Emperor's Satrap: Warhammer 40k Imperial Governor quest

Planetar choose
Winning option:
[X] Plan: Realm of the Gorgon
-[X] - Phorgys Sector
-[X] - The Great Crusade (-6)
-[X] - Footsteps of a Primarch (-2)
-[X] - This world is sacred for He set foot there (-6)
-[X] - Sons of Saturnite (-2)
-[X] Remnants of an ancient threat (+6)
-[X] Comprehensive naval construction (-2)
-[X] Ave Omnissiah (-2)
-[X] Ave Titanica: (-4)
-[X] Abundant Mining-Worlds (-4)
-[X] - Great Bastion (-2)
-[X] - A very light sector Government: (-0)
-[X] Adeptus Astartes Recruitment Worlds (-4)
-[X] A venerable Rogue Trader (-2)
-[X] The opportunistic Demiurge (+2)
-[X] 'Squats': (-2)
-[X] - Active Front: Xenos (+4)
-[X] League of Votann (-2)
-[X] - Old Rebellion (+4)


Chapter Thralls have never had full dress for festive ceremonies. At least that was the case with Steel Colossi. Perhaps some Ultramarines have matching costumes that won't make Imperial aristocrats laugh. Usually you would even laugh at this fact, but in this particular situation it gave you a headache.

After all, a ship carrying Administratum representatives was approaching the planet to officially make you a planetary governor. If the situation were more normal, there wouldn't really be that much noise. However, since the world was previously under the full control of the Adeptus Astartes, there were practically no representatives of various Adeptus on the planet, from the Arbites and the Administratum to the more exotic ones. As a result, the incoming ship was supposed to deliver not only news, but also many servants of the Emperor. So now trying to do everything with the proper ceremonies doesn't seem so stupid.

Lacking any suitable options, you decided to take the Carapace Armor, a common piece of equipment for the Scouts of the Adeptus Astartes, even though you removed the Chapter heraldic symbols. In this way you would proclaim yourself as the protector of the planet, and not as a potential member of the ruling class of the Imperium.

All the serfs who weren't busy with activities absolutely necessary to keep the citadel running were present in the huge hangar now. Like you, most of them wore the same armor.

Probably, almost the only exception to your male and fairly large brotherhood were representatives of the Psychic Sisterhood. Together with Nyota, they were at a distance from you, so as not to catch the eye of possible too conservative servants of the Emperor. However, you could very well contact people in this place with a single thought.

"Be relaxed," sister Nyota's voice sounded in your head, similarly watching the shuttle entering the hangar, "They are unlikely to like it if you don't say a word out of excitement."

"I'm relaxed," you answered her in a similar silent way with the help of a brain implant. However, the claim was a lie. Not a single muscle trembled in your face for one reason only - your face was already strained to the limit, and further you could only tear the muscles.

The shuttle came to a slow stop in the center of the hangar, turning its gangway in your direction. On the other side there was already a delegation of representatives from various Adeptus. Of course, all of them were arranged according to their status, and in front of them all was a man in a light gray robe carrying a tube. This says that his is a representative of the Administratum, and even a rather high-ranking one.

"Such a light gray shade. He must either be the head department of the Administratum in the sector, or work directly for the Lords of the Segmentum. We have high-ranking guests," you convey your thought.

"Be glad that half of the sectoral aristocracy hasn't come here yet to watch what's going on," Nyota informs you in response as soon as you convey your thoughts to her, and after a short pause continues, "They love it when someone entertains these parasites for fun."

The delegation begins its movement approaching you, while on both sides of it stands an impromptu guard of honor. Actually, these are the same Thralls as you. Nobody even dares to move now. Finally, when you are about twenty paces away, an Administratum official stops, makes a slight bow, and opens the tube, taking out the scroll it contains.

"By the Grace of the God-Emperor, Sovereign of Mankind and the entire Galaxy, I bring you news of change! Witnesses of this visit will be the inhabitants of the planet, the servants of the Sanctum Adeptus, as well as the God-Emperor himself, looking at us from the Golden Throne on Holy Terra. Heed the word of the Ultima Segmentum Lords: the majordomo of the disbanded Chapter of Steel Colossi is to immediately assume control of this planet under fief status and serve here as Imperial Governor. Will you accept this will?"

Your two hearts are beating wildly because of everything that is happening, but you still take two steps forward in order to answer this phrase.

"As the majordomo of the planet and its temporary protector, I am ready to take on the duty of the planetary governor. One hundred thousand years of life for the Emperor!"

At your last words, each of the Thralls present here stomps their heels on the floor, uttering the battle cry of your Chapter.

You still have a lot of communication with various representatives of the Adeptus this evening, but in the end you will return to your office, where the sheet will already be.

"We watch for you. will contact soon,

chapter friend."


Choose where the Chapter Citadel is located. Once the main home of the Astartes, this fortress will now be converted into the palace of the planetary governor. It is from it that you will control your planet. Choose one option:

[] - Near planetary capital

Chapter, when they were given this planet, they decided to settle near the capital of the planet, in a populated area. You barely need half an hour to get to the capital of the planet from here.

You will be much closer to the planetary control system
It will be much easier for you to establish connections with the planetary elites
The defense systems of the citadel will also protect the capital

Any attack on the citadel will also inevitably cause massive damage to the capital.
The disgruntled inhabitants of the planet will have a way to get to you

[] - In the desert region of the planet
Chapter decided to get out to create a citadel of some inhospitable region of the planet. It can be the center of the desert, the peak of the highest mountain, an island in the middle of the ocean, or the polar caps. In any case, getting to the planet is still not that difficult, but it will take you a few hours.

Moderate option for ease of interaction with the planetary apparatus.
If the enemy doesn't want to set up an Exterminatus, then attacking your palace is unlikely to harm anyone.

You don't actually have any infrastructure at your citadel location

[] - In space
Perhaps your Citadel is an asteroid moved into the orbit of the planet, inside of which all the necessary premises have been created. Perhaps your Citadel is basically a space station. It may even be on some other planet in the same planetary system.

It will be very difficult for the angry population of the planet to get to you, whether it be an uprising or an assassination attempt.
You will have easy access to any spacecraft in this planetary system.

