Discard, Draw, Three of a Kind? [Multi-SI/Nanoha/Yu-Yu]

Confusing in that it took a while to figure out what the hell was going on (and what universes were involved). Also, another thing that contributed to the initial confusion was that this description at the beginning immediately made me think of the beginning of every Kingdom Hearts game.
We totally did that on purpose. Figured if we were having three forms for ourselves, we'd do the 'pick one of x' alongside it; and KH does that really well, we all thought.

As to universes, did anyone actually recognize the second before reaching Nero's POV, and thus getting the name?
I reached the part about genderbending and then stopped reading.

I might be convinced to continue if I had the slightest clue what this was about (and if it isn't something obscure I'd never heard about), but with just a generic "multiverse" tag, I'm gonna have to go with "Genderbending? lol, nope!"
I didn't recognize the setting until read this quote in Mizu POV:
"Yuna-chan!" "I wouldn't be a Hero!"
Yuki Yuna is a Hero.

Gotta admit i'm curious about the Multiverse part, was wondering if you'll end up in different Magical Girl setting: Sailor Moon, Pretty Cure, Princess Tutu, Nanoha, PMMM, Cardcaptor Sakura, Yuki Yuna is a Hero, Prisma Illya, Senki Zesshou Symphogear, etc...

I remember wanting to write a SI fic that feature bunch of Magical Girl Series Crossover. The SI would either wake as ordinary Human, Magical Girl or Guy (Is This a Zombie?), Monster of the Week, Magical Girl Mascot, Cat (Amy from PMMM) and/or whatever I find amusing.

The idea came from watching episode 04 Prisma Illya, when they escape Caster, I was wonder what would happen if Illya was teleported somewhere else, in different Magical Girl setting. Either few days or week past by when SI bump into Illya, saved by her or transform near her.
Would help her find a way back and find something to change to guy.

That mostly it, I couldn't find the energy to write the story while being distract by something to think of rest.
Anyways, how's the other story doing, Undermining the Scientific Method with Murder?
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I reached the part about genderbending and then stopped reading.
Yeah, kinda expected to lose some folk to that. What aspect of the genderbending element bugs you, if you don't mind my asking?
I might be convinced to continue if I had the slightest clue what this was about (and if it isn't something obscure I'd never heard about), but with just a generic "multiverse" tag, I'm gonna have to go with "Genderbending? lol, nope!"
Yuki Yuna aired last year, actually, in 2014. And Nanoha's a well-known franchise, so you can't really call it 'obscure' :p

We mainly went with the multiverse tag due to, as the name suggests, going to multiple worlds. And Daze/Nero didn't want me to post the worldlist or something, due to the specifics of how we're having travel happen. I could change it to Nanoha/YuYu while we're still on the 'first' world, I guess...

@Nero200 & @InfiniteDaze
How do you two feel about that?

I didn't recognize the setting until read this quote in Mizu POV:
"Yuna-chan!" "I wouldn't be a Hero!"
Yuki Yuna is a Hero.
I didn't know the setting till I began writing this, and much binge watching of the media occurred. You've probably already picked this fact up from in-verse narration, though.

Anyways, how's the other story doing, Undermining the Scientific Method with Murder?
*looks sheepish*
I~ still need to begin chapter three. Not sure on the rest, but I think either Daze or Nero have finished their version of that. Might try to work on it tomorrow, methinks.

Or that MGQ story I left on a cliffhanger. Hmm...
I reached the part about genderbending and then stopped reading.

I might be convinced to continue if I had the slightest clue what this was about (and if it isn't something obscure I'd never heard about), but with just a generic "multiverse" tag, I'm gonna have to go with "Genderbending? lol, nope!"
Huh. What exactly about genderbending invokes a 'lol, nope'?
Fanservice aspects, or just squick?
We mainly went with the multiverse tag due to, as the name suggests, going to multiple worlds. And Daze/Nero didn't want me to post the worldlist or something, due to the specifics of how we're having travel happen. I could change it to Nanoha/YuYu while we're still on the 'first' world, I guess...

