So the plan I would propose if we were in fact voting on a plan:

[-] Meet the New Boss
-[-] Personal
--[-][Personal] Study your own cybernetics
--[-][Personal] Set up illusions for Snips
--[-][Personal] Study Palpatine's archive
--[-][Personal] Play Squadron Leader
--[-][Personal] Play General
-[-] Military
--[-][Military] Begin the Invasion immediately
--[-][Military] Redesign Tie Fighters
--[-][Military] Internal Security
-[-] Economic
--[-][Economic] Step-up military production
--[-][Economic] Sacrifice an economic action for an additional personal action
-[-] Diplomatic
--[-][Diplomatic] Day of mourning
-[-] Espionage
--[-][Espionage] Investigate loyalty of Imperial Intelligence Agencies
Just wanna keep my plan visible on the new page…

[X] Plan: Foundation For The Future

-Personal: 4 actions

—[X][Personal]Study your own cybernetics
In order to make improvements on your cybernetics, first you need to study them. In some ways, this is dangerous, because you'll be shutting down your own life support to tinker with it. Ultimately, right now at least, this is very safe. Your will to live has never been stronger. You can feel the force singing in your veins. The force will not let you die to this.

—[X][Personal]Design cybernetics for Snips
Snips is missing both legs, some of her lower body, and part of her right arm. The cybernetic systems she will need are comparable to yours. Studying your own cybernetics will help you design a set for Snips.

—[X][Personal]Plan training for Snips

—[X][Personal]Set up illusions for Snips

—[X][Personal]Make a droid
You built a droid, long ago, to serve as a companion and a translator. Your needs have changed significantly since them. It's time to build a new friend, one who can help you manage the empire and, occasionally, kill those who get in your way. When you don't feel like doing it yourself.

It's less satisfying not doing it yourself.

-Military: 3 actions

—[X][Military]Redesign Tie Fighters
You often to fly a fighter. The current Tie Fighter program focuses more on quantity than quality. The Emperor preferred to treat soldiers as disposable, but that's poor military leadership. While, certainly, the flimsiness of the current design combined with their remarkable maneuverability is a reasonable method to sort the wheat from the chaff. But you could redesign it better. Faster and even more maneuverable. Perhaps put on additional weapons. Maybe include a somewhat better shield, or an astromech port.

—[X][Military]Improve Army Training
The Imperial army was gutted following the clone wars. Many who should have become a new, experienced, corps of non-com officers were instead killed or purged in command, either from standing in the way of the clones, or later due to questions about their loyalties. You have a very large military, one built around the idea that quantity can replace quality.

But... you know that's not true. You served in the Clone wars, where quality consistently defeated quantity every time. You need to implement a program of improved training and conditioning for your soldiers, preferably before they march into a slaughter.

Of course, you can easily bypass this need by simply burning planets from orbit.

—[X][Military]Improve Fighter Training
The Imperial Navy is very good at what it does. The officers for the flagships were all drawn from aristocratic families with a long tradition of service. They've all been to various officer schools, and frankly know all they need to about command, tactics, and strategy.

But you know who wasn't drawn from aristocratic families who can afford private education in a war college? Fighter pilots. You're in a position to set up a mandatory training program for fighter pilots to improve their reflexes and readiness.

-Economic: 2 Actions

—[X][Economic]Sacrifice an economic action for an additional personal action
May be taken until you're out of economic actions

—[X][Economic]Step-up military production

-Diplomatic: 1 action.

—[X][Diplomatic]Threaten the Hutts

-Espionage: 1 action.

—[X][Espionage]Investigate loyalty of Imperial Intelligence Agencies


Okay, too explain the reasoning behind my choices I need to explore Vader as a character here.

On the Personal side of things his entire life has been defined by who he views as his family. First solely his mother and the droids he built while he was in slavery, Then the Jedi order and the specific members of it which he developed a relationship with, then his fellow soldiers, and finally Padme.

His personal actions right now are focused on beginning the building of another family for himself one way or another. Padmes resurrection can wait until he's in a better position to do so and have it go well.