You are inevitably removed from contact with the planetary government
If the enemy has enough firepower, they can destroy your stronghold quite easily.


Okay, I've taken Mayto's system as a base, but it had to be heavily reworked, so it won't be possible to use plans from him here.


You must also choose your planet and your planetary system. You have 20 points, you are free in the number of possible options until the balance of points becomes negative.

First of all, select the planets and star system where you are.

[] - Write-in planet and star system names, no memes please.

An important detail for any Imperial world is what star system the planet is in.

Choose one option:

[] - Goldilocks Zone

An ordinary star, similar to the Sun, around which Holy Terra revolves. As a result, the planet is in a zone suitable for colonization with a natural biosphere. Billions of people can live on this planet without any problems. On the other hand, the planet does not have great natural advantages.
Vanilla option.

[] - Gas Giant satellite

The way of life on the planet is determined not so much by a star as by a gas giant - the largest body in the solar system, which only slightly does not reach the status of a brown dwarf. A huge celestial body regularly blocks the light on the planet, which local organisms have long been accustomed to, but any invasive species will have a hard time adapting.
Standart habitality.
You would have problems integrating species from other planets.
You have very easy access to orbital extraction.

The dominant landscapes on the planet also have a significant impact on the life of the population on the planet, determining the natural suitability of individual territories for a particular type of activity.

Choose two options:

[] - Grasslands

From the tundra in the Arctic regions of the planet to the savannas at the equator. Significant parts of the planet are covered with flat areas of low vegetation.
You have big territories of fertile lands that can be used for agriculture.

[] - Forests

The planet has large areas where the amount of temperature and moisture is sufficient to form a large amount of plant biomass. It could be the jungle, it could be the taiga, it could be huge fields with multi-meter mushrooms.
Wood has always been a valuable resource in the Imperium.

[] - Highlands

Sufficiently high tectonic activity on the planet leads to the active movement of tectonic plates and the formation of large mountain belts. Although the young mountains do not have large deposits, the old mountains, as they are destroyed, release huge veins of deposits.
You will have access to good amount of minerals.

[] - Desert

The desert does not always mean huge sand dunes. It can be an arctic desert with endless ice fields or a high mountainous rocky desert.
You will always have access to some way of energy - solar, wind or prometium.

[] - Urban

A significant part of the planet is covered with ruins of human origin. A study of the history of the planet revealed the death of the planet's population from the interruption of food supplies, and natural factors destroyed most of the valuable technologies. On the other hand, you still have a huge stone jungle.
You have a lot of infrastructure.

[] - Ocean

Although almost every habitable planet has oceans, on this planet, they cover a much larger part of the territory than usual. However, even so, the planet has separate landmasses. However, land is not always needed, because there may be floating cities or cities located on glaciers.
Big amount of exotic biomass on the planet.
You can choose this option twice.

Every planet has its own government. Since the planet was the center of civilization in the middle of space even before the arrival of the Astartes, the planet retained a local government that functioned alongside the Astartes and was effectively your responsibility as the majordomo. Now you have to become the new leader of the planet, but now without Chapter behind your back. Choose one and only one option.

[] - Feudalism

Miserable smerds can only be the property and subjects of the real elite of society, the aristocracy. While the power of the aristocracy is not built on the control of the land, however, most of the inhabitants of the planet are in feudal dependence on the aristocracy. Of course, millions are not very happy with this situation, but this is not your problem, but the feudal lords who own these people. In addition, the feudal lords themselves are required to provide you with troops.
You were crowned as a High King of the planet, and the remnants of Chapter are your vassals.

[] - Absolutism

All power is in the hands of an exceptionally powerful chosen one of the Emperor, that is, in yours. Class division into aristocrats and despicable losers, but all parts of society work only for the good of the Imperium ... and of course for yours. A huge centralized state governs the entire planet.
You were crowned as a High King of the planet, and the remnants of Chapter are your vassals.

[] - Military meritocracy

Officers and other military hierarchies outside of the army control every aspect of society, and seniority in the planetary army is the solution to a good half of conflicts. After all, few people care about your origins as long as you serve the Emperor honestly. If you do not want to serve the Emperor, then you are a xenophile and a heretic.
You are the official governor of the planet, and the remnants of Chapter are integrated into the planetary army.

[] - Police State

The whole society is happy and lives for the glory of the Emperor and his governor. All the dissatisfied are waiting for the secret police, denunciations and much more obvious security forces with water cannons and tear gas. It's good that you don't skimp on protecting society from dissidents and traitors.
You are the official governor of the planet, and the remnants of Chapter are integrated into security forces.

[] - Representative Democracy

You are the official leader of the planet, according to the Imperium. However, the population still elects its representative, who has the right to veto a number of your decisions. On the other hand, you can make life difficult for him in return. And if you both support some kind of decision, then even the mountains will not stop you. Literally. Mountain #322 interferes from watching the sunrise, we need to fix this.
You are the official governor of the planet, but the Planetary Councilor will watch your decisions.

[] - Collegial Democracy

The planet has a true democracy, surpassing the absolute majority of even the democratic worlds of the Imperium. Starting from the very bottom of society, elected collegiate bodies are formed, which send their delegates to ever higher bodies, up to the planetary parliament. The Assembly can impose a veto on a number of your decisions, and if the population has doubts about the honesty of Parliament, they can deprive their deputy of the status and appoint a new one.
You are the official governor of the planet, but the Assembly will watch your decisions.

On the other hand, each developed world of the Imperium may have its own unique economic system. Any political system can be with any economy. No matter how strange it may seem. Welcome to Warhammer 40k. Choose one and only one option.

[] - Free market

After the Warp Storms of 605 in M40, even before the arrival of the Astartes, many of Hypatis' major companies were on the brink of bankruptcy. The then-governor held a massive sale of assets and pushed the falling companies. As a result, the market now determines itself and leads the entire planet into a bright future by the invisible hand of the Emperor.

[] - Corporatism
The system of the state economy presupposes a significant interaction of enterprises among themselves without control from above, as well as the organization of a number of associations to control the market, satisfy the demand of the population for certain goods and within the framework of the professional solidarity of workers and employees.

