Elysian Odyssey (EU4 Quest - Byzantium in the New World)

i say lets do both the big admin and diplomatic options and then enlarge the army a fair bit and maybe attack south?
I'm with the general consensus on the expansion. As much as I'd like to snatch up Manhattan we have diplomatic and cultural ties to the north and its probably not a good idea to spook that, especially if we want to maintain a few buffers between us and the Haudenosaunne. If a European power tries to gank the Pequot we're right next door and can weigh in diplomatically or militarily if necessary. Meanwhile the longer we wait the stronger the Tuscarora becomes. Let's strike south, secure our southern flank, and deny more prime coastland to European grifters.

As for our regular work, I still want to jump for the treasury, even if it leaves us wallowing on the admin front for awhile. More importantly, as much as I'd love to continue Creta Minor's development we need those Embassies now while we're still ahead of the situation.

Down in treasury land, I say we beef up our Allagia and see what sponsoring workshops gets us.
Well he's middle aged already. Perhaps he'll get a heart attack or die of TB. Or a accidental fall down the stairs.

I see the Haudenosaunne have been quite busy. Perhaps at some point we can invade them together with Vinland.
Our time alone in the New World is probably going to come to an end probably by at least the end of the century. I'd really like to block off the coasts as much as we can.l
Hold on. @Sayle, Does foreign embassies make embassies in our territory for foreign delegations or is it us establishing our embassy in their territory?

It's probably the first but I'd like to know for sure.
That +19 per turn literally hurts to look at...
Boy this is going to be painful. Maybe he'll do us a favour and die quickly, although considering th trend his child is going to be the 1/1 or 0/0 for sure.
I would love to invade the tribe in the west.
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The new Emperor is very disappointing, let's just hope he has a short reign and his heir will be far better. Expanding south would be the best choice, I'm hoping that it denies more land that European powers can take. The Tuscarora would be a longer term threat if we let them live any longer, plus we should keep on expanding south after we beat them, I'm hoping we push down to Florida before European powers get to close. This turn should focus on building more Allagia for the coming war. What exactly will the Hippodrome, Guardian Statues of Ivos, and an Alexandrian library do?
The new Emperor is very disappointing, let's just hope he has a short reign and his heir will be far better. Expanding south would be the best choice, I'm hoping that it denies more land that European powers can take. The Tuscarora would be a longer term threat if we let them live any longer, plus we should keep on expanding south after we beat them, I'm hoping we push down to Florida before European powers get to close. This turn should focus on building more Allagia for the coming war. What exactly will the Hippodrome, Guardian Statues of Ivos, and an Alexandrian library do?

I dont think that we will have to worry to much about Europe for a while, like the conquistador armies where in the hundreds of men and settlements where like in the thousands max and many of them failed.
I dont think that we will have to worry to much about Europe for a while, like the conquistador armies where in the hundreds of men and settlements where like in the thousands max and many of them failed.
I mean, true, but I'd still prefer to gobble up as much coastline as we can before the Europeans come and say hi. I don't think we need to go north yet, though I would like to have New York city but that can come later. Pushing south is our best choice I feel.
We have a large head start on any European colonies and would become the closest trading and communication partner they have. While I agree in pushing south I believe instead we need to 'bulk up' our nation with workshops and roads for the militia and for trade. We must make ourselves too expensive to invade and more profitable to trade with.
We have a large head start on any European colonies and would become the closest trading and communication partner they have. While I agree in pushing south I believe instead we need to 'bulk up' our nation with workshops and roads for the militia and for trade. We must make ourselves too expensive to invade and more profitable to trade with.

The Europeans cant invade, as I said before the Conquistador armies where in the hundreds we could simply swarm them.
@Sayle Does the Emperor currently have an heir?

Yes, but I think hoping for a battlefield accident is a little optimistic.

Hold on. @Sayle, Does foreign embassies make embassies in our territory for foreign delegations or is it us establishing our embassy in their territory?

Little bit of this, little bit of that. It makes it easier for you to keep the borders calm, certainly. And it'll definitely come in handy when you get a lot of European powers in the pot.

Is this because our current ruler seems to be an obstinate idiot? Or was this for some other reason like the passage of time.

