To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
"Or worse," Rin says. "Do you know the ultimate-"

"I do," you interrupt. "I know it. I don't need to be reminded of how our lives are designed to go."

Ah, crap. She's from the timeline where she executed Kyouko after Sayaka witched out, and Madoka had to put her down.

"Yes." She smiles. "I halt the grief in their gems. What was once unsustainable becomes easy. There were once only fifteen magical girls in this town. There are now forty of them, living together in harmony."

Yeah, there's a catch here. For one thing if she could actually do what she's suggesting, the Incubators would be working against her like they do Sayaka, not the weird semi-truce they've got going with information sharing. Certainly I suspect that however her power works lets her manipulate grief-it also explains how she's able to convince people to sign on to her power and be altered semi-willingly if there's a catch like that. But I bet that there's a tipping point of some sort-a point where the magical girls witch out worse or become Walpurgis-types, or she's got some kind of deal going where she makes witches for the Incubators at a set rate.
"They're just real bad for each other. Least I thought so."

*Remembers the end of the Rebellion*

Dunno what you're talking about, Sayaka. An ideal relationship.

"I was told that was average by our mutual...pest."

Ooh. Someone doesn't like Kyubey. Good for you, Mumi.

"Time is of the essence, but I planned ahead. We are well within my planned schedule. Besides, I want to know the magical girls in my city. Even those who are simply passing through." She smiles. "Yuri invites them over; she brings magical girls from other timelines into ours, and then when they are done helping, we send them home. It's simple, clean, and it works. We bring them over, they help us out, then we send them back home."

Show of hands on who believes that? Nobody? Why? Rin is completely honest and trustworthy, she said so herself even!

I feel like asking more questions from Rin is just begging to be convinced of her superior point of view. She's pretty soft-spoken. She probably even believes herself somewhat.

Mmm. Depends on the questions?
Perhaps we should ask why we should do anything for these gals.

If they have 40 meguca, why the hell don't they take care of their own problems? :thonk:

Homura's been-" self-absorbed, obnoxious, controlling, a bad partner, a worse friend, "-a handful. Always been a handful."

It's an ironclad rule of our universe; one soul at a time.
Highlander Sayaka: "Or else."

It's Sayaka Quest, Onmur.
Mami no sells the glow's bullshit, is promptly killed and then Yuri brings Mami number thirty seven over to try again... that I would readily believe
You mean 13. If it's gonna be a crisis of multiple X character, we need to get 13 of them. Or 14, if you count the original.
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MUST NOT MAKE BAD/STUPID/OVERUSED cope with my emotions at these new developments.
You know I kinda want someone to make a Highlander Sayaka Quest now
But also not
*Remembers the end of the Rebellion*
Dunno what you're talking about, Sayaka. An ideal relationship.
Man, I am not one of those who says bullshit like Homura did nothing wrong.

But the thing is that despite what she did was bad it worked, all her friends/acquaintances are in a better position now, the Law of the Cycles is rendered obsolete since in this new reality there are no magical girls, and most importantly she keeps all the Incubators under a tight leash.

So yes, she is selfish, possessive and quite a jerkass, but she is far from being an evil monster.

Plus, just for this few seconds I forgive her of all her transgressions, Kybey lost and now him and all his fucking race are slaves to one of their previous victims, who tortures them daily.

Damm that ending was SO satisfactory!!!
Man, I am not one of those who says bullshit like Homura did nothing wrong.

But the thing is that despite what she did was bad it worked, all her friends/acquaintances are in a better position now, the Law of the Cycles is rendered obsolete since in this new reality there are no magical girls, and most importantly she keeps all the Incubators under a tight leash.

So yes, she is selfish, possessive and quite a jerkass, but she is far from being an evil monster.

Plus, just for this few seconds I forgive her of all her transgressions, Kybey lost and now him and all his fucking race are slaves to one of their previous victims, who tortures them daily.