[] - State capitalism
The economy of the planet is controlled by actually a dozen companies that affect the entire spectrum of the market, actually owning 90% of the economy on the planet. At the same time, most of each company is owned by the planetary government. This allows you to control disputes between companies and direct them to new achievements.

[] - Administrative command economy
Although the management system assumes the interaction of individual enterprises among themselves without instructions from above, the system was initially built with minimal emphasis on monetary settlements and market freedom, relying more on economic feasibility calculations and development plans.

[] - Administrative command economy on cogitator basis
This option is open since you have "Honor the Forge" and "Explorator Fleet" options.

The connection between the Astartes and the Mechanicus led to their integration into the development of the planet. And therefore, instead of the money economy, which is familiar to many civilized worlds, it relies primarily on a digital network that has entangled the entire planet, like the world of Mechanicus. By collecting information flows into huge data banks, the governor and the government can control the economy from one place up to individual areas of remote cities.

Faith in the Emperor unites thousands and billions of followers throughout the galaxy. Of course, with such a spread, in fact, the Imperial Cult has only a few strict points:

1. The Emperor was once among men, but He is, and always has been, God.

2. The Emperor is the only true God, regardless of any beliefs in which a person was previously.

3. Purify heretics, be wary of psykers and mutants, and hate xenos.

4. Every person has a place in the Emperor's divine order.

5. Must obey the authority of the Imperial Government.

As you would expect from a world with significant Adeptus Astartes influence, there may be deviations from the standard Imperial Cult as adopted by the Ecclesiarchy.

Choose as many as you want. First option cost 1 point. Every option after that cost 2 points.

[] - "The man who has nothing, can still have faith"

The ideas of rebirth of the worthy by the powers of the Emperor, the acceptance of blood and pain as the gifts of the Emperor, the sanguinary rituals of drinking blood, all have one specific and well-known name in the Imperium. Cults of Death. Specifically on this planet, the cult was approved with a significant change in a number of traditions, but the population of the planet is still not against the next ritual bloodshed in the name of the Emperor.
The population of the planet has rites of strict oaths based on the exchange of blood. These oaths are indeed of great importance and are considered unbreakable.
In addition, the planet has good practice in dealing with diseases transmitted by blood exchange.

[] - "Only with death does duty end"

The populace on the planet is weighed down by a series of ideas about each one's proper place in the Emperor's grand plan. Together with the idea of atonement from the sins of life through a dignified death, which is being pumped up by the priests, this has led to the fact that even a suicide order is perceived only as reaching the end of life's journey. If the work is important, then you can die for it.
The population of the planet will have great loyalty to you as long as they perceive you as a loyal servant of the Emperor.

[] - "An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded"

Even before the arrival of the Astartes on the planet, this planet was suffering from a group of xenos. These creatures had the ability to take control of the bodies of people, literally gnaw their way into the torso and climb inside. To combat them, Hunters were created, with extensive experience, cooperation with the acolytes of the Inquisition and incredible meticulousness in their affairs. Everyone is under suspicion, including the governor.
You will have a group of independent Hunters on the planet. They seek to protect the planet and are loyal to you by default, at least as long as you don't engage in heretical business. They can create problems for those who will intrigue against you or prevent you from engaging in illegal activities.

[] - "Truth is subjective"

Most preachers on the planet talk about the importance of finding the true path in everyone's life. As a result, many on the planet try to try themselves in something other than their ordinary life, and the desire for a better fate is a benefactor. True ambitions do not always correspond to talents.
Additional chances to get talented teammates among the population of the planet.
Additional problems from ambitious individuals seeking to bend over their heads.


[] - "Don't ask why you serve. Ask how"

Belief in the almighty and all-encompassing Plan of the Emperor for every soul permeates the planet. Every act of life is interpreted from the point of view of determinism, and the idea of the place of each by birth is actively promoted by the priests. Most of the population is happy with where they are now.
Reduced chances of getting talented allies from the planet's population.
Even the representatives of the planetary elite will be more loyal to you.

[] - "Work is also prayer"

Local priests do not seek total control of the population. Many of them see in Sebastian Thor an example for the greatest imitator. As a result, the Ecclisiarchy on the planet has a rudimentary administration of parishes of equal status and a considerable number of truly believing orators.
Despite support among the populace, the planetary Ecclesiarchy has no organizational structure to go against your will.

[] - "Knowledge is power. Take care of it"
Since you have selected the "Honor the Forge" option, this option is free and mandatory for you.

The local cult in its progress was actively tied to individual points from the Mechanicus Universal Laws, and the most instructive examples of the priests consider excerpts from the histories of the Explorator fleets and forge worlds. This unnerves the leadership of the Ecclesiarchy in the sector capital, but on the planet itself, the tech-priests and their red robes are greeted with joy and honor.
There is an increased number of tech-priests on the planet who are initially on good terms with you.

[] - "Faith must be supported by works"

Due to the fact that the planet has become the last refuge for the Chapter Astartes, a group of religious leaders of the church have appeared who want to turn the planet into the center of the Imperial Cult. So far, they have managed to take a significant share in the government, take root in the economy and win over the population. With such a base, you can push the planet to great things.
A group of several influential priests support your planetary control, making it easier to interact with the Ecclesiarchy.

[] - "Be the blessing of friends and the scourge of enemies"

Shrine World Bilsrom has experienced many religious battles in its time. Two hundred years ago, they switched from words to flamethrowers. The once huge group of servants of the Ecclesiarchy were forced to flee, and your planet suits them. Now they have fairly settled down on the planet, however, the customs that differ from the local ones are only partially compensated by the high culture and charitable actions of this diaspora brought.
You have a small group of adherents of the Imperial Cult whose views differ from those accepted on the planet.
They have great financial resources and realize them for the benefit of the world.
The population is still not too happy about their existence.

Sector generation options:
For options only available because of the way sector generation unfolded.

The Phorgys sector has a long history tied to the Imperium itself. Although no traces of earlier human civilization have been preserved, the current population has been living in the sector for ten thousand years. And the first trials for the inhabitants of the sector fell during the Great Crusade. You must choose one and only one option:

[] - Last refuge

The planet was populated as a supply station. A transit point for ships that will go to unknown regions of the Galaxy. For this purpose, from the very beginning, an orbital infrastructure was created in the orbit of the planet to serve the arriving ships. Its purpose has changed over thousands of years, but the planet still has a solid infrastructure.
The system has a bigger voidborn population, harvesting gas and mining asteroids.
Cost: 3 options.

