The Captured Prince/ Viserys:
You took a deep breath, allowing yourself to relax quietly as you prepared yourself for any number of mental of physical tortures.
It was something you did not have experience in, but you just imagined yourself traveling through the doom… a place far worse than any mortal plane that may be around you. It was something you sometimes heard Ser Jaime whisper to himself as he slept, the faintest of whispers.
Go away inside, to a place where you were safe, or gave you strength.
"Before you give me a single question… I have one of my own." Illyrio stated as he leaned forward. "Did you kill my friend, Varys?"
You gave a nod. "No. I only destroyed his network… and replaced it with my own."
Illyrio nodded. His breath steady, and quiet.
A Man's Grief:
1D100 => 71vs 70
But his breath steadied. "Very well. He was my friend Viserys, and I cared for him, even when he was the one who was doing the caring."
He sighed. "Ask your question, Prince, and I will answer it as well as I can."
You showed the letter from Jon Connington, addressed to you. "Who is this child, that Lord Jon Connington claims is my Nephew?"
That made Illyrio smile. "Isn't it obvious?"
"What?" You demanded.
"He is a Dragon." He replied. "His name is Aegon."
That made you raise an eyebrow. "Aegon was killed by Gregor Clegane." You stated. "Along with Rhaeyns and Elia Martell." You gritted your teeth. "You save the boy, but not his family!"
Illyrio nodded. "Varys was just a man, not a god, he could only save one. We would have saved them all… if we could."
"What loyalty drove you to save one, and not attempt the others?" You stated.
Insight, and Truth:
1D100 => 78+75=143
"Do you believe Aegon survived?'" Illyrio asked.
That made you think of your entire history and one name that came up, unlike any false hope of familial survival. "Black or Red… a Dragon is still a Dragon. He's a Blackfyre."
Illryrio smiled. "Mayhaps. Only Varys knew for certain, and he took that secret to his grave." He paused. "Believe whatever you want Viserys… but know this. He has been trained to rule his entire life… unlike you."
You shook your head. "Are you that arrogant to think I am not worthy of the Throne?" Illyrio nodded. "I destroyed the Spiders Network, I adventured into Valyria and escaped alive, I evaded you, until I came to you to rob you. I have become rich by my own merit without the need to rob."
Illyrio nodded. "Indeed." He then laughed. "Well, I think you gained something far more valuable then meer trinkets you could have stolen from me." He offered a hand. "I will forgive your transitions against me if you leave the city."
"And if I don't?" You asked.
"I have a name. That is all the faceless men need." Illyrio stated.
"And the same for you." You replied.
Illyrio nodded. "Live well Prince Viserys. Whatever path in life you choose… remember this… Westeros is special…. Something that all nations in the east, for as much as they bicker and squabble, see as a threat… or a place to profit."
You nodded.
Garret smiled as the gates shut behind you. "Anything you grabbed valuable?" You asked.
The loot:
1D100 => 100
"Just Ser Jaime's Book and nothing else." He replied as he showed a list of names tucked in the book. Account numbers and phrases to empty said accounts.
"Of which there are several?" You asked, trying not to show your glee.
"All belonging to Illryio of Pentos." Garret replied.
"Good." You stated.
"So what now?" Jaime asked.
"We leave the city… before someone tries to kill us." You replied.
The Rumors:
Lys: It seems the Rogare's have succeeded in their little coup… they have killed, captured or got the merchant council to bow to them.
Bravvos: Bravvos, or rather, the Iron Bank, is preparing to finance a madman wanting to destroy Vaas Dorthrak, which is still in the place of being financed. Stannis Baratheon has joined the expedition as a commander… something about duty and friendships. There is also the accounts of Illryio Mentopas… you want his gold.
Norvos: You have received a report that Doran Martell's wife is in the city. She is clearly remaining in touch with the Prince of Dorne, but you have no idea why she left. There is also talk of a bearded priest that wishes to meet with Valarr Vaeltigar… about an offer to purchase your broken Valyrian Steel greatsword, for an ax head for the high priest. The price they are willing to pay… It is quite suitable for a man of you. 10,000 Unsullied, freshly bought from the Masters of Astapor, and another 30,000 slaves, of all types from slavers bay. A Venerable army.
Tyrosh: Vargo Hoat, of the Brave Companions must die. That was the simple request from Doran Martell. He is ever patient about your ability to complete the job.
Myr: There's a red priest… or rather a shadow binder from Assahi, looking for the blood of kings. She claims, to know how to hatch dragon eggs, for any who bring her… both. Unfortunately… there is some bad news. She has placed a bounty on your head… Valarr Vaeltigar's that is… 100,000 Gold Dragons to be brought to her alive.
Qohor: You need to reforge that great sword. So you'll be in and out, a quick adventure. There has also been word of a Dothraki Khal rest in the city...a Great Khal named Drogo.
Lorath: They are still desperate for more ironwood… What the hells are they doing? Or better yet… why do they need that much ironwood?
Volantis: Dany had another Dream. The same as before… only worse. The Dragon was locked in a black cell. The Stag Grew brighter and golden Skulls battling a Great Stallion in the city… And on the horizon, a Golden Kraken sails ever closer. Bringing the Doom with it.
The Golden Company: Now that you know the Truth… perhaps you can see it for yourself. Is he truly Aegon Targaryen… or is he a Blackfyre.
Which city would you like to go to:
[]The Golden Company
[]Back to Lys: You have a Bad Feeling that someone is about to get killed unless you stop it.
Do you send someone to get the Ironwood?:
If Yes, who do you send:
AN: Plan format please.