim a spell when it's attached to an arrow instead of just trying to throw it with no guidance. It goes faster, too. Oh, and you get to hunt fresh food.

[X] Divination
Gathering information via magical means. Scrying is the most famous example, but isn't really that useful when you get down to it; you have to be really very lucky to look in on a foe at the exact moment they're talking about something important. If you aren't very skilled at this school, you'll be stuck staring at a bowl of water for hours or days at a time, waiting for some useful tidbit of information to fall into your lap. Experts can use divination to see into the past, and masters can view the most likely futures. Initially easy to learn, then undergoes an abrupt difficulty spike.
-[X] Master (3)

[X] Transmutation
Changing things into other things. Turning arrogant princes into frogs and pumpkins into carriages are perhaps the most famous examples, but personal shapeshifting is not to be overlooked. Changes are generally temporary or easy to break unless it's a master doing an altering.
-[X] Expert (2.5)

[X] Blasting
This school of magic has more elegant names, but you prefer to be truthful. Blasting involves bolts of lightning, balls of fire, volleys of icicles, calling down storms, and so on. Difficult to avoid killing with, but undeniably useful.
-[X] Expert (2.5)

[X] Necromancy
The go-to example for when peasants are trying to look for something "evil," Necromancy deals with utilizing formerly-occupied remains to accomplish various tasks. The more complex magics in this school involve the binding of souls into magical vessels; "shades" are one of the most famous examples. The part where some of the magics in this school can also help ghosts be closer to life tends to be ignored or willfully overlooked.
-[X] Novice (1.5)

[X] Curses
This probably has some official name for its school, but if it does, you don't know it. Curses are exactly what they sound like, targeting a given individual with any of a large number of unpleasant effects until the spell is broken. Masters can target entire areas instead of specific individuals. The fae allegedly have their own version of this school, but you haven't been able to get your hands on any texts describing it in anything more than vague terms. You suspect they might just have made it up to get around the negative stigma associated with this type of magic.
-[X] Expert (2.5)

Having all the Mundane skills give us a wide variety of what we can do, and more options that don't rely on others, while archery gives us a range advantage and allows can makes it easier to target and hit enemies with spells.
Divination can be used to find things and possibly help navigate the story we find ourselves in.
Transmutation is useful for both self use and a quick way to inconvenience enemies.
Blasting is useful for any sort of ranged combat, and can be aimed with our bow.

For Questionable spells, Necromancy because of the ghosts around our castle and Curses because we can probably learn to channel them through arrows, and possible mix them with our other attacks. Also knowing how to cast a curse also gives us insight on how to remove them.
Sorceress then. Interesting. Alrighty, reposting the original prompt for reference...

[] The Evil Sorceress


Okay, just because you inherited a haunted castle in the middle of dangerous forestland doesn't mean you're evil. The ghosts are free to leave whenever they like and you're on friendly terms with most of them. Some of the types of magic you use are a wee bit questionable, yes, but you always use either yourself, volunteers, or mere animals. Surely, that has to count for something.

Of course you wear dark colors; trying to keep white robes clean is just such an utter waste of time. You've been expanding your territory lately, certainly, but you've also improved the living conditions of those under your sort-of-not-quite rule.

So why do you keep feeling the overwhelming urge to break out into diabolical cackling, and why do you keep getting offers of marriage or alliance from warlords and rulers you've never even heard of? Finally, what is with all the dark artifacts which keep magically appearing in your treasury and workshops when you're positive they weren't there before?

...An Echo has taken an interest in your life, hasn't it? Well, this could get annoying.

Now. How do we turn this and the skills we've got into something A) survivable, and B) functional? Not getting killed by heroes should probably be our Number 1 priority, with finding a way to do that and not lose kingdom being the secondary objective.


In terms of Dark Power, I'm leaning toward either Necromancy or Conjuration as better balances of usefulness vs 'evilness'. Necro lets us play the grief-stricken queen who loves her people too much to let them go (Redeem me! Redeem me!), and Conjuration is 'evil' but easy to give up. Curses are automatically harmful to others, making them of limited beneficial use, and Life Magic requires blood sacrifices which will likely get us slapped as the "Blood Queen". Those people don't get redeemed.