[] - Home away from home

The planet was intended from the beginning as a place for the growing population of Terra and the Segmentum Solar to settle. Ancient cities experienced periods of rise and fall. Sometimes the planet practically died out, and the population increased significantly over the century. This ancient history of settlement has left the planet with a fairly substantial amount of civil archeology in use.
This system will have a significant amount of archeotech. It will primarily be of civilian provenance.
Cost: 3 options.

[] - Bastion before the Boundless Darkness

The planet was being explored with the expectation of creating the first bastion against possible threats from outer space. For this purpose, a network of orbital stations was installed in the orbit of the planet, which could not contain the attack of the raiders, and in the event of a major attack, they would report the invasion. Centuries of exploitation have destroyed many of these stations, but the planet still has good orbital defenses.
This system will have orbital defense systems.
Cost: 3 options.

[] - Proof of Oathbreaking

The Great Heresy War did a lot of damage to this world, even if the exact circumstances of those battles have long been lost to any historians (however, some suspect that this evidence was deliberately destroyed). Although the planet as a whole has recovered, however, large areas of the planet are still devastated and contaminated after this war, whether it be radiation, chemical or more exotic contamination.
Big territories of the planet are corrupted and out of your control.
Gain: 3 options.

While your Chapter was the only one firmly attached to this sector, the Phorgys sector was also home to another Chapter of the Astartes. The Knights of Empyrean, the successor of the White Scars, settled here about seven centuries ago, given that this is a fleet-based Chapter. Do they have a presence on this planet? You must choose one and only one option:

[] - Transshipment point

While your Chapters have never been closely related, the Astartes tend to rely on each other for the most part. Therefore, the Knights of Empyrean have created a staging post in the orbit of the planet, where they can store the necessary minimum of supplies to replenish their resources, without fear that someone greedy will plunder them. They are unlikely to fight for you, but you are not an empty phrase for them.
Cost: 2 points.

[] - Spiritual Brethren

The exotic practices of your Chapter came close enough to Knights of Empyrean, especially the use of psyker auxilia, which most would dismiss. These Astartes will support you and your cause as long as your leadership of the planet is in line with their ideology.
Cost: 4 points.

[] - Zone of duty

Now these Astartes perceive you as another world in this sector that needs their protection. They can provide it to you if they deem it necessary. Or they may ignore you.
Gain: 2 points

Many worlds of the Imperium have abhumans on their surface, which can either occupy positions equal to ordinary people, or be perceived as nothing more than as slaves. However, one thing is truly true - few societies in the Imperium completely ignore them.

[] - Ratling Presence
This world has had a population of ratlings ever since Imperial settlement. These short abhumans while notoriously sticky-fingered, are also reliable and able to make anything edible. Notorious for bringing crime and gambling with them.
Cost: 2 points.

[] - Squats Enclave

Your planet contains an entire city on its territory, which was founded by a group of Squats that arrived on the planet from an unknown part of space in M33. They were able to settle on the planet and create their own small enclave. In their millennia of existence, the planet's population had no reason to doubt their loyalty, apart from their refusal to fully accept the traditions of the Imperium.
You have an additional developed center in the system.
Cost: 4 points.

[] - Scalies Scum

On your planet, in the most disadvantaged areas, there is a group of semi-retiloid abhumans whose mutations have gone so far that in many sectors they are not even recognized as abhumans. Although their intellect is not too bad, however, severe mutations that differ in each member of their people, as well as the inability to use High Gothic or almost any dialect of Low Gothic due to the peculiarities of the speech apparatus, all this puts them at the very edge of society.
You have mutants that are ready for any work. For you or not.
Gain: 3 points.

Despite their autonomous position within the Imperium, the priests of the Red Planet are however spread throughout the galaxy, controlling technology. Of course, it's rare that these priests turn out to be real Magos, but even so, their technological knowledge can be colossal. Choose any options that you want.

[] - Technological oversight for friends
This option changed, since your Chapter have friendly relationships with Explorator fleet.

The Adeptus Mechanicus' presence in this system stems from the Explorator fleet that operates in the sector, periodically sending out expeditions. You are in good contact with the Mechanicus, who are also not fans of verbatim adherence to the tenets of the Red Planet. As a result, they will not only turn a blind eye to your possible developments, but will be happy to help you with them. True, all possible consequences remain your responsibility.
You have a group of friendly non-ortodox Mechanicus.
Cost: 3 points.


[] - Normal involvement

The Admech maintain their own shrines, trade their technologies, and generally ensure that infrastructure remains operational. They are happy to collect tithes for their service and spread the gospel of the Omnissiah, and most of the sector at the very least, respect the Magos.
Costs 0 points. Must be taken if you don't take any opposite options.


[] - Jealous Priests

There is a high presence on your planet of Mechanicus from the Forge World Alusario, who are extremely conservative in their views on non-Mechanicus access to technology. They have been forced to come to terms with the autonomy of the Astartes, but will keep a vigilant eye on you, putting pressure on you for any questionable actions.
You have a group of very conservative Mechanicus on the planet, who want to control lots of different tech.
Gain: 4 points.

[] - Mechanicus-Owned Continent

Big part of the planet has been handed over to the Adeptus Mechanicus for development, providing the planet with industrial goods and insane amounts of pollution.
You have an additional developed center on the planet.
Cost: 2 points.

[] - Training Field for Legio

Although this sector does not have a large Legio comparable to the greatest Legios of the Imperium, the Titans protect this sector. Although they are not based on this world, the Legio maintains a small enclave here for field repairs of the Titans. This is good protection for the planet, of course, if at this particular moment at least one of the Titans is present here.
Under the protection of the titan legion. Random chance of a titan being present on the planet at all times.
Cost: 4 points.

A large portion of the sector is being defended against possible invasion by the forces of the Questor Mechanicum, also known as the Knights of the Great Bastion, who must face the xenos threat outside the Imperium.

[] - Formal protect
One of the many Knight worlds has this world in its area of responsibility in case of possible invasions. However, they have more important responsibilities.
Gain: 2 points.


