[Exalted, ?] Most High

I'm for flash buying. The plan not only outs the infernals it also sticks them with the blame for our mistake. There are also several other positive aspects to it. This means that Niful gets to stand up to her fear of Infernals in a manner that should give here confidence. If we play it really well we may get an chance to be involved in taking down two Anathema which would give us massive amounts of prestige.
The Sword That Falls
The Sword That Falls

As Cathak Polemgaos fell, Ulyssian returned to a ready stance, blade held aloft before him, ready to ward off any sudden retaliation. He awaited the legendary hero's Phoenix Blaze Revival with a mix of anticipation and caution. Slowly to his enhanced senses, glacial in the speed of battle-time, Polemgaos toppled, blood filling the air.

The general toppled, and shivered, and did not move.

A small eternity trickled by, the sands of the arena sifting gently downward, as if through an hourglass.

Ulyssian took a forward step, threatening a more aggressive stance.

Cathak Polemgaos did not move.

Darting onwards, Ulyssian struck, a cleaving blow to the fallen body's Achilles tendon that would arc up, culminating in a hamstrung leg and severed wrist. If Polemgaos thought to play possum against him, Ulyssian would take maximum possible advantage.

The leg flopped limply. The wrist was severed, near to the point of amputation. Ulyssian returned to stance, blade raised to fend off attacks.

The slowly fomenting seed of an idea that had bubbled up in the back of his mind, came to the fore. Polemgaos wasn't faking. He was...

"DOCTOR!" He roared, rushing forward, blade still held in a side-readied position in case it was, all of it, all still a trick. But it wasn't. As Exalted chirurgeons exploded from the arena entrances, and Cathak Vaela's cry of utter heart-wrenched despair split the silence, Ulyssian understood the truth.

He had sought to test himself, and had killed Cathak Polemgaos. The man whose exploits he'd read about since he was a child... those exploits ended today.

He arrived next to Polemgaos, examining the wound that had near riven the Cathak general in two, Saery's lessons bubbling up with the damnable speed of his Exalted memory. Shoulder to spine was a shattered ruin. An Exalt could recover from much, but Ulyssian did not see a way to fix this. Almost instinctively, his eyes flashed from wound point to wound point, as if by their movements they could somehow stitch the broken man together. But all he saw was futility, everywhere he looked. The general's eyes stared up at him, dead. A grin of some kind was affixed to his bloodied face.

Defeating Polemgaos in the three short exchanges they'd had, would have been a major coup. Killing Polemgaos...

Gently, but firmly, he was pushed aside by the small troupe of elite physicians that crowded around Polemgaos. Their leader, a Wood Aspect whose gnarled beard resembled the sprawling roots of a great oak, briefly shook his head.

"He's done. Call the match."

"I- I retire from the tournament," Ulyssian said, finding his strength, letting his voice carry. "Let it be as if... no one won this match."

The Wood Aspect ignored him, merely pointing businesslike at the official's stands where the judges sat. Ulyssian turned swiftly, already recovering his composure. Tepet Arada in the central judge's chair gave him a weary nod, while beside him, Cathak Tolemdos looked down with wide eyes, fury and livid shock etched across his face.

"The match between Cathak Polemgaos and Sesus Ulyssian," Arada said, "ended by draw. Sesus, you may confer with your second. The Investigative Committee will be with you shortly. Intermission!"

He struck the podium with his jade war-fan, and all across the arena a hubbub of furious conversation arose.

Ulyssian turned and strode out of the arena, thoughts churning. At that moment his control over the flow of battle had been absolute. He could have gone for a surer incapacitating strike: a blow applied with less force, but to the cranium, with enough precision to force unconsciousness, but not enough to be unrecoverable by Exalted standards. Instead he had decided to satisfy his curiosity by observing directly how Polemgaos' immortality worked. He hadn't accounted for the chance that it simply wouldn't.

He had tried to serve two goals - win the duel, sate his curiosity - with one stroke. Too confident in his tactical advantage, he had overlooked the greater picture. A mistake of pride. A lack of foresight. And it had resulted in the death of one of the great heroes of the Realm.

This was what it meant to be Exalted.

Nilul caught him alone in the hallways, her illusory disguise sliding away like paint off bare skin. Seeing his expression, hers rapidly changed, a devious smile seeming to overtake her face.

