[X] Establish the Ordnance Office - Developing an arms industry from scratch will take time and effort. An Ordnance Office will allow us to delegate some of that work to specialists. (Constant Investment.)
[X] Establish the Carabinieri Oversight Office - No one really keeps an eye on the paramilitary police force that keeps watch over the nation. If the force is to be reformed and re-established in a new role, then oversight is needed at the very least. (Constant Investment.)
[X] Production Licensing: Rifle - Build a factory to produce a licensed version of a currently available rifle design. Write in the weapon of choice. (9 Months Remain) ☑◻◻◻
[X] Establish the Analytical Research Team - This group will be tasked with drafting reports on external threats, internal dynamic shifts, and other non-standard areas of intelligence. (Finished!) ☑☑☑☑
[X] Organisational Reform: Regional Headquarters - The Carabinieri currently has a national headquarters based in Bur Gaabo. Regional HQ units would enable better management of the various units and duties of the force. (Finished!) ☑☑
[X] Government Action: Commissioning Officers - The Carabinieri lacks the ability to operate in small units. The Government, via the Defence Council, will commission a number of junior officers and promote long-serving carabinieri officers to senior positions. Companies will be reorganised into operational 'platoons.' (Finished!) ☑☑
[X] Equipment Purchase: Rifle - Either buy surplus or place a significant order for new production models of a currently available rifle design. Write in the weapon of choice. (Finished!) ☑
Analytical Research Team: The newest part of the Combined Defence Councils' informational department has been fully established and provided links to internal and external sources of information. All analysis projects will be improved.
Regional Headquarters: Regional Headquarters units have been established in the Carabinieri's three areas of responsibility; the North, the North-West, and the South. The Carabinieri will work to reform itself around these new organisational columns.
Commissioning Officers: Significant numbers of Carabinieri officers have been promoted from the ranks or placed in training. It is expected that the force will have the resources to operate in small units soon.
Equipment Purchase: An order has been made for 14,000 Arisaka rifles and carbines to be delivered from Japan. Tokyo Arsenal will produce and ship ca. 700 weapons per month for Reewiin until the order is complete.
Calibre: 6.5×52 mm
This is a lightweight, air-cooled machine gun, capable of firing 30 rounds from a metal feed tray in one long burst. Shorter bursts are also possible. They were donated as aid from Japan. The Carabinieri has only six, which are in service with the North-Western Brigade. Reports from when the Army still used the Type 3 were positive, as it is lightweight, reliable, and does not require carrying water for cooling. There is a significant problem with the machine guns' 6.5×50 mm round being confused for the 6.5×52 mm round also in service, which has resulted in damaged rifles and minor personal injuries.
Concerned by the dual threat of modern aircraft and tanks in any war Reewiin might be involved in, the Government has placed an order for weapons without consulting the Defence Council. Twenty-four M1929 13.2×99 mm Hotchkiss Heavy Machine Guns with dual-purpose wheeled carriages have arrived in Bur Gaabo aboard a French freighter. It is up to the Defence Council to find a place for them in the Army's order of battle. Accompanying them are several hundred 15-round feed strips and a hundred thousand rounds of ammunition.
Communications from the government imply that these weapons should be capable of engaging and destroying both aircraft and armoured vehicles that the Army of Reewiin is likely to face.
Where will these weapons be issued?
[ ] Write in
The Defence Council currently has two investment points available to be spent anywhere, one point to be spent in Armaments, and one point to be spent on the Carabinieri.
Industry and Logistics
[ ] Modernise The .43 Egyptian - Reewiin's single ammunition factory is dedicated to producing .43 Egyptian for the Carabinieri's Remington rifles. Expanding production and modernising the round to use smokeless powder will offer immediate dividends at a low cost. (
3-Month Investment. Initial production will be low-rate, and improve over time.)
[ ] Weapon Testing: Machine Guns - The Ordnance Office will buy a handful of machine guns from around the world and test them until they break. Afterwards, they will make recommendations to the Defence Council on the topic of machine gun licensing. (
6-Month Investment. Recommendations will be made at the end of this process.)
[ ] Production Licencing: Ammunition - Buy the tooling for one calibre of ammunition currently in service or soon to be in service. Expanding the .43 Egyptian factory will not be cheap, but it will be worthwhile. (
6-Month Investment. Initial production will be low-rate, and improve over time.)