[] - Actually protected

Even before the arrival of the Astartes, the Knight world took it upon itself to protect this world and continued to do so for millennia, from the very formation of the sector. They will come to the rescue in case of an attack.
Cost: 2 points.

[] - Legend of the Freeblad

Since the Great Heresy War, the sector has been inhabited by the legend of the mysterious Knight, also known as the "Green Knight". For thousands of years, this knight has come to the aid of the worlds of the Imperium in times of dire need, but has always left the battle soon after victory. Legends say different things about him. Some see it as a long line of pilots indebted to the Imperium. Others believe that the pilot of this machine found a cure for death and still remembers the time of the Emperor.
Cost: 2 points.

The Leagues of Votann are an abhuman empire from the galactic core that have slowly become more prevalent in some parts of the galaxy. Currently the sector is in a three-way struggle trying to determine if they are Xenos, Abhuman Traders, or dangerous recidivists. Choose one or none.

[] - "What's a 'Votann'?''

Chapter has a long history of interaction with the League of Votann, historically adhering to their perception of a human civilization independent of the Imperium. Although they must fight them, many other threats led to a steady non-interference in each other's affairs, as well as the exchange of information about potential threats. The people support you. Whenever the Arbites or Ministorum raises a complaint, the locals assure them these are just another group of abhumans.
Cost: 2 points.

- Shorts
Votann went through the system a few years ago. A conflict with one overzealous Charter Trader led to the destruction of his spaceship, as well as raids on stations throughout the star system. It is hardly worth believing in a possible good relationship between you.
Gain: 2 points.

- Xeno-contacts
While the Astartes have always clashed with the xenos most of the time, your Chapter has fought alongside Demiurg on several occasions. This cannot be called a good relationship, but they are ready to cooperate with the inhabitants of this world.
Cost: 1 points.

In addition, it is worth noting that not all features of the world can stem from the sector in which the world is located. Some of the options are associated with the features of the biosphere, others are tied to the features of geology. The third, finally, may be more of a historical factor.

[] - Deathworld Jungle
Every insect, plant, fungus and bacteria on this planet are trying to kill you. Too bad, because the local flora has some incredible chemicals that can be extracted for use in medical and military industries.
A good base for creating a chemical industry and pharmacology.
Any development is more expensive because of the costs of turrets and the Prometheum used to regularly burn the vines climbing the walls.
Gain: 1 points.

[] - Deathworld Megafauna

A cousin to Catachan if less lethal in terms of flora. The fauna of the world is horrifically deadly, with giant Predators the size of knights, and even titans fighting it out in the most remote parts of the planet. Titan-sized giant lizards breathing atomic flames are liable to try and attack settlements if not driven off by lance-batteries.
The tourism industry is booming.
Under the protection of the titan legion. Random chance of a titan being present on the planet at all times.
Giant monsters will try to attack your cities.
Gain: 3 points.

[] - Rich ocean biosphere

Huge reefs, hundreds of species of colorful fish and valuable corals - all this is the norm for the shallow ocean of this planet. But as a result, many seas are covered with reefs, and the biosphere of the seas is not very resistant to pollution.
The tourism industry is booming.
Lots of exotic organisms.
Problems with big ships.
Cost: 2 points.

[] - Huge Caves

The underworld of the planet has huge karst cavities creating a network of caves stretching for many hundreds of kilometers. Entire cities could theoretically be created in these areas. Of course, as soon as you deal with predatory worms tens of meters long, which consider the caves their home and are not too happy with the researchers.
A huge underground network of caves creates the conditions for underground construction. With local fauna, projects will be costly
Cost: 2 points.

[] - Active volcanoes

Local volcanoes are quite active in their activity. Lava flows are not unusual for the planet. In turn, in addition to ash clouds, this forms a very rich fertile layer around volcanoes.
Volcanoes are surrounded by incredibly fertile soils.
Ash clouds interfere with aviation.
Cost: 2 points.

[] - Secret facility
This option opened since you have friends in Inquisition.

Far from the cities of the planet, in one of the most deserted regions of the planet, there is a water intake station. At least that's what the docs say. What exactly is there in fact, you do not know.
Cost: 0 points.

[] - Another habitable celestial body

The main planet is not the only habitable space body in the system. In addition, another celestial body located at the junction between a small planet and a large moon is also suitable for supporting life, although it is practically not mastered.
Cost: 3 points.

Phorgys sector is broken up into five sub-sectors.

Hearth of Gorgon Sub-Sector

This sub-sector includes the star system owned by the Adeptus Mechanicus, which is a great forge world, as well as many dependent worlds, whether Questor Mechanicum worlds or mining worlds. This is the source of a huge amount of industrial goods, weapons, and almost all spaceships in the sector are created here.

This sub-sector is an Adeptus Mechanicus Fief. On the border of war with Xeno empire.

Gorgon Teeths Sub-Sector
An old and venerable sector that has gone through the greatest centuries of its development. Proximity to the xenos, their frequent attacks and devastating wars, have led to the devastation of most of the sub-sector's agro-worlds and its economic decline. The major hive worlds are still alive, but their period of economic prosperity is over. Many worlds have been turned into frontier fortresses to protect the rest of the sector.

On the border of war with Xeno empire.

Gorgon Sub-Sector
The formal sector capital, built on a world that was an important stronghold for the Tenth Legion during the Great Crusade. These worlds were once built as a huge supply center, but gradually the influence of the Astartes left this sector, and the sub-sector became simply the main center of the region. Worlds in this sector are currently suffering from moderate overpopulation, but there are no overly serious problems.

Sectoral capital with the biggest population.

Eagle Wrath Sub-Sector
This sub-sector is heavily influenced by the Ecclesiarchy, as it was once the center of power for the Xeno Empire, which was destroyed by the Emperor of Man personally. The capital world of that empire was destroyed and split into pieces, but the once uninhabited moon of this planet was turned into a shrine world. The sector is heavily influenced by the Ecclesiarchy, which unites under a single leadership.

Second center of civilization in the sector.

