Going through the action options with personal thoughts...
[][Personal]Study your own cybernetics
In order to make improvements on your cybernetics, first you need to study them. In some ways, this is dangerous, because you'll be shutting down your own life support to tinker with it. Ultimately, right now at least, this is very safe. Your will to live has never been stronger. You can feel the force singing in your veins. The force will not let you die to this.
I think this is a 'must have' up front. Improving Vader's condition is a long-term project, so the more turns this is ignored the longer it's going to be and the more potential issues get in the way.
[][Personal]Design cybernetics for Snips
Snips is missing both legs, some of her lower body, and part of her right arm. The cybernetic systems she will need are comparable to yours. Studying your own cybernetics will help you design a set for Snips.
I say wait on this. I don't expect Ashoka is going to be let out of her tank immediately anyway, so at minimum should take time to study Vader's cybernetics first so that there's not a need to go back and redesign them again later. Or at least as much a need.
[][Personal]Plan training for Snips
With everything else to do, this probably takes a back seat right now, especially since we haven't even established the basics of corrupting Ashoka to the Dark Side.
[][Personal]Set up illusions for Snips
This one could maybe be squeezed in to get an early start in corrupting Ashoka.
[][Personal]Make a droid
You built a droid, long ago, to serve as a companion and a translator. Your needs have changed significantly since them. It's time to build a new friend, one who can help you manage the empire and, occasionally, kill those who get in your way. When you don't feel like doing it yourself.
It's less satisfying not doing it yourself.
Too many other important things to do right now.
[][Personal]Jedi Hunt
There might be more Jedi out there. You'd thought them all gone, but that is clearly wrong. It's time to start looking for other Jedi out there, and taking them out before they can cause problems for you.
This feels like a 'we have nothing better to do' action. Without any verified intelligence of where to actually find hidden Jedi, I see this mostly like a distraction of obsession.
[][Personal]Force Sensitive hunt
Force sensitives exist all across the galaxy. If you're taking Snips back as your apprentice, perhaps you should also seek out others who are worthy of instruction? You are a Free Man, unbound by the teachings of Bane or Tarsus Valorum's dictates. Perhaps you can teach others to be Free. Of course, if they too were Free they would be threats to you. But... you would not teach them to be slaves.
What say we get Ashoka figured out first. If nothing else, she can be the test run so we know what we're doing when potentially bringing in other Force minions.
[][Personal]Study Palpatine's archive
You're now the sole owner of Palpatine's archive. It's booby trapped against intruders, and protected in various ways... both through the force and through mechanical means. But that's the thing, you're stronger both in the force and in mechanical means than Palpatine. You should be able to bully your way through his defenses, now that he's not alive himself to enforce them.
You need to find his methods he was going to teach you to restore Padmé.
Even without the Padme angle (because even with the QM mentioning it I'm still questioning the idea of not just saving Padme, but outright bringing her back from the dead) - I see this as an important thing to address sooner rather than later.
[][Personal]Slaver hunt
There are slaves even on Coruscant herself. This is a poorly kept secret. Unlike the rest of the galaxy, where the majority of slaves are humans, the slaves on Coruscant tend to be near-humans. Especially Twi'lek, the most common slaves in the galaxy after humans.
It's time to make your displeasure with this situation known. Violently. Coruscant is too big to clean, even in a few months, but this is an excellent way to sate your bloodlust, and you might even be able to use the owners of these slaves as fodder for Sith Sorcery.
We don't need to hunt down individual slavers right now, we've got an entire war for that.
[][Personal]Play General
You have fond memories of your time during the Clone Wars. The Empire's strength rests on the back of her military, and by playing general you could improve the military's strength, while also reliving some of those old memories. It's nice, sometimes, to be on the front lines dramatically swooping in where needed.
[][Personal]Play Squadron Leader
You also have fond memories of flying squadron lead in a juiced up fighter, either solo, or occasionally with a small team. You could join the invasion fleet as a fighter pilot... and probably magnify their effectiveness greatly.
One of these is a 'must-have'. I think that as long as the Empire is at war, at least one of these should be in the mix every single turn.