Damm that ending was SO satisfactory!!!

Erm. There's definitely still Magical Girls in Homu-verse, considering the Concept Trailer, and Sayaka and company still have Soul Gem rings. And the situation is clearly, obviously not sustainable.
Sayakaquest 2: Homura's relationship with Madoka was a disaster in this continuity, and indeed, we can and must be thoughtful about the fundamental interpersonal dynamics and power imbalances within a relationship where one partner was for years (and perhaps still is) capable of replacing the other with a younger and more innocent version of herself at the least drop of a hat.

SV: ok, but is it problematic or not to become the Demiurge?
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Sayakaquest 2: Homura's relationship with Madoka was a disaster in this continuity, and indeed, we can and must be thoughtful about the fundamental interpersonal dynamics and power imbalances within a relationship where one partner was for years (and perhaps still is) capable of replacing the other with a younger and more innocent version of herself at the least drop of a hat.

SV: ok, but is it problematic or not to become the Demiurge?

I mean, that accusation sounded kinda biased and all, and I refuse to cast any judgement in one way or another, because frankly, I'm not that interested. Don't need to judge if I don't want to judge, you know.
Okay, they dated, okay, Homu was needy and vaguely abusive due to a lot of issues she'd acquired and nobody apparently figuring out how to make the relationship work, okay, they broke up, though they are still friends.

But the important question is whether Homura's Hair still makes people gayer just by looking at it, you've got to admit.
Sayakaquest 2: Homura's relationship with Madoka was a disaster in this continuity, and indeed, we can and must be thoughtful about the fundamental interpersonal dynamics and power imbalances within a relationship where one partner was for years (and perhaps still is) capable of replacing the other with a younger and more innocent version of herself at the least drop of a hat.

SV: ok, but is it problematic or not to become the Demiurge?
SV calls themselves bad at social, and usually I think they underestimate themselves, but sometimes I really do believe it.
"Or worse," Rin says. "Do you know the ultimate-"

"I do," you interrupt. "I know it. I don't need to be reminded of how our lives are designed to go."
...And you still alive? Not going mad, not grief spiraling, not killing other megucas to save them from such a horrible fate? o_O
Could it be a Mami from Oriko timeline, saved by Yuma's adorableness?

"Yuri invites them over; she brings magical girls from other timelines into ours, and then when they are done helping, we send them home. It's simple, clean, and it works. We bring them over, they help us out, then we send them back home."
[ ] What do your guests get in return for helping you?
The danger of questions is that it gives Rin time to, like, shape the narrative. Now, she's going to do that anyways, but...

I really don't know what to do.

Howsabout questions like this?

[ ] What exactly did you summon here to do?

[ ] If you have that many girls, what do you need me for?

[ ] What do your "guests" get in return for helping you?
It's Sayaka Quest, Onmur.
Mami no sells the glow's bullshit, is promptly killed and then Yuri brings Mami number thirty seven over to try again... that I would readily believe
Mami no sells the Glow's bullshit, is nearly killed, fakes her death, hides out in Mitakihara then Yuri brings a second Mami over and we have one hell of a boss fight as Yuri accidentally the space-time continuum.
Sayakaquest 2: Homura's relationship with Madoka was a disaster in this continuity, and indeed, we can and must be thoughtful about the fundamental interpersonal dynamics and power imbalances within a relationship where one partner was for years (and perhaps still is) capable of replacing the other with a younger and more innocent version of herself at the least drop of a hat.

SV: ok, but is it problematic or not to become the Demiurge?
[X] If you have that many girls, what do you need me for?
[X] What do your "guests" get in return for helping you?

Two questions is enough, and someone has to vote, so.
Well, we kinda know what she needs Mami for. Shock values and maybe Manchurian agent with a friendly complexion. Question is, what will Rin say instead?

Good enough for me

[X] If you have that many girls, what do you need me for?
[X] What do your "guests" get in return for helping you?