Ike said:
There aren't really many saiyans to introduce Gohan to, either. Nappa (who's even older then Vegeta), Tarbles (who Vegeta probably wouldn't even consider cuz he sucked so much he got freaking kicked off the planet), and Broly (old as her dad, and fucking nuts. Still the strongest individual/solo powered saiyan around).
That's why I picture Vegeta basically enlisting dudes Gohans age once she turns around 15 or so into martial training, to see who has what it takes to handle a hot saiyan bitch.
Just imagine the recruitment poster.
"Do you pathetic dregs find this woman attractive?" Vegeta shouted to the small crowd of people as he pointed at a large poster of Gohan, now eighteen years old and smiling shyly at the camera. "Do you?"
The group, mostly made of men between the ages of eighteen and twenty, were rather taken aback by just how loud this short guy could get. Still, they couldn't deny the girl was cute. After all, seeing that same picture on the pamphlets around the city was why they'd come here in the first place. They all mumbled the affirmative, something that made Vegeta snort in derision.
"Thought so," he said in a voice that just oozed contempt. "But you bunch of pansy-ass weaklings don't have a chance with her! Not as you are now!"
"And who's to say that, shorty?" A tall, buff college student said as he stepped up. He loomed over Vegeta and poked him in the chest. "You? Are you gonna-"
The student didn't get any further, because Vegeta had grabbed young man by the finger and then tossed him over his shoulder. The kid screamed before he slammed into the wall behind the Saiyan prince, leaving an imprint just a few feet away from the poster of Gohan.
"As of a matter of fact," he said with a scowl. "Yes. So you little shits had better respect my authority."
"Uh… Sir?" said another teenager, much more respectfully. "If you don't think we're worthy of dating her, then why are we here? What are we supposed to do?"
"I'm glad you asked!" Vegeta said with a cruel smile. He walked up and swept his leg casually, sending the teenager tumbling. A light kick then sent the boy flying before he even hit the ground, rolling him into the crowd and sending the whole lot of them toppling. "You're supposed to survive! You runts will become worthy once I beat the weakness out of you!"