[Exalted, ?] Most High

[X] God-King
-[X] Boost Sepulchral Pearl to Defining

I'll be blunt. I almost didn't read the update out of a fear that we would cross that "I don't care about this character anymore" line. Thankfully I screwed up my courage and took the leap. Then I read the arguments. I can live with this update and character. Better then that I can't help but feel an immense sense of relief from not having to drop this quest.

Moving on, Sorcery. Almost all my objections against acquiring it are nullified at this point. Though I have to ask why we can't do the heretical prophecies that make anathema legal in the realm while we are doing the sorcery. Even if it takes valuable time away from training certainly that's time well spent to make our position legitimate~! What would it cost us to spam prophecies and learn sorcery rihaku? That's the kind of price I think the board would be willing to pay but not knowing what it would cost stops us from pursing this path.
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Well, while I said that I don't have currently the energy to argue, I still will go for my first pick:

[X] God-King
-[X] Boost Sepulchral Pearl to Defining

Also, for others who also want to pick sorcery, I would implore you all to vote for Thomasfoolery's suggestion for an Intimacy. There has been some talk by Rihaku about permanent soul-damage if we awaken Odyssial's Intimacies too early, even if I think that chance has been lowered by Embrace Clarity as it plans to do exactly that. However, boosting already existing Major Tie to Defining should be much less risky, and also maybe get us more Pearl/Ivory -time, which would be nice considering how little we have seen her.
Uh? Whats the problem with Hatred of the Primordials? I'm legitimately curious. One would think that is an advantage and something he had literally from the start of his exaltation even before he had any other ties.
[X] God-King
-[X] Boost Sepulchral Pearl to Defining

Uh? Whats the problem with Hatred of the Primordials? I'm legitimately curious. One would think that is an advantage and something he had literally from the start of his exaltation even before he had any other ties.
One of our friends is half primordial. Oddysial's version might not care to exempt her from the hate list.
Uh? Whats the problem with Hatred of the Primordials? I'm legitimately curious. One would think that is an advantage and something he had literally from the start of his exaltation even before he had any other ties.
Again, potential soul-damage because Ulyssian doesn't have it even as a Minor Tie. Though I admit not being sure about how much of an issue its anymore and also the fact that as an early pre-Exaltation Tie it, has much less of a chance of going horribly wrong. Still, I would like to play it safe with an already exising Tie with only one degree of change instead of raising one without any context in Ulyssian's life whole three degrees.

Also repeated from my previous post: I like Pearl and would like to see her more in the narrative, which this could help to do so.
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Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Philosopher-King
No. of votes: 16
Emerald Oracle, Orm Embar, Vitaris, Alectai, Cavalier, Katreus, mrttao, Eliar, Serous, Diller, Jorlem, arrepio, Algalon, VentusAerius, VanusDraco, Elero
-[x]Bring Lily into the fold, allow her free access to the city, and introduce her to our friends
No. of votes: 1

[X] God-King
No. of votes: 12
TheOtherSandman, CrawlingChaos74, Usernames, Ridiculously Average Guy, wingstrike96, Thomasfoolery, Anasurimbor, Daniel14541, meianmaru, cyberswordsmen, Dark Lord Bob, Savonarola
-[X] Awaken Fairest Tie
No. of votes: 5
TheOtherSandman, CrawlingChaos74, Usernames, Ridiculously Average Guy, wingstrike96
[X] Boost Sepulchral Pearl to Defining
No. of votes: 5

Thomasfoolery, Anasurimbor, Daniel14541, meianmaru, cyberswordsmen
-[X] Accept A Tie
No. of votes: 1

Dark Lord Bob
-[X] Accept Hatred of the Primordials
No. of votes: 1

Hm, votes are tight, arguments are fairly light~

It could go either way! The decision point will be sometime tommorow either way, so we'll want to wrap this up quickly. A single fanwork could be decisive - or a single argument post!
Hm, votes are tight, arguments are fairly light~

It could go either way! The decision point will be sometime tommorow either way, so we'll want to wrap this up quickly. A single fanwork could be decisive - or a single argument post!
What were you saying about people not voting for Pearl, again? :D

Also, I feel a little bit reinvigorated after seeing that sorcery does have votes. Might finish that fanwork for it, even if it will not be at nearly the length I originally planned, maybe even with the time to make some arguments.
[X] God-King
[X] Boost Sepulchral Pearl to Defining

Yeah, sure, let's finally get Sorcery. We've been putting it off for forever. Plus, it'll let us improve the city even more, in return for a short downtime. Finally, Pearl is fun.
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I'll keep voting for these until we actually interact for Moon for more than a sentence at a time dammit.
And I want to keep interacting with her in the future by making sure she does not get kidnapped/die, and with her level of potential still relevant to us. And to do this, we need sorcery to boost her to a Greater Elemental Dragon / Dragon-Blooded -hybrid.
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Hm, votes are tight, arguments are fairly light~

It could go either way! The decision point will be sometime tommorow either way, so we'll want to wrap this up quickly. A single fanwork could be decisive - or a single argument post!

