[DISCONTINUED] In the Beginning, There Was Man (WH40k x SC)

I'm rooting for ME over starcraft still. Sooo many troll options with the other races.
But ME doesn't Need us.

Eery option I hope to vote for needs us, one way or another.
Starcraft, for the zerg and general well being.
Halo, because of all the screw yous the galaxy throws at humanity there.
Macross, because we will not stand aside while Terra is bombarded.
But ME doesn't Need us.

Eery option I hope to vote for needs us, one way or another.
Starcraft, for the zerg and general well being.
Halo, because of all the screw yous the galaxy throws at humanity there.
Macross, because we will not stand aside while Terra is bombarded.
I would say being threatened by a horde of eldritch cuttlefish is a pretty good argument for needing us.
But ME doesn't Need us.

Eery option I hope to vote for needs us, one way or another.
Starcraft, for the zerg and general well being.
Halo, because of all the screw yous the galaxy throws at humanity there.
Macross, because we will not stand aside while Terra is bombarded.
It doesn't matter who needs us, its who we can get the most out of for ourselves.
I would say being threatened by a horde of eldritch cuttlefish is a pretty good argument for needing us.
But they don't know it yet, and we wouldn't when we got there. Humanity would have no reason to unite under us.

And unless we got there long before humanity made it to the moon, we wouldn't be able to expand in time to be prepared for the reapers anyways; the most optimistic estimates puts the numbers for the 2KM ones at 20,000. Assuming they rarely get net difference of one capital reaper...

Had a discussion about this on a shepard is fem! Tony stark quest. Essentially, they could get hundreds to the thousands of dreadnaught reapers, with only harvesting humans... Well outnumbering the amount of Dreadnaughts owned by everybody in the galaxy, which were much weaker than the dreadnaughts. Higher estimates put it in the millions. They could outnumber the number of civilian we have in our fleet with dreadnaughts. Thats not even counting the smaller ships that they have more of.

It doesn't matter who needs us, its who we can get the most out of for ourselves.
ME tech is fairly weak, though, compared to other techs. And Eezo is probably a ME verse only material, so when we go back, we'd have to rely on imports from the ME verse when building stuff.
ME tech is fairly weak, though, compared to other techs. And Eezo is probably a ME verse only material, so when we go back, we'd have to rely on imports from the ME verse when building stuff.
Yeah but it still has resources for our own industry. ME has the benefit of a lot of rich worlds already mapped out and that means lot of raw resources to build up everything when we take just one of them. As soon as we can produce Destroyers and Frigates with advance weapons and components we pretty much dominate all of ME.

Remember, when we arrive in these new realms we have no idea of what is going on here for the most part. So we need to look at this from the prospective of getting our own society up and running along with our industry. The faster we do that, the faster we can get all the great stuff out for our forces.
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ME tech is fairly weak, though, compared to other techs. And Eezo is probably a ME verse only material, so when we go back, we'd have to rely on imports from the ME verse when building stuff.

We don't need the tech. We need the space. DAoT and Eldar have better gravity manipulation and if we had to we could probably figure out how to make the stuff if it ever became essential for something. Every other material the Imperium needs can be manufactured from existing elements.
Dark laughter and blood thirsty cries echoed in his head. Malcador massaged his temples as the psychic residue of the Chaos Gods invaded his mind, they were kept in check by his powers but it was annoying and disturbing to have such things in his head. Ignoring them Malcador braced himself ready for Daemons to attack the vessel and batter against the Gellar Field but no such attacks came. Nothing happened.

Intrigued but cautious Malcador turned to the cyborg, the "man" still stood beside him looking as attentive as it can with the thing sticking out of its head.

"Cyborg why am I on this ship?" he questioned.

There are too many blanks in his memory, how did he get from presenting the Twelve before the Emperor to this ship? He must get some answers.

"The makers placed you on the ship when the cloning process was completed, they ordered me to deliver you to the Emperor, Master" the cyborg answered.

Cloning? The act creating a genetic replica was not unknown to him but what does it have to do with him... Unless, he was the clone.

"Cyborg, who are your makers?"

"Scientists of the Afriel Strain Master, they made me and cloned you from the DNA samples taken from the original Macaldor before his death."

