Suprised that Naobito is somewhat Trust Worthy, as much as someone as shifty as him can be. Megumi seems to have gotten over his Hang Up, Haibara is alive, Gojo is feeling what being mortal is like and all that entails.

Kenjaku meanwhile? He is playing the Highest Stakes Game of Among Us ever, and is fooling everyone right in their faces. He must be having a chuckle. Also, dear lord, he has Energy Bending, do we even want to know how dangerous that alone has made him, considering his already ridiculous esoteric knowledge?

Can barely wait to see what Cultivation did to Ten Shadows, and the reaction of Sukuna when he finds about the , quite literal here I feel, Pandora's Box that Kenjaku made. Because the moment Zag gets out? His ass is grass.

Nice work! Still need some grammar adjustments here and there, because while Gojo is pretty awesome, I doubt he uses buildings to cool off, I suppose instead of tower, you wanted to say towel?
Honestly I'm curious about how everyone has changed plus how much stronger they all are thanks to Zagreus there's just so many fascinating possibilities.

"Edit" Actually what would Gojo's guiding virtue be?
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I've been thinking about something, the Greeks believed that a person's soul is in the heart, and the brain just cools the blood. Can it affect kenjaka if he takes the body of a virtue cultivator? I would at least assume that the personality of the former owner of the body will affect him much more, and if the owner of the body was very strong, then it is even possible to erase his personality? In addition, the appearance of the cultivator changes to match the state of his soul, does this mean that the body of that girl will change over time? I'm not sure if she was even a virtue cultivator?
I've been thinking about something, the Greeks believed that a person's soul is in the heart, and the brain just cools the blood. Can it affect kenjaka if he takes the body of a virtue cultivator? I would at least assume that the personality of the former owner of the body will affect him much more, and if the owner of the body was very strong, then it is even possible to erase his personality? In addition, the appearance of the cultivator changes to match the state of his soul, does this mean that the body of that girl will change over time? I'm not sure if she was even a virtue cultivator?
Virtuous sons is a bit different, people there believe in Plato's theory of the tripartite soul, like the soul has its own organs and they associate each aspect with a different physical organ. Hunger manifests in the guts, Spirit manifests in the heart, and Logos manifests in the brain. That is also Zagreus used one hundred of each dark organ to make his super sword.
Also note that this match Kenjaku's theory that the soul and the body are one and the same to a T, so I would rule he can possess any cultivator that doesn't excel his own power.
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I have a question, is he going to analyse Yuji,Mahito or Tengen before leaving the world? All of them have extremely powerfull abilities that increase his power in future jumps. For example yujis ability as a container could be use in order to become similar to a jinchuriki in future worlds, sealing a fragment of a god inside of his own body and through time develop the same abilities as the god sealed inside of him like Yuji with sukuna. Tengens immortality instead is less usefull in its primary use due to the fact that he reincarnates after death but the secondary aspect of evolving to a higher lifeform seems really usefull and mixes really well with his mistery, due to It can be called a form of rebirth. Mahito is the less usefull due to the fact he is an enemy, but soul sight, interaction and modification are really usefull for him
I have a question, is he going to analyse Yuji,Mahito or Tengen before leaving the world? All of them have extremely powerfull abilities that increase his power in future jumps. For example yujis ability as a container could be use in order to become similar to a jinchuriki in future worlds, sealing a fragment of a god inside of his own body and through time develop the same abilities as the god sealed inside of him like Yuji with sukuna. Tengens immortality instead is less usefull in its primary use due to the fact that he reincarnates after death but the secondary aspect of evolving to a higher lifeform seems really usefull and mixes really well with his mistery, due to It can be called a form of rebirth. Mahito is the less usefull due to the fact he is an enemy, but soul sight, interaction and modification are really usefull for him
He might not have the time for this. Things are going to get hectic for everybody - if you give a lightsaber to Frodo then Sauron should get a Death Star. Tengen is less interesting when compared to the New Ascended Gods of Fear and Hunger. He has met her in the past but her immortality technique is useless for a Hero who since they burn until nothing remains. I had some ideas related to Mahito, his idle transfiguration has an interesting relation with moonscorch.
I had some ideas related to Mahito, his idle transfiguration has an interesting relation with moonscorch.

Oh now you've got me very curious with what you plan to do Mahito's ability is potent and adding in Moonscorch is without a doubt a recipe for something shocking. Also speaking of potent abilities what has Zagreus learned from Inumaki's cursed speech?
I'm more wanting to know Kenjaku's reactions to all of the Information Yuki got from Zagreus. Like did he become a demonic cultivator or something?

Also why didn't anyone comment on Yuki's new scar? Did Kenjaku do something to hide it?
I'm more wanting to know Kenjaku's reactions to all of the Information Yuki got from Zagreus. Like did he become a demonic cultivator or something?