Though come to think of it we might be able to make Curses work if we go for the 'wandering judge of character' trope, brutally cursing those who fail and blessing those who pass...

Anyway, I'd prefer we limited ourselves on only one form of Dark Magic. We get the points free anyway, and there's no need to make ourselves eviler than we have to. There are plenty of mundane schools with lots of utility we can put our points into.


Swordplay and Archery, while useful, aren't needed. We have magic for that. Food Prep and Cooking are nice for if we need to go on the run when the heroes kick in the door. Cleanup would also be good here, but not as much as the others. I'd say its only a must if we need to hide what we're doing from the servants (blood rituals being forbidden and quite messy). Logistics and Politics are needed to run a good kingdom, and Haggling also seems useful for trade and such.

Normal Magic

Divination is very useful. The more you know, the more you can plan for. Of course, that didn't help Snow White's mom much, and she's pretty much what we're supposed to be right now. Still, being able to gather more information is almost a necessity, since we need to shift incoming events to fit the story we want.

Transmutation...eh, not bad if we wanted to go for Curses and stuff, but not quite as good elsewhere.
  • Question about Transmutation for @Alivaril: if we turn a rock into a loaf of bread and then eat it, does it eventually go back to normal as gravel in our stomach, or can we use this school for emergency resupplies and other tricks?
Blasting! Who needs swords or bows when you've got MAGIC! At least one level in this is practically a must, we need to be able to fight in some way all on our own. I wouldn't worry too much about maxing it out though, we're not a battlemage.

Glamour is way useful for both illusions and mind control...but also would fit the "Evil Queen" trope to a T. Though GREAT for covering our tracks, I'd still suggest staying away from it. It seems like a skill that would backfire easily once our deceptions were inevitably discovered (and they will be, some wandering hero always sees through the illusions in stories).

Enchantment is dicey. The benefits are never made explicitly clear (seems to be imbuing an item to create any effect you can create with magic?), but the description is explicit about the cost being high. This would probably be useful to boost our other abilities or to give minions a hand, but I don't know. I'm thinking point sink for whatever we've got left over.


Based on this logic, I have two different plans for the group to review and comment on.

The first is the Tragic Ghost Queen. This plan focuses on being the Good Queen as much as possible, making the kingdom prosper so that when our 'sins' are discovered we are a tragic figure who just cared too much for her people instead of an evil tyrant. Who knows, we might get a love interest or something out of it.

The second is the Well-Intentioned Summoner. In this plan, we'll want to be the self-sufficient go-getter who 'unknowingly' played with fire trying to do everything in the kingdom herself. Actual prosperity is immaterial, the point is that we have good intentions so the heroes can 'rescue' us from our own 'mistakes' and 'help' us be the Good Queen in the end.

[X] Logistics (1)
[X] Politics (1)
[X] Haggling (1)

[X] Divination
-[X] Master (3)

[X] Glamour
-[X] Expert (3)

[X] Transmutation
-[X] Expert (2.5)

[X] Blasting
-[X] Competent (2)

[X] Enchantment
-[X] Novice (2.5)

[X] Necromancy
-[X] Master (3.5)

[X] Food Prep (1)
[X] Cooking (1)
[X] Cleanup(1)

[X] Divination
-[X] Master (3)

[X] Enchantment
-[X] Competent (3)

[X] Transmutation
-[X] Master (3.5)

[X] Blasting
-[X] Master (3.5)

[X] Conjuration
-[X] Master (4)

Using Blood Magic clearly makes me evil? I only took it because I needed the Immortality option, my research is too important to let old age hinder me, and it helps with the larger projects!

Great writeup! I loved it. But this part worries me: it's a villain flag. Seeking immortality is always a 'bad guy' trait, and we'll probably want to avoid getting those whenever we can.

Your plan as a whole isn't bad, but I'm afraid I'm really not comfortable with mastering 3 different schools of dark magic. Blood sacrifices, undead servants, AND demons? We might as well order up some spiky armor and get to digging a lava moat.

The less 'obviously evil' we are, the easier it will probably be to get ourselves out of the villain box.