Dead, he was dead or rather the original Malcador is dead and he is his clone. If this is true, it could explain the gaps in his memory, clones only possess the memories stored within the genetic samples from the moment of the sample was received. It would seem that he was cloned from a sample recovered moments after presenting the Twelve and before his death. Considering his nature as a Perpetual, there is little that could kill him, except when the Sacrifice commenced as planned. Yes, sitting on the Throne is what most likely killed him, if that's the case the Emperor was allowed to confront Horus and end the Rebellion.

It would seem that the Emperor has further use for his services if he was cloned. Malcador nodded and rose with new determination. It mattered little if he is a clone, if the Emperor has need of him then he will answer to it willingly. It will be nice to see his friend again, even if it seems like it was only a few hours since he last saw Adam. Malcador didn't know how long he spent processing this but the metallic voice of the cyborg disrupted his thoughts.

"We are about to enter the Realspace, our journey has finished. Please follow me to the shuttle bay, Master."

True enough he could feel the touch of the Materium. How curious that there has been no attempted Daemonic incursions on this vessel. With a sudden lurch the ship exited the Warp. Reaching out with his mind Malcador could sense a great number of ships and people that have already materialized, millions to be exact. Though majority of them are slumbering within cryo-sleep they were rapidly exiting their frozen hibernation. Those that are already awake are praying? Malcador reeled, momentarily stunned. As he searched deeper he saw that the person they are praying to was the Emperor.

Oh, those people, almost everyone in the fleet must be part of the secret cult. These cultists seem to appear out of thin air despite the Imperial Truth. These people must be from worlds where the Imperial Truth must not be strongly enforced, he would need to have words with Adam about enforcement the next time they meet. The Chaos Gods must be completely starved of all worship in order for Him to defeat them. The blind religious devotion they have towards Him is only delaying the Plan.

He was further disturbed to find that there were multiple Space Marines that are praying to the Emperor too. Malcadro grimaced, remembering the last time Space Marines were found praying to Him. Lorgar and his Word Bearers were warned multiple times, but they refused to heed the warning, so Monarchia was burned. The Ultramarines razed Khur's capital city, the Word Bearer's most beloved site across their domain. Malcador only hoped that such drastic actions will not be necessary this time.

Then he felt His presence on one of the Arks Mechanicus. But suddenly two powerful entities emerged from the Warp Rift. Malcador focused his attention and felt them. Two entities of pure Light. One was a burning and purifying Light that cleansed all it touched, harsh yet compassionate to those it held beloved, the Emperor. He could feel his mind and soul being cleansed, the touch of the Dark Gods burned away.

Then he focused on the other Light. This one was soothing and gentle but there was a touch of immense power behind it. Malcador could feel his mind being gently touched and healed. This Light felt young as if newly born. A newly born Eldar Goddess. A God of the Eldar Xenos. How strange that it is right beside Adam and He doesn't act to destroy it. Then he could sense it, a Bond between Him and Her.

It seems, much has changed in the time he was gone, Malcador could clearly remember Adam swearing revenge against every Xenos that dwelled in the galaxy, promising to make them pay for betraying Mankind at their darkest hour. Numerous alien races were exterminated and even Human planets that were influenced by Xenos were torched. And yet now the Emperor is bonded with an Eldar Goddess. Yes it seems much has changed and perhaps for the better.
But they don't know it yet, and we wouldn't when we got there. Humanity would have no reason to unite under us.

And unless we got there long before humanity made it to the moon, we wouldn't be able to expand in time to be prepared for the reapers anyways; the most optimistic estimates puts the numbers for the 2KM ones at 20,000. Assuming they rarely get net difference of one capital reaper...

Had a discussion about this on a shepard is fem! Tony stark quest. Essentially, they could get hundreds to the thousands of dreadnaught reapers, with only harvesting humans... Well outnumbering the amount of Dreadnaughts owned by everybody in the galaxy, which were much weaker than the dreadnaughts. Higher estimates put it in the millions. They could outnumber the number of civilian we have in our fleet with dreadnaughts. Thats not even counting the smaller ships that they have more of.

ME tech is fairly weak, though, compared to other techs. And Eezo is probably a ME verse only material, so when we go back, we'd have to rely on imports from the ME verse when building stuff.
To be fair, even with these numbers the Reapers are kinda underpowered.

