[Exalted, ?] Most High

Ulyssian can throw a respectable 12 dice around for a Social roll; that rises to 15 dice with a level 2 stunt playing on "I am Odyssial," +2 automatic successes under the new rules. Burn a point of Willpower for another automatic success, because that's what it is there for. Flash-buy that Presence charm Rihaku mentioned to strengthen the roll further; it'll be worth it and it's not like we will never ever have to convince anyone of something again. Nilul of course has even more dice and tricks to throw around, and she can burn WP and motes on them with abandon unlike Ayala and Fei Ling.

And critically, convincing people is not solely a mechanical exercise. Frequently I didn't even have to roll as a Face character in Exalted because I could write convincing arguments grounded in sound reasoning and mutual benefit. And the argument for defection is relatively solid.

First of all unleashing the Yozis really is complete madness. Ulyssian can draw on his memories as Odyssial in the Age of Glory to make that point. Nilul can just mention "oh hey Adorjan and Kimbery and Isidoros and Malfeas are kind of destructive here." I'm pretty sure this thought has occurred to every Infernal ever who is not a total lunatic. They may intend to 'work on it' but that really is a fairly long-term, highly ambitious project. And staking Creation's future on that project working well enough, fast enough, is a pretty terrible idea.

The second part is that they are speaking with Odyssial. Ayala has memories of the First Age and will know who Odyssial was. I suspect all Infernals would know of him, thanks to the libraries of Orabilis. Ayala can probably confirm that yes, it really is Odyssial there before them. And Odyssial who has cheated death, breaking one of the cardinal realities of the universe; if Ayala is all about SCIENCE then that feat should certainly intrigue her. And Odyssial's broader aim of remaking Creation is a goal of such sweeping ambition that all kinds of opportunities would be found for her to exercise her talents to their fullest extent. And of course, Odyssial is also just the kind of person who could see through any "reform the Yozis" project to a successful conclusion.

At the same time, both she and Fei Ling should be well aware of what happened to the enemies of Odyssial and how much it took to put him down. That's where the Intimidation specialty comes in; he doesn't need to make overt threats, his mere identity is a form of intimidation. And it lends weight to his proposal to save Creation and then change it. They know what kind of power Odyssial has already accumulated in his mere two months of Exaltation; what will he be like in five years? Ten years?

Siding with him can certainly look like a good bet. He doesn't have the same resources as the Yozis, yet, but Odyssial always finds a way. If he intends to save Creation it will happen. Aid to him is more valuable the sooner it is given; and even Odyssial counted a handful of Exalts as true peers. Wouldn't it be a good idea to get aboard the train before it leaves the station, this time around? Wouldn't it be nice to work with someone who is superbly optimal in what he does, instead of with inhuman alien titans who simply do not get human beings?

And of course Nilul is using all her tricks and efforts at the same time. It will almost certainly require compromise, give-and-take; these are allies, not subordinates. Ulyssian will need to do things for them. But such is the nature of a coalition. In return, he gains powerful allies. It won't be any different with any other allies we might seek out, not even Lealope or the Fairest.

And if they do defect we can use it to really throw a wrench into the Reclamation. The best agent is a double-agent. If Ulyssian authors a sufficiently convincing lie, or a trail of misleading evidence that they can feed to their fellow agents, we can probably insure that the Ebon Dragon sends critical resources somewhere very convenient for us and not convenient for the Reclamation. Perhaps Nilul is in the furthest West? Or maybe, heh, Skullstone or Thorns? We can certainly come up with some very useful lie, between Ulyssian, Pearl, Zao, and Nilul herself. Resources the Infernals devote to a red herring are resources not being used productively, and if we can get them into a conflict with the Deathlords or some other enemy then all the better.

And their cooperation means, even if we don't get a full picture of Yozi activities, we'll certainly wind up with a much better understanding of what the Infernals are up to. All intelligence is valuable when you have no idea what the opposition is up to.

