Evil is Coming - Youjo Senki/Dresden Files

Some people definitely exaggerate it, but let's not understate things either.
Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying that what she did was a good thing but its not beyond what would have been done in the time period.

Just because it's a somewhat common phenomena doesn't mean she doesn't take it farther than most. Soldiers may pftem have trouble adjusting to a peaceful life but they don't usually go looking for wars to fling themselves into.
We have private military contractors in real life formed by former military or have members made of former military. It depends on the person. At any rate, this still doesn't mean anything. Being X is more evil then she is. She at least does not start wars.
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We have private military contractors in real life formed by former military or have members made of former military. It depends on the person. At any rate, this still doesn't mean anything.
And they are both an extreme minority and often considered scum. "Mercenary" is not a word with generally positive connotations.
Being X is more evil then she is. She at least does not start wars.
Well, when you set the bar that low, she passes, sure.
And they are both an extreme minority and often considered scum. "Mercenary" is not a word with generally positive connotations.
Who tend to be used by governments allied to the US or used by the US nowadays (not right now though). So governments are scum.

Well, when you set the bar that low, she passes, sure.
She is not a typical protag or shounen character. She is far far from the evil people make her out to be and to be frank is nothing compared to plenty of others.

Arene was planned by the Republican government to be a urban war hellhole. They were prepared for tons of their civilians to be sacrificed to gain an advantage over the Empire. The Not-Uk with its manipulation in the background and assassination attempts. Hell, Arene was ordered to be handled the way it was from on high Empire command, not her.

Dacia invades cause land fueled by Not-france. Being X ensuring Tanya has tons of power cause miracles and war is good right of passage and causes people to call onto God. Thus all good.

Welcome to World War 1 fantasy edition, it stinks everywhere.
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That being said, I do wonder what Tanya's real angle on all this is. Remember, her main goals are to have a comfortable life where she isn't in constant danger, and to defy "Being X". She's not really motivated by any sort of loyalty to the Empire or a desire to protect it. She doesn't actually want to take on this new world or pick fights with the locals, but she may have been speaking the truth as she saw it about this conflict being inevitable.
Do that one last job for the Vaterland, get a proper higher education a third time, find some well paid job, work like a japanese salaryman, become a member of the board of directors in 15 years
What if Tanya decides not to fight dresden and just assassinate her target

Or attack from sideways by talking to the white council. Maybe bribe them with killing something for them
About that... Some of Tanya's capabilities here may depend on those of Being X. If it's actually God, if it has influence in Dresden's neck of the multiverse, how the local power view and react to manifestations of that power, etc.
Thats the most interesting question of all.

Much like the original.
Indeed. I love it, in Youjo Senki I mean.

What if Tanya decides not to fight dresden and just assassinate her target
Thats likely exactly what she would do. If Dresden gets in the way however, he dies in the sense that he will become a target.

Some interesting info from tvtropes

Now granted the Empire could also be very well to blame as they could have taken Entente's action as the excuse they needed to break the encirclement the other nations have on the Empire but thats just speculation.

Another interesting point:

  • Jerkass Has a Point: In the last moments of her previous life, he fired a man despite his pleas. Said man had missed work without permission or reasonable excuses and had poor work performance despite multiple warnings. In her current life, Tanya punished two subordinates. These men disobeyed a direct ethical order from a superior officer ostensibly in order to save lives from enemy artillery. While the men made a moral choice, insubordination should never be encouraged in a military institution.
    • When they made her aware that they were actually glory hounds, she was right to not only assign them to a rear bunker, but do it in a way where they would be killed by enemy fire.
    • Before then, on an early training detail, when she was the training instructor, a cocky teen soldier did everything in his power to undermine her authority, including insulting her age, and would actively endanger the rest of the class by deliberately disobeying her orders. Even Imperial law officially sanctioned her attempt to kill him by cutting his skull open with her combat knife, and she would have done it if an officer superior to her didn't just happen to pass through and stop her.
    • When confronted by subordinate about slaughtering retreating milita, she calmly beats crap out of him and points out that they are soldiers and they must follow their orders, shooting everyone until told otherwise. In addition, she also points out that these civilians would not show mercy at a later date and even children would grow up to become enemy combatants one day. Every enemy life spared meant more Imperial lives lost.

From here: Youjo Senki / Characters - TV Tropes

"So that's it then. No chance of letting them live?"