40k ships have an average firepower in the gigatons and their battles last over days. Void Shields have to be overwhelmed with one brutal strike to overload their generators and those generators reboot in 30 seconds flat anyway. Even without Void Shields, Imperial Navy ships are meant to be able to tank with their armoured hulls for quite some time. While Void Shields can be penetrated by slower moving projectiles (aka torpedoes, both explosive and boarding), good luck making a dent.

Even boarding would be laughable, since 40k fully acknowledges the eventuality of close combat and prepares accordingly. Husks? Husks are nothing compared to Orks, Dark Eldar, Tyranids or, Emperor forbid, Daemon boarding parties.

To take down even 1 Cruiser would require probably the entirety of the Reaper fleet that attacked Earth + the one that attacked Palaven firing simultaneously with perfect coordination, as well as a constant flow of reinforcements to make up for losses (because that Cruiser is going to be downing Reaper Dreads by the dozen with every salvo). To take down something like the Phalanx…

Suffice to say, our problem won't be dealing with the Reapers, our problem would be to figure out what we want to protect (Earth and her Colonies) and if we can detach enough forces to do it (We can).
Given how many setting options there are, we might want to do a Pick Three, then do a runoff vote with the top three candidates
Yeah it would be better to say that Gork and Mork want to help the Emperor as a thank you for all the awesome and fun waaaghs, because they know that the empirium will return latter to kick everyones else in the balls and the proper waaaghs can begin again.

Naw, more likely it'd be "Hey, them Chaos gits are distracted, lets kick them in the ass while they aren't lookin!". Kunnin!
I'd personally be most favourable with a universe that includes Earth in it. It has a special meaning for all Humans and that is crucial for Fleet morale.
Can someone link info on Homeworld? It's one of those tricky words to google if you don't even know what media it's from.
On one hand, ME would have shittier tech by that timeline. Also, no Shepard.
On the other hand, the Reapers start-up their invasion sooner because Sovereign is the mastermind of the Rachni Wars.
To be fair, even with these numbers the Reapers are kinda underpowered.

40k ships have an average firepower in the gigatons and their battles last over days. Void Shields have to be overwhelmed with one brutal strike to overload their generators and those generators reboot in 30 seconds flat anyway. Even without Void Shields, Imperial Navy ships are meant to be able to tank with their armoured hulls for quite some time. While Void Shields can be penetrated by slower moving projectiles (aka torpedoes, both explosive and boarding), good luck making a dent.

Even boarding would be laughable, since 40k fully acknowledges the eventuality of close combat and prepares accordingly. Husks? Husks are nothing compared to Orks, Dark Eldar, Tyranids or, Emperor forbid, Daemon boarding parties.

To take down even 1 Cruiser would require probably the entirety of the Reaper fleet that attacked Earth + the one that attacked Palaven firing simultaneously with perfect coordination, as well as a constant flow of reinforcements to make up for losses (because that Cruiser is going to be downing Reaper Dreads by the dozen with every salvo). To take down something like the Phalanx…

Suffice to say, our problem won't be dealing with the Reapers, our problem would be to figure out what we want to protect (Earth and her Colonies) and if we can detach enough forces to do it (We can).
Imperial Cruisers would probably be able to take a few Reapers with them. Larger ships might be able to take several. Super void shields?
In combat, Void Shields do not protect from close combat assaults or other vehicles moving through them to then attack the shielded vehicle or vessel.
Other vessels can enter the void shields. And the one thing mass effect ships have is maneuverability. The normandy, a frigate, flies like a very maneuverable fighter. And consider what joker said above virmire.
Sovereign just pulled a turn that would shear any ship in the Alliance Navy in half.

If ME tried to make slow, powerful sluggers, then yes, 40k ships would steamroll the reapers utterly. But the reapers are faster, speedy buggers, and the imperial ships could only kill a few before they got under the void shields.

40k weapons? The lancers would be pretty effective, though I don't know how fast the other weapons can shoot, nor how fast they get to the target, Though Torpedoes are almost certain to not hit. (They are usually aimed at larger targets, and aimed such that many are only shot to try to restrict movement.

