I actually want consultation on this. A average human has a power level of 5, so Greek cultivators measurement of power level by how many men put together have a good scale. Considering blessing of Dionysus and the Rebirthing Chamber has given Zagreus basic block a power level of 15, as a captain of the heroic realm, he would have the basic level of 1110 men put together, or a power level of 16650. Basic use of heart flame to give him a minute-per-second increase would grant him a power level of 999000. Let's ignore how memetic this is for a moment and remember Vegita was supposed to destroy planets with 20k. I know it is inconsistent, since Frieza failed to destroy Namek with a power level of 84 million but even so... By the way, by burning one day per second Zagreus power level would be 1.438.560.000, almost one and a half billion. Both Diomedes (Aphrodite and Ares) and Heracles (Ares) harmed gods in the myth, so do you think Zagreus could fight Berus?