"Unless you can force them to keep their silence with magic, or erase their memories…" I could, but it would mean my head. I mean, they tried to give me trouble for binding a fairy, and that doesn't even have a soul. If she refused then I would be forcefully saving Sarah's life at the cost of my own, when I didn't even like or trust her.

I mutely shake my head.

"Then I'm sorry to say that things are as they are."

"What of those who have the responsibility to protect them?"

"Collateral damage." She shrugs.

"Is that the same excuse you used to kill the researchers?"

"Goodness no. Anyone within a military base is automatically to be treated as a combatant. This makes artillery bombardment less legally messy. Then their escape from the combat zone without signed or radio confirmed orders from a superior military officer also made them legally deserters, which removes any requirement to accept their surrender." She smiles beatifically as she justifies killing a dozen innocents.
This stands out to me. Tanya is imo being reasonable here. She will stop trying to kill Sarah if Sarah can be stopped from trying any create portal devices bullshit. If not, death be on her as Tanya was ordered to do so by her nation.

And the fascinating thing here is that Tanya is merely doing what any soldier or agent of a government would do. Get rid of the threat to their nation. Its Dresden that has the moral issue.

And killing scientists is a totally in thing. Israel did it
Four Iranian nuclear scientists—Masoud Alimohammadi, Majid Shahriari, Darioush Rezaeinejad and Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan—were assassinated between 2010 and 2012. Another scientist, Fereydoon Abbasi, was wounded in an attempted murder.[1][2] Two of the killings were carried out with magnetic bombs attached to the targets' cars; Darioush Rezaeinejad was shot dead, and Masoud Alimohammadi was killed in a motorcycle-bomb explosion.[3] The Iranian government accused Israel of complicity in the killings.[3][4] In 2011 and 2012, Iranian authorities arrested a number of Iranians alleged to have carried out the assassination campaign on behalf of Mossad (the Israeli intelligence service). Western intelligence services and U.S officials reportedly confirmed the Israeli connection.[5][6][7] In June 2012, the Iranian government was confident that it had arrested all the assassins.[4]

Israel has neither confirmed nor denied its involvement, but Israeli defence minister Moshe Ya'alon said: "We will act in any way and are not willing to tolerate a nuclear-armed Iran. We prefer that this be done by means of sanctions, but in the end, Israel should be able to defend itself."[8] The assassination campaign was reportedly terminated in 2013 following diplomatic pressure from the United States, which was attempting to negotiate restrictions on Iran's nuclear activities.[9][10]
Assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists - Wikipedia
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What if Tanya decides not to fight dresden and just assassinate her target
Tanya has no particular desire to fight Dresden, but her target is now living in Harry's apartment behind Harry's defenses. Harry (as he often does) has chosen to put himself in a position where anyone going after this woman has to go through him, so that's probably what Tanya is going to try to do.
Another interesting point: (Jerkass points)
At least half of those are highly questionable. However, it's true that a lot of Tanya's "evil" is her having a "war is hell" mindset (while most everyone else still thinks war is glorious) and taking all the existing rules of warfare and her military to ruthlessly pragmatic endpoints.
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Tanya has no particular desire to fight Dresden, but her target is now living in Harry's apartment behind Harry's defenses. Harry (as he often does) has chosen to put himself in a position where anyone going after this woman has to go through him, so that's probably what Tanya is going to try to do.
Thats his fault then. Bob made excellent points. Tanya is not a terrorist seeking to kill everyone. It would be better for everyone if Sarah just died and that would be that. Tanya's group could then be made some sort of combat arm for the White Council.

At least half of those are highly questionable. However, it's true that a lot of Tanya's "evil" is her having a "war is hell" mindset (while most everyone else still thinks war is glorious) and taking all the existing rules of warfare and her military to ruthlessly pragmatic endpoints.
Questionable in the fact of what source are they using for that info.
Let's Walk the Path of Explosions Together
This chapter absolutely kicked my ass. But I finally got the key points I wanted down.

The gravel crunches as the car pulls into the parking lot.

Stepping out I glance at the region. The surrounding buildings are far enough away that no amateur would be able to take pot shots at the meeting. Still no reason to let my guard down only to get blindsided by an ambush.

I stride over to other man. Some kind of mercenary who'd managed to arrange a meeting, mostly through an impressive show of force.

"You're Marcone. I'm Matheus Weiss." I nod in acknowledgement

"I am." Gard leans down to my level "wizard" I shift gears in the midst of forming my sentence. "You're looking for contract work? I'm always looking to hire more wizards."