Regarding his empire focused actions the driving idea behind them is a mix his personal hatred of his time under slavery, the Hutts who represent that time, and his frustration with the Jedi for not doing anything about it. Along side his view of how an military should work.

From the Strategic side of things he's essentially drawing upon the already established fear-mongering of Jedi, his frustration with Jedi inaction regarding slavery, and the Hutts being despised to create a big external enemy to focus on.

Then using this external enemy to justify the building of a task force to destroy them once and for all. Which will be the first focus of his reforms and redesigns and can then be used to justify greater restructuring later.

In consort with the intelligence agencies becoming more personally loyal to him a greater effort to bring the organs of the empire to heel can be undertaken later.


My justification for not taking the Internal Security option in the military segment is that with the focus of this plan being maiming external to the empires daily business is that our strong anti slavery stance will be taken as general flag waving to gather support rather than an intention to really reform anything.

We'll be able to implement this at the same time of more internal reforms after we build up our military and gain the prestige of crushing the Hutts.
We are counting down to one from 99
With that handled, the next step, unfortunately, is handling the nitty-gritty of actually running the Empire. This was a part you were entirely unfamiliar with. The Empire had always been Palpatine's thing, and while many parts of it, such as tax collection, were largely automated... Well, there were many things to do, and not enough hours in the day to do them.

But you were a free man, and you would not allow the empire to cut into the things that you felt were important. If you had to neglect the empire to do the things you wanted to do, you could always make up for it by killing a few idiots later.

You carefully bundled Ashoka into her Bacta tank. It would be a few months before she would be recovered enough to begin installing her cybernetics, but that was precious little time to design and put together her training program. (Ashoka awakens next turn)

(please vote by plan)
Personal: 4 actions

[][Personal]Study your own cybernetics
In order to make improvements on your cybernetics, first you need to study them. In some ways, this is dangerous, because you'll be shutting down your own life support to tinker with it. Ultimately, right now at least, this is very safe. Your will to live has never been stronger. You can feel the force singing in your veins. The force will not let you die to this.

[][Personal]Design cybernetics for Snips
Snips is missing both legs, some of her lower body, and part of her right arm. The cybernetic systems she will need are comparable to yours. Studying your own cybernetics will help you design a set for Snips.

[][Personal]Plan training for Snips
Putting together a plan for the training in advance is... probably a good idea. But you are very used to winging things when it comes to Snips.

[][Personal]Set up illusions for Snips
Given that your current plan is to make Snips feel that everything is OK, some sort of force illusions are going to be necessary. You are very strong in the force, but your Master kept knowledge of Sith Sorcery from you. You'll have to either raid his archives, or figure this out on your own.

[][Personal]Make a droid
You built a droid, long ago, to serve as a companion and a translator. Your needs have changed significantly since them. It's time to build a new friend, one who can help you manage the empire and, occasionally, kill those who get in your way. When you don't feel like doing it yourself.

It's less satisfying not doing it yourself.

[][Personal]Jedi Hunt
There might be more Jedi out there. You'd thought them all gone, but that is clearly wrong. It's time to start looking for other Jedi out there, and taking them out before they can cause problems for you.

[][Personal]Force Sensitive hunt
Force sensitives exist all across the galaxy. If you're taking Snips back as your apprentice, perhaps you should also seek out others who are worthy of instruction? You are a Free Man, unbound by the teachings of Bane or Tarsus Valorum's dictates. Perhaps you can teach others to be Free. Of course, if they too were Free they would be threats to you. But... you would not teach them to be slaves.

[][Personal]Study Palpatine's archive
You're now the sole owner of Palpatine's archive. It's booby trapped against intruders, and protected in various ways... both through the force and through mechanical means. But that's the thing, you're stronger both in the force and in mechanical means than Palpatine. You should be able to bully your way through his defenses, now that he's not alive himself to enforce them.

You need to find his methods he was going to teach you to restore Padmé.

[][Personal]Study The Force
You've got an incredibly strong connection to the force, but no one... not Obi-Wan, and not Palpatine, taught you how to really leverage that. It's time to start learning.