The big problem is failure to account for the Echo. The Echo means you cannot try to force your worldview. It will literally warp your personality until you conform to it. See also: tendency to evil laughter, something we already have gained because of it. There is no victory through technicality or through willpower. If you try to recategorize like @Pyro Hawk's tragically wonderful plan, you'll end up changed into the very monster you hoped not to be.

Correct. Our stated objective:

Now, you might be able to subvert the story at the last minute, but you've heard that sort of thing can be really very difficult and failure-prone. As such, your best bet for survival is to simply move your path to a happier tale and do everything you can to prevent the old one from reasserting itself.

We need to pick a story with a happy ending and build like hell around that so we don't backslide. Going overboard on the Dark Magic will basically only qualify us for the Evil Queen story...which is the one the Echoes seem to have selected for us.

Well, there is one other route. It's a bit more recent then most other stories but, arguably, it has more stories then any single other brand if you don't count fanfiction. X-Men has a lot of issues, and a few others have taken cues from it.

We could go the Charles Xavier route. Use divination to people of potential as well as experienced older people and just start a school. Of course, we might be at risk of falling into the Evil Cult echo, but it's an option.

Dangerous: the Corrupted Mentor echo is probably a thing, with the students having to face down their fallen master.

Not unworkable though.
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Well, I just finished the blurb being re-written, and such things...

And I have one thing to say: I don't like how everyone is seemingly trying to Min/Max our character in order to be able to easily change our Echo. It should be a task, something to work for, a story of the challenge we undertook before successfully changing the Echo we were under to something else.

That said, @Alivaril Can conjuration also summon beings such as Elementals, Angels, Fae and the like? Also, are there options for long life other than Blood Magic?

And the Echo I'd probably try to push us towards is the 'Wise Ruler', someone who's kingdom is fair to all, just don't break the laws or you are in trouble. I mean, our specialty is in understanding everyone's mindset, we'd be able to make a country where it's possible for an Angel to work alongside a Demon without problems, or bindings. Extremely unlikely but possible.
I'm going to discard the Redeemable Love Interest, Druid, and Recurring Villain approaches because I don't think we'd be able to keep our people happy with those Echoes hanging on to us. The Redeemable Love Interest plot would turn out okay, but our people would be unhappy in the meantime and the story would likely drop us into a fantasy-land "happily every after" rather than an actual evidence-based method that improves the quality of life For Real.

Instead, I think our best chance is to convince the narrative that our questionable magics are wise and/or quirky rather than evil. This is the common point between all of the Rom-com, Seer, Philosopher-Queen, and Mentor approaches. In all of those we're doing something different from everybody else not because we're evil, but because we both know something that other people don't and are a little bit strange besides, with different approaches falling in different places on that scale: the Rom-Com Protag is way over on the "quirky" side and comes by wisdom by accident, the Mentor, Seer, and Philosopher-Queen are Wise first and become strange as a result of their deeper knowledge. To that end:

[x] Plan Odd Wisdom

[x] Politics (1)
[x] Logistics (1)
[x] Swordplay (2)

[x] Divination
-[x] Master (3)
[x] Enchantment
-[x] Master (5.5)
[x] Blasting
-[x] Novice (1.5)
[x] Transmutation
-[x] Competent (2)

[x] Necromancy
-[x] Expert (2.5)
[x] Curses
-[x] Novice (1.5)

[] Plan Odd Wisdom

[] Politics (1)
[] Logistics (1)
[] Haggling (1)

[] Divination
-[] Master (3)
[] Enchantment
-[] Master (5.5)
[] Blasting
-[] Competent (2)
[] Transmutation
-[] Competent (2)

[] Necromancy
-[] Master (3.5)
[] Life Magic
-[] Competent (1)

As a bonus, this plan works quite well for our character's previously stated goals: politics+logistics+enchantment+divination make for a steadily expanding nation, necromancy handles the ghost-wrangling, and a splash of life magic explains the volunteers and animals.
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And I have one thing to say: I don't like how everyone is seemingly trying to Min/Max our character in order to be able to easily change our Echo. It should be a task, something to work for, a story of the challenge we undertook before successfully changing the Echo we were under to something else.
It is a task and Min/Maxing is part of that task. A quest with CC choices that weren't Min/Maxed is a truly mad quest indeed.
And the Echo I'd probably try to push us towards is the 'Wise Ruler', someone who's kingdom is fair to all, just don't break the laws or you are in trouble. I mean, our specialty is in understanding everyone's mindset, we'd be able to make a country where it's possible for an Angel to work alongside a Demon without problems, or bindings. Extremely unlikely but possible.

