Caphias Malan Second Adventure (Deserted Space)
I'm going to shot him when I meet him again. Fuck Ranius. Going back on a deal is one thing. Setting me up to take the fall is already in vengeance territory, but then I learn he sold not only me but my contacts in the system- among huge number of other- to druchii. It's going to be purging time. I get the reasoning, denying more druchii from taking interest in sector sounds decent on paper. Frack him anyway. Whole star system is in disarray.
Which admittedly, usually would be beneficial to 'rouge trader business'. I had a plan. Now that plan is in shredder. Change of management would do that. In a pirate controlled system where there is only a few oversized station to control - that are even more anarchic. And bloody. Sure I could make a fortune taking names and putting my foot down – were I not obligated to at least try to reinstate my previous business partners. Or at least rescue them from whatever black site Ranius took them to. Alas, reputation is meant to be upheld.
It's not completely annoying thou. Scared him so much he left without taking his stuff. Including most recent druchii bribe. Which included a pair of druchii made eldar-human hybrids servants with controls yet to input. Yeah, not touching any of them with as much as a pipe, till I can get a 'trusted' homunculi to take a look over them. So in the mean time , I'm gonna do with them what any warm blooded gentleman would… and throw a pair of maid outfits at them and put them on some pretty work.
Back to situation at hand.
Raumba station serves as a capitol of the system duo to having functional dry dock – which in itself is worth a goldmine here in Deserted Space, then there is actual gold mine in the mining world below us.- Who established it is anyone guess but it fuels the material needs for repairs, so not many complain. This and few minor other reasons is why this system is so coveted by Pirates and other faction, which is why it having a reliable leadership is important for business. As it were, people prefer if things stay neutral here. Which makes it the prime location for black market and rent-out meeting grounds. Providing vital services needed for prolonged operations.
Which leads to the problem of everyone being welcomed. Outcasts, heretics, druchii, exodites, even a rouge space marine happened here, if stories are to be believed. In the end. One of the outsiders desired to tip the scale. With a bomb. A loud one. And now it's my problem. Because of course we got caught in proverbial blast zone. Physically we could just move along, if we were to paint a grudge fueled target on our backs. So everyone hates it. Damned druchii and their well sculptured bribes.
The actual problem part of said problem is that it means detour for me. DETOURS! I hate those. They turn sideway adventure into a boring chore! I'm going to shot Ranius for that alone. Not only had we to chase him across half the length of station from one market place to the other. Then there was the decompression trap, their escape and diversion we had to deal with. That was one big ass lizard. Trauman cutting its head off did look painting worthy though. If I can get pick of it from one of the tech-priests I'm gonna commission a painting just to joke about it with her.
Then we had to make our way back to our own. In which we failed. With the ruling faction of the station out of the seat, a bunch of upstarts funded by druchii buggers intended on filling that spot. Negotiations about that started as poorly as they could. What with them shooting our tech support legs off and Trauman disarming pretender's bodyguard only to use their explosives to blow up said pretender. Then everything went upside down. Literally. Someone been playing with artificial gravity. I think. Could be wild grav weapons of some sort, for all I know. Either way we hit the ceiling that became the floor, while our enemy fell down a corridor that was the space between floors. It was not easier to navigate after that. One daring attack at strongpoint of Ranius friends later the station was somewhat putting itself at a standpoint. With things not actively blowing up. We decided to bluff our way out of the whole situation only for people to remember certain things about us and their former employers. Kind of. Trauman was still shot at. Unfortunately for offender she did not kill them.
It is how we got in this situation. Leading a pirate raid against a pirate hideout – which used to be a derelict mining station few systems over- in order to rescue some actually respected minor crime lord from the hands of another crime lord wanna-be supported by some third grade druchii captain on a end of their ropes. Was not expecting things to go that way but when life gives you Lemapple you beat the juice out of it. Keeping my bill open for that operation, that's for bloody sure. Emperor my whiteness.
Do you know the thing about organizing boarding actions? I did not. Which explains why I delegated that portion of the action to my current host.
Hammer of sarcasm is one odd vessel. Which is a given, since its owner is a pirate with love for risking her life, bested only by her love of setting things on fire – as her modified power armor with build in hellfire flamers is testament of. – It's a vessel designed or rather meant for one task above all else; boarding. Even more specific ramming then piercing then boarding of space stations. Preferably those that used to be asteroids before sentience and greed driven beings got their manipulators on them. My complains? Amortization. It was one Bumpy entrance. And the less said about turbulences on the way the better.
It did got the base a new entryway, so that's its job done. Big enough to park whole transport ships in. whole mechanized battalions can now move about. Add to it one pissed of Magus code smith with a cruiser worth of cogitators and the battle is certainly looking far more plausible. Nothing to tip the scales in one favor as some trench swiping tanks. Just in case folks with shields and breach weapons go first.
