## Fanwork (An attempt at stunting the Cathak fight despite a screaming lack of rules knowledge) Wordcount: 703
Sesus Ulyssian stood before the crowd as it watched in silent, but mounting anticipation. How could it not when a fight between two such storied Chosen was about to commence. Sesus Ulyssian, the secret apprentice of Zao, who spent years beneath the masquerade of a mortal before revealed himself to protect his dearest friend, and who had effortlessly extinguished a Perfect Brotherhood of Immaculate shikari to prove his power and blood.
Facing this newcomer was the illustrious Cathak Polemgaos, Saint of the Immaculate Order, Thrice-crowned Master of Flames, fourteen time winner of this very tournament, who had faced some of the deadliest Anathema to walk Creation, including the dreaded Ma-Ha-Suchi. Polemgaos was the favorite to win, with deep powers and an uncontested history of excellence. Ulyssian was not completely written off however, and as combat began it became clear why that was.
The chosen successor of the legendary Admiral Zao was no stranger to battle, and quickly seized the initiative in a blinding display of skill. He closed the distance between the two combatants between the blinks of an eye, swifter than even the vaunted eyes of many of the Dragon's Chosen who watched. Again, and again, his wishmetal blade clashed against his opponent.
He could gain no purchase though, as his every blow was met and matched by the Cathak's own peerless skill. Onward and onward the battle moved, as each tried and failed to find or force an opening in the other fighter's guard. The power and majesty of both men was on display, as was the greatness of their armaments.
Odyssian's blade flashed like the sun itself, the wishmetal it was forged of moving to guard every approach and strike with what seemed the speed of thought. His armor, the legendary Storm Armor of Admiral Zao shielded him in preternatural ways, and allowed him to move in 3 dimensions with a skill that an Air Aspect would envy.
Cathak Polemgaos weapons were equally mighty, though of a lesser quality than his opponents. His short spear Iron Tail, forged from Red Jade by the greatest artisans of the Realm, stretched forth to smite his foe, extending and contracting to place itself at the optimal range at all times. His armor, Iron Scale, was full plate, perfectly articulated in such a manner to almost perfectly allow his range of movement.
As each man strove to find a weakness in the others form, none appeared. The deadly lava of Iron Tail remained within, while the unsurpassed excellence of the blade Ambition served only to keep its bearer at a reasonable parity with his deadly foe. Ulyssian strove with every inch of his being to defeat his foe, while Polemgaos withstood him with the confidence of the mighty and the assurance of history.
The Arena itself was less redoubtable than its occupants. The sheer power and force behind the blows that were struck caused damaged, and rendered the floor treacherous and yet another hazard to be dealt with.
In the end, it was the environment itself and a fluke of random chance that decided the victor. Retreating in order to counter attack Cathak Polemgaos slipped ever so slightly upon a loose flagstone that had felt clear to him but a moment before. Most would never notice the weakness in his stance, or the slight opening that it allowed, but to the peerless senses of Sesus Ulyssian's Cathak's misstep was as loud and obvious as the angry roar of the Emperyeal Chaos itself.
The momentum from the countless clashes rested briefly with Ulyssian, and in that fell moment he struck with all of his power, seeking not to kill, but to incapacitate. His opponent was deadly, and capable of withstanding tremendous force and damage without harm. He was not however proof against the flat of the blade Ambition striking his forehead with enough precisely calculated force, that despite his native durability and the almost mythic perfection of Iron Scale, he was out like the sun during Calibration.
In the end, Youth and Ambition had defeated Age and Complacence, despite the tremendous difference in experience. Random chance had ruled the day, and Sesus Ulyssian stood upon the broken ruins of the Arena in Victory.