The Armor? Kind of pointless. ME weapons use weapons that affect only a small area. At best, with your heaviest capital ships, you have a few dozen meters. See here, where one reapers main weapon cuts a Turian dreadnaught in half in under a second. It couldn't do that to a Imperial navy cruiser, but it will go through the armor extremely quickly; a dozen seconds with an average of two reapers under the void shield, and your cruiser is gone.

I am not certain about how easy it is to use the warp drive with a pilot, but the reapers can jump in relatively close, with FTL.

So yes, Reapers can take down 40k ships, though with a number of loses per ship. But the reapers have extremely massive numbers. There are likely millions of the capital grade reapers, (50,000 cycles minimum, a few hundred net profit per cycle at a minimum) and cutscenes have shown the reapers have many more of the smaller reapers as well, with similar (though weakers) Armaments, that are more maneuverable.

And with those numbers, they might not even need to slip under your void shields; But we don't have enough data on the Reaper weapon in actual numbers for me to be able to say anything about that.

Having the enemy spend a couple dozen of their capital ships to take one of yours sounds great, but when their dreadnaughts alone outnumber your population, you are kind of screwed.
We are not seriously having a debate over the nature of if the Reapers can defeat 40k ships. People have gotten laughed at in SB debates over this nature.

Mass Effect, including the Reapers, are fucking hilariously low end compared to 40k.
Adamantium is a hell of a thing, you know. Even focused, a couple dozen kilotons is going to make them laugh.

Moreover, Imperial doctrine regarding speedy opponents is extremely effective in Mass Effect due to the squishiness of their opposition.

In case of doubt, saturate the area. And they're really good at saturating entire areas of space from a couple of light-minutes away to mere hundreds of meters from the hull of their ships. Keep in mind that they reliably hit everything from Ork fighta-bombas to Eldar fighter craft. Reapers might be good at manoeuvring but not at the level of Eldar fighter craft.

Considering that, by necessity, the point defence batteries are themselves kiloton to megaton level weaponry in comparison to the main Macro and Lance Batteries' gigatons...

Well, except that Reapers aren't magical dodging Dreadnoughts. Since, you know, it was a crucial and important advantage of the Turian Fleet at Palaven that they, and not the Reapers, could turn the fastest.

Ruirk is right, though. Mass Effect is ridiculously low end compared to 40k.

And that's before we bring in the Arks Mechanicus, which have truly HILARIOUS amounts of overkill and technological bullshit.
No matter what universe we go to, I'm going to institute a vote to determine technological parity. Voting choices will likely be something along the lines of Canon, Buffed (subvote of how much), and Debuffed (subvote of how much).

Also I'm kinda drunk and writing the final bits of the voting choices now so bare with me if there are any weird grammatical/spelling things there.
Adamantium is a hell of a thing, you know. Even focused, a couple dozen kilotons is going to make them laugh.

Moreover, Imperial doctrine regarding speedy opponents is extremely effective in Mass Effect due to the squishiness of their opposition.

In case of doubt, saturate the area. And they're really good at saturating entire areas of space from a couple of light-minutes away to mere hundreds of meters from the hull of their ships. Keep in mind that they reliably hit everything from Ork fighta-bombas to Eldar fighter craft. Reapers might be good at manoeuvring but not at the level of Eldar fighter craft.

Considering that, by necessity, the point defence batteries are themselves kiloton to megaton level weaponry in comparison to the main Macro and Lance Batteries' gigatons...

Well, except that Reapers aren't magical dodging Dreadnoughts. Since, you know, it was a crucial and important advantage of the Turian Fleet at Palaven that they, and not the Reapers, could turn the fastest.

Ruirk is right, though. Mass Effect is ridiculously low end compared to 40k.

And that's before we bring in the Arks Mechanicus, which have truly HILARIOUS amounts of overkill and technological bullshit.
Black hole guns and time dickary weapons.
No matter what universe we go to, I'm going to institute a vote to determine technological parity. Voting choices will likely be something along the lines of Canon, Buffed (subvote of how much), and Debuffed (subvote of how much).

Also I'm kinda drunk and writing the final bits of the voting choices now so bare with me if there are any weird grammatical/spelling things there.
Please don't. I would prefer if it was just canon for both sides. There are a lot of people who follow the 'if you give frodo a lightsaber you have to give saruon a death star' line of thought despite it not being true at all. A skilled writer doesn't have to buff the other side to provide challenge, plot, or even tension.
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