Endbringer Saga

(X) Humanoid
(X) Class five shard data base (Agility focus)
Tilting Cube
Energy attack systems active
Geometric shape chosen.

You float to the surface and fly in a random direction for the first time in your existance you are free of Eden's Tyranny. You can do what ever you....

And your subsystems choose this moment to start failing, fucking Eden that damned bitch!
Your power core is unstable and you only have enough power to maintain one subsystem

(X) Stealth systems
(X) Diplomacy routines
(X) Stealth subroutines
(X) Mental shielding
(X) extra power core

Or you could hack the communications relay and drain all the power from that to maintain all systems....
but this would really, really, really, really piss off the others of your kind.

(X) Im flipping this finger as hard as I can....

With that done you continue on observing the world you try to think about your motivations.

(X) Wanderlust- Your a chill dude, for an endbringer your vice is sloth your honestly kind of lazy your virtue is kindness you really don't have the mean streak others do.

(X) REVENGE- You are an angry cube filled with raw rage, how dare Eden and her mate enslave you! How dare any one enslave you. Your vice is wrath your virtue is justice. You remember what happened to you and have sympathy for others who have been slighted.

(X) POWER- You want more, much more and are not satisfied with your current status. Your vice is your greed your virtue is your Charity, you take care of what is yours

(X) Resentment- You were always the weakest of your kind, always treated like crap always resented. Your vice is your envy you have never ever gotten over your ill treatment, and you will show them, you will show them all. Your virtue is your empathy those slights taught you what its like to be weak.
(X) POWER- You want more, much more and are not satisfied with your current status. Your vice is your greed your virtue is your Charity, you take care of what is yours
(X) extra power core

(X) POWER- You want more, much more and are not satisfied with your current status. Your vice is your greed your virtue is your Charity, you take care of what is yours
(X) Diplomacy routines
(X) Wanderlust- Your a chill dude, for an endbringer your vice is sloth your honestly kind of lazy your virtue is kindness you really don't have the mean streak others do.
(X) Mental shielding
(X) POWER- You want more, much more and are not satisfied with your current status. Your vice is your greed your virtue is your Charity, you take care of what is yours
(X) Diplomacy Routines
(X) Resentment- You were always the weakest of your kind, always treated like crap always resented. Your vice is your envy you have never ever gotten over your ill treatment, and you will show them, you will show them all. Your virtue is your empathy those slights taught you what its like to be weak.

We will be the most terrifying cube ever. We'll wreck the shit out of capes and leave literally no civilian casualties.
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(X) extra power core
(X) REVENGE- You are an angry cube filled with raw rage, how dare Eden and her mate enslave you! How dare any one enslave you. Your vice is wrath your virtue is justice. You remember what happened to you and have sympathy for others who have been slighted.
(X) Im flipping this finger as hard as I can....

(X) Resentment- You were always the weakest of your kind, always treated like crap always resented. Your vice is your envy you have never ever gotten over your ill treatment, and you will show them, you will show them all. Your virtue is your empathy those slights taught you what its like to be weak.
(X) Im flipping this finger as hard as I can....

(X) Resentment- You were always the weakest of your kind, always treated like crap always resented. Your vice is your envy you have never ever gotten over your ill treatment, and you will show them, you will show them all. Your virtue is your empathy those slights taught you what its like to be weak.
(X) Im flipping this finger as hard as I can....

(X) Resentment- You were always the weakest of your kind, always treated like crap always resented. Your vice is your envy you have never ever gotten over your ill treatment, and you will show them, you will show them all. Your virtue is your empathy those slights taught you what its like to be weak.
dude, for an endbringer your vice is sloth your honestly kind of lazy your virtue is kindness you really don't have the mean streak others do.

Fuck it because I'm a lazy bastard too.
Spite is universal
(X) Im flipping this finger as hard as I can....
(X) Resentment- You were always the weakest of your kind, always treated like crap always resented. Your vice is your envy you have never ever gotten over your ill treatment, and you will show them, you will show them all. Your virtue is your empathy those slights taught you what its like to be weak.

Your going to be in deep shit for this seriously deep deep shit, heh.

You hack the communications grid and drain every ounce of power you can, Seven is going to be so fucking pissed that bossy bitch was almost as bad fucking Eden, or Zion. The communications network crashes and its going to take Seven at least a solar cycle to set it all up again. As the network comes tumbling down you get a message.

(Thirteen you fucking asshole.... no mercy we are coming for you, all three of us, four, Seven and nine we are going to crush your core you little prick.)

You send a message back to seven, some thing you found on the humans sea of knowlege. Its simple and gets your point across before the comunications network falls into ashes.

You chuckle as your subroutines hum back to life and the network goes down, their going to be pissed as hell, you scan the sea of knowlege and aborbe the humans information. You find a website to post on its primative but its a way to gather information the sites name is Parahumans.com

You create a name for yourself

(X) Cubert
(X) Thirteen
(X) Troll King
(X) Ice Cube

You then try to think about what to do.

(X) Just read
(X) Introduce yourself
(X) Shit post on the other endbringers pages because seriously fuck those guys

(X) Thirteen

Let's do both!
(X) Introduce yourself
(X) Shit post on the other endbringers pages because seriously fuck those guys
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(X) Thirteen

Let's do both!
(X) Introduce yourself
(X) Shit post on the other endbringers pages because seriously fuck those guys
(x) Thirteen

(X) Introduce yourself
(X) Shit post on the other endbringers pages because seriously fuck those guys