Also why didn't anyone comment on Yuki's new scar? Did Kenjaku do something to hide it?
The scar is something that exist more for the audience than the people within JJK. A narrative resort to signal Kenjaku. Zagreus sort of saw through it in Tyrant time, but it is still a disguise so perfect even Kenjaku has to watch out to not act like the person he is possessing.
We will have a flashback of Kenjaku and Zagreus when the time is right, for now we follow the rest of the sorcerers.
Oh now you've got me very curious with what you plan to do Mahito's ability is potent and adding in Moonscorch is without a doubt a recipe for something shocking. Also speaking of potent abilities what has Zagreus learned from Inumaki's cursed speech?
the thing is, philosophers are already capable of cutting each other with nothing but rhetoric alone and they can also exchange discourse with the voice of their souls (sophic sense). There is something to be said about loud declarations, as their sculpted bodies are not just for show, but this is a resort more used by philosophers who lack a greater mystery to inspire them. The only Tyrant without a greater mystery we see is Alexander and unleashed Pytolomey and they barely count as Greek cultivators since Macedonia refines their souls through the trail of start.
The scar is something that exist more for the audience than the people within JJK. A narrative resort to signal Kenjaku. Zagreus sort of saw through it in Tyrant time, but it is still a disguise so perfect even Kenjaku has to watch out to not act like the person he is possessing.
We will have a flashback of Kenjaku and Zagreus when the time is right, for now we follow the rest of the sorcerers.

Actually the wiki states that sorcerer's can see it while those without cursed energy only see a stigmata that said given how old Kenjaku they without a doubt have ways to hide the mark.
Actually the wiki states that sorcerer's can see it while those without cursed energy only see a stigmata that said given how old Kenjaku they without a doubt have ways to hide the mark.
I was pretty sure that the reason none of the sorcerers said nothing about them was that most special and first grade sorcerers are all weirdoes and due to that they would probably think It is a new style she was using. Also are sorcerers able to use rethoric if trained or thats only phylosophers?
So how many chapters until he possibly escapes its not gonna be more than the previous jjk right? Hes also for sure a hero once he breaks out right?
A Greek soul arms himself with the rules of nature and uses them to do the work of many. As scholars of profound mystery, it is taught that knowledge is a strength all its own.

Even if all a man knows is the question and not the answer, one eye is better than full blind. To know that you do not know a thing is the first step to understanding it. The spring from which virtue and refinement flow.

It was the thesis statement of Greek cultivation – the grander the complexity and the more opaque the mystery, the more there was to be gained from understanding it. The Greeks desired beauty of self, order over chaos, and so they also imposed that beauty and order on the world outside of themselves. For Virtue is performative excellence, a man's external reality mirrored his internal reality like an ouroboros.

When I asked why two Japanese kids would have Greek souls, Zagreus explained to me that this is a phenomenon related to the part of the human psyche (soul) that is linked and shaped by human collective consciousness. For all that humans like to think of themselves as special, we are often just shades of those that came before. Humans can't even articulate our thoughts without language to pin said ideas down and every work we ever pronounced not created by ourselves had to be invented by others. These are the honorable dead who took decisions that truly mattered, the beaten path we follow unquestionably as if a truth given by The Father himself.

The moment that I accepted his proposition to become our guardian I also accepted to be exposed and shaped by the hands of these long-forgotten men and women as they are an intrinsic part of who Zagreus was. Humans truly live in the cadaver of our greatest ancestors as a matter of course and most don't even realize it. The moment Zagreus took us in, Tsumiki and I became another link in said chain boing all the way back to 'The' Father- no, even further.

Yet it is ironic that I am more bothered by the undeniable link I share with a deadbeat whose face I can't even remember than that to divine monsters that eat their own children as if they were candy.

The oldest generation takes the youngest generation in their hands. You are torn apart, limb by limb, before you speak your first word. You scream in a voice so loud that their ears bleed and the heavens shake in their frame, but it is not enough to rouse your murdered mother. It is not enough to stir The Mother's wrathful heart.

Anyways, Jujutsu is an art form, even as its claims of individuality are seemingly contested by the existence inherited and its implication of fungibility between souls. The truth of the matter is that bearers of the same technique often differ radically from one another. While I learned just enough about tempering souls in greater mystery to know how abhorrent and extreme their methods must be to perpetuate said techniques through their descendants, literally like a curse, at the end of the day it is like a mutation that causes a person to be born with a brush for a third arm. The instrument might be the same but the player is different.

I am not a good artist. Never had the interest Tsumiki and Zagreus shared in music. While it is impossible to not be overtaken by the enthusiasm once scarlet strings start to sing in the voice of one's heart, I lacked the calling to it that makes one great.

Yet I do like puzzles. That is why despite having a split foundation I never thought too much about it. The purpose of cultivators isn't to cultivate, refinement is a byproduct of pursuing a fulfilling life by following a vocation. Challenges and tribulations will follow as a matter of course, nobody can avoid a crow on their roof forever.

I knew that, I had seen it and experienced it as vividly as if I had been the one tortured by The Mother as the Wheel Turned, yet I happily ignored it until reality blindsided me.

I was being childish and stubborn. A petulant child being difficult out of a sense of insecurity and a need for self-affirmation. I hate bad people, they disgust me with their empty minds and lack of sensibility, acting out of an empty sense of superiority. I can't stand good people, they make me nauseous when they forgive people and act as if meekness is such a good thing.

Ant yet…

Despite knowing better, I didn't understand. Despite saying things like 'unfairness in circumstances is the only thing fairly imposed on all of us' I never thought Zagreus could be removed like that. I won't accept this! Sorcerers are 'wheels of punishment' that exist to even out misery, so that many good people can have a little bit of equality and happiness. It is admirable but I always thought this worthless, I am not a hero. I never would be.

The Mother hates him nearly as much as she hates you. She curses him with madness, as she cursed you, and breaks his back with labors. He suffers these tribulations with greater poise and grace than you ever did. He stands tall. He struggles on behalf of those that suffered before him, and those that will suffer after. He is a Champion.