Yeah battle. Not my cup of recaff but needs and musts. Still rattled from the bumpy ride across meters of rock. I had decided to grant first blood to more eager compatriots, while I untangle my person from the place it ended at. Putting the time to better use I think of what is to come. The battle across the station is of short term importance. If I want some secure harbor in the future the person in charge will have to be open to dealing with me. Which means someone not wanting to kill me and willing to take bribes of many forms. Preferably in debt to my for say, rescue from interstellar kidnapping along with of several family members. It's all circle back to Raumba. Damn poser is so mediocre t his job, he's honestly the best fit. I would be that if he would be born in the Emperium the Inquisition would hire him to do their paperwork. Alas, he is stuck with us. Stuck somewhere on this throne forsaken rock to be specific.
That is to say that while majority of people present are here to kill each other. I shall lead my band of trouble seekers to seek the troublemaking seeker of vices. Outside of that any Intel would be as valuable as adamant. Not that druchii are a pray I intend on hunting. Had my share and not testing my luck if possible, I'm not that crazy. But any and all hideouts and loot drops pirates are famous for, could find better place in my coffers. Or well. Whatever form they take.
First things first though. Gonna find nearest heavy armed contingent of miscreant to direct the way of expected resistance and watch as guardsman veterans I brought along pick their shots. It's tested and reliable method so I will start with that. Already Trauman had managed to intimidate some poor sops into dragging the mounted weapons along. Not the first choose of armaments but benefits of secure fall back is far too underappreciated. We just got here. We're not leaving on nobody else terms, plus the reinforcements need a path to reach us. Gotta say, being a pirate does have its moments.
That thought survived roughly till I exited the ramp of boarding craft. Sometimes the universe does throw a bone into one's soup.
Hitching a ride on a troop transport of questionable origin going roughly the desired direction I take in the scenery of contact zone. What is there to say. It's a place after a battle. Well, hard to define it as a place. Between squashed metal and improvised entry points it looks as tangled as average underhive. Probably smells nicer but I have no desire of finding out breather stays on till I can be assured of quality environment. All this gloom does not need a shroom to complete the impression. Time to focus on the mission. Preferably before the flame lover decides things could use more light. I can hear the laugh already.
Soppy reunions aside. The finding and securing those we came for proved the easy part. Hostages held in mostly one place for ease of long term holding proved the downfall of morons. As once again they were reminded that none that grow up in this piece of space is incapable of causing troubles. And with the station on fire. Opportunities to cause troubles were not lacking. Sadly the way we used to get here no longer exist…
The difficult part proved to be joining the retreat of currently still somehow-holding-owners of the station. Pretending could only get us so far. Once they realized that we are indeed not their friends, I of course, offered to politely ignore each other. Surprisingly they agreed. Backstabbing while under siege. Commendable. After some haggling they joined my side. Our rescues having a cordon of meat-shields does have relaxing effect on me. The biggest problem with that were people in between, far too many opportunists looking to jump the ship without putting their neck out and huddling with non-combatants.
Buoyed by performance judged opportunist, we embarked on taking control of one of the few still docked vessels for escape purposes. It was obviously surrounded by people that would likely want me dead. Given that said people included Druchii, pirates , Tarelion Mercenaries and other hired guns of varied origins, it promised things going poorly. Not talking my way out of that. Death it is then.
As if responding to several unsung prayers of xeno's brutal demise, a lot of happened in short amount of time. Bunch of distant doors blew up. Some sneaky fellows started shooting and fastest acting of xeno started scattering. Off course seeing such zealous targets the most xenophobic of my current party started shooting. Sadly they did not shoot when I hoped they would. Had to sheppard bunch of enthusiasts away from me so to not draw attention to my little group of VIPs. Making my way towards the ship proved swift if frustrating activity by poor aim, of run and gun tactic.
We did made it though. Started taking over the ship, connecting the coms and all that stuff. Then we became contested. Or perhaps our allies simply pushed enemies our way. Regardless. Given the disheartening lack of weapons on the vessels we had to take matter into our own hands, once more. Nothing inspiring comradery as seeing superiors doing grunt work in trenches as the saying goes.
On the side note. Tarelian bites hurt! That one bite through my armor, good thing it held I would be looking for replacements in the future. At least not knife ears to worry about, this time. Got enough problems at this juncture. Some buggers bough another big lizard. Trauman walked the other way. So much for reputable solutions.
Ok. I admit I might have been too hard on Raumba. It had been an hour. He pretty much took over as Chief of staff. Despite dozens of pirate groups of interest, he pretty much told them to listed and they did. At this point the nexus may be back at operation in less than a week. Sadly it means I'm stuck with him. To him rather. Four different assassination attempts. Sure the falling scrap could been an accident but that still no excuse to be tardy. After so much work to get him back I'm not letting him keel over to some loose bolts. On the upside. We celebrating at Raumba station. Assuming right company, this prolonged stay may yet prove pleasant. Not holding hopes though. Made that mistake enough. Still having nightmares involving Trauman and that ogryn couple. Emperor grant me fortune.
Wonder where Ranius fracked off to. Eh, who cares, dude's flashed down the drain anyway. Not like he could get to much after failing then crossing a druchii bottom feeders… right?