[X] The Sundial Throne [Solar Circle, Ambition 3]
[X] The Star Crowned Dragon of Heaven [Solar Circle, Ambition 3]
-[X] Upgrade Sepulchral Pearl to "Defining"
-[X] Beg The Lily for help
-[X] Infallible Messenger
-[X] Travel Without Distance
So, to explain my choices? Picking asking The Lily's help was kind of hard, but we are pressed for time already. Getting the one working that fixes that is just too damn valuable, especially if we go for two Workings like I'm aiming at.
Also, a bit of speculation: The 5x time-dilation is based on our current Essence, but it might get even faster as our Essence-level rises if I'm reading this right. If it does, the stronger we get, the faster we can get stronger by training more inside the time-chamber, which leads us to getting stronger faster...
Yeah, Anys Syn might be feeling currently a bit like a programmer who accidentally caused an hostile seed-AI come into an existence, which is now in the process of upgrading itself. And this is even after she put into a dangerous situation she didn't think it could survive, because it couldn't be destroyed with conventional methods. Instead, it subverted that situation and is now becoming more intelligent, faster and stronger, and it is doing this at ever accelerating pace.
And in addition of the improved governing speed, accelated training time and prophecy-spam, there is at least one more near-future relevant thing to think about: Later on if we get it, we could also complete The God-King's Shrike in less than two days. Usually, using it is limited by the need to spend a whole week studying, but with the time-chamber? Hey, did you just provoke a God-King to begin preparations for launching a nuke on your ass? It will take just little over a day for him to be ready to activate it. Better to think fast.
On the secondary Working after the time-dilation, of course I pick my own write-in, though Rihaku did hint on it before so its not completely original. I like the asthetics of it, and it makes a good combo with time-acceleration. I'm getting the DBZ -vibes already.
It also could work well with raising Pearl's Tie to Defining, like I've already said a couple of times before. More SMA's for Moon to learn, and more time for Pearl herself to train and gain power, especially if we awaken some of her memories succesfully. Also, unlike with The Lathe, only moderate amount of Mental Strain, which has been hinted to be a very bad thing.
On other control spells than Odyssian Horse, I like Travel Without Distance because tactical and strategic teleportation is useful, because it has so many uses for warfare and subterfuge that other travel spells don't have. Infallible Messenger because communication becomes suddenly easy even with extremely long distances and available to both directions, with the ability to also to gather intelligence on the spell. This does not only mean on enemies, but is also good for making sure that our Messenger has not been tampered, which is possible currently in this setting.