First, there's the obvious benefit of the immediate military benefit where it results in a more effective military campaign.
However, there's also the
political benefits, both short and long term, which may be even more important.
It sends a signal about just how serious Vader takes the war rather than just 'yeah I'm going to send other people off to fight while I sit at home and do my own thing'; It works as an excellent propaganda tool (Behold as Emperor Vader himself leads the Empire's best at the front lines!'); It should do
wonders with Vader's reputation among the Imperial military, at least with those who don't have their heads up their butts - yeah, you'll have the political officers who may get upset that Vader is stealing their thunder, but for the actual competent people and the people at the bottom of the rankings, I imagine it'll earn Vader a lot of respect and loyalty from the people Vader will actually want as part of the military.
Plus it'll be an excellent opportunity to start weeding out the corrupt chaff as he'll get to see how his people perform up close.
[][Personal]Terrify the Senate
You've always taken enjoyment from stalking among the senate, terrifying them. It helps keep them honest. And their terror helps feed the force.
While I'm sure this would be fun, I say save this for either when the Senate is getting complacent or uppity in order to remind them of the proper order of things.
Find your new center and balance. Become more aware of your own body. Examine your connection to the force. Possibly learn new force techniques.
This could be good, but with all the other important stuff I see this as more mid-priority right now.
[][Military]Begin the Invasion immediately
If you invade before the Hutts hear about your announcement, the resistance will be much lighter. This does mean that any improvements you make to the military structure will have to deploy to an active combat zone, but the longer you take to strike the more prepared the Hutts will be. And they already know you plan to kill them all.
Yes, Yes, triple Yes. Delaying this only serves to benefit the Hutts.
[][Military]Investigate Cloning Facilities
This would be the first step you'd need to take if you want to re-start clone production. You'd need to investigate the facilities. See if Kamino is still suitable. Find the remaining facilities that survived the CIS counterattack. Find out of other locations might be more suitable.
Other, optional, steps involve improving the gene seed and hypno training, and possibly including cybernetics. But right now the first step is discovering what state the cloning facilities that remain are currently in, and finding who can handle this level of biological manipulation.
So...this is an interesting one the more I think about it.
On the one hand, it feels very 'why, though?' because we're not doing anything with clones right now.
However, there is the possibility of an unconventional use for this - helping Vader's condition. The obvious thing is cybernetics for improving Vader's suit.
Another possibility, though maybe this is outside the bounds of the game, is seeing if it might create a path for reducing how much Vader needs cybernetics. It would probably be a stretch to imagine Vader being made fully new, but perhaps there might be a possibility of seeing if some of his critical organs could be individually cloned and then transplanted into his body so at minimum he wouldn't be entirely dependent on his suit to merely live all the time.
Though probably something to focus on later.
[][Military] Investigate Superweapons Program
A superweapons program has been going since the early days of the Clone Wars without reaching a conclusion. You should probably eventually decide if the funding should be cut to this program, freeing up more funding for conventional weapons or other projects, or if it should continue.
I say put this on our 'to-do' list for future consideration, but not right now.
[][Military]Redesign Tie Fighters
You often to fly a fighter. The current Tie Fighter program focuses more on quantity than quality. The Emperor preferred to treat soldiers as disposable, but that's poor military leadership. While, certainly, the flimsiness of the current design combined with their remarkable maneuverability is a reasonable method to sort the wheat from the chaff. But you could redesign it better. Faster and even more maneuverable. Perhaps put on additional weapons. Maybe include a somewhat better shield, or an astromech port.
This I like. Aside from being an easy way of improving the Empire's effectiveness long term, it also comes with the bonus benefit of increasing the skills of its pilots, since a better fighter means more room for error, and the more room for error means more opportunities to learn from mistakes, and the more opportunities to learn from mistakes means more veterans with more combat experience to pull from.
[][Military]Improve Army Training
The Imperial army was gutted following the clone wars. Many who should have become a new, experienced, corps of non-com officers were instead killed or purged in command, either from standing in the way of the clones, or later due to questions about their loyalties. You have a very large military, one built around the idea that quantity can replace quality.
