Okay, time for a reaction/analysis post.
Marksmanship training: Solid work overall, and we've uncovered the very critical issue of ammunition practically speaking always being in short supply. Its very good we discovered this now, its pretty much the latest point we could react and avoid an ammunition crisis from our training + mobilisation I imagine.
Infantry School: A comprehensive 1 year training plan, im impressed. If we can get our men to follow this training regime they will be the pride of the continent for sure. We should run two parallel training... sessions(?) though as to not overwork the infantry school, so two conscription cycles each year at 6 month intervals. Thats already included in the currently winning plan though.
Chaco war: The river warfare stuff is definitely of high interest, although not really something we can focus on right now. Paraguay buying the difficult to manufacture parts for trucks and finishing them with domestic designs is super duper interesting and absolutely something we should take note of. The grenades are also interesting but just a bit too, ahem, interesting for my taste. If we can get a less 'interesting' fuse there's definitely something there, but I dont think I'd be willing to copy the grenade completely unless things got very dire and we haven't found a more proper grenade to manufacture yet.
Train: Train! Huzzah!
As for conscription, the one comment Id make is that we want to make sure the formations are already there to be filled out so we reach 60k when the reservists fill all the holes. Creating new formations from scratch takes significantly more time than filling out a 'skeleton' formation.