An End to Innocence
Dear King,
I don't know who to write this to so I will just write it to you. The men say that you will never read it but I know better. Mama and Papa always said that King Uly knows everything because he works hard. I'm working hard too, but lately things are tough because mama and papa left. I slept in the room with Rorster who protected us on the farm, but his tail got hurt and he got sick. I think he may leave soon too. He is already fourteen years old, which is five years older than me and over one hundred in doggie years (that's WAY old!). Sometimes I am scared
Mama and Papa always wanted to thank you for saving us from the Fair, but now there is just me so I will have to thank you for them.
Thank you, King Uly. I will keep working hard every day just like you.
Your loyal subject,
Attached: A strip of fine vellum, used in prayer, badly frayed and stained with blood and ash. Childlike calligraphy and a dog's paw-print adorn the vellum: "Thank you!"
Lord Satrap,
I regret to inform you that the House of Verulan will no longer be accepting clients from the Satrapal Administration or Legions. While this will undoubtedly damage our standing and economic strength in the city, we cannot as women and men of principles condone the unconscionable slaughter of the Honored Viziers without so much as a trial.
Should you decide to murder us in our sleep: well. We have no means of stopping you.
The 68 women and 30 men of Verulan.
Hospitality services, accompaniment, and fine artwork for the discerning peer.
My Liege,
I am writing to you today on a matter of grave importance. The reconciliation program between the Luseng Standardized Weight and the Realm Imperial Metric was interrupted by your [dribbled ink] most righteous purge of the Vizier class one week prior. Despite the necessity and profound justice of this action, whose immaculate nature cannot be doubted, it nonetheless came at an inopportune time for us in the shipping & loading industries. We are presently in a transitional period where unit conversion is manually performed as we shift to the Imperial Metric, but with the loss of the lamentably corrupt Viziers, we have few assayers competent to the task.
I know that you must have far weightier concerns on your august brow than mere systems of measurement, but proper records-keeping is critical to matters of contract law, internal assays of profit, and, of course, calculation of import and export tariffs. The flow of commerce into and out of your magnificent city-state has therefore been hindered, stoppered at this vital accounting bottleneck. I implore you, whatsoever staff you have to spare, please to keep us, the shipping & loading companies of Luseng, in your considerations.
My deepest thanks.
Your loyal servant and earnest admirer,
Kai Tan Song
My lord,
I have compiled the statistics you requested from local divinities. The situation is as bleak as you predicted: with the city's divine governance cut in half due to recent casualties, and its mundane administration depleted, the proper flow of food and water has seen consideration interruption. Attached please see my renditions of 6th and 17th district, where minor riots broke out due to a food caravan collapse. We have pinpointed the cause of disruption as over-exhaustion of the pack mules, possibly induced by a poisoning. While the evidence is thin-on-the-ground for a sabatoeur, certainly this particular strike seemed calculated to cause maximum chaos. Far be it for me to indulge in speculation, but this is the seventh such event my team has encountered since the execution of Teft Luwao.
Luckily, fire crews managed to reach the site in an acceptable timeframe, and casualties were contained. I believe the toll presently stands at slightly over nine thousand, primarily refugees employed in the Lusengese Calendar.
Your servant,
Inquisitor Mnemon Tailantian
I. H. M. N.
Postscript - Attached, also please find a letter that was given to me for you by a child who was lead to me by her dog. I understand that you receive many such letters in the course of your daily correspondence; please forgive my presumption in this matter, but I felt a duty to the Dragons that you should see it. The pair possessed severe burns and expired soon after.
My Lord-
My King-
Your Majesty-
Your Grace-
King Sesus-
King Ulyssian-
King Uly-
Help us.
Save us-
Protect us-
Thank you.
I have nowhere else to turn-
I don't know who else to write to-
My family-
My mother-
My sister-
My daughter-
Is starving-
Is dying-
Legs broken-
Finally stopped crying, but-
Would give us hope just to see you-
I trust in you.
We believe in you.
Prince of the Earth-
You can do anything, we know it, we didn't believe at first but when you shattered the Fae-
Around him the letters swarmed, kicked into the air by the raw strength of his anima, a blizzard of parchment encircling his throne, obscuring all else.
What could he tell them? What could he write, what could he say?