[][Personal]Slaver hunt
There are slaves even on Coruscant herself. This is a poorly kept secret. Unlike the rest of the galaxy, where the majority of slaves are humans, the slaves on Coruscant tend to be near-humans. Especially Twi'lek, the most common slaves in the galaxy after humans.

It's time to make your displeasure with this situation known. Violently. Coruscant is too big to clean, even in a few months, but this is an excellent way to sate your bloodlust, and you might even be able to use the owners of these slaves as fodder for Sith Sorcery.

[][Personal]Play General
You have fond memories of your time during the Clone Wars. The Empire's strength rests on the back of her military, and by playing general you could improve the military's strength, while also reliving some of those old memories. It's nice, sometimes, to be on the front lines dramatically swooping in where needed.

[][Personal]Play Squadron Leader
You also have fond memories of flying squadron lead in a juiced up fighter, either solo, or occasionally with a small team. You could join the invasion fleet as a fighter pilot... and probably magnify their effectiveness greatly.

[][Personal]Terrify the Senate
You've always taken enjoyment from stalking among the senate, terrifying them. It helps keep them honest. And their terror helps feed the force.

Find your new center and balance. Become more aware of your own body. Examine your connection to the force. Possibly learn new force techniques.

Military: 3 actions

[][Military]Sacrifice a military action for an additional personal action
May be taken until you're out of military actions

[][Military]Begin the Invasion immediately
If you invade before the Hutts hear about your announcement, the resistance will be much lighter. This does mean that any improvements you make to the military structure will have to deploy to an active combat zone, but the longer you take to strike the more prepared the Hutts will be. And they already know you plan to kill them all.

[][Military]Investigate Cloning Facilities
This would be the first step you'd need to take if you want to re-start clone production. You'd need to investigate the facilities. See if Kamino is still suitable. Find the remaining facilities that survived the CIS counterattack. Find out of other locations might be more suitable.

Other, optional, steps involve improving the gene seed and hypno training, and possibly including cybernetics. But right now the first step is discovering what state the cloning facilities that remain are currently in, and finding who can handle this level of biological manipulation.

[][Military] Investigate Superweapons Program
A superweapons program has been going since the early days of the Clone Wars without reaching a conclusion. You should probably eventually decide if the funding should be cut to this program, freeing up more funding for conventional weapons or other projects, or if it should continue.

[][Military]Redesign Tie Fighters
You often to fly a fighter. The current Tie Fighter program focuses more on quantity than quality. The Emperor preferred to treat soldiers as disposable, but that's poor military leadership. While, certainly, the flimsiness of the current design combined with their remarkable maneuverability is a reasonable method to sort the wheat from the chaff. But you could redesign it better. Faster and even more maneuverable. Perhaps put on additional weapons. Maybe include a somewhat better shield, or an astromech port.

[][Military]Improve Army Training
The Imperial army was gutted following the clone wars. Many who should have become a new, experienced, corps of non-com officers were instead killed or purged in command, either from standing in the way of the clones, or later due to questions about their loyalties. You have a very large military, one built around the idea that quantity can replace quality.

But... you know that's not true. You served in the Clone wars, where quality consistently defeated quantity every time. You need to implement a program of improved training and conditioning for your soldiers, preferably before they march into a slaughter.

Of course, you can easily bypass this need by simply burning planets from orbit.

[][Military]Improve Fighter Training
The Imperial Navy is very good at what it does. The officers for the flagships were all drawn from aristocratic families with a long tradition of service. They've all been to various officer schools, and frankly know all they need to about command, tactics, and strategy.

But you know who wasn't drawn from aristocratic families who can afford private education in a war college? Fighter pilots. You're in a position to set up a mandatory training program for fighter pilots to improve their reflexes and readiness.

[][Military]Internal Security
Already people are reacting to your announcement. Some of them, the rich and powerful who stand to be most effected by this change in stance, are displeased. It may be a good idea to task a portion of your military with Internal Security in order to deal with these little... disagreements.

Economic: 2 actions.