- [ ] 6.5 mm Arisaka
- [ ] 6.5 mm Carcano
- [ ] .303 British
- [ ] Write-In
[ ] Production Licensing: Machine Guns - Attempt to buy the rights to produce a machine gun design. Include a weapon available in 1930 as a Write-In. Some will be easily acquired, others will be immediately refused. (
12-Month Investment. Initial production will be low-rate, and improve over time.)
[ ] Establish a Veterinary Oversight Office - Bringing hundreds of horses into Reewiin and establishing breeding programs will require extensive oversight, administrative effort, and coordination. As the Council is largely unfamiliar with the subject, forming an office of qualified professionals to manage the project would be of great use. (
Constant Investment. Will enable better handling of the various breeding programs and equine care in Reewiin.)
[ ] Equine Acquisition: Purchase Arabians - Buy Arabian horses for service en masse from Egypt. They will be monogender, and we will not be able to maintain the line if they're used for breeding stock. They also may not be resistant to AHS/ASS. (
3-Month Investment. Sufficient mass of horses should be available in as little as one year.)
[ ] Equine Acquisition: Donkeys & Mules - Buy partially resistant donkeys and mules for service en masse from South Africa. This sturdy stock will immediately enable us to improve our logistical and supply services while being somewhat resistant to AHS/ASS. (
3-Month Investment. Sufficient mass of donkeys and mules should be available in as little as one year.)
[ ] Equine Acquisition: Stud Farms - Buy a small number of Arabian studs from the United States. These will make good breeding stock for future programmes. (
3-Month Investment. A breeding programme can begin within the year.)
[ ] Equine Acquisition: Requisition Locally - Requisition local Borana horses from the cavalry and agriculture for breeding stock. (
3-Month Investment. A breeding programme can begin within the year.)
[ ] Government Action: Push for Equine Conscription - While pastoralism is not exactly a major industry in Reewiin, there are a large number of animals that could be put to wartime use, were they assessed in a proper census. (
6-Month Investment. Implementation will occur at the government's pace.)
- Lanes, Trains, and Automobiles
[ ] Road Expansion: Somali Coast - Build some metalled roads connecting major towns and cities. (
6-Month Investment. Construction will begin during this time.)
[ ] Road Expansion: Inland Networks - Improve the unimproved road network to be more extensive and less vulnerable to flooding in the wet season. (
6-Month Investment. Construction will begin during this time.)
Doctrine and Organisation
[ ] Establish the Information Review Team - This group will be tasked with drafting reports on various arms of the internal structure of Reewiin. (
12-Month Investment. Will enable additional work in this specific area, including write-in Information Review requests.)
[ ] Information Review: Army - Determine the state, readiness, and mood of the Army. (
3-Month Investment.)
[ ] Information Review: Government - Determine what the civilian government wants out of their armed forces. (
3-Month Investment.)
[ ] Analysis: Ethiopia - Long-term analysis of the optimal army to defend Reewiin against our eternal enemy, Ethiopia. (
6-Month Investment.)
[ ] Analysis: Britain - Long-term analysis of the optimal army to defend Reewiin against our eternal enemy, Britain. (
6-Month Investment.)
[ ] Analysis: Italy - Long-term analysis of the optimal army to defend Reewiin against our eternal enemy, Italy. (
6-Month Investment.)
[ ] Analysis: The Foreigners Have Some Good Ideas - Send observation teams overseas to take the best ideas from foreign nations. (
6-Month Investment.)
- Reforming the Carabinieri
[ ] Organisational Reform: Police Force - While the Carabinieri is responsible for internal security, its position as a military force can compromise that. Each Region should have a specialist policing force subsidiary to its larger military formation. (9-Month Investment.)
[ ] Organisational Reform: Wilderness Rangers - The Carabinieri is responsible for massive tracts of rural land. A specialist ranger unit trained in long-distance patrol and survival would be useful to the force as a whole. (9-Month Investment.)
[ ] Reinforce the Somali border - Diverting funds to the North-Eastern border will better protect against any future Italian aggression. (
12-Month Investment.)
[ ] Reinforce the Ethiopian border - Diverting funds to the North-Western border will better protect against any future Ethiopian aggression. (
12-Month Investment.)
[ ] Reinforce the Kenyan border - Diverting funds to the Southern border will better protect against any future British aggression. (
12-Month Investment.)
[ ] Doctrinal Reform: Army Drill - Dispatch the Army Training Detachment to spend time with each Carabinieri force, improving and formalising aspects of their training methods. These troops will be better suited as a wartime reserve and as partisans. (9-Month Investment.)
There will be a 6-hour moratorium on voting to encourage discussion. The vote will close in three days. We are trying something new so bear with us.