Is he likely to come after us if we flee?
That depends on whether or not he detects you.
So, just for irony's sake of the second update, here's what I was going to vote on the first (though I got here too late):
And then... that happened.
I guess we're going traditional hero's journey here instead of a civ game.
This is Odyssial we're talking about. Cruel Ulixes!
Welcome to Da Boyz Reaction Corner Part 2: Oh Sol We Need the XP Edition Please Somebody Else Contribute
Back to They Called Me Mad's naming scheme then? A pity I feel like it has left character, though looking back this works as a title for this segment as well.
Mm, I plan to be moderate with the chapter titles. Not as non-existing as with Seram and Control's quest, but likely not every update either.
... why is there a second soul here? Realistically speaking Creation should dwarf Earth at this point so why is there a being whose kind measures in the low thousands at best on our doorstep? Why does the universe hate Oddysial?
Hatred, is that what this is? Some might call it the greatest opportunity he could ever have!
Though I thought we had more then twenty two people left, is our sister visibly among the dead Rihaku?
Nio is really small, so you can't tell right now. Haven't really had a chance to process the scene before making your snap decision. Unfortunately, due to Larsyifex's danger sense, it's not something you can mull over - once he senses hostile intent, he'll know.
No timetravel, no ressurection, no second chances. The core rules of exalted, you have ultimate power so you live with what you sow. This takes on a far darker meaning when you're just a mortal who has to live with what the Demigod's around you do.
Hey man, don't blame the Primordials just because humankind is not hardcore enough to enjoy the acid waterfalls and 'refreshing' razor winds!
The saddest part about this is that in Exalted "managed to miss the monster entirely due to poor timing" is good luck.
It really is spectacularly good luck, given his almost certain demise otherwise. A powerful talisman, that!
Again if this was the canon start for Odyssial this makes a terrifying amount of sense, cut free from the ones he loved and protected and unable to help them due to a lack of power. Naturally he would push himself as hard as he could to become stronger till he could barely be considered human at all, it's a pity he didn't direct his newfound power into finding others that he could protect.
Odyssial has no weaknesses. So if you want him to care about you, you better not be weak...
...Is what we might say, in one reality.
All you have to do is spit in the face of the makers of the world. All you have to do is gamble that you, yes you, can succeed where countless others have failed. All you have to do is discard what your instincts born of years of surviving by a hair tell you. All you have to do is use the life that you were gifted to take the life of a monstrosity. All you have to do is the impossible, why are you hesitating?
Odyssial is pretty well-suited to the role of slayer among all possible human candidates, having spent his life learning about and hunting them. If someone can do it, he has the best shot.
Another name for the Arya list! Still this one is technically the same as the first so let's be sure to scratch it off quick.
If Odyssial survives to Exalt, you can be assured that Lethos and all its component souls will understand the true meaning of terror.
True, but it would be utterly hilarious if it did.
The toxin is Lethos' direct issue, which might be relevant somehow.
This has been 2263 (1192 if you discount quotes) words worth of bad references and futile anger being expressed through text, please submit your own copy!
So the primary body is 1192 words, right? It's 2263 if you include my text?