East Africa 1930: An ORBAT Quest

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by 4WheelSword on Apr 11, 2023 at 3:32 PM, finished with 22 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Learn Things
    -[X] Form a Naval Service: Carabinieri Maritime Policing Unit - The Kutulo could most easily be subsumed into the Carabinieri, since they already have a boat section for policing Lake Turkana.
    -[X] Analysis: The Foreigners Have Some Good Ideas - Send observation teams overseas to take the best ideas from foreign nations. (6-Month Investment.)
    --[X] Send typed-out contact info along with our observation team should they find foreign officers who are open to come teach in Reewiin.
    [X] Plan: Basic Training
    -[X] Marksmanship Training - With an average of twenty rounds per man per year, marksmanship is of very poor quality. Regular range training will begin to improve this, not only for the infantry but for the cavalry and artillery too. (6-Month Investment.)
    --[X] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge.
    -[X] Form a Naval Service: Carabinieri Maritime Policing Unit - The Kutulo could most easily be subsumed into the Carabinieri, since they already have a boat section for policing Lake Turkana. (3-Month Investment.)
    [X] Plan: Infantry Schools
    -[X] Establish an Infantry School - Our riflemen are currently trained in an ad-hoc fashion. The establishment of a proper School would allow us to drill our soldiers in more advanced tactics and provide a single baseline for all of our forces, so that officers can more easily assume command of troops they have not trained with. (12-Month Investment.)
    -[X] Analysis: The Foreigners Have Some Good Ideas - Send observation teams overseas to take the best ideas from foreign nations. (6-Month Investment.)
    --[X] Send typed-out contact info along with our observation team should they find foreign officers who are open to come teach in Reewiin.
    [X] Plan: Navy Tomorrow
    -[X] Marksmanship Training - With an average of twenty rounds per man per year, marksmanship is of very poor quality. Regular range training will begin to improve this, not only for the infantry but for the cavalry and artillery too. (6-Month Investment.)
    --[X] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge.
    -[X] Analysis: The Foreigners Have Some Good Ideas - Send observation teams overseas to take the best ideas from foreign nations. (6-Month Investment.)
    --[X] Send typed-out contact info along with our observation team should they find foreign officers who are open to come teach in Reewiin.
Turn 13 News, Rumours, & Updates: January-March 1933

Turn 13 News, Rumours, & Updates: January-March 1933

Project Development

Ongoing Projects

[X] Establish the Ordnance Office - Developing an arms industry from scratch will take time and effort. An Ordnance Office will allow us to delegate some of that work to specialists. (Constant Investment.)
[X] Production Licensing: Machine Guns - Attempt to buy the rights to produce the ZB vz.30 in 6.5×50 mmSR. (3 Months Remain) ☑☑☑◻
[X] Establish the Carabinieri Oversight Office - No one really keeps an eye on the paramilitary police force that keeps watch over the nation. If the force is to be reformed and re-established in a new role, then oversight is needed at the very least. (Constant Investment.)
[X] Organisational Reform: Wilderness Rangers - The Carabinieri is responsible for massive tracts of rural land. A specialist ranger unit trained in long-distance patrol and survival would be useful to the force as a whole. (3 Months Remain) ☑☑◻
[X] Analysis: The Foreigners Have Some Good Ideas - Send observation teams overseas to take the best ideas from foreign nations. (3 Months Remain) ☑◻
[X] Send typed-out contact info along with our observation team should they find foreign officers who are open to come teach in Reewiin.

Completed Projects

[X] Information Review: Government - Determine what the civilian government wants out of their armed forces. (Complete) ☑
[X] New Council Liaisons: Create permanent non-voting liaisons for the armed services and industry. Two will go to the armed services (one for each service, currently the Army and Carabinieri), and three will be industrial representatives: one for each of the arms industry, the rail industry, the recognized unions in these industries. (Complete) ☑
[X] Form a Naval Service: Carabinieri Maritime Policing Unit - The Kutulo could most easily be subsumed into the Carabinieri, since they already have a boat section for policing Lake Turkana. (Complete) ☑

Kismayo-Turkana Line:
Progress, Marsabit-Turkana: 70% (Est. completion October 1933)

Arisaka Rifles, Orders, and Production:
Progress, Rifle Deliveries: 80% (Est. completion December 1932)
Progress, Rifle Factory: 3 rifles per day

Type 3 HMG Project:
Progress, Reverse Engineering: Experiencing Delays (Est. completion ???)

January 1933

International Headlines

Copenhagen: Denmark abolishes capital punishment.
Managua: Juan Bautista Sacasa takes office as President of Nicarauga; United Stares marine forces depart the country, ending 24-year occupation.
Hsinking: Chinese bandits attack Japanese garrison with grenades. A swift counter-attack sees Chinese forces fleeing before the Japanese 8th Division.
Le Havre: Liner L'Atlantique burns: 225 dead.
New York: Doctor caught running red counterfeiting operation! Does the communist hatred for sound monetary policy know no bounds?
Northampton: Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States, found dead in his home.
Friedrichshain: Street fight erupts between national socialists, communists, outside red rally.
Casas Viejas: Civilians dead after anarchists, soldiers clash.
Athens: Panagis Tsaldaris' cabinet faces opposition, resigns. Eleutherios Venizelos forms new cabinet.
Atlanta: Court slaps down communist agitation: Angelo Herndon gets 18 years.
Tahoua: Missing aviatrix Lady Bailey found after four days in Sahara desert.
La Paz: Bolivian forces under new Supreme Commander, General Hans Kundt, begin a general advance into Paraguayan-held Chaco. Barbaric fighting around Nanawa as soldiers resort to machetes in the close terrain.
Guatemala City: Special boundary commission settles three-war border dispute between Guatemala, Honduras.
Dublin: Fianna Fáil party wins one-seat majority in Irish Free State elections.
Paris: Premier Joseph Paul-Boncour of France resigns after vote of no confidence.
Berlin: Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher resigns. Adolf Hitler sworn in as new Chancellor of Germany.