I would like to say that is because I am a sorcerer and not a hero but this isn't necessarily true. In the end, my slit foundation means my soul is pulling in two directions, yet they can agree on something. I know this has nothing to do with logic but I can't ignore the suffering of good people. Even if it is dangerous or dubious, I don't want to see a good person being crushed by the Wheel.

This is nothing but a selfish choice driven by emotion but I am someone who wants to save people unfairly. Something inside me, a voice from the very core of who I am tells me I will never regret saving people like this, not even once. Righting the wrongs laid bare by the unfairness of the Fates can't be a mistake. It is like Mr. Nanami in a way, even if I act far meaner about it.

I finally understand why you took us in, old man. It wasn't charity. You made this for yourself. Even if it was just a whim, this makes me super happy, that you chose us. I promise to apologize for being a difficult brat next time we meet. So, hold tight, your helpless drunkard of a father, until we can rescue you!

"Fushiguro! Take Kugisaki with you and run away from here!" Yuji screams at me while we stare helplessly at the special-grade finger bearer cursed spirit. Despite being mutilated by this monster Yuji still put our lives above his own, and that is how he ended up with the death sentence of being the vessel of Ryoma Sukuna.

Because of my incompetence. If I had been better then he would never have to get involved.

"I will hold it back until you leave this place. When you are safe outside, give me any signal, and then I will swap with Sukuna."

"There is no way-

"Fushiguro!" He turned to me, the happy buffoon. "I am counting on you." Yuji says with a clean face, the same one he used when he called me 'reliable' and thanked me for the piss poor job a did in 'saving' him.

I have carried in my vein my father's starlight marrow for over a decade. I still remember the day he gave it to us. How it burned. We had to seize it in hand and make it part of ourselves, forcing it to submit even as it burrowed channels through our flesh. For cultivators are never young, only unrefined. If it burned was because of our lack, for refinement is always painful.

While I resented the experience at first, over the years I had learned to appreciate it for the priceless gift it was. Every time we bounced back from injuries and illnesses in hours or bounced back grueling training like it was nothing, I saw its worth. At some point, it faded to the background of my awareness and though I knew the ascension to the sophic realm brought with it a shift of the flesh, I dismissed this as something only a philosopher's eyes were meant to discern.

So why does it burn? I feel hot under the collar, it is like I am a kid again. I am deathly afraid of this thing yet I am more scared of turning tail and leaving Itadori behind. How can I save Zagreus if I keep on failing to save a single gifted civilian? He is alive thanks to a fluke of fate, and his future is hopelessly grim. This whole mission went fubar from the start and is so full of irregularities that I can only call it malicious incompetence.

People are trying to get three students killed. Because of some political crap, nobody would remember in a few months.

"Fuck that!" I only realized I said that out loud when Yuji got so startled, they jumped back.

The monstrous thing looked at me with annoyance but I was beyond caring.

You do not belong and The Mother makes certain you are never wanted. So you force yourself upon the world. You live in it regardless. Out of spite.


As if I would roll over and die! The starlight marrow raged inside my body, so hot now that my breath steamed like I was in the deep winter of the countryside. It whispered the me, in an eerie familiar voice. It promised me I could win. It promised me I could do anything, so long as I committed everything to the act.

It told me I was invincible. It was liquid Hope itself.

The starlight marrow reshaped me like it hadn't in years. It had become liquid refinement, tempering my body as it circulated in rhythm with my incensed Spirit.

That is when it clicked, old lessons about the connection between the soul and the body. And I couldn't help but smile. One year, yet it is somehow unsurprising the stubborn old man wouldn't simply roll over and die. He is trying his best as well.

"Hey, Yuji. Am I a reliable guy?" I was surprised by how light my voice had become, but it felt right.

"Y-yeah? I mean, you are."

"Then rely on me. I won't let you down, even if I die."


When I reached twelve Zagreus decided to finally take Tsumiki and me along to one of his and Gojo's escapades after recruiting Y-, Tsumiki-san as a chaperone. By then we had both been tempered by starlight marrow and were deep in the civic realm, the foundation of our souls was judged developed enough to absorb the incoming lesson. Past a certain point of advancement, even the seemingly simple techniques are vast amalgamations of smaller pursuits; that some lectures contained multiple lessons interwoven into each other was an implicit fact. To prepare students for what is to come while we sharpen our minds against parts of the world that are not up to debate.

Said that even if I was no longer a child anymore, things aren't as simple as picturing the greatest feats I had seen Zagreus pull off and then imagining how I might replicate them and then let it rip. Yet, in the same way unraveling mysteries serves as a spring to virtue so does the process of visualizing the thousand virtuous steps needed to pull it off.

Zagreus is the greatest cursed corpse and shikigami user according to Gojo himself and I had seen it for myself how he unraveled the basic principles of the Ten Shadows and made it his own, somehow. By using his hands of manifest intention as a medium he performed the hand sign to cast an appropriate shadow puppet and then used his ivory (lie) shadow to breathe life into the shadow cast into the wall.

In order to strengthen the construct he uses a binding vow to strengthen the resonance between himself and his shikigami, imprinting his body's information to empower the puppet at the cost of suffering a portion of any damage incurred by it, like a stand, a voice suspiciously similar to Gojo and Zagreus echo in my had. He even has the hard limit of ten shikigami as well even though both of them are suspiciously close-lipped about the nature of each shikigami. I know enough about the Sophic Realm to suspect they are the manifestation of Zagreus's principles.