"Ulyssian," she whispered, sidling up to him, "Congratulations on your victory! The way you just, beat up, Cathak Polemgaos was so hot..." She fanned herself, foxily narrowing her eyes.

"Nilul," he growled, snapping back to his usual irritated scowl, as all prior thoughts fled him mind in the face of her brazen statement.

She merely smirked, and pulled him down a corridor, continuing only to whisper. "It's good to see you too, Uly. I'm assuming you didn't intend on killing a Hero of the Realm?"

"No," he said, "it was my mistake. I wanted to see for myself what his method of 'immortality' was, and held nothing back, despite this being an nonlethal contest. The Investigative Committee will likely see me soon. I think I can convince them I did not intend to kill him."

"The Committee is headed by Cathak Riven," Nilul replied. "He won't care what you intended. You're not planning on going without me, are you?"

"What?" Ulyssian glared down at her. "Of course I am. You'll be exposed to the Infernals if you're seen. And..."

"No." Nilul said, placing a finger against his lips. "You can do that to Hero, but you don't get to do it to me."

She brought her hand down, smiling. Despite her composure he saw the anxiety in her eyes. Apparent, for all her skill at deception. The turmoil inside was likely tremendous.

"And besides," she added, staring brightly up at him, "you'll protect me, won't you? Uly."

"Are... you sure about this?" He asked, wondering what had gotten into her.

"Absolutely not," she said, and her voice broke as she maneuvered around him, taking his arm in hers, "So let's go before I change my mind."


"Don't talk," she said gently, as they walked out of the shadows, "just stand there and look pretty, maybe a bit remorseful but not stricken. You leave the talking to me."

As they walked, Nilul's features shifted subtly, leaving her looking slightly different on all accounts, though the broad strokes of her appearance were the same. It was a weak disguise, made in the perhaps vain hope that the Infernals would not recognize her, for she could not change so much that others who had seen her last night would comment.

They went forth, into the public's eyes, into the waiting questions of the Investigative Committee. Those Nilul handled, or deflected, or twisted around, dancing through accusations like sprinting untouched through the rain. The Princess of Lies in her element soon had them utterly defeated, and Sesus Ulyssian was cleared of all wrongdoing.

The Tournament Intermission ended. The date and time of Cathak Polemgaos' funeral were announced, and the spectacle went on.

All the while, Ulyssian kept his hearing attuned to the Mnemon girl, Ayala, and her retainer. Ayala had noticeably shifted when Nilul had entered public view. That implied strongly that the Infernals had not overheard last night's conversation, but had recognized her when she'd emerged today.

Nilul donned a different disguise and faded into obscurity, staying relatively close to Ulyssian, as he shadowed the Infernals in the hours before Ayala's match, listening carefully for any sorcerous or supernatural communication.

"So!" he heard Ayala say, as she paced barefoot around her chambers. Her rags swished in the air as she walked. "Today's become very interesting!"

"So," replied the retainer, Fei Ling, whose musical voice was tinted with amusement.

The "mortal's" steps were unnaturally light; she drifted over the floorboards like a breeze, war-chain jingling.

"That girl is the one that he's looking for," Ayala mused. "When I'm done with today's fight, I should send him a messenger, let him know we've found her."

"And her patsy?" Fei Ling asked, "she's found herself a powerful protector. What is that, Zao's son?"

"The Shogun as her guardian, and his son..." Ayala hummed. "It makes sense, I suppose. The Shogun line is known for its power above all, and its proficiency at elemental manipulation, second. That anima sword technique - my past incarnations saw similar things in the First Age, though they used a lot more heat than cutting power. Among the Dragon-Blooded, at least."

"I could strike now," the retainer mused. "While he's still exhausted from the fight with Polemgaos. Assuming they are in their chambers, or making preparations to leave. If they're not, I'll find them regardless."

"It's not our mission," Ayala reprimanded. "We're here in the name of science, Ling Ling! There is no higher calling."

Ulyssian considered this. Nilul could bind oaths like an Eclipse caste. If Ayala was not willing to breach the border between worlds until after she'd finished her battle, perhaps they could avail upon the Infernals immediately after her fight, while Ayala was likely to be exhausted, and secure oaths of silence rather than killing them. They didn't seem wholeheartedly dedicated to the cause of the Dragon's Shadow, in any case.