February 1933

International Headlines

Tegucigalpa: Tiburcio Carías Andino enters office as president of Honduras.
Guatemala City: Departure of US troops spurs ceasefire negotiations between government, Sandinista rebels.
Olehleh: Dutch sailors mutiny! Dutch navy in pursuit of mutinying De Zeven Provincien. Ship surrenders after aeroplane drops bombs, killing several mutineers.
Washington: Electoral congress confirms Roosevelt for president.
Berlin: Chancellor Hitler declares German rearmament.
Warsaw: New international convention to govern travel by air ratified.
Detroit: Week-long closure of banks sparks further closures across the United States.
Miami: Diminutive assassin attacks President-elect Roosevelt, hits Chicago mayor instead.
Washington: United States government moves to lift alcohol prohibition.
Moscow: Foreign journalists banned from travelling outside the capital.
Berlin: Police raid on communist headquarters uncovers plans for arson campaign. Communist Marinus Van der Lubbe arrested after fire at Reichstag building. President Hindenburg approves emergency decree: freedom of speech, press, assembly restricted. Chancellor Hitler's personal bodyguard arrest communist party leader Ernst Thälmann.

March 1933

International Headlines

Sanriku: Tsunami devastates Sanriku in Tohoku. Thousands dead, with officials estimating over 3,000 dead.
Washington: Franklin Delano Roosevelt takes office as US president.
Vienna: Australian lower house activities suspended after all eligible speakers resign. Parliament prevented from reconvening.
Washington: Bank crisis worsens: 37 states close banks, federal reserve banks halt operations. New President Roosevelt declares 'bank holiday', closing all banks in United States for five days.
Kambi: Solomon kaDinuzulu, King of the Zulus, dies.
Berlin: National Socialist party takes 43% of seats in parliamentary elections. New parliament votes in law giving Chancellor powers to pass laws by decree.
Athens: People's Party takes plurality in parliamentary elections. Panagis Tsaldaris takes office as prime minister of Greece, is arrested by general Nikolaos Plastiras. General Alexandros Othonaios new prime minister.
Lisbon: Portugal votes in new constitution: More powers for prime minister Salazar.
Raiford: Presidential assassin Giuseppe Zangara gets the chair!
New York: Jews march in protest against Chancellor Hitler.
Riga: Ādolfs Bļodnieks takes office as prime minister of Latvia.
Geneva: In light of the untenable demands the League of Nations has placed on Japan, the country declares its withdrawal from the League.
Berlin: Massive famine in Soviet Union: journalist reports starvation in communist Ukraine.
London: Sale of land in Mandate of Palestine to jews approved.
New York: Duranty: Claims of famine in Ukraine "a big scare story."
Montevideo: President Gabriel Terra, national police, army suspends national administrative council, parliament, chamber of senator, proclaims third republic of Uruguay.


A Pat On The Back

The Defence Minister and his Foreign Policy faction of government are very pleased by your immediate action on the matter of RRCS Kutulo. They are so pleased, in fact, that they have informed the Council that a minor underspend in the Ministry of the Interior's budget for last year remains available. They would like you to spend it. The money available is less than that represented by an investment point, but across the course of the year, it would be enough to fund one of the six-month projects the Council has been looking at. Which would you like?

Industry and Logistics

[ ] Weapon Testing: Anti-Air Weapons - The Ordnance Office will buy a handful of machine guns and cannons from around the world and test them until they break. Afterwards, they will make recommendations to the Defence Council on the topic of AA weapons.

[ ] Weapon Testing: Anti-Tank Weapons - The Ordnance Office will research a handful of field guns and large calibre rifles from around the world. Afterwards, they will make recommendations to the Defence Council on the topic of AT weapons.

[ ] Increase Funding: Type 3 - By funnelling additional investment towards the Type 3 project, it may be possible to have a prototype ready faster.

Doctrine and Organisation

[ ] Analysis: Ethiopia - Long-term analysis of the optimal army to defend Reewiin against our eternal enemy, Ethiopia.

[ ] Analysis: Britain - Long-term analysis of the optimal army to defend Reewiin against our eternal enemy, Britain.

[ ] Analysis: Italy - Long-term analysis of the optimal army to defend Reewiin against our eternal enemy, Italy.

Reforming the Army
[ ] Manoeuvre Training - The Army Review has determined that Reewiin's standing military is not currently fit for the task. Field manoeuvres will begin to improve this.
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge.
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge.

[ ] Marksmanship Training - With an average of twenty rounds per man per year, marksmanship is of very poor quality. Regular range training will begin to improve this, not only for the infantry but for the cavalry and artillery too.
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge.
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge.

[ ] Cavalry Training - The Cavalry are loath to conduct operations en-masse, leaving them poorly equipped for the field. Regular deployments into central Reewiin will begin to improve this.
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge.

[ ] Artillery Training - Our artillery capability is doctrinally obsolescent, with all firing conducted over open sights. More realistic training will begin to improve this.
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge.
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge.

[ ] Establish an Officer Academy - Our officers are currently trained in an ad-hoc fashion. The establishment of a proper Academy would allow us to educate more officers, and provide a centre for spreading doctrinal advances across the military by running a series of advanced courses and bringing able officers back as instructors. Completing this with the funding available requires Japanese assistance.
[ ] And request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge.
[ ] And request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge.

[ ] Establish an Infantry School - Our riflemen are currently trained in an ad-hoc fashion. The establishment of a proper School would allow us to drill our soldiers in more advanced tactics and provide a single baseline for all of our forces, so that officers can more easily assume command of troops they have not trained with. Completing this with the funding available requires Japanese assistance.
[ ] And request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge.
[ ] And request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge.

