You better not shout
You better not cry
You better not pout
But you're gonna die
Santa Claus is taking you down.
"Just according to cake."

(Translator's Note: "Cake" means "Keikaku")

(Translator's Note: "Keikaku" means "Plan")
Damn that was a good episode. So much in the way of wonderful content, dialogue and the ending music piece/transformation legit gave me chills.

If I had to pick one specific thing that really stuck with me it was how gloriously unsettling Cell was in this. While his Perfect form has certainly been menacing or creepy at points he was more aimed towards humour.

But this episode masterfully takes all the characterisation Perfect Cell has built up over previous episodes, keeps it, yet tilts the perspective just a little to the right and in doing so brings Cell to depths of creepy-evil we haven't seen since his Imperfect Form days.

The increasingly not okay fixation on Gohan, sense of honest to god malice/sadism he displays throughout the torture session ie his taking the Senzu Beans away just after Goku works his way to a "My God What Have I Done" moment, the Cell Junior's who from birth to naming to beat down work.

This episode is both the point Gohan steps into the hero role in the most epic way possible and the point where we see Cell as the villain in all it's terrible glory.
In case some are interested, the song is called:

Unmei no hi tamashi tai tamashi
Day of Fate spirit vs spirit

after the openings probably the most famous dbz song, for goooood reasons.
*listing to a 15+ years old mp3 ond my hard drive*
It was such an epic episode, fun, scathing, raw and epic all at once, amazing use of build up and call backs, not to wallow in the past, but make use of it to show what they've been building up to!
Well other then the whole end, I think the greatest highlight was when Goku was informed that Gohan didn't like fighting, and then he full on tried to abort his 'plan', shows that despite him being a crappy father he does love/care for his son.