[Dragonball Z] Saiyan Birds and Bees


"Apparently being female changes very little about me."

"For a twelve year old the V on this gi is very deep."

"Why is the Genie from Aladdin giving me and Cell bedroom eyes?"

"I need an adult."

"How do I keep my skin so smooth? Strawberry Yoohoo."
Red Sectoid said:

"Apparently being female changes very little about me."

"For a twelve year old the V on this gi is very deep."

"Why is the Genie from Aladdin giving me and Cell bedroom eyes?"

"I need an adult."

"How do I keep my skin so smooth? Strawberry Yoohoo."
Indeed. Feel free to keep this up.
Wait, if Cell is made from the genes of all the strongest fighters from the Red Ribbon Army's defeat onwards, then, in a way, he could be considered a child of all of them.

If Gohan is female, she's his only female gene source.

Does that mean she's technically his mother?
Zap Rowsdower said:
Wait, if Cell is made from the genes of all the strongest fighters from the Red Ribbon Army's defeat onwards, then, in a way, he could be considered a child of all of them.

If Gohan is female, she's his only female gene source.

Does that mean she's technically his mother?
Cell: Mu- Mummy?
I was flipping thru FF when I found... This... I... I can't decide if I should applaud the audacity or start trying to find a corner in a round padded room...
I'm surprised you havent used Goku's mind reading as a way of embarassing Gohan.

"Gohan, is something wrong?"
"It's nothing Dad, just some very usual side effects of-"
"Bored now, reading your mind"
"Oh, so that's what cramps are!"
" DAD!"
- - - - - -

Goku and the others descended into the city, after Yaijarobe's car was shot down. Goku landed with Gohan and a wary Yamcha in the middle of a busy marketplace. Gohan suspected it didn't have anything to do with his own safety, though.

"Seriously, I am so, so sorry Gohan," Yamcha said. Gohan sighed.

"It's fine. Really..."

"I mean, I just... I guess I'm just going through some things, ya know? Bulma and Vegeta and all..." His shoulders drooped. "Rough on a guy, ya know?"

"Um... Not really," Gohan said, blinking. Goku laughed as he looked back from the crowd.

"Hey! Take it as a compliment, Gohan! Yamcha's a lady killer and he thinks you look great! Right Yamcha?" Goku said with a big grin. Yamcha coughed, as Gohan looked aside with a deep blush.

"Er... I-I am... Flattered," Gohan managed. Yamcha forced a smile.

"I... Yeah! She'll grow up into quite the looker!"

"Yup! Just wait until ChiChi finds out you thought she was super hot!" Goku said happily.

Yamcha stared at Goku. Goku continued to smile.

"... I think I'm going to go find the androids now. Alone. Quickly," Yamcha said, running off. Gohan stared at her father in confusion.

"Dad? Why would you tell mom about this? She'd probably do all sorts of horrible things to Yamcha."

"Well yeah, but she'd be proud of you first!" Goku said cheerfully. "And that's the important thing! Unlike Yamcha!"

- - - - - -
NashX said:
Hmm, to quote a troper at tvtropes on the subject of the over abundance of top grade Saiyan genetic material in baseline humans in DragonBall Online, " Goku and Vegeta would have to have a sex drive 100 fold higher than the main male character of School Days, in order to ensure everyone on earth have a slim chance on going SS for the next 100 years."This might make an interesting/awkward situation for 63!Gohan. Or disturbing for Goku and Vegeta.
Gohan: Wait, I have to have HOW many babies?!
NashX said:
Time Patrol!Trunks/TP!Trunks came back from the future with some new mission for the Z warrior:

TP!Trunk: According to this census I collected from age 1000 Earth, 35% of Earth's human population can go SS!

63Gohan: Whoa, that is quite a relief to hear. Earth will have a future Spec Force to defend itself then..

TP!Trunks: My mom ran the math and algorithm... The only way for these to happened is for Son Goku and... Father to go on a ... World wide consented orgy spree... My mum think her past self would approve.. *blush*

63Gohan: * red face* Than, why are you telling me than?

TP!Trunk: 4.5% of those 35% of total population... contains yours and mine genetic material...

63Gohan: Err... *cue realization* Ah, ahem. *blushed and look to the side*
No... just no.
NashX said:
Hmm? TP!Trunks is from an alternate timeline, its cool man. Besides, there's more awkward pairing out there.
Oh don't I know *tries and fails to not think about the goten chichi pairings* But that is still somewhat disturbing consider the age gap between them.
Feel free to bounce around the timeline with snippets. I'm a bit harried from my job and prep for the Comic-Con, so updates will be slow...er.
Sweet Kami, that was hilarious. Beep.
Vegeta liking Frozen, or at least Let it Go, makes a disturbing amount of sense. The same goes for Krillin and MLP.
Pulsor93 said:
I'm not sure how to explain it, but I think it would be something he'd prefer other people not knowing. He likes watching it, or singing it in this case, when he knows nobody is watching him. Sadly, he doesn't know how to check for hidden cameras.