Maria died, and those were unique to her. Phocas hasn't had the time to develop any talents. The man is in his mid-thirties, though.
Little bit of this, little bit of that. It makes it easier for you to keep the borders calm, certainly. And it'll definitely come in handy when you get a lot of European powers in the pot.
Ah, more specifically would it have us sending a delegation to Europe to establish embassies and thus reveal ourselves to them? Or would we still be hidden from them?
With the Lenape at least partially Christianised (enough that internal faults are quicker to appear than rebellious ones), you turn your attention outwards. The Meskwaki are friendly after your intervention in the war and your common faith, but to the north of them is unknown. You put out feelers with your new barbaroi friends and dispatch some scouts, and the news that returns is chilling. Further north is a tribal confederation, a powerful group of unified groups called the Haudenosaunne. Not only have they managed to maintain internal unity and prosper as a result, but they have also conquered most of the neighbouring hostile tribes and united them under a hegemon. There is little doubt that their territory is at least the size of that claimed by Elysia, and their population is most definitely some eighty thousand - and that's before counting their pacified populations, which are most certainly double that. In the Old World this would have been concerning but not calamitous, but the simple reality is that the more spread out and subsistent cultures of even the refined natives allows them to muster much more of the population to fight than you can.
just wanna say,

so ya we need more military ASAP and they need to be professional! :D
[X] Invade Tuscarora.

[X] Plan Military buildup for Defense and war
-[X] Establish Foreign Embassies: 360 Diplomatic Points
-[X] Control the Treasury: 360 Administrative Points
-[X] Form an Allagia from the Militia (-4 Silver) [Repeatable] [0/24] x10
-[X] Expand the Militia (10 Silver/-2 Silver) [Repeatable] [0/2] x2
-[X] Sponsor Workshops in Alouion (85 Silver)
-[X] Sponsor Workshops in Odessos (85 Silver)

The reasoning behind such a massive military buildup in terms of Allagia's is because many of them are going to die in our war with the Tuscarora so they are more of a temporary expense and one that is needed for the war with them. Also I am sure the Treasury thing will help our income a fair bit.

But ya an extra 5,000 Allagia will be a MASSIVE help in our war plus after a few thousand of them die in it we will regain much of our crippled income. I also figure since we will be losing such a large portion of our military (I can't see us losing less than 3,000 troops) getting some militia to replenish our numbers is probs a good idea too even if we don't use them in the war itself. Plus they will defend our homeland while we are away :D
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getting some militia to replenish our numbers is probs a good idea too even if we don't use them in the war itself. Plus they will defend our homeland while we are away :D
Footnote: In this approximate era the militia would often join offensive wars. Local conditions varied, obviously, but a lot of wars were seasonal. Call up the militia in spring, campaign for a few months, send the militia home for the harvest, bunker down for the winter, repeat. If weather is warm, campaign in the winter and bunker down in the summer instead. Militia still goes home to get the crops in.
Footnote: In this approximate era the militia would often join offensive wars. Local conditions varied, obviously, but a lot of wars were seasonal. Call up the militia in spring, campaign for a few months, send the militia home for the harvest, bunker down for the winter, repeat. If weather is warm, campaign in the winter and bunker down in the summer instead. Militia still goes home to get the crops in.
Even better then, they will help even more by being directly in the war :D
The Haudenosaunee have access to coal and iron. More importantly, they are centralized and have an efficient government and administration. Getting them onside would be to our advantage. They currently outnumber us and with their constant contact with Vinland are resistant to our diseases. They are not someone we can afford to anger for the next few centuries at least. Integrating them would be the best benefit to us.
Counting the Allagia and the Dynatoi we have 8,000 professional soldiers and I guestimate we can send an equal number of militiamen with them when we march south. The Tuscarora are stated to be able to field a minimum of 10,000 warriors of their own. While I think we can claim qualitative advantage the natives have proven twice now that they can and have adapted their combat tactics to compensate for their disadvantages and after 50 years some of them have to have metallurgical projects of their own going on to narrow the equipment gap. With that in mind.

EDIT: I've been talked into the less extreme build-up.

[X] Invade Tuscarora.

[X] Plan Projects Big and Small
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[X] Invade Tuscarora.

[X] Plan Projects Big and Small
-[X] Establish Foreign Embassies: 360 Diplomatic Points
-[X] Control the Treasury: 360 Administrative Points
-[X] Form an Allagia from the Militia (-4 Silver) [Repeatable] [0/24] x2
-[X] Expand the Militia (10 Silver/-2 Silver) [Repeatable] [0/2] x2
-[X] Sponsor Workshops in Alouion (85 Silver)
-[X] Sponsor Workshops in Odessos (85 Silver)

Right, there's been enough discussion on invading the Tuscarora and grabbing the expensive Ideas before we render ourselves unable to afford them that I'm not gonna argue about them. I am absolutely going to talk about the workshops over roads - Roads add .35 Silver per development in an area, and both Pythagoras and Sydes have 3 development and won't get more for at least 2 turns due to the new ruler being shitty. That's 1.05 each.