[][Economic]Sacrifice an economic action for an additional personal action
May be taken until you're out of economic actions

[][Economic]Destruction of those who practice slavery within the Empire
Despite the fact that it's technically illegal, everyone knows that slavery is still practiced in the Empire. It would cost you in production, but you could make a point of destroying those companies and persons who are engaged in slavery within the Empire.

[][Economic]Phase out prison slavery
Prison slavery... you're not sure if it counts as slavery. Certainly most of those in prison deserve their punishment, even if their only crime was 'making the emperor look bad'. But you find yourself chafing somewhere inside at the idea of forced labor. This wouldn't necessarily be empying the prisons. Just finding something else to do with them.

Sith sorcery requires a great deal of blood and suffering, perhaps the prisons could be a source for that?

[][Economic]Phase out Indentured Servitude
Indentured Servitude… One of the legal loopholes sometimes used to hide slavery. Admittedly, many indentured servants are in a different situation than you were. But many of them are in the same situation, just with a different name.

[][Economic]Refugee measures for former slaves
A part of you wants to just free the slaves and forget about them. Once they're free they should be able to work things out on their own. But a different part of you knows that if you free a bunch of people without support systems, they're just going to be exploited or harmed again. That being said, a part of you also feels that, once they're free, they can find their own way.

[][Economic]Encourage Automation
You're more comfortable with automations than with people, as a result of your childhood at Watto's junk shop. Automations are just... cooler than people. More wizard.

[][Economic]Finance Archeological Expeditions
There are many worlds that are littered with ancient force artifacts. Palpatine financed many expeditions to these worlds to build up his personal archive. Perhaps it's time to start building your own archive the same way. But do you really want to copy your former master before you understand how he does things?

[][Economic]Seizure of Force Artifacts
There are wealthy people cavorting around with powerful force artifacts. They know what they are. You know what they are. They're just sitting there, ripe for the taking. If you didn't want to piss people off you could pay for them but... why? Just take them. Learn from them. Use them.

[][Economic]Step-up military production
You're about to be fighting a war, so as fast as the Empire is currently producing weapons? They'll need to be faster. Wars always burn through resources more quickly than peacetime. Even short victorious ones.

Diplomatic: 1 action.

[][Diplomatic]Sacrifice a diplomatic action for an additional personal action
May be taken until you're out of diplomatic actions

[][Diplomatic]Day of mourning
A galaxy wide day for mourning for Palpatine. It should help bring everyone together, at least a little bit.

[][Diplomatic]Campaign against racial bias
The majority of slaves are humans or near-humans. In fact, the simple majority of slaves are just... human. But the second most enslaved race in the galaxy are Twi'leks, and many slaves aren't even human at all. Among the core worlds, Twi'leks actually make up the majority of slaves.

Bias against near-humans helps hide slavery deep in the core, as slavers who hold human slaves are typiclaly immediately reported to the government. But slavers who only hold Twi'leks or less human slaves often are not.

[][Diplomatic]Threaten potential allies to the Hutts
Nal Hutta will burn, but Toydaria doesn't have to. Watto was a jerk, but you don't have to kill his whole race for that. Threaten the allies of the Hutts into not providing aid to the Hutts so that you don't have to burn their worlds too.

[][Diplomatic]Threaten the Hutts
You really enjoy threatening people. A little posturing. A good speech. It feels good. A properly delivered threat can increase dark-side energies, making it easier to use the force. Fear is a tool of the Darkside, and your enemies' own fear will weaken them... if you apply it correctly.

Espionage: 1 action.

[][Espionage]Sacrifice an espionage action for an additional personal action
May be taken until you're out of espionage actions

[][Espionage]Investigate Army Loyalty
Your army isn't made up of incredibly loyal clones anymore, but rather masses of volunteers mostly recruited from colonial worlds. Not that their disloyalty will do you much harm. You're more worried about the generals and commanders.