It doesn't help that many of the people who want Philosopher King want it since it could make us openly using Sorcery a lot easier.

I mean I would have absolutely no problem with God-King winning. Moon is better than us at administration without raw dice, se has Nilul to help out, and we should be able to stunt at the very least giving her instructions on how to reorganization the city's
Administration before we turtle to learn Sorcery. Especially if it boosts our Intimacy with Pearl(we should spend more time with her damnit. Not only is she our faithful friend who followed us to the next life but she also can still give us those astrological boosts.)
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At this point the sides seem to be mostly "First clean up the mess with our government that we made and throw in a prophecies that will hopefully let us rule openly and thus get the Sorcery won't be as much of a problem" vs "First throw in the time-bubble so we will have more time to do stuff, then focus on the other stuff like governing". I would argue from the point of view that the time-dilation is more valuable the sooner we get it, and while our little massacre of our officials and now not overseeing the establishment of mandarin-based bureaucracy personally will hurt us, getting Sorcery seems to be getting harder and harder as the time goes on, not easier.

I will bet that in the next update we will face even a greater crisis, possibly Anys finally deciding to strike, and again pushing back sorcery. Loyalty of our people would be extremely nice, but while the Limit Break most certainly has hurt that, we spent like 3x Govern Well with Bankruptcy to boost the satrapy, rolled well with Thaumaturgy and the viziers were not well liked to the point where the common people were quite against them, though not extremely unlikely to a degree where most of them wont't feel horror for what we did. Our previous turn should still be enough to balance things enough with Moon and Nilul now here to help us that it shouldn't turn out to be a catastrophe if we spent our time first flash-buying Sorcery and then making the time-dilation Working on Luseng.
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[X] God-King
[X] Boost Sepulchral Pearl to Defining

Moon should do almost as good as a job governing as we would, though much worse than both of us together. Sorcery is just too big of a shiny to pass up on though.
Who needs sorcery when you can influence Creation from the comfort and safety of your home with Predictions and God-Kings Shrike. Also, Moon and Nilul time, how can you say no to that after months of separation?
At this point the sides seem to be mostly "First clean up the mess with our government that we made and throw in a prophecies that will hopefully let us rule openly and thus get the Sorcery won't be as much of a problem" vs "First throw in the time-bubble so we will have more time to do stuff, then focus on the other stuff like governing". I would argue from the point of view that the time-dilation is more valuable the sooner we get it, and while our little massacre of our officials and now not overseeing the establishment of mandarin-based bureaucracy personally will hurt us, getting Sorcery seems to be getting harder and harder as the time goes on, not easier.

I will bet that in the next update we will face even a greater crisis, possibly Anys finally deciding to strike, and again pushing back sorcery. Loyalty of our people would be extremely nice, but while the Limit Break most certainly has hurt that, we spent like 3x Govern Well with Bankruptcy to boost the satrapy, rolled well with Thaumaturgy and the viziers were not well liked to the point where the common people were quite against them, though not extremely unlikely to a degree where most of them wont't feel horror for what we did. Our previous turn should still be enough to balance things enough with Moon and Nilul now here to help us that it shouldn't turn out to be a catastrophe if we spent our time first flash-buying Sorcery and then making the time-dilation Working on Luseng.

Well we don't reap full benefits as we haven't implemented that exam system to get new qualified administrators and we no doubt look very, very scary with what we did to the viziers considering Moon, Talomar, and Nilul all went "Uly what the fuck?" at it so leaving them with that being their last impression of us could be bad.

However it could be possible for us to potentially stunt making some public announcement about explains why we did what we did(with Nilul helping us smooth out image) and it shouldn't take Ulyssain more then a few minutes to tell moon how to set up the exams and how to run the city.

And thinking about it, Rihaku did kind of imply that we might not have time to do a long working for awhile if we don't this chance. Plus can't work on getting those time dilation materials we might need if we don't know what they are and the only way to find out is to focus on Sorcery.

Yet them prophecies to make taking very the realm much easier, or fighting the enemies we still have here. We could be able to actually let Lily come to Luseng without having to worry about too much of a freak out. Plus I want to see her interactions with Moon and Nilul. Her and Nilul could bond over Uly being somewhat of a dick to them. God-King's Shrike could let make a decisive blow one of our enemies like Ragmar's group which is the enemy faction we haven't damaged in some way.

Ugh I like both options damn it(Fuck deal with it. This is no time to leave the city especially with the state we'd else it in.)

We are NOT passing up Sorcery AGAIN

[X] God-King
-[X] Boost Sepulchral Pearl to Defining