@Nero200 & @InfiniteDaze
How do you two feel about that?
Go for it, that would probably work better. Posting at 3am was probably a mistake.
Anyways, how's the other story doing, Undermining the Scientific Method with Murder?
Progress stalled to write this, but it isn't dead, just sleeping for a little bit.
Yep. Generally affects me in the social aspects, regarding doing stuff with/interacting with people, far as I know. Might relate to my tendency to do a lot of things on my own, but it's hard to self-analyze this stuff.

I am also autisitic. this may explain the number of plot bunnies i have that never go anywhere. also, I find it hilarious that i have, once again, managed to become friends with an autistic person. without noticing.

then again, its harder to detect things like that over the internet.
I reached the part about genderbending and then stopped reading.

I might be convinced to continue if I had the slightest clue what this was about (and if it isn't something obscure I'd never heard about), but with just a generic "multiverse" tag, I'm gonna have to go with "Genderbending? lol, nope!"

Yeah, expected that.

It's not the first time I've referred to it as 'The Stupidest Thing Ever Written'.
Chapter 2 - Mizu POV
Chapter 2 – Mizu POV

"No shit Sherlock." Nanoha gets a reply off before I can. Wait, she didn't own that body originally? Perhaps that's why she's futa now – canon her got placed in an alt-verse clone's body or something?

"Excellent." The blonde girl draws my mind back to the discussion. "I have a cunning plan."

"Would you mind informing us, your greatness?"

"But of course, Watson. Just follow my lead, I'm playing this half by the ear and half by pressing every button Miss Girl Power has, which may or may not exist."

Why are we quoting detective novel characters? Watson's...who was he again? Sherlock Holmes, that was it!

"I don't know why but I'm hating you almost as much as I do Hayate at the moment. Speak your peace."

"Hey!" What'd I do, what'd I do? "Why the hate, Nanoha? Was it the scolding? As if so, you should've gotten there faster!"

The blond with the scythe sighs, before rubbing her forehead with her free hand. "Focus! YuYu's to extort here, we can sort out the stellar interactions of you two so far afterwards."

"I hate all of you. 'Cept Red- holy crap her hair is red. Like, really, is that natural?"

"Red's natural, yep." What, hasn't Nanoha ever seen a person with that shade before? Was sure there was a few people in canon with that colour. "Comes in lots of different shades, too."

"Yeah but is it seriously that dark? Looked like she dyed her hair in blood and sold her eyes to Satan." Well, that paints a grim picture. This Nanoha's odd. " ...Which isn't the best comparison, I know."

"Sweet Lady Maeve. Right, you two… debate, or whatever you are doing. Is it flirting?"

"Pissing you off Reaper-chan." And Nanoha once more proves she's got a sharp tongue. Also, how can our talking constitute flirting? I wasn't flirting!

"Mitts off my new body til it's at least somewhat legal, Nano-chan." With that, she turns to the awkwardly staring Hero club with a somewhat strained smile, her scythe vanishing with a flash of gold that leaves her toying with a yellow triangle.

"Right then, you lot are the Hero Club right?" "Oh, translation! Best Device is Best Device! Mab's name I sound like whoever the hell her voice actor was." ...I don't think she remembered to close the mental link.

"Umm, yes, that's us, Miss…?" Yuna is the one that steps forward, Fū looking suspiciously at her.

"You left the link on."

"...You heard nothing. Bardiche, take the helm." Oh, oh, that was Fate's Device in canon? That make this...wait, yes, in hindsight this blondy really looks like Fate. Different behavior to canon Fate though, so maybe she's like Nanoha?

Bathtime will reveal the truth! Provided I can think of a way to convince them to have a bath with me, anyway. This is Japan, so shouldn't be too hard – that's a thing people do for socializing, no? Wait, crap, we're talking now, go back to paying attention me.

"You can call me Alicia for now." She frowns as she glances at one of the girls – who happens to be in a wheelchair for some reason – before turning to Fū, ignoring Yuna.

"Bullshit!" Nanoha seems unhappy to hear blondy's name. I'm just pleased to get an explanation for her behavior changes from Fate; Of course the original would be different to the clone! Wonder what happened in Nanoha-verse to have her survive?