Of course the defection would eventually be uncovered. But that's an advantage too! Because the Yozis won't know when or how the subversion happened. They won't understand why it happened. If we ramp up their paranoia toward their Infernal Exalts then they will take counterproductive action to insure themselves of Infernal loyalties. Those actions will, in turn, alienate other Infernals. The inhuman mindset of the Yozis is their greatest weakness in managing the Reclamation. We can certainly exploit it here.

As for Anys Syn, maybe we'll never negotiate with her. But would Ulyssian or Odyssial rule it out? Contingencies must be made for reasons. And it would certainly be quite useful to have her focused on rooting out Yozi agents in the Realm rather than on punishing Zao, wouldn't it?
He actually gets 13 dice on intimidation attempts, plus 2 Dawn Caste anima, plus 2 for a level one or 2 plus one sux for a level 2 stunt, plus three effective additional dice from Tiger's Dread Symmetry, so we've got a very respectable 20 effective dice as long as you're intimidating! That's not bad, really.

(Throws all of the info I have at the commissoner)

"I have no idea what I'm drawing, what am I supposed to be drawing? All I've got is a portrait. If I'm going to do this, I'm pretty much going to end up throwing shit at the wall and seeing if you like it".

I think this may be something of a flaw in the game, if someone who doesn't follow it can't actually visualize the PCs.
I'm in touch with the commission guy, still trying to figure out which characters I'm getting done up.

Seriously though, if we do a major push for stress reducing fanworks, and flash-buy the Power of Exercise, we can get down to Stress 6! I'm doing my part by spending highly limited income to garner XP for this!

Probably even more effective would be to directly devote the fanwork for Strsss reduction; you'd still get XP for it and that would definitely push you guys into the -1, possibly even the -2 Stress fanwork category!
Probably even more effective would be to directly devote the fanwork for Strsss reduction; you'd still get XP for it and that would definitely push you guys into the -1, possibly even the -2 Stress fanwork category!

Okay, that's fine, and I'll accept that.

Hmm, are you free right now? If you could get into the stream, you might be able to help refine it. I'll PM the address to you.
Okay, that's fine, and I'll accept that.

Hmm, are you free right now? If you could get into the stream, you might be able to help refine it. I'll PM the address to you.

Unfortunately not, I'm still at work! Long day at the office, I will probably not be free until an hour or so. Hoping to get a short update out tonight though.
Fair enough, I've given the artist his head for the details, here's hoping it's worthy of my sacrifice!

Moon at least looks like she's coming out decently.
Moon's done, came out okay.

Nilul I barely managed to avoid being an actual carbon copy of Big Red (Goes AFK for a few minutes, comes back to MASSIVE HORNS and fwooshy hair), but she's still fwooshy and dresses well, I hope she comes out well enough!

Okay, good news, they're done. Moon came out okay, Nilul... Has a few rough edges on her unfortunately, which kind of gives me a sad, but here's hoping it's worth pushing our Stress down a bit more.

Not the best work, but hopefully it's something. Sadly, he doesn't do lineart except on the way to a full color image, and there's no way I could have afforded that.

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Nilul is a fucking giant. Holy shit.

Nilul: "I wear platform shoes for extra disguise!"

Or alternately, Moon's just short, I dunno. The artist had no idea what the fuck to do because the available description was so sparse, and as he doesn't follow the game, he hasn't really created his own mental image.

Half of the commission was just trying to figure out what we were doing. This is a definite flaw in the writing, in that while situations and emotions are often well described, actual characters rarely are. I had no real descriptions to point the GM towards, which probably hurt the final outcome.
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We did get unfortunate timing on my work; most of the time my hours don't run this late. Which days end up being 12-16 hour days at the office tend to be unpredictable, though.

I'm gonna go with "Moon is tiny" (mainly because my mental image of her is basically Saber)

Moon is tiny, she's about ~5 feet tall, Nilul is maybe 5' 4? Uly's 5' 8 though, so it's not that big of a mismatch either way.
We did get unfortunate timing on my work; most of the time my hours don't run this late. Which days end up being 12-16 hour days at the office tend to be unpredictable, though.

Moon is tiny, she's about ~5 feet tall, Nilul is maybe 5' 4? Uly's 5' 8 though, so it's not that big of a mismatch either way.