"I'm not sure, Uly," said Nilul when he relayed this plan, worrying her lip. "Just because they're sworn doesn't mean they can't give it away under duress, and he'll know if they're hiding something whenever he talks to them directly. I don't think we should even attack, it would cause too much of a fuss and could attract attention. Our best bet is just to go. Zao can protect us, while you grow strong. And if I have to leave and hide... well, it was my own stupid choice."


[ ] Leave Directly
, as Nilul wants. Even if the Infernals catch wind of her, she can be far gone before they strike at Zao, or at the very least you will be stronger before they can amass a significant force. [+75,000 XP]

[ ] Negotiations - The Infernals do not seem especially unreasonable. Perhaps a direct confrontation and negotiation will be best. A favorable result would certainly be safer than leaving directly, though in the worst case Nilul's secret could still be revealed to the Dragon.
-[ ] Try to turn them from Hell's service. Extremely difficult in all likelihood, but the Princess of Lies is at your side to help!
-[ ] Just try to convince them to swear an oath keeping quiet about Nilul. Much easier.

Both Negotiation subvotes will contribute to the strength of Negotiation in this decision point; they do not fragment the overall voting strength of the option.

[ ] Assassination - The only way to be sure. Strike while Ayala is exhausted, immediately after they return. You can make the fight brief, in any case, and you'll be fully prepared while they will be caught unawares and weakened. [+150,000 XP if successful]


Anyway, assuming you survive the encounter (which is... quite probable? I'd say), you have one more month of training left before Zao declares you too powerful to be wasting your time on training, and kicks you out to protect Creation!

Strategos has already won, so please choose between [ ] Ordering the Constellations and [ ] The King Stands Alone.

You are currently at 5 (modified) Stress. I wonder if your Limit-acquiring condition was triggered... Pick one, plus one additional option per 1 Stress you'll accept in addition.

[ ] Relax With Friends
- This option is not compatible with "Arch-Predictionist." You may not see your friends for several months after this, possibly even years. Take the time to pace your training and say your goodbyes. Even Odyssial accepted moments of suboptimal performance, for the sake of Pearl or Lea. [-2 Stress]
-[ ] You may choose one friend to focus on. Moon has her own option, so don't choose her.

[ ] Medical Balm - Pearl was wounded last week on a mission, and her injury has not improved. The wound festers with a vile blackness that resembles the power of the Deathlords. Zao believes she can be treated with a rare herb from the North-Eastern Threshold, the same region where she was wounded. Given that Ivory was hurt, though, this is not a task he can entrust to just anyone. Someone martially capable, an adept infiltrator and master of disguise, might be able to get in and out... [+1 additional Stress]

[ ] Arch-Predictionist - The war-mind of the Lord Strategos, re-awakened, reaches out to seize the world, and re-shape it in his grasp. This is the Art of Prediction, taken to Solar height. Each option below adds 1 Stress.
-[ ] Naval - The Navy is losing men and material every day to massive attrition. This can be mitigated. Auguries of great storms to come, the shift and flow of Western trading patterns, and even the overall tides of conflict can be mapped out for the months to come. Armed with plans crafted from such knowledge, the Navy can begin to reverse its precipitous losses. It is power such as this that lead Zao to despair that his enemies were the Solars, and to hope again.
-[ ] Academy - You may focus your attentions on a matter of more personal import, studying the ways in which the Academy's curriculum could be further improved and its defenses, fortified. Improves Zao's survival chance, improves the growth rate of your classmates. Few large-scale immediate effects.
-[ ] House - The Naval Academy, of course, houses many definitive records on the Navy and the Academy. For this series of predictions, however, you will have to rely on your own intimate knowledge of House Sesus. Tutored from an early age, you are a Dynastic scion, if a neglected one - but now you can bend the fortunes of Sesus on a stronger path, anticipating their hardships, giving certainty to opportunities seized, as long as they come to depend on you. Increases your relationship with your House, by virtue of your sheer strategic usefulness. Greatly improves the standing of House Sesus in the months to come.
-[ ] Write-In - You will require a definitive source relating to the prediction you want to make.

[ ] Studying With Moon
- You need only take this once to graduate with excellent scores, though Moon herself won't be able to graduate until two months from now. She'll do her best to conceal her jealousy!
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I'm for flash buying. The plan not only outs the infernals it also sticks them with the blame for our mistake. There are also several other positive aspects to it. This means that Niful gets to stand up to her fear of Infernals in a manner that should give here confidence. If we play it really well we may get an chance to be involved in taking down two Anathema which would give us massive amounts of prestige.
I dunno man, we'd have to go full Hamlet here to get that outcome.