Sure, that sounds nice. One problem. Such an Echo likely doesn't exist. We've done the research and it just doesn't. It's a very modern idea, not an ancient one. Even a philosopher-king would kick out the Demons.

[x] Vebyast
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[X] Plan Queen of Mysteries, shaman style
[X] Politics (1)
[X] Logistics (1)
[X] Divination
-[X] Master (3)
[X] Enchantment
-[X] Master (5.5)
[X] Life Magic
-[X] Master (2.5)
[X] Necromancy
-[X] Master (3.5)
[X] Curses
-[X] Master (3.5)

No outright blasting, a more spiritual magic, seeing beyond, working with life and death. Work with the dead on behalf of the living, curse our peoples foes but enrich their lives with guidance through divination.
King Solomon is the target. It's not a particularly strong Echo, but it probably exists. We'd have to play to it hard.

That's next to impossible, for a bunch of reasons. Firstly, we've been told to seek out a stronger Echo, or else the one we have doesn't get overridden. Second, we're missing right to rule by birth, which is important if you want to be crowned legitimate King/Queen. Nevermind inherent sexism.
Question about Transmutation for @Alivaril: if we turn a rock into a loaf of bread and then eat it, does it eventually go back to normal as gravel in our stomach, or can we use this school for emergency resupplies and other tricks?

That depends on your level of skill, but in general, trying to eat transmutated objects isn't such a great idea. That is, unless they were food to begin with and you're just effectively changing the taste.

That said, @Alivaril Can conjuration also summon beings such as Elementals, Angels, Fae and the like? Also, are there options for long life other than Blood Magic?

"Elementals," yes. Angels won't return your calls and, to the best of your knowledge, fae can't be summoned.

EDIT: You haven't looked too hard on the immortality front yet. Probably, just not with any of the other magic schools you can access.

And I have one thing to say: I don't like how everyone is seemingly trying to Min/Max our character in order to be able to easily change our Echo.

:confused: It'll change what Echo was after you in the first place, too, so don't worry about it. As mentioned in the first post, this quest probably won't be very long no matter what; if people like the world enough, I'll do another (longer) one later.
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Yo, not voting yet, but just saying that the vote for swordplay explicitly says "no one expects a Spellcaster to wield a sword." If that isn't a way to get out of this Echo, nothing is, pull Gandalf.
That's next to impossible, for a bunch of reasons. Firstly, we've been told to seek out a stronger Echo, or else the one we have doesn't get overridden. Second, we're missing right to rule by birth, which is important if you want to be crowned legitimate King/Queen. Nevermind inherent sexism.
I guess that that's true. Though a lot of wise rulers ended up there not by divine right but by being wise or similar, etc. The point about it being a weak echo is completely valid, however.

@Alivaril: What's the lifetime of a well-animated undead, and how smart are they? For examples, say we'll use a horse skeleton and a rat skeleton.
Indefinite, but they'll be a constant (tiny) drain on your power. Alternatively, you could recharge them in large chunks.
So, um, reasking my last question.

Is headmaster for a school of those with potential, like Charles Xavier or Albus Dumbeldore or one of those people, an echo that exists that it's possible for us to get into? I understand that there is a risk of falling into the evil cult echo, but is there a good side to that echo that we can fall into or is that too weak/recent?
Indefinite, but they'll be a constant (tiny) drain on your power. Alternatively, you could recharge them in large chunks.
Hum. So unless we combine them with some kind of non-us energy source, we're not likely to be able to use them to drive an industrial revolution.

I'm going to see if I can edit my plan to take this into account. Less necromancy, change life magic to cursing since it's a clearer example of being able to use things for good if you're just willing to look at the world a little bit more carefully.