Gorgon Grace Sub-Sector
The Gorgon Grace Sub-Sector was founded by Rogue Trader, who gathered crucial data for the Tenth Legion to take over this stretch of space without great losses. In response, the primarch himself granted him a sub-sector of space. Throughout its history, this dynasty has repeatedly found itself on the verge of destruction, but control over the sub-sector allowed them to retreat to the old possessions and recover.

This sector is Off-Limits to the Phorgys Sector authorities.

The main threat to the peace of civilization in this sector is the xenos, also known as the Body Eaters. The Great Bastion Knights, as well as the Imperial Guard, the Imperial Navy, the Titans and many other forces of the Imperium fight against them, protecting the Emperor's domain from destruction. You must choose one.

[] - Other side of the sector

The xenos front is on the other side of the sector from you and you barely even feel the economical effects of the conflict.
You start in the Eagle Wrath Sub-Sector.
Cost: 4 points.

[] - The next sub-sector

Your Sub-Sector is a decent bit away from the fighting, but still close enough to feel the economic impact if suppliers get involved and there's still the possibility of raiders and saboteurs sneaking over to cause trouble.
You start in the Gorgon Sub-Sector.
Cost: 0 Points.

[] - You can see the fighting

Being very close to the battlefield is extremely valuable for the Astartes, which is why they chose this planet. Unfortunately, now you have to deal with the consequences.
You start in the Gorgon Teeths Sub-Sector.
Gains 10 points.

The Imperial Guard, before that the Imperial Army, and even before that the long forgotten Federation armies of the Dark Age and the Age of Strife in this sector have fought in endless and successful fights against all kinds of threats for the safety and continued dominance of humanity. In the Phorgys sector, due to the persistence of technological advances over the millennia, a common pattern of Imperial Guard forces has been preserved, originating in the Solar Auxilia forces, who were among the sector's first settlers. The disbandment of the Chapter is reason enough to send additional forces to strengthen the planet's defenses, as it is now significantly weakened.

[] - Gorgon Tercio
Gorgon Tercio are a surviving semblance of the Solar Auxilia, given the sector's ties to one of the greatest forge worlds. As a result, Gordon Tercio wield Void Armor and are also armed with Lasrifles - more powerful, longer-ranged, but also bulkier weapons than traditional Imperial lasguns. It is one of the closest things to the Solar Auxilia that have survived in the Imperium to this day.
Ten of Gordon Tercio with 10 thousand soldiers each sent to the planet.
Cost: 4 points.

[] - Gorgon Hetairos

While the Hetairoi have not retained the full glory of the Solar Auxilia they once had, they are traditionally regarded as one of the finest soldiers of the Imperium. Full mechanization of the unit for transporting personnel, void armour, as well as heavy weapons and even power axes to storm enemy fortifications. The unit itself is also reinforced with Rogal Dorn battletanks.
A ten-thousand man regiment of the Hetairos is stationed on this world.
Cost: 2 points.

[] - Space defence

While the Imperial Navy of this sector may not have the prestige and renown of its sister branch, it's still a prestige part of the Imperial Forces. Four escorts and a single Cruiser defend the system from attack.
You have a defense fleet in the system. They are not under your command.
Cost: 4 points.

6 hours moratorium! Ask questions if you want information.
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[] Plan: Amidst a Sea of Strife
-[] - Near planetary capital
-[] - Planet Chysaor, System Keto
-[] - Goldilocks Zone
-[] - Ocean
-[] - Highlands
-[] - Police State
-[] - Corporatism
-[] - "Knowledge is power. Take care of it" (+0)
-[] - "The man who has nothing, can still have faith" (-1)
-[] - "Faith must be supported by works" (-2)
-[] - "Be the blessing of friends and the scourge of enemies" (-2)
-[] - Technological oversight for friends (-3)
-[] - Bastion before the Boundless Darkness (-3)
-[] - Another habitable celestial body (-3)
-[] - Transshipment point (-2)
-[] - Scalies Scum (+3)
-[] - Squats Enclave (-4)
-[] - Proof of Oathbreaking (+3)
-[] - Huge Caves (-2)
-[] - Rich ocean biosphere (-2)
-[] - Actually protected (-2)
-[] - Legend of the Freeblad (-2)
-[] - "What's a 'Votann'?'' (-2)
-[] - Secret facility (+0)
-[] - You can see the fighting (+10)
-[] - Gorgon Tercio (-4)
-[] - Space defence (-4)

Names based on the mother of Medusa and a monster which was birthed from its neck after it was slain. Going for a planet with a large ocean with mountainous islands between.
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Names based on the mother of Medusa and a monster which was birthed from its neck after it was slain. Going for a planet with a large ocean with mountainous islands between.

Good plan, but some problem with religious options. I'm not sure if I wrote the code badly or something else. "Knowledge is power. Take care of it" will cost you 0 points. The next option will cost you 1 point, and any next option will cost you 2 points each.

EDIT: Also, it seems that you should take Normal involvement. But it's a free option.
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[X] Plan: Soldiers In Gardens
-[X] - Maple stead
-[X] - Near planetary capital
-[X] - Gas Giant satellite
-[X] - Forests
-[X] - Urban
-[X] - Military meritocracy
-[X] - Administrative command economy on cogitator basis
-[X] - "Only with death does duty end"
-[X] - "Truth is subjective"
-[X] - "Knowledge is power. Take care of it"
-[X] - Home away from home
-[X] - Transshipment point
-[X] - Technological oversight for friends
-[X] - Formal protect

- Xeno-contacts
-[X] - Deathworld Jungle
-[X] - Secret facility
-[X] - The next sub-sector

-[X] - Gorgon Tercio
-[X] - Gorgon Hetairos


I'm sort of imagining either a Great lakes or a Cascadia aesthetic for this planet. Apart from the Astartes, the distant second most famous thing about this planet being it's maple syrup, and further third, the medicines that were reserved for chapter use only.
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Good plan, but some problem with religious options. I'm not sure if I wrote the code badly or something else. "Knowledge is power. Take care of it" will cost you 0 points. The next option will cost you 1 point, and any next option will cost you 2 points each.

EDIT: Also, it seems that you should take Normal involvement. But it's a free option.
Thanks I've edited it now, it look alright?
Thanks I've edited it now, it look alright?
Sorry, I forgot to mention one more thing - there should be one and only one option in the options of the Great Crusade. And there is no option in the plan for a connection to the Adeptus Astartes.