The finger bearer charges me as he senses my resolve. It is too fast for me to dodge it conventionally but that is okay, I simply sink into my shadow as I bring my hands together into the 'piercing wine' form – if Zagreus can not only endow each of his shikigami with a unique gimmick but also manifest them himself by complaining to a restriction enforced by a binding vow then why can't I do something similar by expanding the interpretation of my technique?

Max Elephant is just a shadow cast by me. If it is ivory (lie) then this makes me horn (truth). I impale the finger bear with a blade made out of a high-pressure water jet, almost cutting it in half. Despite its gruesome injuries, the thing would be back to proper fighting form in no time at all.

I turned toward the gawking Itadori, "Ok, new plan. I kill that thing and you focus on regrouping with Nobara. And don't forget your hand! I will reattach it later."

Itadori accessed me for a second, then nodded after finding something to approve of.

The cursed thing is getting his bearing back way too quickly for my taste, and my guts tell me it won't be so easily fooled a second time yet it lacks any true cursed technique, there is a thing I can do to win. If I can pull this move then I can close the gap between us.

Old man, don't fail me now. Gojo was right about something, jujutsu is an individual sport. To grow I have to picture a future me that freely surpasses my current limits!

I open my ears to the melody of my heart with Orpheus's heart sense.


Jujutsu is an art (Pathos & Ethos), it doesn't need to be perfect it just needs to convey intent.

When I was twelve, I saw for the first time the chasm between Heaven and Earth. What Ten Shadows could be, how each shikigami could be fused and separate like lego pieces to accomplish any objective and overwhelm any opponent. Seeing Satoru Gojo being overwhelmed by four cardinal chimera generals and an army of undead dragon tooth warriors I saw a promise of great things to come, an echo of the fourth realm.

True cooperation can be achieved either through bonds of camaraderie cultivated through a lifetime of tribulations or through Greater Imposition. Subjugation, the trade of Tyrants. It is only right that the shikigami that I subjugated can be forced into marching to the cadence of my heart's melody. I still lack the experience with barriers to raise one of my own but it is only justice for me to take one by force then. This place is this curse's innate domain, I just need to make it mine own by painting it in my own colors.


That knot in my soul unraveled and an almost forgotten sense of euphoria overtook me as I ascended to the 10th rank of the Civic Realm. I couldn't help but laugh in exaltation as my shadow ate away at the space until reality became an abyss of darkness.

The finger bearer rushed at me, impaling me with its cruel talons but it was of no use. At this point, in this place, the domain was my true body. There is no need to worry if the cup is horn or ivory when living life to its fullest! What does it matter if I am just a shadow being cast on the wall? I can still revel in life!

I laughed. I laughed and laughed in triumph, even as I was being torn apart again and again.

"Chimera Beast Hydra!" I proclaimed as I pilled all nine of my shikigami together into one giant monstrosity while I pilled the finger-bearer cursed spirit with a mob of shikigami.

It couldn't even be called a fight, the curse was overwhelmed but it would be boring to finish it off so unceremoniously. Domain Expansions demand a sure-hit attack and seeing the poor show of the thing hit me with a surge of inspiration. I memory I could never forget, so vivid I might as well call it mine own.

The Mother sees you one day as you tend your fields. She finds you as unsightly now as she did before. She curses the men and the women you shared a childhood with. In their madness, they tear you apart limb-by-limb and consume you. You beg them to stop until you can no longer form the words. You beg them with your eyes until those too are taken.

When nothing remains but your senseless beating heart, lightning scours the fields and salt water falls upon the ash that's left behind.

You die. Again.

The wheel turns.

Sparagmos – the ritualistic dismembering by an act of rending, tearing apart, and mangling in a Dionysian context. The "Tearer of Flesh".

Omophagia – the act which follows Sparagmos, the eating of the raw flesh of the one dismembered. Dionysus' epithets of Omophagos means "Raw-Eater".

Luckily, I still had enough sense to avoid Sukuna's finger itself, but I didn't hesitate to sink the teeth of my influence into the cursed energy of the finger bearer until nothing but the cursed item remained.

Only when the innate domain collapsed, did I notice how overburdened I was, the starlight settled inside my bones had run me ragged. Now that the crisis is over the raging consuming passion that ran through me has finally settled down, leaving me empty.

Burning me as it recast me into a superior self in response to outside pressure caused by a crisis. Self-overcoming.

How typical.


"So, how are they holding up?" Geto asks with a carefully even tone of voice. Days like these are why he gave up being a sorcerer. Why he almost walked a path of no return.

"Better than expected, worse than I hoped." Gojo surmised while sprawled in his chair in a slough demeanor. "Tsumiki picked on the irregularity surrounding the incident and tried to contact Megumi. She immediately moved to intercept him when he failed to answer, that is when she was attacked."

"Autonomous cursed copses bearing multiple innate techniques. What a nightmare. If Zagreus hadn't somehow pulled through from wherever he is sealed we might have lost both of them." Geto massaged his face to push back the exhaustion, he had been fine combing for a trail of their enemies to no avail. "We can't go on like this Satoru. I am tired of reacting, we need to be more proactive about this."

"… you are right."

"I am? Some years since last you heard my advice. You must be at your wit's end as well then. Finally realizing your fantasy of killing the old geezers?"