"I can't help you?"
"I won't help you?"
"I haven't the strength?"
Was that the answer, then? The only answer that this wretched world would accept? The only law that this monstrous Creation would abide?
No more.
No longer.
Not for one instant longer, will he tolerate this despairing mire of a "world."
With the tools by which the Titans had made this world, he would re-make it. He pressed his will out into the fabric of creation, threw his anima against the essence of Gaia, set his shoulder against the bar of reality, and resolved that either it would break, or he would.
The resistance that confronted him was beyond adamant. Its strength, the foundational essence of Creation, yielded not one single iota. He felt as though he was trying to press up against a mountain of iron with only the bones of his skull. Red and gold streamers of essence strobed past his vision, fed by blood from his eyes. He was trapped, locked, prised within a prison of that-which-existed, an encompassing prison which contained him absolutely, for it contained also every action he would ever take and every consequence thereof. A prison called The World that was beyond space, time, causality or locality, and which entombed him even as it sheltered him from the unknowable chaos of the Wyld beyond.
He pushed again with everything that he was, and found no movement, and was tempted to despair.
Remember who you are.
He was Odyssial, who did not break. Who did not yield. Who only, ever, and always, found a way.
He was Odyssial, and this world he resided in was only a scrap, a plaything, the product of Titans who were dead or mad, so many of whom he'd killed himself.
You do not contain me.
You do not encompass me.
You are nothing more than the first of many, many stops along our journey.
We are the Exalted,
And we were made to destroy those who created you.
So just to be clear-
I'm not locked in here with you.
-And the pressure which seemed so unbearable before now appeared to shrink, to recede, to recoil as if in startled, terrified recognition, and then in blatant terror-
You're locked in here with me.
A distortion then formed, swirling around his hand, even as all light, sound, matter, and Essence fled from him, temporarily stretching away from him, leaving him momentarily in vacuum, before it was snapped unceremoniously back in place.
[Acquired Title: Sorcerer of the Adamant Circle]
Far, far away...
The Loom of Fate groaned under the weight of auspicious and inauspicious destinies warping, like filaments of light about a vortex...
In the Pleasure Dome of Jade, the Maiden of Endings raised a hand to take her move, and stopped.
"Oh dear," she said.
And the Lathe of Heaven began to turn again.
The Sundial Throne will be completed without many complications. What then will you do, with your augmented time? You may choose up to 2, but the second choice causes you to accrue additional Limit due to overwork. This may not be a bad thing.
[ ] Prepare for Severance - You cannot operate under the farcial constraints of mere Dragon-Blooded, not anymore. Prepare to sever your ties to the Realm and rule openly as a Solar. You will have to ensure the loyalty of the Legion, and that of the general populace. While you will not announce your Solar nature to all and sundry, neither will you limit yourself to the feats that Terrestrials can perform.
*Improved Diplomatic chances with Anathema & Lunar Empires
*May not immediately provoke a Realm response
*Greatly increased administrative & wartime effectiveness
[ ] Begin a Grand Heresy - If the Realm cannot work with the Celestial Exalted, all is lost. Though it will take far longer to achieve useful results, with the power of temporal dilation and the Strategos-mind, you believe the end goal to be achieveable: a comprehensive reform of the Immaculate Philosophy that makes allowances for "good Anathema"; demon-possessors, yes, but ones that can be worked with and which may even have interests that coincide with Creation's own.
[ ] A Light Touch - Incompatible with The King Stands Alone. Reduces your Limit gain as you limit yourself to a reasonable (still extremely extensive) regimen of work, spending time with your friends to help unwind & preserve your will and sanity. Choose one character to focus on for relationship development.
-[ ] Spend time with Moon
-[ ] Spend time with Nilul
-[ ] Spend time with The Lily
-[ ] Write-in
[ ] The King Stands Alone [Additional Limit Gain] - You have a responsibility to your people. You acquired this power for their sake; now you will use it. It, and all the formidable arsenal of your mind and body to ensure that - all the ills and unfairness that plague this Creation - at least here, at least where you reign, at least in one place if in no other-
People will be able to live as they should, and not as they must.
That is what it means to be King.
[ ] Write-In - Many options abound!
Also, you may choose your next Working, which is likely to proceed apace.