[][Espionage]Investigate Senatorial Loyalty
The Senate isn't loyal. They're a bunch of backstabbing, greedy, selfish, incompetent... but you could do some research and find out of any are worth separating as wheat from the chaff

[][Espionage]Investigate Navy Loyalty
The Navy is probably less loyal than the Army. The Army was recently restructured for loyalty to the empire (Not directly to the emperor. Not yet.) Many of the Navy may still have republic sympathies, but the bigger problem is that they mostly come from old wealth families and may be in it for themselves.

[][Espionage]Investigate loyalty of Imperial Intelligence Agencies
Do you trust the Imperial Intelligence Agencies to investigate themselves?

[][Espionage]Investigate loyalty of Governers.
Most Imperial Governers in the outer rim are loyal to the empire, but the core world's governors are mostly locals from wealthy familieis. They may attempt to shield their people from your purges.

[][Espionage]Investigate loyalty of major corporations
Major corporations are only loyal so long as they feel they're making more money under you than they would without you. Make sure this continues to be the case.

[][Espionage]Investigate loyalty of rich and famous
The rich and famous aren't really loyal to anyone, but they can pay lip service to loyalty, and that lipservice can keep the plebs working. Make sure their needs are being met well enough that they'll continue to support you.

[][Espionage]Slaver Hunt
Round up slavers across the empire. You could kill them right away, or you could use their suffering to power massive edifices of Sith Sourcery

[][Espionage]Hunt for Force Users
There are clearly still Force Users across the empire, and there are some Force Traditions that you've not yet stamped out. Not all of them are darkside. Force Users are a threat to you, as they can multiply the effect they have on, well, everything greatly. Hunt them down.

[][Espionage]Hunt for Force Artifacts
You need force artifacts to help you learn new force powers.

[][Espionage]Hunt for Force Sensitives
Untrained Force Sensitives are an important resource for many projects. They can be trained into a loyal order of force sensitives. They can be sacrificed to fuel force sorcery. They can be seeded across the labor force for various projects, including the military, to improve the likelihood of success. Even better, they aren't in short supply.
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[X] Meet the New Boss
-[X] Personal
--[X][Personal] Study your own cybernetics
--[X][Personal] Set up illusions for Snips
--[X][Personal] Study Palpatine's archive
--[X][Personal] Play Squadron Leader
--[X][Personal] Play General
-[X] Military
--[X][Military] Begin the Invasion immediately
--[X][Military] Redesign Tie Fighters
--[X][Military] Internal Security
-[X] Economic
--[X][Economic] Step-up military production
--[X][Economic] Sacrifice an economic action for an additional personal action
-[X] Diplomatic
--[X][Diplomatic] Day of mourning
-[X] Espionage
--[X][Espionage] Investigate loyalty of Imperial Intelligence Agencies
[X][Plan]Home before Christmas!
--[X][Personal]Study your own cybernetics
--[X][Personal]Design cybernetics for Snips
--[X][Personal]Plan training for Snips
--[X][Personal]Play General
--[X][Military]Begin the Invasion immediately
--[X][Military]Internal Security
--[X][Military]Improve Army Training
--[X][Economic]Refugee measures for former slaves
--[X][Economic]Encourage Automation
--[X][Diplomatic]Threaten potential allies to the Hutts
--[X][Espionage]Investigate loyalty of Governers.

What it says on the tin. A short victorious war will sure up Vaders grip on the empire!
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[X] Meet the New Boss
-[X] Personal
--[X][Personal] Study your own cybernetics
--[X][Personal] Set up illusions for Snips
--[X][Personal] Study Palpatine's archive
--[X][Personal] Play Squadron Leader
--[X][Personal] Play General
-[X] Military
--[X][Military] Begin the Invasion immediately
--[X][Military] Redesign Tie Fighters
--[X][Military] Internal Security
-[X] Economic
--[X][Economic] Step-up military production
--[X][Economic] Sacrifice an economic action for an additional personal action
-[X] Diplomatic
--[X][Diplomatic] Day of mourning
-[X] Espionage
--[X][Espionage] Investigate loyalty of Imperial Intelligence Agencies
It may be moderately risky to study the archive early in terms of action effectiveness… there is absolutely no way Palps has a plan, and to the best of my knowledge the techniques of Plagius died with him. When Vader learns that, it will utterly crush him. He doesn't even have Padmé, Obi-wan took her to save the kids, and Palps will only know that Obi-wan has the body and wouldn't have taken any such precautions.