Usual mechanism, 6 hour moratorium, 3 day vote.
Vote Closed
Adhoc vote count started by maelstrom.seeker on May 11, 2023 at 1:13 PM, finished with 27 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Marksmanship Training - With an average of twenty rounds per man per year, marksmanship is of very poor quality. Regular range training will begin to improve this, not only for the infantry but for the cavalry and artillery too.
    -[X] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge.
    [X] Marksmanship Training - With an average of twenty rounds per man per year, marksmanship is of very poor quality. Regular range training will begin to improve this, not only for the infantry but for the cavalry and artillery too.
A Review of the Actions of the Defence Council of Reewiin
A Review of the Actions of the Defence Council of Reewiin
The uncolonised nation of Reewiin entered the 20th Century surrounded by enemies, but nonetheless managed to avoid conquest and desecration. In the last three years, the defence council has managed much, some of which is detailed below:
- The first military reorganisation plan was laid out, with the intention of developing a domestic arms industry, securing the supply of horses for the cavalry, and reforming the carabinieri.
- The Ethiopian Civil War begins, with a series of devestating battles that raged across the northern part of the nation.The terrible battle of Addis Ababa lasted three days and saw the death of many thousands of Ethiopians as well as the first appearance of tanks in East Africa. Negus Haile Selassie I retains control of the nation.
- A rail line from Kismayo on the coast to Turkana in-land was begun in earnest, with the initial line between Kismayo to the mines at Marsabit being the first priority.
- The Army Reform Program 1930 (ARP-30) conducts its first significant reforms as the Reewiin army undergoes radical shifts in organisation.
- The Defence Council orders 14,000 Type 38 Rifles and Type 44 Carbines from Japan in order to re-equip the Army.
- Regional Headquarters for the Carabinieri are established in three locations, all reporting to Bur Gaabo, while significant numbers of officers have been promoted from aongst the ranks.
- The Government, bypassing the Defence Council, has ordered and had shipped to Reewiin 24 M1929 Hotchkiss Heavy Machine Guns.
- Elements of the Reewiin Army are dispatched to regional Carabinieri headquarters to assess and improve training procedures.
- A report titled 'The Army of Reewiin: Its Nature and Disposition' is delivered to the Defence Council.
- A financial crisis hits the nation (and the world), imposing limits on what the state can afford to do.
- Production of local ammunition begins with the intent of supplying the army entirely domestically.
- IJN Chikuma is purchased at massive discount by the Defence Council and begins its long journey to Kismayo. It will go on to be renamed the SS Kutulo and become the first ship of the Carabinieri's new maritime force.
- The first locally produced type-38 rifles come off the lines in Reewiin, a domestic production of a kind that has never been seen in the state before.
- Tens of new horse ranches are established around Bur Gaabo, overseen by the Veterinary Office, in order to supply horses to the cavalry in future.
- A major riot breaks out in Kismayo between Reewin soldiery and Japanese sailors, leading to a significant diplomatic deal between the two nations to avoid any longer term issues.
- A report titled 'The logistical constraint of the Pack Animal in Reewiin' has been delivered to the Defence Council.
- A twelve-month recruitment drive to swell the non-comissioned ranks finished with significant bolstering of their numbers. Discipline improved dramatically, but morale has fallen across the entire Army.
- The licence for a helmet design and a single typewriter have been acquired from Czechoslovakia. An agreement in principle has been made for the production of the ZB vz.30 in Arisaka 6.5mm.
- Industry leaders warn the government, and thus the defence council, that manufacturing arms beyond the Type 38 Rifle, the Type 3 HMG and the prospective Czech LMG is outside the scope of current infrastructure.
- The Kismayo-Marsabit train line is complete, driving men and industry to the coast.
- New uniforms were adopted, to the distaste of most of the soldiery, especially amongst the officers and cavalry ranks.
- The January Plan is formed, which replaces the ARP-30. It will focus on entirely reforming the Army with particularl views on training, leadership, heavy weaponry and laying the groundwork for expanding the Reewiin Army as a whole. It will also see the establishment of the Carabineri Naval Service.
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Current Reewiin Order of Battle
April 1933


Total headcount is around 6000 personnel and 2000 horses, donkeys and mules.

Key equipment:
  • 8000+ Arisaka Type 38
  • 32 Fiat-Revelli 1914 MMG
  • 6 Type 3 MMG (all with the Guards Regiment)
  • 12 Krupp 75mm Pack Howitzer (Brigade level)
  • 10 Type 92 70mm Pack Howitzer (Battalion level)
  • 24 Hotchkiss 13.2mm DP HMG

Total headcount is around 10000 personnel, although not all are necessarily active.

Key equipment:
  • Around 10000 Arisaka Type 38/Type 30
  • 12 Perino 1908 MMG
  • 6 Vickers MMG
  • 4 Maxim MMG
  • Over ten thousand assorted firearms
Maritime Carabinieri Force

Key equipment:
  • Protected Cruiser Kutulo
  • 12 lake patrol craft
  • Assorted auxiliaries
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Turn 14 Vote: April 1933

Turn 14 Vote: April 1933

Project Development

Ongoing Projects

[X] Analysis: The Foreigners Have Some Good Ideas - Send observation teams overseas to take the best ideas from foreign nations. (3 Months Remain) ☑◻
[X] Send typed-out contact info along with our observation team should they find foreign officers who are open to come teach in Reewiin.
[X] Marksmanship Training - With an average of twenty rounds per man per year, marksmanship is of very poor quality. Regular range training will begin to improve this, not only for the infantry but for the cavalry and artillery too.
[X] Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge. (9 Months Remain, free slot) ☑◻◻◻

Completed Projects

[X] Establish the Ordnance Office - Developing an arms industry from scratch will take time and effort. An Ordnance Office will allow us to delegate some of that work to specialists. (Constant Investment.)
[X] Production Licensing: Machine Guns - Attempt to buy the rights to produce the ZB vz.30 in 6.5×50 mmSR. (Complete!) ☑☑☑☑
[X] Establish the Carabinieri Oversight Office - No one really keeps an eye on the paramilitary police force that keeps watch over the nation. If the force is to be reformed and re-established in a new role, then oversight is needed at the very least. (Constant Investment.)
[X] Organisational Reform: Wilderness Rangers - The Carabinieri is responsible for massive tracts of rural land. A specialist ranger unit trained in long-distance patrol and survival would be useful to the force as a whole. (Complete!) ☑☑☑

Kismayo-Turkana Line:
Progress, Marsabit-Turkana: 79% (Est. completion October 1933)

Weapon Orders, and Production:
Progress, Rifle Deliveries: 100%, deliveries complete.
Progress, Rifle Factory: 3 rifles per day, continuing.

Progress, LMG Deliveries: 0%, (Est. completion June 1934).
Progress, LMG Factory: 0.5 guns per day, increasing.

Type 3 HMG Project:
Progress, Reverse Engineering: Experiencing delays.


A Future, the Cruiser

As of March 1933, Reewiin finally has a Navy. At least, it technically has a force of ships capable of brown water operations and protecting at least some of the nation's coastline. The Republic of Reewiin Carabinieri Ship Kutulo is now the headquarters ship of the Reewiin Maritime Carabinieri Force, which expands the small carabinieri force on Lake Turkana significantly.

A number of small coastal craft have been acquired, little more than traditional Dhows originally intended for fishing but now being pressed into patrol duties by small squads of riflemen with minimal organisation. While poorly formed, they do at least exist.