"Businesses before pleasure. Yuji's appearance seems to have really spoked them yet it felt too sloppy, as if this was an attack of opportunity from middle management instead of the perfect crime they pulled against Zagreus."

"Yet we caught his trail anyways, didn't we? I see where you are going. I guess this is where I come in, right? I am more suited for this task than you. But are you sure about it?"

"I am. While the Zenin clan is split in two and ready to implode, the Kamo clan is completely compromised. Maybe it had been so from before we were born. Nothing wrong with a preemptive attack if we find a justification for it later on."

"And Yuki? Do we tell her this?"

"No… it might be cruel to play dice with Zagreus' life like that without her but she clearly is too invested to do what it takes. Yuji seems to garner a lot of her attention so I intend to distract her with him for a while. He is certainly to hit it off with Todo as well."

"Isn't that the kind of crap we hate the higher-ups for?"

"Don't mention it. I hate the idea as well, but we will be picked off one by one if we stay still."

"Speaking of surprising developments, what can you guess of Zagreus's situation? What do your eyes see, Gojo?"

"… seclusion training. That is my best guess. Like the closed-doors cultivation from Chinese novels. Due to the nature of cultivation of virtue, the benefit of this kind of training is dubious, despite the similarity in concept and names it is impossible to reach omnipotence by breathing through your mouth like a retarded for a thousand years."

"Virtue is performative excellence. It seems like a pretentious catchphrase but there are layers of wisdom within. Between the nature of Zagreus's First Virtue and the stakes involved due to his absence, it seems circumstances aligned to force him beyond his limits."

"Leave it to him to show off at the eleventh hour." Gojo's words were full of derision but the fondness behind them were unmistakable. There is a tension involving the uncertainty of Zagreus's disappearance that had been released with the confirmation of his survival.

"I bet you he will get free and join the frame just as this whole stalemate implodes in our faces." Geto finishes in good sheer.

"What do you take me for, Geto? This is a sucker's bet." Gojo answers with fake exasperation.

The day almost became a tragedy but the sorcerers came out of it victorious. More than that, it's the uncertainty that kills a man. This is the moral boost the sorcerers need to push forward in these uncertain times.

Alas, none were wise to the expectant joy of the King of Curses.


[author's notes]

Imagine Sukuna making Hisoka face at Megumi. Technically he is fifteen even though Gege could easily give everyone five years with the way he draws.

I skipped the filler since Kenjaku managed to pull Sukuna resurgence so perfectly that everyone believes it to be some freak coincidence. I get that this was supposed to be a scout mission but people should have warned Yuji against making binding vows with Sukuna.

Next chapter shit hit the fan!
I have an idea for the ten shikigami related to the myths of the muses. We know there were 9 of them in the myths with Apollo being their leader and the 10th unofficial one and we also know that Zagreus has ten principles in his soul, with nine of them being made from the souls of his enemies. With his daemon taking one of the shikigami slots and his first principles, you could have It take the role of Apollo and then create other ten shikigami each one of them having powers related to the principles they were made from and giving them roles as the other muses. You could even develop them as gods with time using the faith, the divinity of the original daemon after becoming a hero and the foundational myth they were developed from, combining them with the idea that shikigami are some form of kami and thus could reacquire their divine nature if the necessary conditions are met. Each of them with their own powers and abilities, but their true purpose is to guide him as avatars of enlightment as they symbolize all parts of society, science and art.
I wonder what exactly Sukuna is thinking with all this Greco-Buddhism stuff. Like he probably understands the progression in that the sorcerers haven't been stagnant over the last 1000 years but as someone who's seen the core of curse energy all this cultivation stuff probably seems like something out of left field.

Also head canon but I think the three clans hiding techniques like Falling Blossom Emotion have likely killed those who invent new learnable techniques before they can really proliferate. Is that the case here?
I wonder what exactly Sukuna is thinking with all this Greco-Buddhism stuff. Like he probably understands the progression in that the sorcerers haven't been stagnant over the last 1000 years but as someone who's seen the core of curse energy all this cultivation stuff probably seems like something out of left field.

Also head canon but I think the three clans hiding techniques like Falling Blossom Emotion have likely killed those who invent new learnable techniques before they can really proliferate. Is that the case here?
To the modern sorcerers special-grades are anomalies. It is less that they intentionally killed them and more that to reach the true heights of jujutsu sorcerers have to gamble their lives in death matches. The jujutsu sorcerers produce mediocre sorcerers at a steady rate and have hoarded powerful inherited techniques. this helped them stay relevant and curry political favor since special grades were likely to die quickly in the jujutsu rat race.
I when talking about the sorcerer families killing off talents in learnable abilities I was more referring to non-special grades or people who while having the potential and Will hadn't achieved it yet, meaning their learnable techniques (such as simple domains, Ect) wouldn't be really taught and either die out or be stolen by the big families.
So a question perhaps, are we gonna get some mother and son bonding with Kenjaku and Yuji of all people?? I thought that she only care of him in terms of usefulness, although she aparently considers him her son.
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I when talking about the sorcerer families killing off talents in learnable abilities I was more referring to non-special grades or people who while having the potential and Will hadn't achieved it yet, meaning their learnable techniques (such as simple domains, Ect) wouldn't be really taught and either die out or be stolen by the big families.
While there is some truth to it when you look at their reaction to Hakari's and Toji's situations, this happens because of their perspective about what a cursed technique owe to be. Projection sorcery is relatively new and clearly based on cameras, but it still 'pass'. it is not as black-white. they are terrible people but not outright idiots, plus they are competing with the Gojo's clan limitless and 10 shadows. I am sure there are some meatheads that would qualify but others would be more ambivalent.
So a question perhaps, are we gonna get some mother and son bonding with Kenjaku and Yuji of all people?? I thought that she only care of him in terms of usefulness, although she aparently considers him her son.
interestingly enough, Kenjaku's interaction with Yuji's occult club friend is telling in that she was an ignorant civilian. Kenjaku didn't need to put up a show or worry about deceiving her, so the fact he thanked her for being friends with Yuji might be more sincere than any interaction we have seen so far.
interestingly enough, Kenjaku's interaction with Yuji's occult club friend is telling in that she was an ignorant civilian. Kenjaku didn't need to put up a show or worry about deceiving her, so the fact he thanked her for being friends with Yuji might be more sincere than any interaction we have seen so far.
Even a monster can love something apart from himself
"Well, look at that. Hope stored at the bottom of the pithos." Not-Yuki said in her usually flippant and irreverent tone born out of schadenfreude.

