Echoes of Eternity: A Warhammer 40k Necron Lord Quest

Please, can you not vote for this plan? We can't let QM mystery box tempt us away from our true goal: Getting our organic body back and then dying!

Growing old is kino! Ascending to godhood is cringe!
I would rather not focus on the negatives of our situation. Why go back to being organic when we can have something else entirely. A middle ground where we get the best of both worlds. You can even die if you like. Cryptek is the option most likely to make it happen.

Beyond that necron science is amazing. If anything it is underutilized in many places.
[X] Plan: I'm too old for this shit

[X] Event Horizon
[x] Plan: I'm not dead yet you ingrates

So how does Flayer-queen and recovered from flayer virus interact with one another? Might try my hand at making a plan with them.
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[X] Plan: I'm too old for this shit
-[X] The Overlord – "The Eternal Scourge"
-[X] The Cynic – "The Seeker of Flesh"
-[X] Pristine (-1 Points)
-[X] Unflinching Will (-1 Points)
-[X] Marked by Feuds (+1 Points)
-[X] Benevolent Overlord (0 Points)
-[X] Soul Resonance (-1 Points)
-[X] The Unyielding Spark (-1 Points)
-[X] Master of the Voidship (-1 Points)
-[X] Warp-Resilient Mind (-2 Points)
-[X] Psyker Bane (+3 Points)
-[X] Elite Cohort (-1 Points)
I would rather not focus on the negatives of our situation. Why go back to being organic when we can have something else entirely. A middle ground where we get the best of both worlds. You can even die if you like. Cryptek is the option most likely to make it happen.

Beyond that necron science is amazing. If anything it is underutilized in many places.
But it's not middle ground. The Cryptek craves godhood, transcendence, I really don't think this is the type of person who would be like "okay, it was fun but I think I'm going to let go now". The Cryptek doesn't want anything resembling mortality, the previous state of the Necrontyr being.

Also, I don't see The Cynic as purely negative, most Necrons want their organic forms back, the only difference is that, The Cynic thinks that Necrontyr wanting more was mistake in the first place, that their people should had learned to let go and accept the natural order of things, which is both interesting and fitting for a Necron Overlord.

Also, in general, somehow down-to-earth noble, who is self-aware about their current situation, and has to deal with the cesspit that is Milky Way is just cool for me.

Also, I very much dislike QM favoritism. Boredblues really shouldn't have done it. No problem if boredblues just said that they like the plan and would be happy if it wins but trying to insure that the Architect plan wins by promising special reward, that no other plan will get no matter how well thought out or narratively fun, was just horrible decision and very unfair.
Also, I very much dislike QM favoritism.
How many hours did you spend writing the OP, btw? What is going to happen if you lose interest in this quest?

Just a hypothetical, so you'd maybe consider things a little bit more carefully in the future. I am sure QM would've made it abundantly clear if they actively disliked the leading plan, don't worry; this ain't a sneaky attempt to fearmonger.
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[X] Plan: Unify The Flayer's W/ Our Awesome Might!
-[X] The Flayer Queen – "The Broken Butcher"
-[X] The Independent Commander – "The Architect of Order"
-[X] Pristine (-1 Points)
-[X] Enhanced by Cryptek Upgrades (-2 Points)
-[X] Recovered from the Flayer Virus (-1 Points)
-[X] Scarred but Resolute (-1 Points)
-[X] Regenerative Frame (-1 Points)
-[X] Unflinching Will (-1 Points)
-[X] Eternal Conqueror (+2 Points)
-[X] Subjugator of Dynasties (-2 Points)
-[X] Marked by Feuds (+1 Points)
-[X] Sworn Hated Enemy (+2 Points)
-[X] Benevolent Overlord (0 Points)
-[X] Eldritch Nightmare (-1 Points)
-[X] Ingrained Superiority (+1 Points)
-[X] Bearer of a C'tan Shard (-2 Points)
-[X] Soul Resonance (-1 Points)
-[X] Null Aura (-3 Points)
-[X] Warp-Tainted Artifact (+4 Points)
-[X] Master of the Voidship (-1 Points)
-[X] Hunted for False Knowledge (+3 Points)

[X] Plan: The Great Architect
[X] Plan: Hollow Knight
[X] Plan: The Rebel Artist
[X] Plan: This Is A Gift
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Just a hypothetical, so you'd maybe consider things a little bit more carefully in the future. I am sure QM would've made it abundantly clear if they actively disliked the leading plan, don't worry; this ain't a sneaky attempt to fearmonger.