I feel like an idiot because it looks like I made an overcomplicated vote.

I'm sort of imagining either a Great lakes or a Cascadia aesthetic for this planet. Apart from the Astartes, the distant second most famous thing about this planet being it's maple syrup, and further third, the medicines that were reserved for chapter use only.

I can already see that your math is wrong. For example, the jungle option gives you +1 point instead of worth 1.
Sorry, I forgot to mention one more thing - there should be one and only one option in the options of the Great Crusade. And there is no option in the plan for a connection to the Adeptus Astartes.

I feel like an idiot because it looks like I made an overcomplicated vote.
Ah alright thanks I've changed it again does it work now?

There's no harm in it.
[] Bastion with a chance at something more
-[] - Near planetary capital
-[] - Gas Giant satellite
-[] - Urban
-[] - Highlands
-[] - Feudalism
-[] - Free market
-[] - "Only with death does duty end" -1 19
-[] - "Knowledge is power. Take care of it" -2 17
-[] - "Truth is subjective" -2 15
-[] - "Be the blessing of friends and the scourge of enemies" -2 13
-[] - Last refuge -3 10
-[] - Transshipment point -2 8
-[] - Ratling Presence -2 6
-[] - Technological oversight for friends -3 3
-[] - Mechanicus-Owned Continent -2 1
-[] - Shorts +2 3
-[] - Another habitable celestial body -3 0
-[] - You can see the fighting +10 10
-[] - Gorgon Tercio -4 6
-[] - Gorgon Hetairos -2 4
-[] - Space defence -4 0

I find the idea of multiple colonies in the orbit of gas giants really cool. Overall I was thinking a former human colony barely hanging on in the form of Ratlings in the ruins and a Voidborn population. Brought back into the fold as a logistical point and area of interest by Explorators. This leads to a considerable liberal Mechanicus presence. The economy develops along normal imperial lines, but the presence of some dissenting ecceliarchy and access to tech allow some non-aristocratic power blocks to form (represented by free market). Its proximity to the front lines leads to it becoming increasingly fortified hence the chapter, defense fleet, and elite guard units.
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[X] Plan: Amidst a Sea of Strife
-[X] - Near planetary capital
-[X] - Planet Chysaor, System Keto
-[X] - Goldilocks Zone
-[X] - Ocean
-[X] - Highlands
-[X] - Police State
-[X] - Corporatism
-[X] - "Knowledge is power. Take care of it" (+0)
-[X] - "The man who has nothing, can still have faith" (-1)
-[X] - "Faith must be supported by works" (-2)
-[X] - "Be the blessing of friends and the scourge of enemies" (-2)
-[X] - Technological oversight for friends (-3)
-[X] - Bastion before the Boundless Darkness (-3)
-[X] - Another habitable celestial body (-3)
-[X] - Transshipment point (-2)
-[X] - Scalies Scum (+3)
-[X] - Squats Enclave (-4)
-[X] - Proof of Oathbreaking (+3)
-[X] - Huge Caves (-2)
-[X] - Rich ocean biosphere (-2)
-[X] - Actually protected (-2)
-[X] - Legend of the Freeblad (-2)
-[X] - "What's a 'Votann'?'' (-2)
-[X] - Secret facility (+0)
-[X] - You can see the fighting (+10)
-[X] - Gorgon Tercio (-4)
-[X] - Space defence (-4)
[] Plan: Amidst a Sea of Strife
-[] - Near planetary capital
-[] - Planet Chysaor, System Keto
-[] - Goldilocks Zone
-[] - Ocean
-[] - Highlands
-[] - Police State
-[] - Corporatism
-[] - "Knowledge is power. Take care of it" (+0)
-[] - "The man who has nothing, can still have faith" (-1)
-[] - "Faith must be supported by works" (-2)
-[] - "Be the blessing of friends and the scourge of enemies" (-2)
-[] - Technological oversight for friends (-3)
-[] - Bastion before the Boundless Darkness (-3)
-[] - Another habitable celestial body (-3)
-[] - Transshipment point (-2)
-[] - Scalies Scum (+3)
-[] - Squats Enclave (-4)
-[] - Proof of Oathbreaking (+3)
-[] - Huge Caves (-2)
-[] - Rich ocean biosphere (-2)
-[] - Actually protected (-2)
-[] - Legend of the Freeblad (-2)
-[] - "What's a 'Votann'?'' (-2)
-[] - Secret facility (+0)
-[] - You can see the fighting (+10)
-[] - Gorgon Tercio (-4)
-[] - Space defence (-4)

Names based on the mother of Medusa and a monster which was birthed from its neck after it was slain. Going for a planet with a large ocean with mountainous islands between.
I like the plan, but is there any way you can trade the police state for military merotocracy? The cults would be a more active problem, but we are facing Orks, so I feel that a more military-oriented population would help the defense more.
I like the plan, but is there any way you can trade the police state for military merotocracy? The cults would be a more active problem, but we are facing Orks, so I feel that a more military-oriented population would help the defense more.
Last I remember we aren't facing Orks we're facing a minor xenos race, plus we're living on a chaos tainted hellhole I feel its prudent to have our government focused on cults while our inbuilt defences ward off aggressors.
[X] Baby Forge World
-[X] - Near planetary capital
-[X] - Gas Giant satellite
-[X] - Ocean
-[X] - Highlands
-[X] - Absolutism
-[X] - Administrative command economy on cogitator basis
-[X] - "Knowledge is power. Take care of it" (+0)
-[X] - "Truth is subjective" - 1 19
-[X] - Home away from home - 3 16
-[X] - Transshipment point - 2 14
-[X] - Squats Enclave. - 4 10
-[X] - Technological oversight for friends
This option changed, since your Chapter have friendly relationships with Explorator fleet . - 3 7
-[X] - Mechanicus-Owned Continent - 2 5
-[X] - Formal protect +2 7
-[X] - "What's a 'Votann'?''. - 2 5
-[X] - Deathworld Jungle. +1 6
-[X] - Secret facility. 0 6
-[X] - The next sub-sector 0 6
-[X] - Gorgon Tercio - 4 2
-[X] - Huge Caves - 2 0
[X] Bastion with a chance at something more
-[] - Near planetary capital
-[] - Gas Giant satellite
-[] - Urban
-[] - Highlands
-[] - Feudalism
-[] - Free market
-[] - "Only with death does duty end" -1 19
-[] - "Knowledge is power. Take care of it" -2 17
-[] - "Truth is subjective" -2 15
-[] - "Be the blessing of friends and the scourge of enemies" -2 13
-[] - Last refuge -3 10
-[] - Transshipment point -2 8
-[] - Ratling Presence -2 6
-[] - Technological oversight for friends -3 3
-[] - Mechanicus-Owned Continent -2 1
-[] - Shorts +2 3
-[] - Another habitable celestial body -3 0
-[] - You can see the fighting +10 10
-[] - Gorgon Tercio -4 6
-[] - Gorgon Hetairos -2 4
-[] - Space defence -4 0
[X] Of Steel and Teeth
-[X] Near Planetary Capital
-[X] Planet Artemis System Titanius
-[X] Gas Giant satellite
-[X] Highlands
-[X] Urban
-[X] Collegial Democracy
-[X] Administrative command economy on cogitator basis
-[X] "Work is also prayer" -1
-[X] "Only with death does duty end" -2
-[X] "Truth is subjective" -2
-[X] "Be the blessing of friends and the scourge of enemies" -2
-[X] "Knowledge is power, take care of it" 0
-[X] Home away from home -3
-[X] Transshipment point -2
-[X] Scalies Scum +3
-[X] Technological oversight for friends -3