It made my blood boil.

"Who the hell are you?!"

"Oh? Are you drunk Zagreus? Don't you recognize your one and only Yuki-chan? And here I went the extra mile to set up this date. Isn't it just as memorable as our last one?" Everything about her, down to the smallest mannerism was flawless. The way she sways her head, the light dancing in her eyes, the swing of her body.

This should be Yuki.

The Yuki in front of me is just as beautiful and free-spirited as I remember… and yet I can't help but reject her.

My gut is telling me this creature is fake. It is telling me to get angry. That I should tear it apart.

That I should hate it. Because my worst fears are reality.

It is like I lost the bottom of my stomach. A lead weight dragging me down.

My heart is constricting like it wants to escape from my chest.

Yet my mind is utterly lost. I don't know what is going on.

No. That is a lie. I don't want to face reality.

When a man is born, the Fates weave his future and swaddle him in it. Men cultivate virtue so that they can cast off that swaddling weave. When a cultivator ascends to the sophic realm, he casts off his silk bonds of mortality and tethers himself to his Principles. This grants him an astonishing lifespan, the power of the rules of nature, and a soul capable of hearing and emoting discourse free of the constraints of the body.

This comes at the cost of subjugating oneself to the soul's higher aspirations. These ten rules for life are boundaries that define the limit of my soul.

That is why I know.

Yuki already…


"Oh, my. What a pair of lungs you have! How appropriate, I guess… wait. Are you crying?"

I tried to summon my pneuma to no avail as I tried to bite off the throat of the revenant wearing Yuki's skin like a suit. It was of no avail, the bondage of bitten iron is the Achille's heel of cultivators, capable of rendering the pneuma inert and irresponsible. Chaining both the soul as well as the body.

The dark fate reserved for a race made of iron.

"Well, there is no point in keeping the charade." Yuki pulls the suture around the crown of her head, uncapping the top of her skull like a cap to reveal the smiling brain.

I lost. I had lost long before I realized it as well.

"What? Did you run out of breath? I guess I can't fault you and it is convenient. I wanted to trade some words before I seal you."

"Who are you, and what are you after?"

"My name is Kenjaku and well, do you remember our little talk about the nature of gods a few years ago?"

Of course, that thing would have access to Yuki's memories, even if its mannerisms are being displayed unconsciously. It fits with Yuki's own research about the body, soul, and the resonance that binds them together.

"A god's nature is to live apart. Untouched and unspoken of. A pure existence – the true form of feelings and ideals that linger in men." I remember. We happily whispered secrets meant only for each other while singing sweet nothings to each other like it was a personal game of dare.

"Indeed. Yet, humans are too tainted to understand this kind of purity and perfection. It goes beyond ignorance. The answer would shatter the ego of all who witness it." Kenjaku proselytizes as she fastens the skull back into place.


"Or so I thought until you came in. Virtue is how a mortal aligns himself with the divine. If the answer is too much then how about tempering one's soul in the question? To pursue virtue is to be beholden to it, to shape oneself to it. To plunge into the deep in pursuit of what lay beyond the darkness of uncertainty even while forsaking all wealth and pleasure the world has to offer because the pursuit is what justifies your existence. That is what means to be alive!" The monster said while infusing his rhetoric into the world and invoking the first principle of its soul.

Kenjaku makes a painfully snobby face Yuki wouldn't be caught dead making.

"You really understand, don't you? Think of the perfect shape of fear and destruction. A cursory look at the world we live in reveals it can't be found anywhere. It could never exist among mortal men because every human will have a different answer. Metaphysics – The study of abstractions. The contemplation of things that can't be directly observed. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

"And yet…"

"Ha, ha ha! You got me there. It isn't enough. I can now picture the path in my mind's eye but what I really want is to truly see!"

"Tengen." I said the name like it was a curse.

"Precisely. I thank you, Zagreus. You left quite an impression on that shut-in with your performance of overwhelming aggression that disregard all else. Again, I can't fault her for that. I am the same. You blew Sukuna out of the water! I dreamed it was possible but feared it would remain just a dream until I met you! Unfortunately, you are too strong and unpredictable to remain on the board. I promise to release you a century or millennium in the future. Let's meet again in a new world!"