So, what's the verdict on it?
It's good! You guys will definitely push into the -1 Stress bracket, and a ~modest amount of fanworks will get you to -2 Stress pretty easily.
It's good! You guys will definitely push into the -1 Stress bracket, and a ~modest amount of fanworks will get you to -2 Stress pretty easily.

Phew, now we just need another push of anti-Stress fanworks and we'll.. Not quite mitigate it, but get out of the Immediate Danger Will Robinson zone.

Huh, wouldn't "Academy Strategos" also mean that it improves the results of our allies? Which combined with the Study with Moon--might she actually graduate along with us now? Since she's directly benefitting from our Predictionism on top of being motivated!

(Also, we graduate with flying colors thanks to Strategos and one more study session, right?)
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We did get unfortunate timing on my work; most of the time my hours don't run this late. Which days end up being 12-16 hour days at the office tend to be unpredictable, though.

Moon is tiny, she's about ~5 feet tall, Nilul is maybe 5' 4? Uly's 5' 8 though, so it's not that big of a mismatch either way.
Ulyssian is a manlet?

Wow. He even shorter than me.
He doesn't have the same resources as the Yozis, yet, but Odyssial always finds a way.
"Here, have 4 Resources of jade stuffed inside a Goremaul. I don't really care."
"Aw, why do the newbies get Resources?"
"You have Resources 4."
"Well yeah, but taking other people's Resources always feels better."
You know Cavalier, you've put a lot of thought into this. Why are you voting for Limit Break and trying to get these guys on side at the same time, though? Don't you think experiencing Odyssial under the full power of the Great Curse would be enough to send them running for the hills?
Nilul is a fucking giant. Holy shit.
She's actually standing on a box under the robe.
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Ulyssian is a manlet?

Wow. He even shorter than me.

Dex is the godstat whereas Strength is only marginally useful, so of course he would have the optimal body type for the physics of the world he inhabits...

"Here, have 4 Resources of jade stuffed inside a Goremaul. I don't really care."
"Aw, why do the newbies get Resources?"
"You have Resources 4."
"Well yeah, but taking other people's Resources always feels better."

You know Cavalier, you've put a lot of thought into this. Why are you voting for Limit Break and trying to get these guys on side at the same time, though? Don't you think experiencing Odyssial under the full power of the Great Curse would be enough to send them running for the hills?

She's actually standing on a box under the robe.

That's only if you Limit Break directly during your interation with them! Which, while hilarious, is harder to justify, since you're not really getting Stress until the month after.
We might have an opportunity to Limit Break in comparative safety out in the Threshold soon enough. If we can figure out what his Limit condition is, anyway. Given that killing Polemgaos really pushed it up, I'm guessing it's something to do with what happens when Odyssial takes an action and it has unforeseen/unintended consequences.
Dex is the godstat whereas Strength is only marginally useful, so of course he would have the optimal body type for the physics of the world he inhabits...

That's only if you Limit Break directly during your interation with them! Which, while hilarious, is harder to justify, since you're not really getting Stress until the month after.
Question Rihaku, how did lea react when Odyssial first limit break and what did she do ever since?
We might have an opportunity to Limit Break in comparative safety out in the Threshold soon enough. If we can figure out what his Limit condition is, anyway. Given that killing Polemgaos really pushed it up, I'm guessing it's something to do with what happens when Odyssial takes an action and it has unforeseen/unintended consequences.

Hmm, not precisely, though one data point isn't much to go on.
That's only if you Limit Break directly during your interation with them! Which, while hilarious, is harder to justify, since you're not really getting Stress until the month after.
I kind of assumed they'd be hanging around after this if we successfully recruited them, so once we Limit Break in the next month or two...
We might have an opportunity to Limit Break in comparative safety out in the Threshold soon enough. If we can figure out what his Limit condition is, anyway. Given that killing Polemgaos really pushed it up, I'm guessing it's something to do with what happens when Odyssial takes an action and it has unforeseen/unintended consequences.

I don't think it's going to be that easy; do you?

We know we're gaining Stress from loading ourselves down with work, why do you think we'll magically Limit Break at the exact point when it's most beneficial to us, well away from everyone we care about?