Finally, I have access to a computer again.
[x] Wild Revelry - Nilul has a point. Maybe this won't be so bad. His other friends must be concerned, and there is a bridge to mend with his family, before the Sesus burn it. Hero's loyalty, Saery's genuine worry - he shouldn't forget about them, as well. He is better at this than he used to be, and maybe he can get some honor-duels out of the thing. It won't be as productive as training, but he'll take what he can get. And... it might be a little bit fun, as well. Though not as fun as training. However, the rampage of riotous celebration that is a full-on Dynastic Calibration Feast with Dragon-Blooded constitutions means he will almost inevitably miss Moon's awakening, as well as several hours of memories. Hopefully Zao will be there to explain things to her. [Chance to earn Background Merits, including potentially Artifacts, Deepen friendships]
Ironically, if we had chosen Develop Connections, I would have chosen to spend Calibration training. However, I feel that since we chose to stay in the Academy and train, we should spend this time socially.
While the bonus XP and more interactions with Moon are indeed attractive, both things can be found in relative abundance as we chose the P&S option. Conversely, opportunities to interact socially with other Dynast outside of the Academy would be harder to come by, especially with Sesus. Furthermore, since we would be going to the Calibration party with Nilul, we can at least count on her to head off situations that could possibly result in us being revealed as a Solar.
Indeed, while personal power and accomplishments indeed do mean much in Realm politics, the other side of the coin is political connections and influence. Currently, we have already snubbed our house by hiding our Exaltation. If we do not at least attempt to mend fences with them, then its likely that we would become estranged from them. Compared to training, this is a time sensitive option, as we did choose the plan that gives us the greatest amount of time for personal training. After all, currently, our XP would only allow us 1-2 months worth of intensive training. Delaying it by a few days would not set us back too far, even counting the 80k that we would not get.
Anys knows that we are a Solar and that we have subverted Ivory. Thus, she would be moving her pieces into place to try and ensure that we are revealed as such as it would also weaken her opposition. By having greater support from our family and more political connections, we would be able to weather the storm better as our house would be willing to expend at least some effort to protect us, considering the prestige we have from being Zao's heir. However, that support would be contingent in the house believing that we possess some modicum of loyalty to their house. If we do not visit them now and try to mend fences, regardless of what excuses we use later, they would be likely to believe that we have thrown in totally with Zao and thus cannot be trusted to consider their interest at all, and thus they would not expend resources on helping us at all. Thus, using Zao as an excuse for why we cannot attend would probably be counterproductive, as it would only solidify their thoughts about us being solely loyal to Zao and not caring about the house.
Conversely, if they believe that we can be trusted to at least consider helping House Sesus when they ask us of it, they would be willing to spend resources and political capital on helping us advance our goals, as well as protecting us from the politicking of the other houses. This also has the advantage of ensuring that they would not feel slighted by Zao taking one of their DB. We do not need any embers, with Anys fanning the flames.
While Zao is likely the strongest and most influential DB still alive, he is but a single individual. He can only be so many places at once, and his resources are not as great as what one of the Great Houses can bring to bear. We are already stretched quite thin, and Zao needs to spend his influence on numerous different projects. Therefore, I feel that spending the time and effort to ensure that House Sesus becomes our ally instead of an enemy to be worth it. While we will be able to deal with them even if they are hostile in the future, that would eat up valuable time and effort that could be better spent elsewhere.