He blinks. "You're aware of magic. That makes things simpler. Please wait a moment, I wasn't given the authority to negotiate in this situation." He starts talking into his radio in German, Gard translates for me. His call sign involved pixies? Either a brutal prank, or else related in some way to the Fae, not sure which would be worse for him.

As far as I know, there are only two kinds of things that show up looking like a little-girl. Necromancers and monsters. The wizard from before is certainly tense enough that neither is especially out of the question. Even Gard looked wary.

"A crime boss involving himself in magic? It almost reminds me of home."

"A child scarier than seasoned adults. You remind me of home too." Children don't give a shit. They don't worry about ethics or empathy. They don't have to learn to be monsters, it needs only to be excavated from the natures.

"I don't think the normal world will take me seriously, looking as I do, so it's best to use a representative. But the magic side of things tends to be far more meritocratic. When someone can kill you with but a thought, their age, size or gender doesn't much matter."


Gard whispers to me again, "surrounded", that makes things trickier. Though only in the sense that she'd have the upper hand during the negotiation, as they only showed up when she did. And the odds of someone as apparently powerful as her getting surrounded without her knowledge seemed quite slim. So probably her bodyguards. Not that they might not try to kill me, but that would be due to my actions during the talks, not because of any preexisting enmity.

"So what is it you wish from me?" Let's just see what a broad query can bring me.

"It depends on how closely you're willing to work with me. Even if you weren't aware of magic I still would have traded services for cash, but now that I know what you know, I'm also willing to negotiate for information and either aid or at least neutrality. Depending on how things go."

Why would they need that? Well, there's only one reason anyone comes to Chicago anymore, to start a fight. And these were starting to look like a rough and tumble crew. Damn it, it wasn't even October yet! I should have had months still to batten down the hatches.

"Depends on who you're up against and why. My main concern is the stability of my holdings, having open war break out on the streets upsets that. Same for monster sightings, attempted apotheosis, mass incursions from the Nevernever, and smuggling of mythic artifacts."

"You must speak from experience. No, nothing like that, just a small matter of a local wizard trying to protect someone that needs to die."

"I thought I mentioned something about all-out war in the streets."

"Oh, you must have meant gang-war. I'm still used to dealing with the front lines, my mistake." I sigh internally. Fucking Dresden. What, did someone use Wolfenstein as the core of a summoning ritual or something?

"I assume you're talking about Harry Dresden. The man is certainly enough of a chaos magnet. The problem is that his problems never seem to stay contained. Always spilling over onto the city at large. Every. Single. Year. If it's not the Faerie wars then it's necromancer plots or fallen angels."

"And he wins?"

"For a certain value of winning."

"Sounds like he has plot armor."

"Either that or some kind of divine protection."

"Not to worry." Her cherubic smile turned sharp "My last major mortal foe was quite literally named Mary Sue. I know a thing or two about fighting people with divine favor."

Huh, I actually understood that reference.

"Fine. I won't help you directly, I have too much history with Dresden, but I also have no reason to aid him. What kind of information do you need?"

"The situation of the magical side of things in the city specifically, and the world broadly." Oddly broad, but they could be time travelers for all I know.

"In the city there's a werewolf pack, a Knight of the Cross, some White Court vampires, Fae of all three Courts, and a scattering of some weaker practitioners. All of whom have a good working relationship with Dresden, to one degree or another."

"Interesting." She looked pensive.

"Globally, there are dozens of major magical polities. But they're coordinated via the Unseelie Accords, in order to keep things civil."

"Do you have a copy?"

"No problem, I have one printed off. They're fairly simple in general terms, but the wording is exacting. Essentially, they protect the sanctity of messengers and neutral ground, and allow an alternative for all-out war between factions by allowing for people to either claim wergild for wrongful deaths or challenge the guilty party in a duel to the death."

"And all major recognized magical powers have signed the agreement?"

"Even the ones that don't much step foot on Earth. Smaller powers too, they can join as Freeholder lords. A bit like city-states as opposed to nations, all the same sovereign powers but not real geopolitical influence."

"I see."

"Though for that you'd need three existing members to vouch for you."

"You said that the practitioners in the city are all on good terms with Dresden?"

"For the most part. If they're not then they're probably either new or too weak to matter. If you're interested in magic though, there's a bookstore that will sell legitimate magical texts for a few hundred dollars each. Bock's Ordered Books, in the university district."

