Should remember that The Manhunter in the comics isnone of the few people Superman believes can easily kill him
Because of Manhunter's eclectic arrangement of powers and skills, rather than raw power.
I also specifically said "animated Manhunter", which between JLU and YJ is not quite as powerful as comics-Manhunter.
Trunks Briefs
Warning: links may contain Dragon Ball: Super spoilers. Awesome Super spoilers. Except this next one:


Chronoa's Second: Time Patrollers have the honor of working for the God of Time. Trunks has the honor of being their boss.
Destroy his home. Murder his mentor. Break his spirit. Confront him with every second of his failures. But after a lifetime of rising up from being beaten down, never expect to see Trunks giving up.

+50 (+30 Base, +20 from "Desperate Assault"), +70 vs. mind control (from "Twice Shy")
Power Level
Trunks is one of the most powerful beings of any universe he cares to visit, and almost certainly the most powerful mortal. Having fully mastered the first two levels of the saiyan race's legendary transformations, he is a being who operates on truly intergalactic scales. His ability to reach the third form renders him more powerful still. Having accepted the occasional necessity of using it following his encounter with the Enemy and his humiliating defeat there, he has begun the achingly slow process of training it up. At present this has increased the power boost in the third form, but not yet had benefits for the lower levels. Given the size of the improvement, it says a lot about the scale on which he is now working, and the time he'll likely have to invest.

Base: 30 billion (at cap).

FPSSJ Boost: 7.5 billion (increasable through special training).

Transformed SSJ Total: 37.5 billion.

FPSSJ2 Boost (from base): 15 billion (increasable through special training). Always functions as a x2 multiplier of the current SSJ boost.

Transformed FPSSJ2 Total: 45 billion.

SSJ3 Boost (from base): 61 billion (lower levels must be trained by acclimation to this form). Always functions as a x4 multiplier of the current SSJ2 boost.

Transformed SSJ3 Total: 91 billion.
Gohan's Death: You let him die.

Cell's Completion: You let all of his victims die.

SSJ2 Ascension: You nearly destroyed the Time Nest.

Demigra's Invasion: You let him die.

Face To Face With the Enemy: Chronoa nearly died and all you could accomplish was screaming and destroying Earth for the Enemy.

Trunks has no greater and more fervent enemy than his own mind.
Despite what he sees as his failures, Trunks's enemies have a frightful habit of dying.

Deaths of Frieza and Cold: Trunks's first action upon returning to the past was to utterly annihilate the greatest enemy in the history of the saiyan race, and clean up that enemy's more-powerful father in the process. Not a hair out of place in the doing, either.

Destruction of the Androids: With this, Trunks avenged his mentor, and put an end to the slow apocalypse Earth was suffering.

Destruction of Cell: And with this, he strangled a yet-worse apocalypse in its infancy.
Time Patroller: To those very few who know of the Time Patrol, Trunks is a figure of respect and awe, carrying with him the weight of the Supreme Kai of Time's words. To those fewer who know only of the Time Queen, he is an existential threat worthy of outright panic.
Atoner: Trunks is haunted by what he sees as his failures, and will go to any lengths to reverse them. Effects: As Berra from Dragon Ball: After the End, Trunks will immediately go all in on almost any course of action he sees as reversing or making up for his past mistakes, and gains the full benefit of "True Hero" in the doing.

Desperate Assault: At this point you need to render Trunks mechanically incapable of standing in order to make him stay down. Even if you do, he'll probably still try floating after you. Effects: Flat +20 to Willpower.

Parting Glass: Trunks has buried and mourned several friends, and blames himself for every single one. Effects: Requires a Willpower check to abandon a comrade or accept the idea that he deserves happiness, at a -80 penalty.

Ruthless: Don't make any plans that bet on Trunks hesitating to use lethal force. Effects: Gain a moderate bonus to ending a threat with lethal force. PC's receive fewer non-aggressive options.

True Hero: Through years of fighting, Trunks has always stayed true to his beliefs. No matter what, he fights for his home, his family, and his people. Effects: Gain heavy bonuses to actions taken in what Trunks believes to be the service of his cause.

Twice Shy: Trunks has felt the grip of another on his mind. He has vowed to never let it happen again. Effects: Gain an additional +20 to Willpower checks against mind control attempts.
Super Saiyan, Full-Power: Trunks has been a master of this form for years.