"Call me Nero if that works better, isn't a girl's name but that hardly matters in the end. Either way, stop distracting me."

Nero was a Roman emperor, if I'm recalling history right. This seems to hint I wasn't quite wrong about her and similarities with Nanoha, if it has anything to do with 'conquering'. I shall be wary when we meet in the bathtub now.

"...I'm shutting up now."

She shifts her attention back to the apparent leader of the Hero Club. "Fū, you're the contact for the Taisha in this group of 'heroes', right?" Ouch. Evidently Fū's 'Hero' role and Nanoha-verse TSAB don't get along? Or she's grumpy from almost faceplanting with a roof from a few miles in the air, I guess.

"Hey!" Either way, Yuna seems to have taken offense. Fū seems to be more stunned or shocked by something.

Nanoha waves her hand in a signal for everyone to calm down.

"Okay everyone, that's enough." She interrupts. "Well… I'm not good at explaining, never have been and probably never will be, but I can already tell that this is becoming a clusterfuck of epic proportions so I might as well throw in my two cents before you girls have a catfight."

"...I swear I am going to force-feed you a sodding scythe. Do you happen to have a place to live in this bloody dimension? Because I am trying to get us one!"

She walks in between the groups before sighing. "Testarossa-san is the same as me and Hayate, and I suspect that like me she's tired as well. We've been friends for…. a bit. Even if she does dress like a dark magical girl who has a stripper problem, well, you shouldn't judge people with whom they are on the outside. Now if you excuse me, I think I'm just… gonna.. go." Alicia looks ready to stab Nanoha with the newly-resummoned glowing scythe.

"Who's Hayate? Is this another name for me, Nanoha? First it was Olly, now this?"

"Would you just-"

"I called you Hayate during the fight, you goldfish." She did? Oops.

"Wait. Goldfish? ...horribly offensive, multiple names, oh in the name of Maeve's ever-perky tits."

Alicia turned from an angrily blushing Fū to look at Nanoha, asking hesitantly, "Team Ados, represent?"

"ADOS?" I echo, tilting my head as I blink back at Alicia. "What's ADOS? Is it some military code thing the TSAB made up?"

"Mab's name, the void only made you worse." The scythe has been lowered, its blond wielder looking far less tense, and almost… fond?

And then suddenly my air-supply receives an unexpected rationing, courtesy of the hand squeezing around my neck. I gasp, flailing blindly at the fingers draining my life away, before realizing it's less my neck and more my collar being pulled tight as Nanoha proceeds to drag me down towards the tiled floor of the roof. I'm...not entirely sure how to react here.

Well, beyond the whole 'cannot breathe' thing. Does this count as courtship? Relationship attempts? Alicia did mention flirting earlier, so has Nanoha decided we're close enough to begin mounting?

...I don't wanna experience mounting! Not here! Not yet! Preferably not with viewers!

"...What are you two doing?" Itsuki seems to have chosen now of all times to speak up.

"Ignore them, this is normal." Alicia, you traitor! "Fū, I need you to contact the Taisha about a tree for me."

"YOU. IDIOT." Nanoha whispers into my ear, making me shiver from the experience. No! Not while there's people! The whole 'different body' element surprisingly doesn't bug me, though.

"W-Why do you want me to.. no, what are they doing?" The leader of the hero club doesn't seem to be willing to take Alicia's word for it. I struggle, pushing back against Nanoha's grip, but her chokehold is too strong to do squat but push me against her. Crap.

"Oh for Mab's sake! Bardiche, Thunder Bind!" And suddenly I can move, with Nanoha suspended above me by gold bands of energy. I feel silly now, seeing as I can do a similar thing with Reinforce's tentacles, but panic is said to be a mind-killer.

"Daze. Stop molesting Mizu. Mizu. Stop being a bloody goldfish. Fū. Make the bloody phone call." The gold bands vanish once I am out from under the brunette, dropping her as Alicia shakes out her wrist. Who is also...Nero?

The bath shall still need to happen, methinks, but now it's for science! Who knows what changes we experienced! I'll just need to be wary of both of them now instead of just Nero.