Gain one (1) investment point to be spent in the new Maritime Carabinieri Force area.

Council Liaisons

Six new members have joined the council. The three civilians, one from the arms industry, rail industry and the unions, are polite and diffident, recognising their role as purely advisory. The three servicemen, however, are keen to have their opinions heard. The first point for vigorous discussion is how many of them there should be - The newly formed RCMF have sent along a delegate on the basis that each service should be represented, but the Army representative is protesting on the basis that the agreement was equal representation for all services and he is faced with two members of the Carabinieri. The RCMF man was holding a rifle on the northern frontier last month, surely he is more a Carabineer than a sailor?

All three men are reminded that their role is advisory and they are only here to observe, report and provide expert insight. Nevertheless, they will likely lobby for their preferred decisions, and in cases where the council is deadlocked their influence will almost certainly make a notable difference.

The QMs will now tiebreak your plans if you can't. Surely you will all agree on the best courses of action and this will never come up… right?

Information Review: Government

The report from the civilian government has been submitted and it is worrying reading. The sympathetic domestic policy faction in the government seems to have lost some power in recent months, and the foreign policy faction is deeply concerned about the path the Reewiin Army is on. Specifically, their concern is that during wartime the Reewiin will only be able to field 16,000 men under arms, and most of those are Carabinieri forces dispersed across the interior. There is no formal system for reservists or consideration of conscription in the event of war. Reewiin has around 130,000 military aged males, but as of this month, the rifle factory is producing guns that are going directly into storage for lack of men to carry them.

Currently the Italians and British could crush us like a bug, but even more concerning, we would probably lose to the Ethiopians. This situation must be addressed. The government wants you to reach either 30,000 men immediately available or 60,000 men with a month's notice in the next two years. Preferably both.

Other Business

The first ZB vz.30 machine gun has been finished at the new annex in the rifle factory. Production is now slowly ramping up, and the Army will be fully equipped with the new weapons by the middle of next year.

The Carabinieri Rangers are now set up, drawing from the best and brightest of the regular Carabinieri to produce a crack patrol platoon in each of the regional brigades. They have been trained in wilderness survival, reconnaissance and long range patrolling and are in peak physical condition.

Defence Council Investment - October 1932

The Defence Council currently has one investment point available to be spent on any area, one investment point available to be spent in the Armaments area, one investment point available to be spent in the Reforming the Carabinieri area and one investment point to be spent in the new Maritime Carabinieri Force area.

Industry and Logistics

[ ] Weapon Testing: Anti-Air Weapons - The Ordnance Office will buy a handful of machine guns and cannons from around the world and test them until they break. Afterwards, they will make recommendations to the Defence Council on the topic of AA weapons. (6-Month Investment. Recommendations will be made at the end of this process.)

[ ] Weapon Testing: Anti-Tank Weapons - The Ordnance Office will research a handful of field guns and large calibre rifles from around the world. Afterwards, they will make recommendations to the Defence Council on the topic of AT weapons. (6-Month Investment. Recommendations will be made at the end of this process.)

[ ] Weapon Testing: Artillery Weapons - The Ordnance Office will research a handful of field guns and howitzers from around the world. Afterwards, they will make recommendations to the Defence Council on the topic of artillery weapons. (6-Month Investment. Recommendations will be made at the end of this process.)

[ ] Increase Funding: Type 3 - By funnelling additional investment towards the Type 3 project, it may be possible to have a prototype ready faster. (6-Month Investment.)

[ ] Cancellation: Type 3 - If the problems with the Type 3 are insurmountable, cancelling the programme could free up much-needed national resources for the design and production of other arms. This does not cost an investment point and can be done at any time. (Free.)

[ ] Emergency Purchase - Buy weapons directly from any available source. Write in the weapon and quantity. Emergency purchases that the government views as overly large, precipitous or having been made without due consideration may have consequences. If the requested weapon is not approved for export by the selling country you could get nothing. (3-Month Investment. Variable delivery time. Can be selected multiple times.)

[ ] Cancellation: Arisaka Type 38 - We have enough 6.5mm rifles to cover all of our needs and our order is complete. Stop purchasing them from the factory. This does not cost an investment point and can be done at any time. (Free.)

[ ] Restructure the Ordnance Office - Reduce staffing in the Ordnance Office to retain oversight of programs in progress and free up capital for investment elsewhere. This does not cost an investment point and can be done at any time. (3-Month Wait.)

Breeding and Working
[ ] Restructure the Veterinary Oversight Office - To reduce operational costs the Veterinary Oversight Office has been shrunk significantly. Funding and personnel would allow the Office to perform specialised tasks. (3 Months, Constant Investment)

Doctrine and Organisation

[ ] Establish the Information Review Team - This group will be tasked with drafting reports on various arms of the internal structure of Reewiin. (12-Month Investment. Will enable additional work in this specific area, including write-in Information Review requests.)

[ ] Information Review: Government - Determine what the civilian government wants out of their armed forces. (3-Month Investment.)

[ ] Analysis: Ethiopia - Long-term analysis of the optimal army to defend Reewiin against our eternal enemy, Ethiopia. (6-Month Investment.)

[ ] Analysis: Britain - Long-term analysis of the optimal army to defend Reewiin against our eternal enemy, Britain. (6-Month Investment.)

[ ] Analysis: Italy - Long-term analysis of the optimal army to defend Reewiin against our eternal enemy, Italy. (6-Month Investment.)

[ ] Analysis: The Foreigners Have Some Good Ideas - Send observation teams overseas to take the best ideas from foreign nations. (6-Month Investment.)

[ ] Send Observers: Bolivia - Send a military attaché to learn from the Bolivian army's experiences on the Chaco front. (Until recalled or conflict ends)

[ ] Send Observers: Paraguay - Send a military attaché to learn from the Paraguayan army's experiences on the Chaco front. (Until recalled or conflict ends)

Reforming the Carabinieri
[ ] Restructure the Carabinieri Office - Reduce staffing in the Carabinieri Office to retain oversight of programs in progress and free up capital for investment elsewhere. This does not cost an investment point and can be done at any time. (3-Month Wait.)

[ ] Enlarge the Carabinieri - Currently, Reewiin maintains a standing Carabinieri of 10,000 men organised into three regional commands each controlling a set of loosely organised companies. There are several options for enlarging this; select one or more:
[ ] Establish a formal reservist force from ex-Carabinieri. This is unlikely to create a significantly larger force, since Carabinieri tend to serve for longer than regular soldiers. (6-Month Investment)
[ ] Increase recruitment - Write in the desired force size and structure. (Variable Investment)
[ ] Write in.