To be fair, the problem is more the reward than if the QM liked the plan more or less, it is a bit unfair to give a special reward to one plan and not to the other.

I don't want to say this is a serious complaint, but if the point of this is the vote of the players, I don't think it's appropriate to give that favoritism. Even if the QM didn't intend it that way, giving a special reward goes beyond a "I like this plan".

Anyway, whichever plan wins, I hope people don't fight over these things. This Quest looks interesting and I'd rather avoid having to read that type of discussions
[X] Plan: The Great Architect
-[X] The Cryptek – "The Weaver of Eternity"
-[X] The Rebel – "The Star-Forger"
-[X] Pristine (-1 Points)

-[X] Enhanced by Cryptek Upgrades (-2 Points)
-[X] Regenerative Frame (-1 Points)
-[X] Unflinching Will (-1 Points)
-[X] Soul Resonance (-1 Points)
-[X] The Unyielding Spark (-1 Points)
-[X] Psyker Bane (+3 Points)
[X] Master of the Voidship (-1 Points)

-[X] Doomed by the World-Engine (+3 Points)
-[X] Legions of Precision (-2 Points)
Look, at the end of the day, I just wanted to try a jaded old space lich granny who's Been There and Done That, and really just wants things to settle the heck down, that was all of my motivation for this. If it wins I'll be happy, if it doesn't, oh well, but I don't think it needs any special prize to stand on its own.
[X] Plan: The Great Architect

Be interesting to see if the QM has the know-how to display advanced hypertech as well as say, Red Flag.
Part of why I devised this combo. I love the depictions of advanced technology being used. Red flag does it very well. Beyond that the combo just seemed like a good one.

A true scholar strives for more yet the Necrons despite all their knowledge don't seem to change or innovate at all. So I wanted to change that. What better innovation that to reach for divinity? Beyond that I want to see what kind of secrets we could dig from the star gods.

More so the Necrons have often been screwed over. First by their sun, then the old ones and finally the C'tan. I want to see them be able to take power for themselves and finally become masters of their own fate. No stepping back into the past and no slowly giving into entropy or insanity like now. Rather build something new and thriving.
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[X] Plan: This Is A Gift
-[X] The Deathmark – "The Shadow Ascendant"
-[X] The Cynic – "The Seeker of Flesh"
-[X] Pristine (-1 Points)
-[X] Recovered from the Flayer Virus (-1 Points)
-[X] Regenerative Frame (-1 Points)
-[X] Unflinching Will (-1 Points)
-[X] Trusted Allies (-1 Points)
-[X] Subjugator of Dynasties (-2 Points)
-[X] Marked by Feuds (+1 Points)
-[X] The Inevitable Extinction (0 Points)
-[X] Rebellious Subordinates (+1 Points)
-[X] Eldritch Nightmare (-1 Points)
-[X] Hollow Vessel (+1 Points)
-[X] Master of the Voidship (-1 Points)
-[X] Diminished Vanguard (+2 Points)

Not really expecting anything this late with the frontrunners having that much of a lead, but I had a neat idea for a Cynic Deathmark that just wants to make everything die eventually as the better fate after experience with living forever.

Lots of early intra-Necron conflict as opposed to ticking off external psykers and Chaos, with old grudges and a subordinate who probably isn't quite on board with our whole grand plan, against us with our vassal state and friendly contacts in other dynasties. Though we will be terrifying to the rest of the universe eventually as a pristine, regenerating, unflinching soulless nightmare older than the rest of the galaxy piloting our unique flagship over to come and "save" them from life.
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OOOO a Necron quest with the possibility of being a Flayed One? Count me in!

Gimme a second to draft up a plan

[X] Plan: Nightmares and Laughter Made Manifest
-[X] The Flayer Queen – "The Broken Butcher"
-[X] The Hedonist – "The Eternal Sovereign"
-[X] Fused with a Destroyer Frame
(-2 Points)
-[X] Regenerative Frame (-1 Points)
-[X] The Inevitable Extinction (0 Points)
-[X] Eldritch Nightmare (-1 Points)
-[X] Null Aura
(-3 Points)
-[X] Cursed by the Flayer Virus (+3 Points)
-[X] Rebellious Subordinates (+1 Points)
-[X] Master of the Voidship (-1 Points)

Let's be monsters, the galaxy is our own personal, screaming oyster after all! :D

[X] Event Horizon
[X] Plan: The Great Architect

Approval voting for this, too
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