"I wasn't molesting her, just what the hell do you take me for? Hayate's The Worst."

"...Moving on, before we end up traumatizing the midget over there." With a gesture to Itsuki, she turned from the protesting girl to Fū. Who was staring with a phone loosely held in her hand. "Call the Taisha, I need to talk to them about your god, the Vertex, and the so-called 'Hero' System." Fū looks uncertain, but motions for the other Hero Club members to wait a moment, and brings the phone to her ear.

"Only one god? What happened to Shinto's millions?" Least, I think Shinto had that much. Gods for everything, from concepts to rice and clouds.

"It ate them all." Alicia – or should I call him...her...Nero? Alicia's more fitting for her girl form, though – replies. "Like it tried to eat me. Well, it ate most of them, the others tried to eat humanity, you shot one of those ones. Gods gotta eat, apparently. And they like little girls. Strangely, it's worse than it sounds."

"Finally, I can achieve my lifelong dream. I'm gonna burn that tree, no matter how much Napalm it takes."

"I….highly recommend against destroying a population's god. That tends to get people angry." Like, say, these Hero Club girls. "Can we try talking first? Or beating the ones threatening humans?"

"Fuck Gods, burn all to the ground. It might as well end in flames but from the ashes we will rise. HUMANITY BABY!!!"

Nanoha is very...bombastic, it seems.

"Hello? Yes, it's Inubōzaki. There's a girl who- Well there are three girls who showed up in the fight with the Vertex. One of them wants to speak with you about the Vertex, and the Hero System?"

Alicia steps forward impatiently as Fū listens to the response and- "Ao, Taisha person? This is one Alicia, I woke up in your Tree. I've got some information you are going to want, it has to do with Nogi and Washio. I somehow doubt you want me letting your new batch of minions in on the secret?" -snatches the phone from her hand.

"Minions? Magical girls are minions now?" Does that make Taisha their leader's name? "And does anyone besides Alicia even know where we are? Beyond 'somewhere in Japan'?"

"Yep. Uh huh. No. For a price, maybe. I know exactly what the system does, don't even start that bullshit, I have had a long fucking day."

Beep Beep

The other Hero Club members look down at their chiming phones, before Yuna steps closer to Fū . "Umm, it says to leave them on the roof for a bit?" The wheelchair-bound girl is looking increasingly uneasy as Alicia paces about the roof, phone to her ear and a somewhat smugly evil look on her face.

"Red," Nanoha says. "I think Alicia just blackmailed a cult. ...Speaking of, I don't know your name. Mine's Takamachi Nanoha, what's yours?"

"What happened to 'Daze'? Decided on a new moniker like Alicia?"

"Well, I can't go around calling myself Infinite Daze now can I? That's dumb, you're dumb."

"I can use mine!" I mentally cheer, grinning as I do. "Mizu's gender-neutral. And if not, there's always 'Mizuki'."

"And your last name?"

"I need one why again?"

"...I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer."

"I'm Yuki Yuna, member of the Hero Club." The redhead seems a little off balance. Probably due to the strange events us three have caused by showing up.

She glances between Nanoha and me, shooting a strange look at Alicia – "We'll be in the club room, okay?" – before leaving with the rest of the Hero Club, pushing the dark-haired girl on the wheelchair with her.

"See ya!" "Later!" I reply with Nanoha chiming in a moment later, both of us waving at her retreating back as she moves towards the little hut and stairwell within. "Now then...do we just wait for Alicia to finish or what?"

Nanoha turns to look at Alicia. "So, Alicia huh? You know you still have Fū's phone in your hand right?"

The only remaining blonde looks up with said phone still pressed to her ear, giving her what is clearly a 'so what?' look before replying to something the 'Taisha' said. "The sacrifices have, yes."

"I don't think she's gonna respond to you." I inform Nanoha, likely stating the obvious as I do. "Chatting to two different people at once is kinda hard, especially when it involves phones."

"Yeah, no shit." Nanoha says blandly, not even turning to look at me. "Look, let's just wait for her to be finished. Not like anything else is going to happen.