There is a chance that Vader will interpret this as Padmé being captured, but living, despite his force senses saying otherwise, leading to kiddos, but while Vader is delusional, he doesn't lack confidence in his powers.

IMO the sooner we crack the vault the sooner Vader just dies, leaving a shell behind. I would want to have Snips definitely awake before that happens, so she can give him something else to be.
I'm honestly having a lot of fun writing things in the voice of this version of Vader. He's really fun to write. He's so... bombastic and confident about everything. It's great!

By the way, please remember that unreliable narrator is unreliable.
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I'm so confused man. You previously posted the plan vote and I made a plan but now there's another vote for the same thing and I missed it. Feels bad man. :( Still begging for a moratorium so we have a chance to submit these.

Anyway here's my plan that got berried.

[X] Plan: Foundation For The Future

-Personal: 4 actions

—[X][Personal]Study your own cybernetics
In order to make improvements on your cybernetics, first you need to study them. In some ways, this is dangerous, because you'll be shutting down your own life support to tinker with it. Ultimately, right now at least, this is very safe. Your will to live has never been stronger. You can feel the force singing in your veins. The force will not let you die to this.

—[X][Personal]Design cybernetics for Snips
Snips is missing both legs, some of her lower body, and part of her right arm. The cybernetic systems she will need are comparable to yours. Studying your own cybernetics will help you design a set for Snips.

—[X][Personal]Plan training for Snips

—[X][Personal]Set up illusions for Snips

—[X][Personal]Make a droid
You built a droid, long ago, to serve as a companion and a translator. Your needs have changed significantly since them. It's time to build a new friend, one who can help you manage the empire and, occasionally, kill those who get in your way. When you don't feel like doing it yourself.

It's less satisfying not doing it yourself.

-Military: 3 actions

—[X][Military]Redesign Tie Fighters
You often to fly a fighter. The current Tie Fighter program focuses more on quantity than quality. The Emperor preferred to treat soldiers as disposable, but that's poor military leadership. While, certainly, the flimsiness of the current design combined with their remarkable maneuverability is a reasonable method to sort the wheat from the chaff. But you could redesign it better. Faster and even more maneuverable. Perhaps put on additional weapons. Maybe include a somewhat better shield, or an astromech port.

—[X][Military]Improve Army Training
The Imperial army was gutted following the clone wars. Many who should have become a new, experienced, corps of non-com officers were instead killed or purged in command, either from standing in the way of the clones, or later due to questions about their loyalties. You have a very large military, one built around the idea that quantity can replace quality.

But... you know that's not true. You served in the Clone wars, where quality consistently defeated quantity every time. You need to implement a program of improved training and conditioning for your soldiers, preferably before they march into a slaughter.

Of course, you can easily bypass this need by simply burning planets from orbit.

—[X][Military]Improve Fighter Training
The Imperial Navy is very good at what it does. The officers for the flagships were all drawn from aristocratic families with a long tradition of service. They've all been to various officer schools, and frankly know all they need to about command, tactics, and strategy.

But you know who wasn't drawn from aristocratic families who can afford private education in a war college? Fighter pilots. You're in a position to set up a mandatory training program for fighter pilots to improve their reflexes and readiness.

-Economic: 2 Actions

—[X][Economic]Sacrifice an economic action for an additional personal action
May be taken until you're out of economic actions

—[X][Economic]Step-up military production

-Diplomatic: 1 action.

—[X][Diplomatic]Threaten the Hutts

-Espionage: 1 action.

—[X][Espionage]Investigate loyalty of Imperial Intelligence Agencies


Okay, too explain the reasoning behind my choices I need to explore Vader as a character here.

On the Personal side of things his entire life has been defined by who he views as his family. First solely his mother and the droids he built while he was in slavery, Then the Jedi order and the specific members of it which he developed a relationship with, then his fellow soldiers, and finally Padme.