Do you really want to go full Hamlet?
[X] Relax With Friends - This option is not compatible with "Arch-Predictionist." You may not see your friends for several months after this, possibly even years. Take the time to pace your training and say your goodbyes. Even Odyssial accepted moments of suboptimal performance, for the sake of Pearl or Lea. [-2 Stress]
-[X] Ivory

[X] Medical Balm - Pearl was wounded last week on a mission, and her injury has not improved. The wound festers with a vile blackness that resembles the power of the Deathlords. Zao believes she can be treated with a rare herb from the North-Eastern Threshold, the same region where she was wounded. Given that Ivory was hurt, though, this is not a task he can entrust to just anyone. Someone martially capable, an adept infiltrator and master of disguise, might be able to get in and out... [+1 additional Stress]

[X] Studying With Moon - You need only take this once to graduate with excellent scores, though Moon herself won't be able to graduate until two months from now. She'll do her best to conceal her jealousy!

Net +1 Stress, saves Ivory, and covers most of our bases. I just wish we had more opportunities to reduce Stress! Whatever happened to EXTREME CONDITIONING?
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hm. I'm tempted to go All Red All the Time here. 150 k XP is tempting, and even if the Infernals are turned from Hell for the nonce they still know things that we would rather they didn't.

Hooray for limit break! It seems inevitable at this point more's the pity. I'll go with Alectai's plan though because why the hell not.
[x] Alectai's Plan
[X] Relax With Friends - This option is not compatible with "Arch-Predictionist." You may not see your friends for several months after this, possibly even years. Take the time to pace your training and say your goodbyes. Even Odyssial accepted moments of suboptimal performance, for the sake of Pearl or Lea. [-2 Stress]
-[X] Ivory

[X] Medical Balm - Pearl was wounded last week on a mission, and her injury has not improved. The wound festers with a vile blackness that resembles the power of the Deathlords. Zao believes she can be treated with a rare herb from the North-Eastern Threshold, the same region where she was wounded. Given that Ivory was hurt, though, this is not a task he can entrust to just anyone. Someone martially capable, an adept infiltrator and master of disguise, might be able to get in and out... [+1 additional Stress]

[X] Studying With Moon - You need only take this once to graduate with excellent scores, though Moon herself won't be able to graduate until two months from now. She'll do her best to conceal her jealousy!

Net +1 Stress, saves Ivory, and covers most of our bases.

Zao is pretty sure Ivory won't die, but she will be somewhat Incapacitated and useless until she's cured.
[X] Negotiations - The Infernals do not seem especially unreasonable. Perhaps a direct confrontation and negotiation will be best. A favorable result would certainly be safer than leaving directly, though in the worst case Nilul's secret could still be revealed to the Dragon.
-[X] Try to turn them from Hell's service. Extremely difficult in all likelihood, but the Princess of Lies is at your side to help!

Well, not quite so fortunate in their orientations as hoped, but I think my write-in can still stand. Letting the Yozis out as they stand is a terrible idea. Ulyssian through Odyssial can provide them a firsthand account of what they were like in the Age of Glory, as if they need more examples than actually living around Malfeas has given them. And since Ayala does have memories of the First Age he can trade on the currency of being friggin' Odyssial to back up his words about saving and remaking Creation. Having Nilul around as a master manipulator to support his arguments gives this a not unwelcome chance of success.

Ayala as a Celestial and, likely soon enough, Adamant level Sorcerer is an immense asset. Nor is she unlikeable enough to justify murdering right away. Fei Ling as a more combat-oriented Infernal, probably Adorjani, would be another useful asset. And knowing more about Hell's plans would certainly be useful in the long term. But if it fails we can always go right to trying to kill them.
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Relax with friends seems pretty OP, it's almost 2 free actions. Well we'd be giving up the uber powerful predictions but still... I'll have to think about it.

[X] Negotiations
- The Infernals do not seem especially unreasonable. Perhaps a direct confrontation and negotiation will be best. A favorable result would certainly be safer than leaving directly, though in the worst case Nilul's secret could still be revealed to the Dragon.
-[X] Try to turn them from Hell's service. Extremely difficult in all likelihood, but the Princess of Lies is at your side to help!

