Apologies for the novella, it just kept growing, and I don't feel good cutting any of it, else I would have.
[] An answer for an answer, Stannis: knowing what he has done and has had done, to my family and to countless others guilty of no higher crime than passably looking like me and Rhaegar; knowing what he does in the face of any slight, any dispute, any questioning, anything less than total obeisance and prostration; knowing his vices and vitriol leave the Seven Kingdoms in the hands of a man embodying all the worst men of our blood into one -- Maegor's cruelty and wrath, Aegon the Unworthy's gluttony and avarice, Aerys' fury, madness and bloodlust ... knowing all this: would you chance him ever returning to power? Chance his malice to rain down upon those you love?To unleashing his wrath tenfold upon those highborn or low who did not sufficiently humour his whims or, gods save them, any poor souls that stood against him? There are men you can save, Stannis, and there are men you have to stop. Robert crossed the line between them long ago, and wades ever deeper at every opportunity. He is in so far in blood that sin plucks on sin. Yesterday he butchers the Ironborn, today descendants of Valyria ... who is tomorrow?
You know of me, now, Stannis, know who I am and what I am. I have no love for power or thirst for a hollow crown. If none of this had happened, I could have lived out my life in Essos as Valarr Vaeltigar: peaceful, useful, prosperous and happy. I was never meant for the Throne, and if you cannot tell by now how far I am from the wanting of it, no words of mine will persuade you. But every dawn, my sister, my nephew, my distant kin in Westeros wonder if it will be their last, if they are to be sacrificed to Robert's rage and wrath. Every dusk, lords fear what riders may come to take something more from them to sate Robert's desires. Every night, ladies cry themselves to sleep fearing what might be done to them or their children for some imagined slight or demanded hostage. Morning, evening and night, my people weep, my people bleed, my people fear what the next hour may bring. No one has risen to stop him, no one can rise to stop him, unless I stand before them, with them, for them. If I do nothing, if I leave Robert on the Throne to do his will, my peoples' blood and tears fall upon my hands, too. I have to stop him, because if I cannot then no one can, and if I do not then no one will. No one else can stop him, and nothing less than death will stop him; he will never express remorse or regret, he will never back down, he will never surrender, and he will never stop. I must lead the stand against him and I must end him.
My duty, my responsibility is to my family and to my people, to see them safe and free; to see the darkness of this time, and the previous time it is natural heir to, meet its end; to see the light of wisdom and the flame of truth return to my homeland, a new era for sanity and peace. What is yours, Stannis?