To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
Crazy thought, but what about Tatsuya? He probably knows by this point given how long his sister and Homura have been together, and unless he's married to one of the adult magical girls he's presumably got a couch in a home without any other magical girls there.
Crazy thought, but what about Tatsuya? He probably knows by this point given how long his sister and Homura have been together, and unless he's married to one of the adult magical girls he's presumably got a couch in a home without any other magical girls there.
Without a magical girl around for protection just in case? Probably not an ideal solution.
Yeeeaah she did just try to kill Kyoko, which means that she's not smart enough to know "if you kill Homura's brother in law no force on this Earth will save you from your stupidity"
[x] Find her a place to stay. (Write-in where)
-[x] Contact Tomo, Yoko or Sukuyo. Maybe they could give you hand.

Yeahhhhh heaven have mercy on whoever harms a hair on Tatsuya's head because Homura won't. Best not to let this dumbass anywhere near him.
[x] Find her a place to stay. (Write-in where)
-[x] Contact Tomo, Yoko or Sukuyo. Maybe they could give you hand.
Poor-chan is forgotten.

On another note, does anyone think it's a good idea to get her some food, I'll gladly edit my answer if anyone else will.
[q] Spinning flip out of the chair and into combat the ramen stand.
New meguca: "What the fuck just happened?"

Ramen Stand Owner: "You must be the new duckie." *Serves Kyouko the usual*

New meguca: "I'm not a duck-"

Kyouko: "Yes, you are. Now eat. Wouldn't want good food to go to waste, would ya?"

New Duckie: "..." *Eats the ramen*

The ramen is wonderful.
important question since i'm out and can't work on sq2 for a couple of days

should i or should i not animate kyubey doing a fortnite dance

this is an important question that needs answering

[] yes

[] no

[] you're a godless monster
[x] yes
[x] you're a godless monster and that's what we like about you