[Dragonball Z] Saiyan Birds and Bees

ryuan said:
I doubt he's that much stronger than Gohan Sr. or the Ox King.

Videl on the other hand doesn't even blip on the Raditz scale.
Well Raditz is 1200.

Goku at the time he fought raditz was around 600?

I'd peg Videl as a third of that at 200. Or 1/6 of a raditz.
Drexal15 said:
Well Raditz is 1200.

Goku at the time he fought raditz was around 600?

I'd peg Videl as a third of that at 200. Or 1/6 of a raditz.
Goku was 416 when he fought Raditz; a third of that is a hair under 139, which is the standard number given for Master Roshi, and is a bit over a tenth of a Raditz.
Drexal15 said:
Well Raditz is 1200.

Goku at the time he fought raditz was around 600?

I'd peg Videl as a third of that at 200. Or 1/6 of a raditz.
You have to remember that PL above 150 is a big damn deal on the normal human scale. At ~200ish Goku fought Demon King Piccolo, after all.
Farmer_10 said:
Well, time to ruin this for everybody:

Andrew because of your multiversal fuckery for the sake of a joke, Pan will never be born in this universe.

Gaze* upon the face of the life you have denied, you Monster!

*And if you can't see it, just google-search Pan. It's not that hard.
first your picture is broken, second when I got to view the picture is showed me a street from sweden. Dude there failing to load a picture, THen there's failing to load the picture and the picture having nothing to do with what you said you uploaded :D
Farmer_10 said:
Well, time to ruin this for everybody:

Andrew because of your multiversal fuckery for the sake of a joke, Pan will never be born in this universe.

Gaze* upon the face of the life you have denied, you Monster!

*And if you can't see it, just google-search Pan. It's not that hard.
The cast has access to both the Dragonballs and a few different flavors of mad scientist. If Gohan has a relationship with Videl and they want kids, they'll find a way to get kids.
Mithril-blade said:
King Piccolo kind of went through the best crop of fighters back in the day and wiped them out. The world appears to not have ever truly recovered that talent by the end of DBZ. Hell, the tournament commentators with those cool shades says as much.
You'd think they'd manage to get it back with Android technology, though...
I mean, hell, they bring people up to "aww, Freeza, you're adorable" levels of asskicking.
Is Vegeta still a gamer here? Would be funny if he's blowing a lot of Bulma's money just to get games for him and Nappa to play when he's not training to fight Goku or the latest threat.
GioGio said:
Is Vegeta still a gamer here? Would be funny if he's blowing a lot of Bulma's money just to get games for him and Nappa to play when he's not training to fight Goku or the latest threat.
Blowing Bulma's money on games? That would probably require independently financing at least a half dozen major game studios entirely on his own with her money for video games to in any way dent the Briefs fortune.
Farmer_10 said:
Well, time to ruin this for everybody:

Andrew because of your multiversal fuckery for the sake of a joke, Pan will never be born in this universe.

[Pretend there's a picture here]

Gaze* upon the face of the life you have denied, you Monster!

*Just google-search Pan at the end of DBZ because Spacebattles is a dick about images. It's not that hard.
In this universe, Videl and Gohan will eventually adopt a son and name him Pots.
Schwep said:
You know with Nappa and Chaozu alive and Chaozu several times stronger than Nappa and capsule technology, Nappa could and should be beaten up by a pokemon.
Better yet put Nappa in a Capsule and use him as a Pokemon.

Zap Rowsdower said:
Of course not, he was brought back by the wish to revive everybody killed by Frieza and his men, and is now a Hollywood movie producer.
He probably works heavily with Michael Bay...and the end result probably does end up making more sense as Nappa just smacks him off and on for stupid ideas
Eh, I think the Female!Gohan gimmick has run its course. It really was better as a one shot. And yet I still want to write DBZ fanfic. Hrm...
AndrewJTalon said:
Eh, I think the Female!Gohan gimmick has run its course. It really was better as a one shot. And yet I still want to write DBZ fanfic. Hrm...
Gohan wishes on the DB's for people to not tease her about girly matters and Shenron monkey paw retcons the universe?
Pulsor93 said:
Here's an idea. After the events of the Cell Games, the governments of the world KNOW Hercule didn't really have much to do with beating Cell, and try to form a contract with Bulma and Capsule Corporation in order to be prepared the next time something like Frieza or the Androids come around.

The plan? Develop super-soldiers and super-weapons that would make one of the Z-Figther's enemies pause in thought when they realize just how well-prepared Earth is this time around.
What do you mean by governments, plural? There's only one government, King Furry.
This guy.

As you can see from the pictures of past kings in the background, it's a hereditary position, although blue fur is apparently a recent addition to the royal gene pool.
Zap Rowsdower said:
What do you mean by governments, plural? There's only one government, King Furry.
This guy.

As you can see from the pictures of past kings in the background, it's a hereditary position, although blue fur is apparently a recent addition to the royal gene pool.
And he still ows Goku from when he beat Piccolo, it make me sad no one ever uses that as a story.
AndrewJTalon said:
Eh, I think the Female!Gohan gimmick has run its course. It really was better as a one shot. And yet I still want to write DBZ fanfic. Hrm...
How about a self insert where you are born as Mark(AKA Mr Satan), since he's like 2 years older than Goku, an are involved in the series from the start.
Ninjafish said:
it's a real fucking shame that the next real enemy they meet is majin buu.

other wise this plan would probably do pretty well for protecting the earth.
Not necessarily. In order to revive and recharge Buu, Babidi needs to absorb ki from fighters who use a lot of it in defeating his minions.

If, instead of sending the ki-using-in-large-quantities main characters, a group of Gero-quality-or-better cyborg/Android-enhanced soldiers with corresponding purely-mechanical weapons, who don't use actual life energy, are sent to deal with Babidi...
Ninjafish said:
it's a real fucking shame that the next real enemy they meet is majin buu.

other wise this plan would probably do pretty well for protecting the earth.
That demon guy Babidi had with him was roughly on Perfect Cell's level, wasn't he?
So throw an army or two at him, and that sorcerer wouldn't have time to bring Buu back.
I am the only one that believes if planets could mass produce 16, 17 and 18 grade androids Freeza exterminating the planet before they could do that is actually a GOOD thing?

I mean, what warrants that you can't make an army of androids that are utterly loyal to you and each and everyone of them can blow up the planet several times over?
ryuan said:
I am the only one that believes if planets could mass produce 16, 17 and 18 grade androids Freeza exterminating the planet before they could do that is actually a GOOD thing?

I mean, what warrants that you can't make an army of androids that are utterly loyal to you and each and everyone of them can blow up the planet several times over?
The trick is doing 17 and 18 style without any mental modifications. Remember, 17 and 18 are cyborgs, not robots, with human minds and a human past. Sticking to no-mental-modifications 17 and 18 style basically just means standard transhumanism (with potential for psychological profiling of upgrade applicants first to weed out, same as with handguns IRL - and its a lot harder to get turned into a cyborg on the black market than it is buying a gun, so the extralegal purchases issue is less than for guns), no utter loyalty involved. Can even have energy-emitting or absorbing bits restricted like assault weapons, with only durability, physical strength, and flight available on the civilian market.