Reforming the Army
[ ] Manoeuvre Training - The Army Review has determined that Reewiin's standing military is not currently fit for the task. Field manoeuvres will begin to improve this. (6-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge.
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge.

[ ] Cavalry Training - The Cavalry are loath to conduct operations en-masse, leaving them poorly equipped for the field. Regular deployments into central Reewiin will begin to improve this. (6-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge.

[ ] Artillery Training - Our artillery capability is doctrinally obsolescent, with all firing conducted over open sights. More realistic training will begin to improve this. (6-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge.
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge.

[ ] Establish an Officer Academy - Our officers are currently trained in an ad-hoc fashion. The establishment of a proper Academy would allow us to educate more officers, and provide a centre for spreading doctrinal advances across the military by running a series of advanced courses and bringing able officers back as instructors. (12-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge. (Reduces to 6-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge. (Reduces to 6-Month Investment.)

[ ] Establish an Infantry School - Our riflemen are currently trained in an ad-hoc fashion. The establishment of a proper School would allow us to drill our soldiers in more advanced tactics and provide a single baseline for all of our forces, so that officers can more easily assume command of troops they have not trained with. (12-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge. (Reduces to 6-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge. (Reduces to 6-Month Investment.)

[ ] Enlarge the Officers Corps - The Army of Reewiin lacks many things, one of which is junior officers. While this is not a significant issue at the high level, it leaves the junior officers seriously overworked. Beginning a major drive to recruit and train new officers will shift this issue towards the positive. (12-Month Investment.)

[ ] Enlarge the Army - Currently, Reewiin maintains a standing Army of 6,000 men organised into six effective battalions. There are several options for enlarging this, and we can create formations and units that we do not currently have the equipment for if we want. It's perfectly possible to specify an artillery division is to be formed and only then start looking for an artillery piece to equip it. Select one or more:
[ ] Establish a more formal reservist force from those claiming their pension. - Write in the desired force size and structure. (12-Month Investment)
[ ] Increase recruitment and expand existing formations - Write in the desired force size and structure. (Variable Investment, 6-12 months)
[ ] Increase recruitment and create entirely new formations - Write in the desired force size and structure. (Variable Investment, 12-24 months)
[ ] Increase recruitment and split up current formations as cadres for the new recruits - Write in the desired force size and structure. (Variable Investment, 6-12 months)
[ ] Institute conscription - Write in the desired force size and structure. (6-Month Investment)
[ ] Write in.

[ ] Confine Idle Soldiers to Barracks - We can't have the Army tarnishing its image by gambling and causing trouble on the streets! Confining the soldiers to their barracks when they don't have leave will keep them from being a nuisance. (3-Month Investment).

Maritime Carabinieri Force

Equipment and Logistics
[ ] Prepare to acquire new large ships - A temporary committee will be formed to investigate options for the procurement of large ships, whether that involves purchasing ships that are in service, having them built abroad or attempting to build a ship in Reewiin. For our purposes, large ships are those of destroyer escort/high endurance cutter size and above. (3-Month Investment.)

[ ] Prepare to acquire new small ships - A temporary committee will be formed to investigate options for the procurement of small ships, whether that involves purchasing ships that are in service, having them built abroad or building ships in Reewiin. For our purposes, small ships are torpedo boats, coastal patrol vessels and associated types. (3-Month Investment.)

[ ] Prepare to refit the Kutulo - A temporary committee will be formed to investigate options for the refit of RRCS Kutulo, which could be a deep refit to modernise her into an acceptable cruiser for the 30s and 40s, or could be a shallow refit to rapidly improve her reliability and suitability for purpose. (3-Month Investment.)

[ ] Establish a national fuel reserve - Reewiin is not rich in coal or oil, the lifeblood of navies. The purchase of a significant reserve of fuels would allow us to continue to operate the RMCF under blockade conditions for longer than usual, as well as allowing the government to smooth out price shocks to fuels. (9-Month Investment.)

[ ] Construct a naval base - Currently the RMCF is based out of the commercial port facilities at Kismayo, but this state of affairs is not acceptable in the long run. We have little secure storage for arms and ammunition, we don't have proper facilities for the effective routine maintenance of our ships and the port fees are shocking. If we established a proper naval base, all of these problems would go away, although drydock facilities would still be provided by the private sector. (12-Month Investment.)
[ ] In Kismayo, the largest port city
[ ] In Kiyaambo, outside the capital Buur Gaabo
[ ] Optional: Permit Japanese construction of a naval base in the selected area, with the agreement that the RMCF are able to use the facilities. (3-Month Investment, ready in 12 months.)

Doctrine and Organisation
[ ] Improved Training - The RMCF is completely new and knows very little, institutionally, about policing or combat at sea. More realistic training will begin to improve this, although it may be a long process. (6-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge.

[ ] Establish a Naval Officer Academy - Our officers are currently drawn from the merchant marine and trained in an ad-hoc fashion. The establishment of a proper Academy would allow us to educate more officers, and provide a centre for spreading doctrinal advances across the military by running a series of advanced courses and bringing able officers back as instructors. (12-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge. (Reduces to 6-Month Investment.)

[ ] Establish a Sailing School - Our sailors are currently drawn from the merchant marine and trained in an ad-hoc fashion. The establishment of a proper School would allow us to drill our sailors in better seamanship and especially the art of fighting at sea. (12-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge. (Reduces to 6-Month Investment.)