"This is it then? You two are conspiring together to turn that thumb into a god by fusing her with the entirety of Japan? And you think I will let you? Didn't you hear me? I will make you regret being born!... just sit tight and wait for me, Yuki. I am going to free you."

Whatever retort Kenjaku was about to say was arrested by Yuki's surprise attack. A star rage-infused punch to the brain. It probably would have worked as well if it was anyone but Kenjaku, the brain invoked the rules of nature in a desperate counter sacrificing both of her arms in a calamitous clash.

She then started to laugh in an uncanny out of character way while healing with RCT. "That is the first time such a thing happens, yet it fits with your hypothesis of the soul. Not a dull moment with you, is there? I will keep what you said in mind while I await you in the new world that is about to be born." The Prison Realm closes during her final proclamation, sealing my fate.

"Good night, Zagreus. Have sweet dreams thinking of me, will you?" Not-Yuki saluted while blowing up a kiss. "Gate, close."


Well, crap baskets. I don't think I have seen so many skeletons since my days as a grave keeper. The former inmates of my cell. Time also doesn't seem to pass here – it is a contradictory feeling of constraint a person has while working oneself to the bone to meet a tight deadline while at the same time, the clock seems to be standing still and is never-ending.

This is sort of appropriate since I can only guess the sort of havoc Kenjaku is up to in Yuki's body. I am on a deadline, the longer it takes me to get out the more dire things will get. Easier said than done though, the Prison Realm is in a whole new dimension as far as barrier techniques are concerned.

I know enough about Genshi to deduce this is based on his Magnus opus, Ōjōyōshū ("Essentials of Birth in the Pure Land"). A contemporary of Tengen, and probably Kenjaku as well, he must have understood the secrets of cursed energy. The rift between Dream and Reality is a Curse. In that sense, the Pure Land is the proposition that aims to break free from cursed energy, the Cursed Realm, and the reincarnation circle.

The Wheel has stopped turning.

Ironic enough, this makes the Prison Realm a hard counter against my founding mystery of the [Wheel Turning] as the principle of the Pure Land is a conceptual denouncement to metempsychosis (μετεμψύχωσις), colloquially known as the reincarnation circle. The death of the prisoner may allow the Prison Realm to be used once more but the souls of the previous victims are still chained still to this day. While a normal person would only see skeletons my affinity with chthonic spirits give me the means to see the ghost for what they truly are.

They are one and all praying for salvation that will never come. A macabre chorus of despair.

Despite the degree of refinement my pneumatic and sophic senses have reached, I still find no seams to this prison. There is no seam for leverage my influence and pull this place apart… or maybe I am simply too weak to find it and then force my way.

Well, if it is the first then I already lost but if it is the second option then I still have Hope.

While cultivators of virtue don't practice closed doors cultivation for more than months this has to do with the nature of the cultivation of virtue, heroes ascend through Labors and tyrants through acts of tyranny. And yet this doesn't mean it is an ineffective method, in fact, due to the fact cultivators of virtue bit their souls to multiply by fostering the excellence inside their souls we are far less reliant on the traditional 'cultivation resorts' xianxia characters can't seem to live without.

Unknowingly Kenjaku just handed me over the perfect circumstances for me to perform closed-door cultivation. Either I break through to the Heroic Realm or everyone I love is left for dead. I tattled far too much about the Old Gods to Yuki to satisfy her curiosity and these hints were everything that Kenjaku needed to attempt the creation of an ascended god like the god of Fear and Hunger.

Forget Japan, the fate of the world is on the line!

We need a hero.

Good thing then that Hope springs forth eternally.

The highest of all blessings for it is the only thing that endures when everything else fails.

The worst and most twisted of all curses for it augments all other evils in empty promises.

I have to keep hope that I can escape it and I already know where to start. I look at the crowd of burned skeletons and the ghosts hidden behind them. Death is a sacred tragedy, even a corpse is owed its dignity. My time as a grave keeper has taught me the worth and value of granting a proper repose to the restless dead.

They too hope to be free one day. We are joined by common misfortune and no friend of mine will be left as a pauper with an open grave. Time to put my old spiritualist skills to use, the lack of quarry is no restriction. Bakkahos constructed the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, one of the ancient wonders of the world. It was said that he gathered its gemstones, its golden plates, and its ebonies, all from the Parthenon of his own cultivator's heart. Over the last decade, I gorged myself on the cursed energy of Japan, I have a lot of spare fat to burn.


What was once a macabre cage made of restless bones is now a tranquil grave. I gave every ghost the best burial I could manage. This place is still a cage but I banished the despair of this place, they are ready to cross to the other side once I break free from here. All cursed energy resonates in a virtuous circuit.

It was hauntedly beautiful if I say so myself. My best work so far.

A distraction more like.

I really miss the time you were shyer. Words might be worth their weight in silver but silence is gold.

You are just turning your face away from despair.

The important thing is that this little project helped me re-center myself. To meditate on my captain virtue. Based on my early decision I arrived at a concrete plan to solve my current predicament.


The Titan of the Moulden Clay, Prometheus created mankind from the ashes of the Titans that devoured Dionysus. This is the attributed source of humanity's dual nature, the body, inherited from the Titans, and the soul, inherited from Dionysus. A man (Logos) in a chariot pulled by two horses, one ornery and blacker than night, the other snow white and passionate.

Prometheus golden ichor was capable of remaking a person like he was clay, it was liquid refinement itself. But the refinement of what? The body or the soul?

