Evil is Coming - Youjo Senki/Dresden Files

OTOH he didn't even explain the laws of magic to Tanya despite her being a child and his sore point about child warlocks.
In the books he has the laws printed out on fliers, hands them out to newbies so they don't get in trouble. Handed Tanya one during their meeting, you must have missed the scene.

In "enemy get point-to-point", "get" should be either gets or got.
"to what" -> "to do what"
I cannot help but imagine the bar scene and imagine the look on Dresden's face when Tanya introduced herself 0-0
Well Dresden is definitely not a TV chair historian due to well, being raised by ebenzer who was alive at the time of the civil war at least and also being unable to watch t v.
Don't expect him to understand political theory though.
Despite politicking with the best of fairies, he is the furthest thing from subtle.

OTOH he didn't even explain the laws of magic to Tanya despite her being a child and his sore point about child warlocks.
Harry did try to explain the Laws with a pamphlet and Tanya looked at it then blew that off with the idea the Council will be after her anyway. Which, yeah, band of 50 military trained warlocks using magic to infiltrate a hotel and execute other humans she's not far from wrong.

Harry was actually raised for most of his young life by his dad, then he spent some time in an orphanage, then Justin raised him for years. He'd have probably been with Justin when he was supposed to learn about WWII, and Justin was pretty big on grades. Unfortunately, a lot of the American educational system is simplified or sanitized and the media generally does not put forth much effort to correct that. Easier for teachers to say 'lots of alliances' than explain realpolitik and go on massive tangents into communism and Poland's history and economics and so forth.
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Which, yeah, band of 50 military strained warlocks using magic to infiltrate a hotel and execute other humans she's not far from wrong.
Ah, but they used guns to do the actual killing.
Unlike harry, the wc is not going to wait for their explanation.
If they follow the laws,I can see them landing a cushy position as combat assets with the council.
Also Tanya's objective of closing the possibility of dimension travel aligns with the council line.
Myself, I'm just wondering about the Imperial high command reasoning to send Tanya and her squadron into a one-way trip into an untested machine that for all their know, kills everyone that uses it.

Yes, it will definitely solve the loose end, but they are sending an irreplaceable veteran unit full of aces into a one way trip pursuing an unremarkable squad. (as seen since Tanya squad hotel op could erradicate them with little trouble, no aces in the fleeing squad, right)

they are still needed in order to fight a war. Is the war already won?

Tanya did make too many enemies in high command and someone wants to get rid of her? High Command believes that Tanya is so op, that she can find a way out, even when she is there to prevent anyone coming back???

It's like sending an elite aircraft carrier into a tornado following a coastguard with the plans of an untested WMD. (a little overkill, IMHO)
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Myself, I'm just wondering about the Imperial high command reasoning to send Tanya and her squadron into a one-way trip into an untested machine that for all their know, kills everyone that uses it.

Yes, it will definitely solve the loose end, but they are sending an irreplaceable veteran unit full of aces into a one way trip pursuing an unremarkable squad. (as seen since Tanya squad hotel op could erradicate them with little trouble, no aces in the fleeing squad, right)
Good point. However, as far as the Empire knows, the machine isn't untested, especially since some people just ran through it, the only ones that know enough to realize how dangerous it is are the ones that built it. And the Empire doesn't really seem to consider anybody irreplaceable, Tanya's group may be unique but they still get sent on extremely dangerous missions with little hope of victory. Now that the idea of that kind of unit exists, they could theoretically be replaced.

In your analogy, the coastguard would be heading to an enemy country presumed to have a giant army ready for mobilization of that WMD.
Well, as long as the story isn't go back to the empire again, it probably can be hand-wave to that the situation somehow leads to that point.

It's depends on what's source of your information (I didn't watch the anime). But the impression I got from LN/manga is that Empire has severe manpower/supplies issue even before Orse Fjord assults. (And later novel seems like even more nations are attacking empire)

No soilder in the field can really be called irreplaceable as there's always a chance of death.

Also tanya unit seems to be sent to dangerous mission not due to being replaceable, but their performance seems overwhelming better than standard mage,
When you have mission success at 10% with weak team, and 50% with tanya squad. , most general will choose the latter,
What exactly could a Dresdenverse wizard do with somebody's freely given name? I'm not all that familiar with Dresden Files.
What exactly could a Dresdenverse wizard do with somebody's freely given name? I'm not all that familiar with Dresden Files.
Target them with almost any spell they know with practically no chance of resistance, even if they're another wizard who could usually defend against it.

Admittedly, a lot of the nastier stuff would break the laws of magic. So, if you used someone's True Name to kill them the White Council would want to cut off your head.
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I tried to ignore everyone else and just take in the object of my focus. She looked the same, a small little girl, but covered in gore and smiling like a maniac. Not a hint of childish innocence left in her. I do not want to soul gaze that bag of crazy.
Mmm, I guess the traces of her previous life have been good and proper washed away then?