You are more than welcome to ask questions about what is acceptable as a write-in vote.
There will be a 6-hour moratorium on voting to encourage discussion. The vote will close in three days.
Last edited by a moderator:
Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by FrangibleCover on Feb 14, 2024 at 12:59 PM, finished with 85 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan: From the Lowest Bidder
    -[X] Write-In: Negotiate offers for the purchase of 13.2 mm machine guns and dual-purpose mountings whose capabilities meet those of the current 13.2 mm Hotchkiss guns.
    -[X] Send Observers: Paraguay - Send a military attaché to learn from the Paraguayan army's experiences on the Chaco front. (Until recalled or conflict ends)
    -[X] Restructure the Carabinieri Office - Reduce staffing in the Carabinieri Office to retain oversight of programs in progress and free up capital for investment elsewhere. This does not cost an investment point and can be done at any time. (3-Month Wait.)
    -[X] Construct a naval base - Currently the RMCF is based out of the commercial port facilities at Kismayo, but this state of affairs is not acceptable in the long run. We have little secure storage for arms and ammunition, we don't have proper facilities for the effective routine maintenance of our ships and the port fees are shocking. If we established a proper naval base, all of these problems would go away, although drydock facilities would still be provided by the private sector. (12-Month Investment.)
    --[X] In Kismayo, the largest port city
    [X] Plan: Fighting Attempt
    -[X] Send Observers: Paraguay - Send a military attaché to learn from the Paraguayan army's experiences on the Chaco front. (Until recalled or conflict ends)
    -[X] Weapon Testing: Anti-Tank Weapons - The Ordnance Office will research a handful of field guns and large calibre rifles from around the world. Afterwards, they will make recommendations to the Defence Council on the topic of AT weapons. (6-Month Investment. Recommendations will be made at the end of this process.)
    -[X] Restructure the Carabinieri Office - Reduce staffing in the Carabinieri Office to retain oversight of programs in progress and free up capital for investment elsewhere. This does not cost an investment point and can be done at any time. (3-Month Wait.)
    -[X] Construct a naval base - Currently the RMCF is based out of the commercial port facilities at Kismayo, but this state of affairs is not acceptable in the long run. We have little secure storage for arms and ammunition, we don't have proper facilities for the effective routine maintenance of our ships and the port fees are shocking. If we established a proper naval base, all of these problems would go away, although drydock facilities would still be provided by the private sector. (12-Month Investment.)
    --[X] In Kismayo, the largest port city

Alright, good stuff!
Turn 14 News, Updates & Vote: April-June 1933

Turn 14 News, Updates & Vote: April-June 1933

Project Development

Ongoing Projects

[X] Marksmanship Training - With an average of twenty rounds per man per year, marksmanship is of very poor quality. Regular range training will begin to improve this, not only for the infantry but for the cavalry and artillery too.
[X] Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge. (6 Months remain, free slot) ☑☑◻◻
[X] Weapon Testing: 13.2 mm machine guns - The Ordnance Office will research a handful of 13.2 mm machine guns and dual-purpose mountings whose capabilities meet those of the current 13.2 mm Hotchkiss guns. Afterwards, they will make recommendations to the Defence Council. (3 Months remain) ☑◻
[X] Send Observers: Paraguay - Send a military attaché to learn from the Paraguayan army's experiences on the Chaco front. (Until recalled or conflict ends)
[X] Construct a naval base - Currently the RMCF is based out of the commercial port facilities at Kismayo, but this state of affairs is not acceptable in the long run. We have little secure storage for arms and ammunition, we don't have proper facilities for the effective routine maintenance of our ships, and the port fees are shocking. If we established a proper naval base, all of these problems would go away, although drydock facilities would still be provided by the private sector. (12-Month Investment.) ☑◻◻◻
[X] In Kismayo, the largest port city

Completed Projects

[X] Analysis: The Foreigners Have Some Good Ideas - Send observation teams overseas to take the best ideas from foreign nations. ☑☑
[X] Send typed-out contact info along with our observation team should they find foreign officers who are open to come teach in Reewiin.
[X] Restructure the Carabinieri Office - Reduce staffing in the Carabinieri Office to retain oversight of programs in progress and free up capital for investment elsewhere. This does not cost an investment point and can be done at any time.

Kismayo-Turkana Line:
Progress, Marsabit-Turkana: 86% (Est. completion October 1933)

Weapon Orders, and Production:
Progress, Rifle Deliveries: 100%, deliveries complete.
Progress, Rifle Factory: 3 rifles per day, continuing.

Progress, LMG Deliveries: 12%, (Est. completion June 1934).
Progress, LMG Factory: 0.5 guns per day, increasing.

Type 3 HMG Project:
Progress, Reverse Engineering: Experiencing delays

April-June 1933

International Headlines of Note

April, China: Japanese troops begin marching south from the Jehol province towards Pei-p'ing.
May, South America: Although conflict has been ongoing since 1932, Paraguay's formal declaration of war with Bolivia was only signed this month.
May, China: Elements of the Chinese Army are destroyed at the Great Wall; A Japanese bomber distributes handbills across Pei-p'ing calling for a cease to opposition. The invasion of mainland China ends with the Tanggu Truce, ceding Manchuria to Japan.
June, United Kingdom: The World Economic Conference of 1933 opens and negotiations begin in earnest. Reewiin is not invited.

Local Rumours

Campaigning has reached a fever pitch ahead of the 1934 elections in Reewiin, with multiple new political parties springing up. Many of these mirror schools of thought from overseas, with radical left- and right-wing groups making their positions and policies known across a variety of rallies and conferences.


Bright Ideas from Overseas

Our advisors have returned from abroad, with many interesting ideas and methods. Some of the concepts are unworkable in the short term, such as a strategic bomber fleet, but some ideas are filtering through to the Defence Council as good ideas, such as mortars or heavy AA weapons. There has also been an increase in the general military awareness of these officers, many would be good instructors for an officer training school.

Sending these men out to represent Reewiin has also produced an unexpected windfall for us: Foreign Adventurers. These foreigners are generally quite strange men, here because they feel some sort of affinity with Reewiin. It turns out that being a small, independent, democratic state in Africa attracts a certain sort of person: Many of these foreigners have some formal military training, or some experience in combat, and are happy to join the armed forces and provide advice and training for reasonably low fees. You are requested not to laugh at their idea of Reewiinite fashions.

Closing the Carabinieri Office

While it had initially been one of the first appointments made by the Defence Council, the Carabinieri Oversight Office has done its duty and is now considered surplus to requirements. With no ceremony and little fanfare, the officer is closed, locked and the staff and condensed back into the Defence Council proper.

Observers Depart for the Chaco War

A hand-picked selection of officers have been sent to observe operations in the Gran Chaco region of South America. Since late last year, Paraguayan troops have been heroically resisting the depredations of the larger and better equipped Bolivian army, and Reewiin stands in solidarity with them. The Chaco is a large area that has barely seen any settlement and is similar in some ways to the Reewiin interior, being almost totally devoid of infrastructure and surface water. Remarkably, the entire area is covered in forest much denser than Reewiin's bushlands, drawing water from deep underground where troops cannot access it. Already, some papers are beginning to call it the War of Thirst.