His personal actions right now are focused on beginning the building of another family for himself one way or another. Padmes resurrection can wait until he's in a better position to do so and have it go well.

Regarding his empire focused actions the driving idea behind them is a mix his personal hatred of his time under slavery, the Hutts who represent that time, and his frustration with the Jedi for not doing anything about it. Along side his view of how an military should work.

From the Strategic side of things he's essentially drawing upon the already established fear-mongering of Jedi, his frustration with Jedi inaction regarding slavery, and the Hutts being despised to create a big external enemy to focus on.

Then using this external enemy to justify the building of a task force to destroy them once and for all. Which will be the first focus of his reforms and redesigns and can then be used to justify greater restructuring later.

In consort with the intelligence agencies becoming more personally loyal to him a greater effort to bring the organs of the empire to heel can be undertaken later.


My justification for not taking the Internal Security option in the military segment is that with the focus of this plan being maiming external to the empires daily business is that our strong anti slavery stance will be taken as general flag waving to gather support rather than an intention to really reform anything.

We'll be able to implement this at the same time of more internal reforms after we build up our military and gain the prestige of crushing the Hutts.
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[x] Plan: Foundation For The Future
—[X][Personal]Study your own cybernetics
—[X][Personal]Design cybernetics for Snips
—[X][Personal]Plan training for Snips
—[X][Personal]Set up illusions for Snips
—[X][Personal]Make a droid
—[X][Military]Redesign Tie Fighters
—[X][Military]Improve Army Training
—[X][Military]Improve Fighter Training
—[X][Economic]Sacrifice an economic action for an additional personal action
—[X][Economic]Step-up military production
—[X][Diplomatic]Threaten the Hutts
—[X][Espionage]Investigate loyalty of Imperial Intelligence Agencies
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Tithed_Verse on Oct 16, 2024 at 10:28 AM, finished with 17 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X][Plan]Home before Christmas!
    [X] Meet the New Boss
    [X] Meet the New Boss
    -[X] Personal
    --[X][Personal] Study your own cybernetics
    --[X][Personal] Set up illusions for Snips
    --[X][Personal] Study Palpatine's archive
    --[X][Personal] Play Squadron Leader
    --[X][Personal] Play General
    -[X] Military
    --[X][Military] Begin the Invasion immediately
    --[X][Military] Redesign Tie Fighters
    --[X][Military] Internal Security
    -[X] Economic
    --[X][Economic] Step-up military production
    --[X][Economic] Sacrifice an economic action for an additional personal action
    -[X] Diplomatic
    --[X][Diplomatic] Day of mourning
    -[X] Espionage
    --[X][Espionage] Investigate loyalty of Imperial Intelligence Agencies
    [X] Plan: Foundation For The Future
    —[X][Personal]Study your own cybernetics
    —[X][Personal]Design cybernetics for Snips
    —[X][Personal]Plan training for Snips
    —[X][Personal]Set up illusions for Snips
    —[X][Personal]Make a droid
    —[X][Military]Redesign Tie Fighters
    —[X][Military]Improve Army Training
    —[X][Military]Improve Fighter Training
    —[X][Economic]Sacrifice an economic action for an additional personal action
    —[X][Economic]Step-up military production
    —[X][Diplomatic]Threaten the Hutts
    —[X][Espionage]Investigate loyalty of Imperial Intelligence Agencies
    [X][Plan]Home before Christmas!
    -[X] Personal
    --[X][Personal] Study your own cybernetics
    --[X][Personal]Design cybernetics for Snips
    --[X][Personal]Plan training for Snips
    --[X][Personal] Play General
    -[X] Military
    --[X][Military] Begin the Invasion immediately
    --[X][Military] Internal Security
    --[X][Military]Improve Army Training
    -[X] Economic
    --[X][Economic]Refugee measures for former slaves
    --[X][Economic]Encourage Automation
    -[X] Diplomatic
    --[X][Diplomatic]Threaten potential allies to the Hutts
    -[X] Espionage
    --[X][Espionage]Investigate loyalty of Governers.