But... you know that's not true. You served in the Clone wars, where quality consistently defeated quantity every time. You need to implement a program of improved training and conditioning for your soldiers, preferably before they march into a slaughter.
Of course, you can easily bypass this need by simply burning planets from orbit.
[][Military]Improve Fighter Training
The Imperial Navy is very good at what it does. The officers for the flagships were all drawn from aristocratic families with a long tradition of service. They've all been to various officer schools, and frankly know all they need to about command, tactics, and strategy.
But you know who wasn't drawn from aristocratic families who can afford private education in a war college? Fighter pilots. You're in a position to set up a mandatory training program for fighter pilots to improve their reflexes and readiness.
Add these to the 'to-do' list. Something to get to soon, but not yet because there's so much else to do.
It might also provide a side benefit of providing intel on the state of the Imperial military in an actual war which could help guide the new and improved training programs.
[][Military]Internal Security
Already people are reacting to your announcement. Some of them, the rich and powerful who stand to be most effected by this change in stance, are displeased. It may be a good idea to task a portion of your military with Internal Security in order to deal with these little... disagreements.
This is kind of a 'must have'.
Not only is it important for minimizing how distracted Vader will be from internal squabbles, it also is an excellent early step in the process of remolding the Empire from Palpatine's vision to Vader's.
[][Economic]Economic sanctions on practitioners of slavery
"Why, though?"
Seriously question - "Why?"
Vader is already going to war over slavery with perhaps the biggest power in the galaxy next to the Empire.
So what purpose do sanctions serve?
Either they're in the Empire, in which the practitioners of slavery can be made to stop by force.
Those who
aren't in the Empire and who don't get the hint from Vader's war on the Hutts will provide an excellent excuse for the Empire to continue expanding its domain by force.
[][Economic]Phase out prison slavery
This one I question. Less so, but I still question. If there's any effort at all to ensure that the people the Empire puts in prison actually deserve to be there (For a certain definition of 'deserve'), then there's the question of 'OK, so what are we doing with these prisoners, then?'.
[][Economic]Phase out Indentured Servitude
When done right, the important difference between Slavery and Indentured Servitude is the expectation that the Servitude will end at a set point in time and it's based on a mutually agreed arrangement.
I don't see a need to end it.
[][Economic]Refugee measures for former slaves
With everything else, this feels like a "Might be nice if we ever have free time" thing.
[][Economic]Encourage Automation
This seems counter-productive to the whole 'we're freeing the slaves' thing.
Those slaves are still going to need jobs, just jobs they're actually getting paid for now.
[][Economic]Finance Archeological Expeditions
This is a luxury action for when there aren't more important things to do.
[][Economic]Buyback Program for Force Artifacts
"Why, though?"
Again - "Why?"
This is the Empire. This is Vader. Any kind of 'Buyback' program is uncharacteristically nice.
If there are any Force artifacts out there, the Empire doesn't buy them back. No, it should be
expected that good citizens of the Empire will turn in any Force Artifacts they happen to have as a responsibility.
And those that don't can expect to have their Force Artifacts seized by force.
[][Economic]Step-up military production
We're in a war, so kind of a 'must have'.
[][Diplomatic]Day of mourning
This isn't a bad idea, if nothing else it might help appease the old Palpatine Loyalists and better set the tone of the transition.
[][Diplomatic]Campaign against racial bias
This feels 'off'. Not that I disagree with it on principal, but for the Empire, it feels kind of too blunt, nice, and jarring about it.
I think that short-term, the focus should just be on the slavery issue; long term I feel like this is a thing taken care of naturally without an active campaign.
[][Diplomatic]Threaten potential allies to the Hutts
I feel like the most potent threat that could be made is by making an example of the Hutts and giving their potential allies reason to not upset the Empire.
[][Diplomatic]Threaten the Hutts
"Why, though?"
I mean, we're already at war with them, what are we supposed to threaten them with that's worse than "We're going to destroy your empire, burn your planets to the ground, and kill all of you"?
[][Espionage]Investigate loyalty of Imperial Intelligence Agencies
This feels like a 'must have'.
Investigating everyone will probably be necessary long term, but investigating Intelligence really needs to come first so they don't have an opportunity to get any ideas.