Defence Council Investment - June 1933

The Defence Council currently has two investment points available to be spent on any area.

Industry and Logistics

[ ] Weapon Testing: Light Anti-Air Weapons - The Ordnance Office will buy a handful of machine guns and cannons from around the world and test them until they break. Afterwards, they will make recommendations to the Defence Council on the topic of light AA weapons. (6-Month Investment. Recommendations will be made at the end of this process.)

[ ] Weapon Testing: Heavy Anti-Air Weapons - The Ordnance Office will research a handful of high angle anti-aircraft artillery pieces from around the world. Afterwards, they will make recommendations to the Defence Council on the topic of heavy AA weapons. (6-Month Investment. Recommendations will be made at the end of this process.)

[ ] Weapon Testing: Anti-Tank Weapons - The Ordnance Office will research a handful of field guns and large calibre rifles from around the world. Afterwards, they will make recommendations to the Defence Council on the topic of AT weapons. (6-Month Investment. Recommendations will be made at the end of this process.)

[ ] Weapon Testing: Mortars - The Ordnance Office will research a handful of mortars from around the world. Afterwards, they will make recommendations to the Defence Council on the topic of mortars. (6-Month Investment. Recommendations will be made at the end of this process.)

[ ] Weapon Testing: Artillery Weapons - The Ordnance Office will research a handful of field guns and howitzers from around the world. Afterwards, they will make recommendations to the Defence Council on the topic of artillery weapons. (6-Month Investment. Recommendations will be made at the end of this process.)

[ ] Emergency Purchase - Buy weapons directly from any available source. Write in the weapon and quantity. Emergency purchases that the government views as overly large, precipitous or having been made without due consideration may have consequences. If the requested weapon is not approved for export by the selling country you could get nothing. (3-Month Investment. Variable delivery time. Can be selected multiple times.)

[ ] Increase Funding: Type 3 - By funnelling additional investment towards the Type 3 project, it may be possible to have a prototype ready faster. (6-Month Investment.)

[ ] Cancellation: Type 3 - If the problems with the Type 3 are insurmountable, cancelling the programme could free up much-needed national resources for the design and production of other arms. This does not cost an investment point and can be done at any time. (Free.)

[ ] Increase Funding: Arisaka Type 38 - By funnelling additional investment towards the Type 38 production line, it may be possible to increase rifle production above the current rate. (3-Month Investment.)

[ ] Cancellation: Arisaka Type 38 - We have enough 6.5mm rifles to cover all of our needs and our order is complete. Stop purchasing them from the factory. This does not cost an investment point and can be done at any time. (Free.)

[ ] Restructure the Ordnance Office - Reduce staffing in the Ordnance Office to retain oversight of programs in progress and free up capital for investment elsewhere. This does not cost an investment point and can be done at any time. (3-Month Wait.)

Breeding and Working
[ ] Restructure the Veterinary Oversight Office - To reduce operational costs the Veterinary Oversight Office has been shrunk significantly. Funding and personnel would allow the Office to perform specialised tasks. (3 Months, Constant Investment)

Doctrine and Organisation

[ ] Establish the Information Review Team - This group will be tasked with drafting reports on various arms of the internal structure of Reewiin. (12-Month Investment. Will enable additional work in this specific area, including write-in Information Review requests.)

[ ] Information Review: Government - Determine what the civilian government wants out of their armed forces. (3-Month Investment.)

[ ] Analysis: Ethiopia - Long-term analysis of the optimal army to defend Reewiin against our eternal enemy, Ethiopia. (6-Month Investment.)

[ ] Analysis: Britain - Long-term analysis of the optimal army to defend Reewiin against our eternal enemy, Britain. (6-Month Investment.)

[ ] Analysis: Italy - Long-term analysis of the optimal army to defend Reewiin against our eternal enemy, Italy. (6-Month Investment.)

Reforming the Carabinieri
[ ] Re-Implement the Carabinieri Office - Re-allocate staff to the Carabinieri Office in order to return Defence Council oversight to the national militia. Funding and personnel would allow the Office to perform specialised tasks. (3 Months, Constant Investment)

Reforming the Army
[ ] Manoeuvre Training - The Army Review has determined that Reewiin's standing military is not currently fit for the task. Field manoeuvres will begin to improve this. (6-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge.
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge.

[ ] Cavalry Training - The Cavalry are loath to conduct operations en-masse, leaving them poorly equipped for the field. Regular deployments into central Reewiin will begin to improve this. (6-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge.

[ ] Artillery Training - Our artillery capability is doctrinally obsolescent, with all firing conducted over open sights. More realistic training will begin to improve this. (6-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge.
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge.

[ ] Establish an Officer Academy - Our officers are currently trained in an ad-hoc fashion. The establishment of a proper Academy would allow us to educate more officers, and provide a centre for spreading doctrinal advances across the military by running a series of advanced courses and bringing able officers back as instructors. (12-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge. (Reduces to 6-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge. (Reduces to 6-Month Investment.)

[ ] Establish an Infantry School - Our riflemen are currently trained in an ad-hoc fashion. The establishment of a proper School would allow us to drill our soldiers in more advanced tactics and provide a single baseline for all of our forces, so that officers can more easily assume command of troops they have not trained with. (12-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge. (Reduces to 6-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge. (Reduces to 6-Month Investment.)

[ ] Enlarge the Officers Corps - The Army of Reewiin lacks many things, one of which is junior officers. While this is not a significant issue at the high level, it leaves the junior officers seriously overworked. Beginning a major drive to recruit and train new officers will shift this issue towards the positive. (12-Month Investment.)

[ ] Enlarge the Army - Currently, Reewiin maintains a standing Army of 6,000 men organised into six effective battalions. There are several options for enlarging this, and we can create formations and units that we do not currently have the equipment for if we want. It's perfectly possible to specify an artillery division is to be formed and only then start looking for an artillery piece to equip it. Select one or more:
[ ] Establish a more formal reservist force from those claiming their pension. - Write in the desired force size and structure. (12-Month Investment)
[ ] Increase recruitment and expand existing formations - Write in the desired force size and structure. (Variable Investment, 6-12 months)
[ ] Increase recruitment and create entirely new formations - Write in the desired force size and structure. (Variable Investment, 12-24 months)
[ ] Increase recruitment and split up current formations as cadres for the new recruits - Write in the desired force size and structure. (Variable Investment, 6-12 months)
[ ] Institute conscription - Write in the desired force size and structure. (6-Month Investment)
[ ] Write in.