Yuki gave me the answer. The soul is the body and the body is the soul. Unity in all things is best, unity of the body and the soul most of all. In living the proper way, the virtue of the body and the virtue of his soul will be in perfect synchronicity with one another. It all begins with virtue. And it all ends with virtue just the same.

Now, what is virtue? Sure, even I parrot it as performative excellence all the time but the truth is that those are just the effects of virtue, not the cause. Virtue is a hard concept for men to tackle as it exists in the ineffable realm of metaphysics together with the soul. Fortunately, I already established that the soul can be physical as well as abstract. Hunger, spirit, and reason can be attributed to the body as much as they can to the soul. So why should virtue be any different?

Humans may have souls but it was the Thief of Flame that stole for us a spark. We are all his children. This also means that he can be called a prototype of the human form in Plato's theory of form. The manifested ideification of the human form. The finishing line to the race for divinity is called cultivation. And it is fundamental for cultivators to know where they are racing toward.

Together now.

The Diminishment of the World might indeed be a ruthless cosmic constant. I may indeed be just another worthless man from a race of iron, condemned by the Fates to never rest from labors and sorrow by day, and from perishing by night as the gods rain down sore trouble upon us for our impiety and irreverence. That is okay, human wisdom has unveiled the secret of elemental transmutation, or rather how it can be used as a guiding principle through unity to uplift a hardy but worthless iron soul.

It is our quintessential nature, to transgress in the territory of the Heavens.

I focus on the starlight marrow flowing in my veins. I incense my spirit and covetous nature with the heat of my virtue and force it to burn. I endow my starlight marrow with the weight of a thousand truths that comprise the loading-bearing principles that govern my soul. Then I turned said heat upon my flesh, unmaking me and tearing everything superfluous until only what I couldn't live without remained.

Legends say the Father split humanity for our transgression, that every human being is only half of a greater whole.

In this Prison Realm where the Wheel has halted to a standstill, I will reach into the past, to borrow memories of a Silver bright world.

Humans are born whole but unconscious.

A truth doesn't need to be complex to be profound, there is strength to be had in clarity of purpose. Every new generation thinks itself more enlightened than the last as it gathers more knowledge and yet they are only lesser for chaining themselves tighter to that understanding.

As they come to know the world, they cut themselves to size in order to fit in.

A hero's nature is defiance against the world's decline. To be a hero is to subjugate to the soul's higher aspiration, to virtue, through performative excellence, through action, to right the wrongs of the world. That is why the age of heroes is remarkable in the improvement of the world whereas before it only fell further in decline.

A man would more readily see himself as a worthless wretch than accept gold hidden inside his soul.

Prometheus condemned himself for eternity but this doesn't change the fact he won. The Flame cannot be taken back by the Heavens, once Greek fire ignites it will burn until everything is consumed. The ladder to Raging Heaven cultivators so desperately climb is only a byproduct of his actions, not his final goal. For all his forethought, Prometheus was moved because his children were freezing, were blind. What else was I to do? Some things exist apart from explanation.

That is Passion

That is Passion.

How long have I been here? I don't know. I can't know either. By now the only thing I knew for real was the searing heat of my starlight marrow as it coursed through my body like ruby veins. It is like holding a hand on boiling water and forcing yourself not to flinch away from it. I wasn't a Titan, even if I was created from the clay in the image of one. I had no means to direct its refinement toward a particular feature or aspect, and even if I could I wouldn't know how to improve upon them. If it was so easy, I would have done so years ago.

Stop whining, there is nobody who cares here.

Everything I have to guide me are remembrances of a silver-bright world.

And they are enough. Keep trying.

You are mad.

The definition of insanity on legs, yes.

Such is Hope.

Such is Hope.

This was everything I could do. Keep hope onto death itself in defiance of all reason and sound judgment. I can't allow myself to be ordinary if I want to ever escape this place. So I kept to my task and hoped it would eventually be enough to pay my freedom's price.

That is when it happened.

A defiant miracle imprinted itself upon the world, assembled from the shards of fallen stars to form a cosmic mosaic - a living constellation. The light spelled out his deed. Through the enlightened awareness of my divine daemon, the heavenly Muse keeper of my virtuous heart, I could see it. Glory written in the stars.




It echoed through all cities of men and far, far beyond it. Further than even their perceptions stretched to the right ears. It carried over the lands. It carried across the seas. And even beyond it.

No man was deaf enough to miss it as it reached up to Raging Heaven itself. Even though its answer will always be the very same.

It was somewhat tragic yet I couldn't help but smile. As a father, I couldn't be prouder. My boy a hero! he truly lived to his name.

More than that. I stand validated. It is the uncertainty that kills a man.

Sometimes everything a person needed was an example to inspire them.

You have lazed around for long enough, don't you think?

I certainly can't afford to let my brat show me up like that. I will never hear the end of it from Gojo otherwise!

Violet heat surged to life behind my eyes and spilled forth in a torrent.




I burned.



Yeah, plot twist. The Heroic Realm is actually the oldest, older than the Sophic and Tyrant Realm by a fair margin. How the sophic came to be placed below it is up in the air but nothing stops someone that doesn't know any better from skipping it either.

Sukuna bit more than he could shew this time around, or rather Zagreus up bring caused Megumi to inherit Bakkahos' iron stomach. So, in fact, Sukuna turned out to be less of an indigestion than he thought himself as. Rather ironic, but enough of spoilers for now.