Hard to do science when you're dead... but sadly not impossible, still worth a shot I'd say.

[X] Ordering the Constellations

Who knows how often we'll be facing 2+ worthy foes (probably pretty often) but the Constellation will always be there for us.
Relax with friends seems pretty OP, it's almost 2 free actions. Well we'd be giving up the uber powerful predictions but still... I'll have to think about it.

It would be OP if it allowed Arch-Predictionist! And also not make a lot of sense.

hm. I'm tempted to go All Red All the Time here. 150 k XP is tempting, and even if the Infernals are turned from Hell for the nonce they still know things that we would rather they didn't.

Hooray for limit break! It seems inevitable at this point more's the pity. I'll go with Alectai's plan though because why the hell not.
[x] Alectai's Plan

Well, remember, you do need a lot of Limit (10) to actually Limit break, so unless you spend lots of WP resisting stuff...
Yeah, this is really a rock and a hard place, the only option that doesn't guarantee 2+ Stress per bonus pick is the Moon one, and the only option that reduces Stress locks out the one that has the biggest impact in the future.

I mean, if we're willing to go all in, we can definitely make a lot of impact, but it'll come at risking Limit Break, and that'll be really fucking uncomfortable if it happens anytime we're still in the Realm.
[X] Studying With Moon

How could I not vote for this?

[X] Relax With Friends
-[X] Ivory

We've neglected Ivory for too long, seen entirely too much of Nilul, and Moon has her own option... so Ivory is the natural result here. Poor Hero!

[X] Medical Balm

We really ought to spend some time with Ivory, and it appears that she needs our aid; she's supposed to mete out endings, not suffer them herself!
Priorities, priorities...

[X] Negotiations - The Infernals do not seem especially unreasonable. Perhaps a direct confrontation and negotiation will be best. A favorable result would certainly be safer than leaving directly, though in the worst case Nilul's secret could still be revealed to the Dragon.
-[X] Try to turn them from Hell's service. Extremely difficult in all likelihood, but the Princess of Lies is at your side to help!

Well, not quite so fortunate in their orientations as hoped, but I think my write-in can still stand. Letting the Yozis out as they stand is a terrible idea. Ulyssian through Odyssial can provide them a firsthand account of what they were like in the Age of Glory, as if they need more examples than actually living around Malfeas has given them. And since Ayala does have memories of the First Age he can trade on the currency of being friggin' Odyssial to back up his words about saving and remaking Creation. Having Nilul around as a master manipulator to support his arguments gives this a not unwelcome chance of success.

Ayala as a Celestial and, likely soon enough, Adamant level Sorcerer is an immense asset. Nor is she unlikeable enough to justify murdering right away. Fei Ling as a more combat-oriented Infernal, probably Adorjani, would be another useful asset. And knowing more about Hell's plans would certainly be useful in the long term. But if it fails we can always go right to trying to kill them.

Indeed, though they wouldn't be ambushed as they would if Assassination won, and you wouldn't get as great an XP bounty. But that is the cost of flexibility.

If they do swear to keep quiet, do you still intend to kill them? Assuming they won't join you.
I think part of it was not realizing how bad the Stress had gotten. Also, now that Ulyssian HAS the Strategos package he can use it in general. Granted it requires prep time, but the whole Stress Mechanic is making us leery of it at the moment I think.
As for what to do, well...

[X] Arch-Predictionist - The war-mind of the Lord Strategos, re-awakened, reaches out to seize the world, and re-shape it in his grasp. This is the Art of Prediction, taken to Solar height. Each option below adds 1 Stress.
-[X] Naval - The Navy is losing men and material every day to massive attrition. This can be mitigated. Auguries of great storms to come, the shift and flow of Western trading patterns, and even the overall tides of conflict can be mapped out for the months to come. Armed with plans crafted from such knowledge, the Navy can begin to reverse its precipitous losses. It is power such as this that lead Zao to despair that his enemies were the Solars, and to hope again.
-[X] Academy - You may focus your attentions on a matter of more personal import, studying the ways in which the Academy's curriculum could be further improved and its defenses, fortified. Improves Zao's survival chance, improves the growth rate of your classmates. Few large-scale immediate effects.