-[X] Formal protect +2
-[X] Legend of the Freeblade -2
-[X] "What's a 'Votann'?'' -2
-[X] Deathworld Megafauna +3
-[X] Secret facility 0
-[X] The next sub-sector 0
-[X] Gorgon Tercio -4
-[X] Space Defense -4

Alrighty, here's my plan where we're on a Deathworld with the ruins of civilization around.
[X] Plan: Amidst a Sea of Strife
-[X] - Near planetary capital
-[X] - Planet Chysaor, System Keto
-[X] - Goldilocks Zone
-[X] - Ocean
-[X] - Highlands
-[X] - Police State
-[X] - Corporatism
-[X] - "Knowledge is power. Take care of it" (+0)
-[X] - "The man who has nothing, can still have faith" (-1)
-[X] - "Faith must be supported by works" (-2)
-[X] - "Be the blessing of friends and the scourge of enemies" (-2)
-[X] - Technological oversight for friends (-3)
-[X] - Bastion before the Boundless Darkness (-3)
-[X] - Another habitable celestial body (-3)
-[X] - Transshipment point (-2)
-[X] - Scalies Scum (+3)
-[X] - Squats Enclave (-4)
-[X] - Proof of Oathbreaking (+3)
-[X] - Huge Caves (-2)
-[X] - Rich ocean biosphere (-2)
-[X] - Actually protected (-2)
-[X] - Legend of the Freeblad (-2)
-[X] - "What's a 'Votann'?'' (-2)
-[X] - Secret facility (+0)
-[X] - You can see the fighting (+10)
-[X] - Gorgon Tercio (-4)
-[X] - Space defence (-4)
Last I remember we aren't facing Orks we're facing a minor xenos race, plus we're living on a chaos tainted hellhole I feel its prudent to have our government focused on cults while our inbuilt defences ward off aggressors.

This is optional, by the way. As I pointed out, this is more of a combination of heavy chemical contamination, radiation, and very little Warp. In this case, the first two factors are much more significant. A sufficient concentration of chemical pollution can make the region physically unsuitable for human habitation. At the same time, the appearance will not necessarily resemble a scorched wasteland. There may be normal-looking vegetation here, but a human will most likely die in agony after drinking water from local sources.
[X] Plan: Amidst a Sea of Strife
-[X] - Near planetary capital
-[X] - Planet Chysaor, System Keto
-[X] - Goldilocks Zone
-[X] - Ocean
-[X] - Highlands
-[X] - Police State
-[X] - Corporatism
-[X] - "Knowledge is power. Take care of it" (+0)
-[X] - "The man who has nothing, can still have faith" (-1)
-[X] - "Faith must be supported by works" (-2)
-[X] - "Be the blessing of friends and the scourge of enemies" (-2)
-[X] - Technological oversight for friends (-3)
-[X] - Bastion before the Boundless Darkness (-3)
-[X] - Another habitable celestial body (-3)
-[X] - Transshipment point (-2)
-[X] - Scalies Scum (+3)
-[X] - Squats Enclave (-4)
-[X] - Proof of Oathbreaking (+3)
-[X] - Huge Caves (-2)
-[X] - Rich ocean biosphere (-2)
-[X] - Actually protected (-2)
-[X] - Legend of the Freeblad (-2)
-[X] - "What's a 'Votann'?'' (-2)
-[X] - Secret facility (+0)
-[X] - You can see the fighting (+10)
-[X] - Gorgon Tercio (-4)
-[X] - Space defence (-4)
[X] Plan: Amidst a Sea of Strife
-[X] - Near planetary capital
-[X] - Planet Chysaor, System Keto
-[X] - Goldilocks Zone
-[X] - Ocean
-[X] - Highlands
-[X] - Police State
-[X] - Corporatism
-[X] - "Knowledge is power. Take care of it" (+0)
-[X] - "The man who has nothing, can still have faith" (-1)
-[X] - "Faith must be supported by works" (-2)
-[X] - "Be the blessing of friends and the scourge of enemies" (-2)
-[X] - Technological oversight for friends (-3)
-[X] - Bastion before the Boundless Darkness (-3)
-[X] - Another habitable celestial body (-3)
-[X] - Transshipment point (-2)
-[X] - Scalies Scum (+3)
-[X] - Squats Enclave (-4)
-[X] - Proof of Oathbreaking (+3)
-[X] - Huge Caves (-2)
-[X] - Rich ocean biosphere (-2)
-[X] - Actually protected (-2)
-[X] - Legend of the Freeblad (-2)
-[X] - "What's a 'Votann'?'' (-2)
-[X] - Secret facility (+0)
-[X] - You can see the fighting (+10)
-[X] - Gorgon Tercio (-4)
-[X] - Space defence (-4)