[X] Exaltation time.
-[X] Focus on ways to fix this. A lot of people are dying.
--[X] Amu has pure of heart, and strong of will. This is a good start, but she currently lacks the Conviction to follow through on her deeds, and the Temperance to know when Not to act. We have the ability to reinforce these to a somewhat stronger level, and should do so, as reckless usage of Power is as dangerous as the inability to use it at all.
--[X] We have spent quite some time developing the means to coincide with her Chara, and even developed a method to mimic their ability to communicate with her. This would be practical, as it would help us provide advice, in the absence of a support structure. Implement these newly developed Charms in with the initial Exaltation Surge.
--[X] Management of the situation is as potent a force as raw might alone, and the Dawn Caste is as potent at this as anything else. Some simple charms to assert command of the situation and coordinate the defence against the apparently great monster in the middle would be prudent.
--[X] Some simple investment into defence, focusing more on evasion and anti-magic would also be wise. We don't know the full scope of what the opposing forces can muster, so stick to the basics that provide a potent defence without investing too heavily in specifics.
--[X] Some simple offensive arts--she is talented at throwing objects, developing this into a legitimate battle style should be simpler then starting another art from first principles. The Joint-Wounding Technique in particular should allow a proper attack, and disable attackers to retreat if necessary
--[X] Remaining energies should be committed to basic first-aid, such as the Contagion Curing Touch to stabilize any wounded, and analysis arts, to help the host (And by extension, ourselves) get a grasp on the nature of these aggressors.
Advice Corner
"Okay... Just one moment... All right! Can you hear me? Perfect! Okay, there's not a whole lot of time to explain, and I promise to get right down to it soon, but we need to sort this problem out first. I'll get to the introductions when we're out of danger--right now, we need to get this whole situation under control and try to reduce further casualties... You Should be able to convince the... I think they're some kind of police or military force based on their uniforms? Anyway, you should be able to convince them to stop focusing on you for now, and if we can go that far, we should be able to team up with them to beat that monster that just showed up. It'd be dangerous to try helping others while it's on a rampage like that, so we need to slow it down first. If you've got anything you can throw at it? You should be able to slow it down so the professionals can deal with it.
Once that's under control, I'd suggest switching out with Su, you should have the ability to stabilize anyone who can be saved once the big monster's no longer causing trouble. If we work fast enough, we can minimize the damages!
[X]Keep Compassion High.