At Sucal: Is this correct?
20 x magic bands (for attaching to specific muscle groups)
8 x 'magic bars' (for creating dumbells and stuff)
40 x '1k' balls (Magical weights that can be attached to the bands or bars or gis and require a power level of 1k to move under earth gravity).
20 x '10k' balls
10 x '100k' balls'
2 x 'Dragonball' sets
(Weighted orange balls that resemble dragonballs. Rather then stars, they have 1mm 'dots' of Katchin, requiring a power level of 1 million just to move one (so the '7 star' ball can't be moved unless you have a power level of 7 million).
1x 10k training gi (weighted gi requiring noted power level to move)
1x 100k Gi
1x 1M Gi