[ ] Confine Idle Soldiers to Barracks - We can't have the Army tarnishing its image by gambling and causing trouble on the streets! Confining the soldiers to their barracks when they don't have leave will keep them from being a nuisance. (3-Month Investment).

Maritime Carabinieri Force

Equipment and Logistics
[ ] Prepare to acquire new large ships - A temporary committee will be formed to investigate options for the procurement of large ships, whether that involves purchasing ships that are in service, having them built abroad or attempting to build a ship in Reewiin. For our purposes, large ships are those of destroyer escort/high endurance cutter size and above. (3-Month Investment.)

[ ] Prepare to acquire new small ships - A temporary committee will be formed to investigate options for the procurement of small ships, whether that involves purchasing ships that are in service, having them built abroad or building ships in Reewiin. For our purposes, small ships are torpedo boats, coastal patrol vessels and associated types. (3-Month Investment.)

[ ] Prepare to refit the Kutulo - A temporary committee will be formed to investigate options for the refit of RRCS Kutulo, which could be a deep refit to modernise her into an acceptable cruiser for the 30s and 40s, or could be a shallow refit to rapidly improve her reliability and suitability for purpose. (3-Month Investment.)

[ ] Establish a national fuel reserve - Reewiin is not rich in coal or oil, the lifeblood of navies. The purchase of a significant reserve of fuels would allow us to continue to operate the RMCF under blockade conditions for longer than usual, as well as allowing the government to smooth out price shocks to fuels. (9-Month Investment.)

Doctrine and Organisation
[ ] Improved Training - The RMCF is completely new and knows very little, institutionally, about policing or combat at sea. More realistic training will begin to improve this, although it may be a long process. (6-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge.

[ ] Establish a Naval Officer Academy - Our officers are currently drawn from the merchant marine and trained in an ad-hoc fashion. The establishment of a proper Academy would allow us to educate more officers, and provide a centre for spreading doctrinal advances across the military by running a series of advanced courses and bringing able officers back as instructors. (12-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge. (Reduces to 6-Month Investment.)

[ ] Establish a Sailing School - Our sailors are currently drawn from the merchant marine and trained in an ad-hoc fashion. The establishment of a proper School would allow us to drill our sailors in better seamanship and especially the art of fighting at sea. (12-Month Investment.)
[ ] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJN institutional knowledge. (Reduces to 6-Month Investment.)

You are more than welcome to ask questions about what is acceptable as a write-in vote, and you are also welcome to ask the Council Liaisons for in character advice on decisions.
There will be a 6-hour moratorium on voting to encourage discussion. The vote will close in three days.
The Environments of Reewiin

The Environments of Reewiin

Further to some discussion in the discord channel on Wordsmiths (join us there for Charlie_Zulu and his horrifying grenades), it might be useful to have a general picture of the environments of Reewiin. This is all information that you would know just from living in the country.

The Cities

Unsurprisingly, much of the population is concentrated in the urban areas of Buur Gaabo and Kismayo. These are old cities, filled with higgedly-piggedly old buildings and without the grand boulevards of Europe and America. Architecture trends towards long and low-slung buildings, the tallest structure in Kismayo is a windpump. Many buildings have small windows and crenellated roofs, making them useful fortifications.

This is actually Mogadishu, 1930s, but Kismayo looks similar.

The Close Rural

Around the two major cities and along the Juba river are the farmlands of Reewiin, recently expanded by the establishment of strategic horse and donkey stocks. These areas are generally filled with many smallholdings, scattered trees and animals. Lines of sight look reasonably long, but various streambeds and wadis will allow small forces to close with each other easily, as was common in the bad old days of inter-Somali raiding before the establishment of the Republic of Reewiin.
CDN media
An Ogaden Tribesman, somewhere in Jubaland around the turn of the century.

The Bushlands

In common with much of Africa, Reewiin's interior is filled with sparse, low forest and bush. Most of the trees are species of hard-scrabbling Acacia or thorny Myrrh, with thick underbrush of grasses and smaller plants. The region is dotted with villages and also contains nomadic Somali and Oromo groups. This is an extremely difficult environment to operate in, with movement taking a long time and very short average lines of sight, in the order of a hundred meters, in most areas. European forces are likely to be unfamiliar with this sort of terrain.

Some sort of pointy thing, but look around and behind it at the terrain.

Bush Forests

Mount Marsabit itself, and a few other areas on the coastal Kenyan border, have dense enough vegetation to form actual forests more similar to those found in Kenya. These areas are haunted by wild animals such as elephant and zebra, and are more or less similar ecologically to the aforementioned bush except even denser and with less ground coverage. Settled population is basically zero, except for the mining settlements around Marsabit.

Ahmed, King of Marsabit, He could only climb hills backwards. Jomo Kenyatta gave him a personal protective detail. After he died of old age they weighed his tusks and determined that they weighed about 150lb each. Attempt to ignore him and look at the foliage again.


The shores of Lake Turkana are, perhaps counterintuitively, some of the driest areas in Reewiin. Communities have been clustered against the lake itself since time immemorial, where they make use of the plentiful fishing for most of their dietary needs. The areas behind the lake are desertified grasslands and desert, with sparse vegetation and cut with deep ravines produced by infrequent rainfalls.

Overlooking Lake Turkana from somewhere near Mt. Sibiloi.
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Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by Lonosic on Feb 22, 2024 at 2:23 AM, finished with 140 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Training Infrastructure
    -[X] Establish an Officer Academy - Our officers are currently trained in an ad-hoc fashion. The establishment of a proper Academy would allow us to educate more officers, and provide a centre for spreading doctrinal advances across the military by running a series of advanced courses and bringing able officers back as instructors. (12-Month Investment.)
    -[X] Establish an Infantry School - Our riflemen are currently trained in an ad-hoc fashion. The establishment of a proper School would allow us to drill our soldiers in more advanced tactics and provide a single baseline for all of our forces, so that officers can more easily assume command of troops they have not trained with. (12-Month Investment.)
    --[X] Optional: Request Japanese support for this program, improving impacts and benefiting from IJA institutional knowledge. (Reduces to 6-Month Investment.)
    --[X] Ask to de-emphasise aggression, discipline and bayonet training somewhat, as our troops are not ready for such rigors.

Pretty decisive.