We don't get E5 right this second. Saying will we never get is fearmongering just as much as what you're accusing us of doing. I mean, it's not as if we just had a decision point where we could get E5 in one action, right? The experience gained from killing her would go a long way towards bolstering our flagging reserves and would make Workings a much more economically feasible propositon.
I think I've made my views on that score clear. Conviction is nothing less than the cornerstone of Ulyssian's character, and turning against that is very thematically dissatisfying to me.We don't get a Solaroid-tier ally with social and combat competence. We don't get a useful second opinion with a differing perspective who might be able to point out things we miss and allow us to avoid making the HARD DECISIONS.
And by killing her in Limit Break now, we avoid the need for said restraint in the first place, and if we're lucky we can even figure out the problem.We don't have a friend who can help restrain Ulyssian in Limit Break.
We have already significantly improved our chances against her simply by acquiring the armor. The added training time we gain by not inciting war with the Realm should allow us to meditate our way up to E5.We don't get a significant improvement in our chances to fight Anys Syn.
By not inviting the Lily to become our ally, we avoid having to worry about the Gardener gaining a foothold in Luseng; besides, the Seeds was said to know little of her, and he is much more knowledgeable than the Lily. In light of that, I think that allying her to gain insight into the Gardener is something of a false benefit.
We already voted against the Seat of Empire, in favor of building taller and better. We have consistently chosen to preserve our connections with the Realm every time the option has been offered. I understand that you wanted to run off and do your own thing with fellow Celestials, but that decision point has come and gone.We don't have the opportunity to start building a coalition of Celestial Exalted that can stand against any force in Creation, Yu Shan, Malfeas, or the Underworld.
An excellent strawman. Indeed, we couldn't possibly have legitimate concerns. But anyway, better to murder the Lily in cold blood than potentially explode and murder the people that we actually have reason to care about in cold blood.We do murder a good person in cold blood because certain people were butthurt about the last vote. And the vote before that, for that matter.
Ok, then how exactly are we to ally with an Anthema while not retroactively rendering all the work we have done to stay in contact with the Realm pointless? How is the Lily to employ her charisma without drawing attention? Of all the possible allies we could have, must we select the one with the least subtlety, when we are pursuing a path that virtually requires discretion?
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