Super Saiyan 2, Full-Power: His mastery of the second form, on the other hand, came only near the end of those years, after a long, long time training it.

Super Saiyan 3, Basic: ...after using this one time, under Demigra's thrall against the Future Warrior, Trunks has never touched it again.

Gee, wonder why?

Command and Leadership [Unlearned]: Um. Has anybody actually...taught...this guy how a military force is run?


Engineering [Exceptional]: Having super strength enough to punch the world into dust makes any truly productive construction work in the reconstruction of war-torn Earth into a large-enough-scale endeavor to demand an advanced understanding of the principles of architecture. Naturally, Trunks doesn't realize how much he's learned.

Tinkering [Talented]: He's not his mother, but Trunks is a genius. In another world, he might have been every bit as exceptional as she. He can take care of any equipment he's issued and read just about any design. The kind of fever-dream madness a true master of the field creates is probably beyond his comprehension, but nothing else is.
Overall Skill: Exceptional. Trunks is an expert warrior, seasoned by years in a hellish crucible followed by years more of expert training and instruction.
Overall Skill: Exceptional. Trunks prefers to engage opponents up close, using his sword to deny them space or time to maneuver.

Sword Use [Elite]: Trunks is actually better with a sword than with his bare hands, not that there's anything wrong with how he punches people. He gains additional bonuses when using a sword, which spikes against opponents who haven't specifically trained to deal with a sword-wielding fighter.

Crowd Fighting [Exceptional]: Years against the androids honed Trunk's ability to keep track of and fight multiple opponents to a fine edge, and he's only practiced more since then.

Dueling [Talented]: That said, he knows he won't always be fighting more than one person.

Team Fighting [Competent]: Trunks started training hard in this while the Future Warrior was still his partner. He stopped.
Ki Manipulation
Overall Skill: Talented. Trunks may not use ki blasts as much as his close-up skills, but he knows how important they are.

Burning Attack [Exceptional]: Trunk's mainstay for blasts in a fight, he has practiced this to near-perfection.

Masenko [Talented]: The first attack Trunks ever learned, and a memorial to his mentor, the Masenko is nonetheless overshadowed sometimes by his other attacks.

Heat Dome Attack [Talented]: Big finishes aren't really Trunks's thing, but he knows how to use them when the situation calls for them.

Final Flash [Competent]: Trunks witnessed the power of the Final Flash first-hand. He would have been an idiot not to learn it.

Lance Strike [Unlearned]: Trunks has learned this, the core skill of Mato Style, although his proficiency is...questionable.

Meteor Crash [Unlearned]: Likewise, this is a new acquisition.

Storm's Wrath [Unlearned]: Trunks has felt the power of this attack, and having acquired it, will probably invest the time to learn more.

Ignition [Unlearned]: Area blasts at lower than Heat Dome levels were actually a previously weak link in Trunks's repertoire. He'll probably practice this.

Incinerate [Unlearned]: Honestly, Trunks is vaguely uncomfortable with the flame-based nature of this technique, although he acknowledges how useful it is.

Ki Talents
Overall Skill: Competent. Trunks has a seriously unbalanced education.

Flight [Exceptional]: Trunks is as at home in the air as he is on the ground. More, in fact. Now, maybe this comes from years of running away from powerful foes, but are you really going to say that to his face now that he doesn't have to do that anymore?

Ki Control [Talented]: Sure, he's not made a particular focus of it, but Trunks is a trained warrior with control over his own energy.

-Ki Restraint [Poor]: Trunks has learned the absolute basics of holding all of his ki within his body to reduce his detection profile and amp up power. He can do so up to a level of 100,000 without any ki leaking out, but firing even a single blast shatters it all.

Ki Sense [Unlearned]: The androids never had energy to sense, and that's one aspect of his training that Trunks never really improved. He can tell "bigger," "the same," and "stronger." What more do you want?

Trunks Style [Master]: Is it mastery if you don't realize that somebody made a formal school of fighting out of it? Trunks doesn't mimic this style; it mimics him. As such, diversions in his style of fighting from the formal school do not cause him to lose Style bonuses. Thus, non-sword fighting is no longer a penalized technique.

Mato Style [Novice]: Under Mato's harsh instruction, Trunks has begun learning the fundamentals of this form. It will be years in the learning, but he has already begun to master some of its principles.

