[Exalted, ?] Most High

Actually, wait.

Taking Reincarnation Planning off of the table, because with everything else, that raises the chances Uncomfortably high that Odyssial will roflstomp Ulyssian's heart and mind.

That's not something I want to see happen.
And damn I like Pearl and Lea, would love to have seen more interaction from them in the first age. They are both broken in ways we can not fully understand, with you know not living on a death world. To bad Pearl probably will be assassinated but we can save at least one Sid!sis.
Actually, wait.

Taking Reincarnation Planning off of the table, because with everything else, that raises the chances Uncomfortably high that Odyssial will roflstomp Ulyssian's heart and mind.
Uh no. Ulyssian would not exist. It would be Odyssial from the beginning. Ulyssian might as well not even existed.

Honestly, I rather WANT to play Odyssial. This is HIS story for a change.
[X] Pick an additional option from any epoch after the one you achieved Greatness 10, for free.
[X] The Lathe of Heaven
[X] The Fairest
[X] Reincarnation Planning

We are nuts, but awesome. Everyone fears us. Everyone.
[X] Pick an additional option from any epoch after the one you achieved Greatness 10, for free.
[X] The Lathe of Heaven
[X] The Fairest

A lack of XP has never been a problem with Rihaku's quests. We have the option to stay under Heartlessness 10 and I think we have the discipline to take it. Reincarnation Planning has, roughly, no appeal to me since I really do not like the conceit of Ulyssian being a "reincarnation" of Odyssial; he is and should be a new person, and the drama comes from grappling with the legacy of his First Age predecessor.

The Lathe of Heaven is, of course, everything Odyssial was working up to. And his name having a terror among gods, fae, demons, and Exalted alike is both amusing and appropriate. We must take this. It is the capstone to Odyssial's entire narrative arc, his monumental attempt, subsumed as it is by thousands upon thousands of years and countless memories, to make up for his failure to his tribe. To his youngest sister. It is a work of incredible hubris and power that must, by its very nature, stand as the ultimate testimony to the promise and terror of the First Age.

The Fairest on the other hand is an interesting plot hook. It'll make Creation slightly less desperate without sacrificing Ulyssian's central opportunity to the continued potency of the Bronze Faction. It finishes his Artifact N/A blade. It mitigates his Heartlessness right as his Infinite Singularity Husk is initiated, lending perhaps the poignant suggestion that, indeed, it would have been worth it after all. I half-suspect that might very well have been behind the Vision of Gold...
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There is positively no way that Rihaku will tell us what it means, just that it was "Big, work shaking, and on the level of the Great Curse in effect".

I would only accept a vote for it if we ensured that we did not reach Heartlessness 10.
Actually, wait.

Taking Reincarnation Planning off of the table, because with everything else, that raises the chances Uncomfortably high that Odyssial will roflstomp Ulyssian's heart and mind.

That's not something I want to see happen.

Maybe, maybe not. By not going full sorcerer the reincarnation will not be perfect So Ulyssian will maybe be somewhat safe, and we kinda need to make the reincarnation as close as possible while keeping Ulyssian intact if we want all the stuff Odyssial made in the first age with any chance of surviving.
[X] Pick an additional option from any epoch after the one you achieved Greatness 10, for free.
[X] The Peerless City
[X] The Fairest
[X] Reincarnation Planning
M'kay then, gonna agree with Cavalier's plan then.

[X] Pick an additional option from any epoch after the one you achieved Greatness 10, for free.
[X] The Lathe of Heaven
[X] The Fairest
[X] Pick an additional option from any epoch after the one you achieved Greatness 10, for free.
[X] The Lathe of Heaven
[X] The Fairest
[X] Reincarnation Planning

So wouldn't that make a higher Heartlessness, I don't know, bad?


We're already one point higher then canon Odyssial (Though we also took a lot of options that somewhat mitigates the impact), but canon Odyssial was apparently in a state of perpetual Limit Break that he had optimized to retain functionality in without losing it's advantages.

On the other hand, he was constantly in limit break
[X] Pick an additional option from any epoch after the one you achieved Greatness 10, for free.

Experience has never been an issue for us; I'd much rather hone our legacy into something truly awe inspiring.

[X] The Peerless City

Because following in Nimrod's footsteps is simply too great an opportunity to ever be passed up. It is appropriate that as the First Age wanes, Odyssial's hubris waxes.

[X] The Lathe of Heaven

I'd feared that the Infinite Singularity Husk was a casualty of Fury's victory, and I am immensely heartened to see that this is not the case.

[X] The Fairest

The option I am least keen on, but it finishes the Unfinished Blade, and the Fairest could prove interesting. Still, the option has synergy with a perfect reincarnation, which I would like to avoid.
For an alternative suggestion, how about constructing a new exaltation?
There's some synergy with Odyssial's desire for perfect reincarnation, and I'm personally still upset we didn't get to go devil tiger last game.
[X] Pick an additional option from any epoch after the one you achieved Greatness 10, for free.

[X] The Peerless City
[X] The Lathe of Heaven
[X] The Fairest

One thing I like about Rihaku's quests is the colour-coded options. It doesn't mean anything, I just think its a nice touch.
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[X] Pick an additional option from any epoch after the one you achieved Greatness 10, for free.
[X] The Lathe of Heaven
[X] The Fairest

No heartlessness is more important for me than an extra option, tbh. And reincarnation really isn't that appealing.
If we get the Fairest then during the end of the Age of Dreams Odyssial will temporarily be relieved of his Limit Break so that is always a good thing, plus even if he reaches Heartless 10 the choices we made with Lea and Pearl has made him nicer overall, and the Peerless city ensures that he doesn't unduly harm his subjects.
Oh gods, I do not want Reincarnation Planning. Ulyssian should stay as Ulyssian, not be consumed by Odyssial.

[X] Pick an additional option from any epoch after the one you achieved Greatness 10, for free.
[X] The Lathe of Heaven
[X] The Fairest