The Fate of Nations
Deciding to trust his two subordinates with merely reasonable precautions for now, Ulyssian turned his attention towards more pressing matters. A Satrap's work was never done, and he had no time for idle paranoia. Luseng, and Creation, would not pull themselves out of the ruinous state that so thoroughly pervaded the Age of Sorrows.
The City God, Uncle Pan, visited Ulyssian shortly after he returned with the Necromancer's severed head. Still no sign of the previous City Father, Lord Ravonerarankin. The Uncle was uninterested in such esoteric affairs, however.
"Uly-ssi-an!" The cantankerous deity shouted, barging into the Satrap's office fully materialized, "We must speak! It's a matter of dire importance, oh yes, very much so."
"What about?" Uly responded, glancing up from his papers. As usual, he wore the full Storm Armor, seated on what had been Luseng's Throne of Office before the Realm had subjugated it. The Royal Palace was still the administrative and practical hub of the satrapy's affairs, for reasons both symbolic and otherwise. However, the once pristine Throne was scratched and dented, half-burnt by the initial Dragon-Blooded assault upon the Palace, and the room itself was cluttered with paperwork, dominated by a magnificently beat-up desk of rosewood and mahogany.
"CITY PLANNING!" Pan exclaimed, slamming his hands down on the desk. A furious tornado of paperwork swirled upward, knocked free by the terrible momentum of those hands. It seemed the Uncle was still not fully acclimated to his new strength.
"You can't cut back on funding, Satrap!" Pan continued, "Not on transportation! You'll regret this! Trade is the lifeblood of this city, we can't survive without it!"
"The money has to come from somewhere, Pan," Ulyssian replied with cool equanimity. It was a good thing he had subordinates to pick up and re-organize those papers, otherwise he would have grown even more tired of the City Father than he was already. Still, for all his faults and crank-like behavior, Uncle Pan was honest to a fault and worked tirelessly for the citizens. He could respect that much.
"Not here, and not there either!" Pan said, gesticulating wildly, grabbing select pieces of paperwork from the storm around him and holding them tightly to his chest.
Ulyssian was silent. He stared at Uncle Pan.
Eventually, the Uncle sighed and set down the papers in a ragged stack.
"Look," he said, "we need direction. I know you don't have unlimited money. I don't have unlimited authority! But we've got to agree on a coherent vision for Luseng! Just as only Sorcery can distort Sorcery, only an Exalt can undo the works of the Exalted. And the Lunar and Abyssal Exalted have done a lot of work to Luseng. It is your right to rule, Exalt. We merely administrate, and embody."
"You want to know my long-term plans for Luseng," Ulyssian said contemplatively. To tell the truth, he hadn't given the matter too much thought as of late, caught up as he was in the typhoon of everyday affairs. But it was a pertinent topic. If they could agree on a general direction for the city and satrapy, then Exalt, mortal, and God could work towards that purpose coherently.
Because you did not spend your personal action, your effectiveness for this choice is increased. Gain additional Specials. This choice is very important. Choose carefully!
[ ] The Seat of Empire - Luseng is merely the beginning, the jewel in Metis' Crown. You will carve out an empire worthy of its glory. You will forge this Legion and the legions to follow into an invincible conquering horde, and sweep across the North like an iron tide. Other satrapies will be assimilated, or they will fall. The independent nations might band together, but that will merely allow you to conquer more in one fell swoop. The engines of conquest are ravenous and perpetual, but momentum will lend you strength. The spoils of war can always be seized to maintain your armies, and within months of rapid advance you will grow to become a power that can challenge the Realm itself - or at least, that portion of those resources it could actually devote to opposing you. Other Exalts may well rally to your banner as your tide of conquest marches on, though surely you will accrue innumerable enemies as well.
*Emphasis: Military
*Special: Improved Celestial Exalt recruitment (Lunars, Solars, etc) - They will likely be substantially weaker than you. But still, Celestial Exalts! In numbers!
*Special: Massive Territories - Useful for a vast number of reasons!
*Drawback: Underdevelopment - Much territory to rule means less time devoted to each bloc of territory.
*Drawback: Attention - Enemy Celestials, and of course Anys Syn.
[ ] The Polis of Legend - The borders of the satrapy are well-defined and well-defensible. Its natural resources are tremendous, and underexploited. It contains the potential to become a thriving nation, an ideal realm on the face of this Creation, an invincible bulwark against all the forces that would seek to rend this world asunder. Elsewhere the Exalted may fail to rise to their Mandates; elsewhere the strength of men may falter; elsewhere, but not here. A self-contained, highly militarized nation-state with enough jade to produce a thousand years' worth of Artifacts, you will prepare Luseng to hold the line against Realm aggression or the return of the Yozis themselves. Should the enemies of your present life, or your past, come calling - you will be ready.
*Emphasis: Lore
*Special: Deep Exploration of Luseng's Sites - Artifacts ho! Enough for a small army of Terrestrial Exalts, which leads to...
*Special: Increased Terrestrial Exalt recruitment (Dynast & Outcaste) - In much greater numbers than Anathema recruitment
*Drawback: High Personal Danger (due to deep exploration) - Don't underestimate this.
*Drawback: Dynastic Terrestrials technically loyal to Realm - You'l have to figure something out for this...
[ ] The Shining Metropolis - Some merely conquer. You will rule. Luseng is rich enough that you truly do not need much territory to create something truly spectacular, and Uncle Pan is a City Father, not a Nation Father. Secure certain strategic objectives like Ausang Bu and the Emerald Mountain, but otherwise you are content with the already fairly massive land area you've reclaimed. Build out the urban centers, turn those refugees into long-standing citizens, and reach a pinnacle of trade, culture, and erudition such as this benighted age has never before seen. You may rule only one city, but it will be the greatest city in all Creation, a city without peer. Odyssial would not accept less. Uncle Pan will not accept less (though he might have to deal)!
*Emphasis: Administration
*Special: Mortal Empowerment & Edification - Quality of life massively improved for your subjects.
*Special: Realm-Wide Influence - Nellens will ensure that you are seen as a role model for satrapies everywhere, making it substantially difficult to unseat or attack you through official Realm channels.
*Special: Philosopher-King - You have the time and the global economic / academic reach to obtain sources and apply the war-mind to virtually any topic within Creation.
*Crappy Special: Uncle Pan approves! Loyalty UP
*Drawback: Relatively Modest Territory
*Drawback: Limited Exalted Recruitment - There simply aren't that many Exalts in Creation, and your heavily fortified small territory isn't exactly a hotspot of tribulation.
[ ] Write-In: You may propose a City Plan, which, if victorious, Ulyssian will follow barring major cataclysmic change. Because of the major impact possible, Write-ins will not receive an effectiveness or other bonuses for this.