I mean, I'd expect at least a little deviancy, looking older than her physical body or some such similar.

Granted, I'm not too familiar with Youjo Senki beyond the broad strokes and the basic premise, so perhaps the reason is squirrelled away in there somewhere.
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The fact that Dresden is gonna finally have a worthy opponent has me hooked. For once, I have the feeling that the 'hero' of the story may actually lose, and that's very, very thrilling. Looking forward to see the first time Dresden tries one of his bluffs on Tanya.
So just curious but couldn't tanya's target sign a Geass or the like? I mean a magically binding oath could work if her life was on the line.
So just curious but couldn't tanya's target sign a Geass or the like? I mean a magically binding oath could work if her life was on the line.
As far as I know, bindings like that aren't absolute on those with souls in Dresden Files. I mean, even if you make a binding agreement with a Fae, you can still break it, it will just force you to pay a horrifying forfeit. Going further would require what is effectively mind-control, a capital offense. But it doesn't really matter since Sarah places her missions as being more important than her life, so she wouldn't go along with it willingly.
Well, Dresden tends to achieve phyrric victories most of the time. He tends to make matters worse in the long run.

Also, I'm feeling that Tanya would get along with marcone.

Wonder how being X measures with the dresdenverse heavy hitters.

On the other Tentacle, due to Harry parley, now Tanya knows that harry is sheltering her target. Or at least knows something about her whereabouts.

Also, Wonder what the WWII esque soldiers think of the modern setting on the dresdenverse. Television? Commercial airlines? diswashers? Modern cars? tetra bricks? plastic? they are pretty much WWII soldiers... (For them it's 1930's, they jumped forward in time)
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This story is interesting.

But I'm going to wait until the other magic side is going to make a move.

Smart or not, I doubt Tanya can prepare herself for her first meet-up with the Faey.
I don't really want to argue about it. But I'm getting tired of people saying thatYoujo Senki is World War II. Yes I know that's how it is in the Manga and Anime. But in the light novels, it definitely has more of a World War One feel; especially since in the first episode we see trench warfare
I don't really want to argue about it. But I'm getting tired of people saying thatYoujo Senki is World War II. Yes I know that's how it is in the Manga and Anime. But in the light novels, it definitely has more of a World War One feel; especially since in the first episode we see trench warfare

It's one and half, the whole setting happens in the 1930's . I don't exactly recall paradrops in WWI, for example or using submarines for covert operations, radar, man portable radio etc...
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Myself, I'm just wondering about the Imperial high command reasoning to send Tanya and her squadron into a one-way trip into an untested machine that for all their know, kills everyone that uses it.
I honestly figured that one involved Tanya interpreting her orders creatively to get herself and her army of loyal soldiers away from the Imperial high command and whatever creative ways Being X had set in motion to get her killed on their instigation.

Her superiors explicitly almost got her killed 'assisting in research' dozens of times, and she's well aware the balance of power to allow civilians and superior officers to screw with her at Being X's instigation more easily now that peace exists.

Her orders could have simply said 'send a mission after them' and left details to Tanya- details her men wouldn't question given the rhetoric she was using.
So. Harry Dresden vs his greatest weakness: A child, and a female one at that. I never approved much of his, very conscious, bias for those categories. Always seemed wilfully irrational and arbitrary. This - feels like karma. It is a good feeling.
Of course, why he hasn't latched on to the part where Tanya comes from another world, and as such is an Outsider, might have something to do with that, as well as his first contact with such an Outsider being a woman. Still, the other wizards will have a definite interest in such information. I expect Harry to want to keep this conflict away from the attentions of the White Council for this reason.
I hope to see interactions between Tanya and the local believers and servants of God/Being X. At least a quick trip to a certain church for her usual maintenance of focus and hate.
So. Harry Dresden vs his greatest weakness: A child, and a female one at that. I never approved much of his, very conscious, bias for those categories. Always seemed wilfully irrational and arbitrary. This - feels like karma. It is a good feeling.
Of course, why he hasn't latched on to the part where Tanya comes from another world, and as such is an Outsider, might have something to do with that, as well as his first contact with such an Outsider being a woman. Still, the other wizards will have a definite interest in such information. I expect Harry to want to keep this conflict away from the attentions of the White Council for this reason.
I hope to see interactions between Tanya and the local believers and servants of God/Being X. At least a quick trip to a certain church for her usual maintenance of focus and hate.
The definition of outsider in DF is basically cosmic horror. She is simply from far away in the nevernever and thus not outside enough.

If you can look at it and not lose SAN points it isn't an outsider.