"I'll keep that in mind. If you need some work done, a fortress destroyed, city conquered, keep us in mind. I look forward to working with you Mr. Marcone. In some ways, you remind me of a younger me. Before I really understood the inevitability of chaos."

"Any idea what she was Gard?" I ask when we're alone.


"Oh? Well, at least that's new." Younger me?


Being trapped in this tiny place is worse than being in the trenches. At least there the dangers constantly made themselves apparent. Artillery tends to do that in a way that the sniper's bullet doesn't.

"How are you holding up?" The local wizard asks

"Extremely bored and anxious."

"I sympathize… have you ever heard of something called the internet? Perhaps something from your homeland?"

"No? Should I have?"

"Maybe, maybe not. What about computers?"

"Something like computation jewels?"

"Depends. What are those?"

"A computation jewel acts as an intermediary, between mage and spell. The mage knows the spell, the jewel acts to help calculate variables and control the magic, and then casts the spell for the mage when they trigger it."

"Wha- wait! So the magic isn't an act of will? Technically, none of the mages are ever even casting by themselves?"

"I suppose it could be put it like that. Is it important somehow?"

"Hell's bells, the Council is going to have conniptions." He sighed "The laws of magic exist for two main reasons. The first group of laws are those that exist to protect the world at large, such as not getting involved in the timeline and things like that. The other group is because merely casting that kind of magic has a corrupting effect on the caster."

"So computation jewels allow people to avoid that corruption through a loophole." What's the problem? If you're not cheating, you're not trying.

"Exactly. Running around, laughing in the face of the laws of magic. Spitting on the Council's authority. It may be fine from a legalistic point of view but it would be a mistake to think of it in legal terms, it's not a matter of the letter of the law. The Council is a political body, and they've claimed the fealty of all mortal practitioners for the last thousand years."

"Good! Get them over here. Let someone else experience the meat grinder for a change!"

"It may just come down to that. But I'm loathe to do it unless I have to."


"They're a bunch of massive pricks."

"That's an oxymoron."


"What was that about this internet thing?"

"It's like if you gave everyone on Earth a computation jewel, and then let them all communicate. So there's a massive amount of information freely available to anyone that has the basic equipment to access it."

Impressive, yet stupid. Impressively stupid.

"Why is this important?"

"Computers are what the internet uses to function, and they're pure technology, no magic. Here, magic users can't use technology, it breaks. Most of us don't even have the simplest understanding of how it works or has changed the world in recent years. Complete technophobes."


"Degurechaff can use it. I don't know how, maybe because of the computation jewel or maybe because she's from another world, but that's just a guess."

Full stop.

How does he know that?


"Yeah. It actually puts us in a pretty bad situation. I can intentionally make technology break in a localized area, but if someone knows what they're doing, they could gain as much, or more, relevant information about a person's activities from the internet as I could with my methods."

"Why is it such a big problem? If pretty much anyone can access it, then they wouldn't be able to do much more than officer Murphey or anyone else."

"Maybe. But it's more the implications of mixing all the advantages magic and technology have which worry me. Both have some pretty bad things available to them, but merging them together could have completely unpredictable effects. The other big implication is that if you didn't know about the internet before today, then how did Degurechaff manage to adapt herself to it so quickly?"

"I did tell you that she attended the military college at a young age. Taking university courses as a young age is usually seen as a sign of being a child genius."

He rubbed his face with his hands. "I'm not even sure why I'm surprised anymore. That should have been obvious."

Then the world exploded.

"Well, it would seem that you're plan to trap the Imperial mages didn't work."

"I usually have more time to prepare." He says as we trudge through the alien landscape of the so-called Nevernever. "They build up their mooks, I plan, there's a certain rhythm to it. This is why everyone hates competent enemies."

"I'm sorry about your home."

He sighs "Its fine. I would have probably been evicted eventually anyway. Too many unexplained claims on their homeowner's insurance."

"What about your lich, and your… pets, I suppose?"

"Sub-basement. The animals have a pretty well-honed danger sense by now. I doubt they got caught in the blast… hopefully."

"Are we going someplace specific, or just trying to get away?"

"There are one or two other places I tend to lay low when times get hard. I figure she might be less willing to bomb a church, and the priest I know happens to be very open to giving sanctuary to the weary and needy."
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Actually I think in this instance he might be right if she knows that in this universe God actually takes an active role.