[X] Medical Balm - Pearl was wounded last week on a mission, and her injury has not improved. The wound festers with a vile blackness that resembles the power of the Deathlords. Zao believes she can be treated with a rare herb from the North-Eastern Threshold, the same region where she was wounded. Given that Ivory was hurt, though, this is not a task he can entrust to just anyone. Someone martially capable, an adept infiltrator and master of disguise, might be able to get in and out... [+1 additional Stress]

[X] Studying With Moon - You need only take this once to graduate with excellent scores, though Moon herself won't be able to graduate until two months from now. She'll do her best to conceal her jealousy!

Well. That's +4 Stress by my count. A bloody lot, to be sure. It puts Ulyssian at 9 Stress. Kind of dangerous. On the other hand, he'll be out in the field soon and will be able to vent in a Limit Break there. And Limit Breaks don't make you stupid. They just accentuate some inherent flaw. Heart of Flint-like behavior would be too convenient for Ulyssian's Limit Break, so it's probably some kind of Megalomania or willful disregard of others for Super-Training gotta git gud right away, or something similar. We probably don't need to fear exposure.

And the Predictionist options are just too important unless we're resigned to going out to the Threshold with waifu in tow. People said they weren't willing to start the Realm Civil War because we weren't ready; so we need to get ready. Helping make Zao's survival more likely is certainly useful there. This has good synergy with recruiting the two Infernals, as those are two more Solar-level Exalted adept in moving within the Realm that Anys Syn won't expect hanging out there. And keeping the Navy intact is pretty damned vital to the Realm. Sacrifices have to be made, and risks taken; we should make them now, rather than lament when Zao is (yet again) killed and Ulyssian is off in the wilds of the Threshold and won't accomplish anything of importance (yet again).
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I think part of it was not realizing how bad the Stress had gotten. Also, now that Ulyssian HAS the Strategos package he can use it in general. Granted it requires prep time, but the whole Stress Mechanic is making us leery of it at the moment I think.

Even Limit Break might be worth it, if you make a large enough impact. This the very fate of Creation's navies you are poised to change!
As for what to do, well...

[X] Arch-Predictionist - The war-mind of the Lord Strategos, re-awakened, reaches out to seize the world, and re-shape it in his grasp. This is the Art of Prediction, taken to Solar height. Each option below adds 1 Stress.
-[X] Naval - The Navy is losing men and material every day to massive attrition. This can be mitigated. Auguries of great storms to come, the shift and flow of Western trading patterns, and even the overall tides of conflict can be mapped out for the months to come. Armed with plans crafted from such knowledge, the Navy can begin to reverse its precipitous losses. It is power such as this that lead Zao to despair that his enemies were the Solars, and to hope again.
-[X] Academy - You may focus your attentions on a matter of more personal import, studying the ways in which the Academy's curriculum could be further improved and its defenses, fortified. Improves Zao's survival chance, improves the growth rate of your classmates. Few large-scale immediate effects.

[X] Medical Balm - Pearl was wounded last week on a mission, and her injury has not improved. The wound festers with a vile blackness that resembles the power of the Deathlords. Zao believes she can be treated with a rare herb from the North-Eastern Threshold, the same region where she was wounded. Given that Ivory was hurt, though, this is not a task he can entrust to just anyone. Someone martially capable, an adept infiltrator and master of disguise, might be able to get in and out... [+1 additional Stress]

[X] Studying With Moon - You need only take this once to graduate with excellent scores, though Moon herself won't be able to graduate until two months from now. She'll do her best to conceal her jealousy!

Well. That's +4 Stress by my count. A bloody lot, to be sure. It puts Ulyssian at 9 Stress.
I think that's five? 2 from taking extra options, 3 from option results.
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Priorities, priorities...

Indeed, though they wouldn't be ambushed as they would if Assassination won, and you wouldn't get as great an XP bounty. But that is the cost of flexibility.

If they do swear to keep quiet, do you still intend to kill them? Assuming they won't join you.

If they make the Oath to keep quiet they can be kept alive. But we should tell them, in that case, that Nilul is going to take on a new identity far away from the Academy. And swear that she will as part of the Oath. So the Infernals know their prey won't be at the Academy even so. They'll probably guess she may be somewhere around Ulyssian, later on, but oh well; Hell, Yu Shan, the Realm, the Deathlords, the Raksha, the Handsome Monkey King... what's one more source of danger?