Chronoa [Strong]: Trunks is fanatically dedicated to the Supreme Kai of Time. He is subconsciously or willfully ignorant of her obvious and reciprocated attraction towards him, and the extent to which his ignorance hurts her.

Cynthia [Strong]: Trunks cares enough to help Cynthia -- who helps Chronoa -- train, and spending a year in close proximity will get you used to a person or ready to kill them. He went with the former.

Bassoon [Dependable]: He helps Chronoa. Solid fighter. Makes no problems.

Agatha [Dependable]: She helps Chronoa. The year they spent training might've changed things, but Agatha spent more time working with Chronoa than Trunks.

Bonny [Dependable]: She helps Chronoa. Could she please stop coming onto me, though?

Mato [Dependable]: Mato and Trunks have arrived at a new understanding of each other. Mato is a reliable Patroller who Trunks believes he understands. There is now a shared respect. It helps that Mato continues be make himself helpful to Chronoa.

Lilli [Dependable]: The newest addition to the team is a cheerful one, and vaguely endearing. Helpful to Chronoa.

Luke [Dependable]: Luke is professional in a manner vaguely similar to Mato and Agatha, although he seems less openly ruthless. Trunk knows he can rely on Luke, and Luke is quite helpful to Chronoa.
Karen [Neutral]: Karen is an unpredictable factor working towards an aim that is only coincidentally aligned with the Patrol. Trunks treats her as an unpredictable asset, albeit a potentially valuable one.
Verde Army [Hated]: *thousand-mile stare* Never again. (Automatic trigger of "Atoner")

Jaffur Vegeta [Hated]: Jaffur nearly got Chronoa worse than killed. Trunks will see him dead, no matter the cost.

Brave Sword Mark II: Trunks's original sword was destroyed by Android 18 before Cell even first appeared, but the young warrior wasn't so easily dissuaded from his fighting style. That said, he didn't have the time or the knowledge to make a suitable replacement...but his mother did. Shortly after Trunks vaporized his version of Cell, Bulma presented this sword to him. Far more than simple metal, this blade is a technological marvel, wrought with advanced nanoforges that created a blade hard and sharp enough to pierce heaven itself, along with a significant portion of the deities living there.
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*me throws things at wolf*

I swear, one of you always laughs at me when I work out how something works by accident... and then the other spoils why quickly afterwards before I can take advantage of it!
*me throws things at wolf*

I swear, one of you always laughs at me when I work out how something works by accident... and then the other spoils why quickly afterwards before I can take advantage of it!

We are an evil master team.

But seriously, how the fuck did FPSSJ1 get to 7.5 Billion? How? Cynthia wants to know. And probably asked him.

Higher grades of SSJ are always the same multiplier of regular SSJ, but achieving the Full-Power versions of later forms causes that base SSJ boost to grow just like the original FPSSJ does. The Trunks depicted above is at the absolute limits of a basic Super Saiyan 3 who had their first transformation after achieving Full-Power Super Saiyan 2 but hasn't trained with SSJ3 at all since then. Thus, the 30 billion base limit is from the SSJ3, but the rest is what happens as a FPSSJ2 (base cap for an FPSSJ2 would be 3.75 billion, one-third of their SSJ1 power at that level).
I am a bit surprised that the kind of reputation Trunks would have on Garenhuld isn't on his sheet, given how they would be operative due to Cynthia's presence.
I am a bit surprised that the kind of reputation Trunks would have on Garenhuld isn't on his sheet, given how they would be operative due to Cynthia's presence.

Mostly because he doesn't have any reason to actually go there.

He'd also have a real large reputation if he returned 'home' for example.
Seriously I want to hug the guy and then drag him to a therapy session (which would be just the first of many). I get the malus to leave folks behind, and there's something to be said for leaving it at least partially there.
But the whole "I don't deserve happiness" thing is worrisome, because that's a toxic, destructive mindset to have long-term. (Probably shown by way of that -80 thing.)
Seriously I want to hug the guy and then drag him to a therapy session (which would be just the first of many). I get the malus to leave folks behind, and there's something to be said for leaving it at least partially there.
But the whole "I don't deserve happiness" thing is worrisome, because that's a toxic, destructive mindset to have long-term. (Probably shown by way of that -80 thing.)
Karen: *pops knuckles* This'll be work.