She knows what happens when X tries to screw with her... does she want to risk angering another God when she can wait them out?
"There are one or two other places I tend to lay low when times get hard. I figure she might be less willing to bomb a church, and the priest I know happens to be very open to giving sanctuary to the weary and needy."

Loud, hard and for a long amount of time. Though, it'll be hilarious if Tanya wins this with peace and with help from one of the factions. Harry Dresden, fallen not by force, but by a cold unfeeling hand of politics
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Actually I think in this instance he might be right if she knows that in this universe God actually takes an active role.

She knows what happens when X tries to screw with her... does she want to risk angering another God when she can wait them out?
The question of course is there really another Capital G god for Dresden verse? Its not impossible that Being X is capital G god. Just that he doesn't do stuff in Dresden-verse but does stuff in other verses.
Actually I think in this instance he might be right if she knows that in this universe God actually takes an active role.

She knows what happens when X tries to screw with her... does she want to risk angering another God when she can wait them out?
Yes? The thing about Tanya is there's a certain glee rather than simple resignation in her defiance of Being X.

The initial confrontation with Being X is one thing, but she doesn't defy him in her second life entirely out of spite- she absolutely enjoys flouting the will of something she views as both powerful and hypocritical and she'd absolutely view the Dresden Abrahamic god the same way.

Perhaps if angels stopped her from bombing a church she'd feel differently but she doesn't respect the 'free will' argument for evil- a god that refuses to interfere as evil occurs is to her mind either evil or lazy and should be viewed with contempt.

Of course, she does still have morals of a sort- she'd probably attack the church in the middle of the night to minimize casualties. Assuming she can find a good excuse for her men.
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Gard whispers to me again, "surrounded", that makes things trickier. Though only in the sense that she had the upper hand during the negotiation
Sudden change from present to past tense. I suggest "would have the upper hand".
We'll, there's only one reason anyone come to Chicago anymore
"Well", and "comes"
then its necromancer plots
it would seem that you're plan to trap
What about you're lich

The bit about bombing churches was fun, but the real genius was "In some ways, you remind me of a younger me"
The dialogue is good, but almost nothing but dialogue alone makes for strange reading. I wonder if Tanya and her merry men have changed into something less conspicuous. I hope the next chapters won't kick your ass quite so badly.

Actually I think in this instance he might be right if she knows that in this universe God actually takes an active role.
Eh, I'm sure people have bombed churches in this world before.

The question of course is there really another Capital G god for Dresden verse? Its not impossible that Being X is capital G god. Just that he doesn't do stuff in Dresden-verse but does stuff in other verses.
It would be pretty strange metaphysics if there were two all-powerful Christian gods around. But I'm sure Tanya could exploit such an opportunity.
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"I usually have more time to prepare." He says as we trudge through the alien landscape of the so-called Nevernever. "They build up their mooks, I plan, there's a certain rhythm to it. This is why everyone hates competent enemies."
How does it feel Dresden? A true worthy opponent you can't rely on narravatium or bluffing or condescension to save you. You will actually have to fucking put effort into this.

An enemy who is not dumb, but quite intelligent, knows technology, knows modern society, knows tactics, knows strategy, fought in her second World's equivalent of WW1 which is in truth a combination of WW1 reasons for war with its tactics and strategy which then evolves into WW2 just without the nazi's and genocide cause its still WW1, attended 2 universities, graduated with honors, a major of 49 soldiers who are the best of the best aerial battle mages in the Empire with Tanya herself being the most powerful of aerial battle mages and has metaphorically spit in the face of GOD and actually literally shot at him.

Aerial mage magic is meant for an all out industrial war.

Do you think you are hard enough, Dresden?
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First time I think the store needs line breaks. The sudden shift from Marcone to Harry's guest with a little too abrupt and I couldn't really figure out that I had change perspective until a few paragraphs in. I can't really tell where or why but I feel like there's chunks missing. One is where Marcone's talking to Tanya despite not being taking to meet her or anything like that.
Aerial mage magic is meant for an all out industrial war.
By the same token, Tanya's on a time limit. Eventually her gear is going to start breaking down and she's going to have to figure out how to do real long term maintenance and parts replacement on it.

She's also likely to eventually run into morale and insubordination issues as her men stop thinking of themselves as soldiers of the Empire if they really have been cut off. Merc units won't just serve blindly and have different priorities. (See, of all things, The Rock).