On the other hand, Workshops add approximately half again as much base production income to a city (it's approximate because there's more factors and it's harder to unpick from raw data) - in Alouion that's at least 3 Silver and in Odessos that's probably 1.5 Silver. Our ruler is shitty enough that squeezing every last bit of silver we can out of things is important, and if we're invading to the south then there's no military benefit to extending the road network further north.

With respect to military buildup we really need to be careful not to go overboard and kill our Silver Income considering that our ruler will not be able to make up the difference with development projects. Furthermore, if we're going on the offensive we can use Militia rather than rely solely on Allagia. That's pretty darn important, because maxing out our Militia is cheap and gives us 16k of them less any converted to Allagia. Our militia are actually pretty good fighters - they had a costly victory when put up against half again their numbers.

That really makes a difference, because we quite literally just got an estimate of 10k fighters for the Tuscarora - our 12-16k militia can absolutely give them a drubbing in battle. I'm spending a little bit extra on Allagia so that we can have a core group of extra good heavy infantry for strategic purposes, but considering we've regularly beaten natives when mildly to heavily outnumbered and as best we can tell we're going to be the ones outnumbering the natives this time there really isn't any need for them.

Assuming that our army is going to suffer 90% casualties when we outnumber the enemy almost 2 to 1 and have a qualitative advantage besides is a friggin terrible plan. Adding as many Allagia as plan military buildup does will murder our income - down to 10 Silver a year or thereabouts, which means we'll be stuck needing to save for multiple turns just to build a single road. It's insane.
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[X] Invade Tuscarora.

[X] Plan Projects Big and Small
-[X] Establish Foreign Embassies: 360 Diplomatic Points
-[X] Control the Treasury: 360 Administrative Points
-[X] Form an Allagia from the Militia (-4 Silver) [Repeatable] [0/24] x2
-[X] Expand the Militia (10 Silver/-2 Silver) [Repeatable] [0/2] x2
-[X] Sponsor Workshops in Alouion (85 Silver)
-[X] Sponsor Workshops in Odessos (85 Silver)

Right, there's been enough discussion on invading the Tuscarora and grabbing the expensive Ideas before we render ourselves unable to afford them that I'm not gonna argue about them. I am absolutely going to talk about the workshops over roads - Roads add .35 Silver per development in an area, and both Pythagoras and Sydes have 3 development and won't get more for at least 2 turns due to the new ruler being shitty. That's 1.05 each.

On the other hand, Workshops add approximately half again as much base production income to a city (it's approximate because there's more factors and it's harder to unpick from raw data) - in Alouion that's at least 3 Silver and in Odessos that's probably 1.5 Silver. Our ruler is shitty enough that squeezing every last bit of silver we can out of things is important, and if we're invading to the south then there's no military benefit to extending the road network further north.

With respect to military buildup we really need to be careful not to go overboard and kill our Silver Income considering that our ruler will not be able to make up the difference with development projects. Furthermore, if we're going on the offensive we can use Militia rather than rely solely on Allagia. That's pretty darn important, because maxing out our Militia is cheap and gives us 16k of them less any converted to Allagia. Our militia are actually pretty good fighters - they had a costly victory when put up against half again their numbers.

That really makes a difference, because we quite literally just got an estimate of 10k fighters for the Tuscarora - our 12-16k militia can absolutely give them a drubbing in battle. I'm spending a little bit extra on Allagia so that we can have a core group of extra good heavy infantry for strategic purposes, but considering we've regularly beaten natives when mildly to heavily outnumbered and as best we can tell we're going to be the ones outnumbering the natives this time there really isn't any need for them.
no we were told they can field at MINIMUM 10K troops and they could probably field more.

Also losing troops = Losing population and I would much prefer sacrificing our Allegia rather than militia as we will lose less of them. Also our militia fought against a less advanced enemy than the Tuscarora who, while they outnumbered our military, were forced into a battlefield of OUR choosing because we were on the defense.

I would like to point you to our Allegia who when forced onto a battlefield of the ENEMIES choice and faced with the worst tactics possible for them rather than a straight fight like the militia took 1/3 losses and nearly broke and ran when our miltia would have.

You really believe we will get to choose the battlefield when on the offense? I personally don't think we can and I would rather ensure the odds are in our favor.

We're going to take casualties in this fight so having their replacements ready ahead of time is prudent. That being said, @san do you think I could talk you into changing those roads into workshops? I want to see what they do.
Though between you and this guy your right, Workshops are the better choice changing them over.