Huh. Tempting fate there, but then again not like there's any dangers on a suburban rooftop in the first place. Might as well take this opportunity to–

"So, what delayed you? I never got an answer, and due to you piddling about taking your time almost got munched on by old swordy. Even after the teamup with Fū and her sister."

"I had to do a rush job tutorial lesson on how to aerial combat as well as shooting." Nanoha replies, leaning on Raising Heart. "Not like I have a Unison Device from Ancient Belka to do it for me you cheat sheet."

"Ancient?" I echo, tilting my head. "Reinforce just called the book writing Belkan. I mean, she did also say it was several thousand years old, so I suppose it could be multiple iterations of the language…"

"The Belka civilization fell years ago Mizu." Nanoha answered, yawning a bit. "I think it might be something to do with war and how their leaders turned their bodies into the ultimate weapon or something like that. Anyways, from the ashes of Belka came Mid-Mid-... fuck, I can't pronounce it."

"Mid-Childa? Mid-Childra?" I guess. "I vaguely recall the TSAB's organization being from something like that."

Nanoha snaps her fingers before pointing at me. "Yeah, that one."

"...Which one, exactly? You said yes to both." And if Nanoha does it again, we're going to be going in conversation circles for a while. "Eh, not like it matters. What're the differences between Unison and whatever Device type Raising Heart is? Or was that Raging Heart?"

The second fits better, thematically, but it's not like I could understand moonrunes well enough to know anyway. Completely reliant on fansubs, and those can get stuff wrong depending on interpretation of kanji and whatnot.

"First, yes." Gah, the non-answer! "It's Raising Heart. Something about how the japanese pronounce si as ji or something. Though it was officially Raging Heart in English before they fixed it." Nanoha corrects, wagging her finger from side to side.

"And Device differences?"

Nanoha stares at me before holding up Raising Heart. "Staff." She declares, before pointing at me. "Not staff."

I look at the golden pole held in my hand, with the little circle at the top and pointy cross within it. "Eh, looks like a staff. Even if it isn't, Alicia uses a scythe-thing which is also a gold triangle, so Device come in many appearances." Wonder if melee versions exist? "Does Raising Heart have a human form, Nanoha?"

"No, that's only Unison Devices." Nanoha answers. "I believe they're something of a Belka invention that is hard to recreate today or something. That's why you'd see so few of them around or we'd all be going Starforce."

"Starforce?" I'm asking question after question, it seems. Ah well, least it's something to do while Alicia finishes the phone call. "What do you mean by 'going Starforce'? Only thing by that name I know's the Megaman DS series."

"Yeah that's the one I'm talking about." She answers, before striking a pose and putting one finger pointing up towards the sky. "EM Wave Change! Takamachi Nanoha, ON AIR!!!"

Nothing happened.

"Was...that meant to do something?" Besides look silly. "As if so, it didn't work."

"....That was a joke." Nanoha replies, lowering her hand back to her side. "Though if I change Takamachi Nanoha to Raising Heart and on air to set up…. hm…."

"I didn't need to say anything for my own transformation." I contribute, recalling the event with a wince. Bad sword thing, blowing up my ground! "Admittedly, still don't know exactly what Unison'ing is, barring fusion with Reinforce. Don't suppose you do?"

"Lucky. I had to remember this whole chant thing while falling from the fucking sky." Nanoha sighs. "Also, go ask Reinforce."

Oh yeah, good point. Of course the actual person Unison'd with me can tell me what it was – Reinforce?

When Unison'd with you, Master, I provide mana control and assistance. Thus far, it's been only assistance, due to your...beginner...status as a mage.

Magic wasn't a thing where I come from, what do you expect? We can't all be genius like Nanoha and–

"Hey, how did you first learn magic again?" I ask, pausing my mental conversation to glance Nanoha's way. "Wasn't it in the midst of combat against a monster? Alongside the first time you transformed?"

Note to self, find a video camera somewhere and record myself transforming. I wanna know how long it takes in realtime, and if functionally-nude-colours is a thing.

"I spammed the most basic spell which requires no calculation at all while waiting for Raising Heart to calculate a Divine Buster." Nanoha admits. "I essentially just shot the bullet."

"...My view of you as a combat genius just died a horrible, tiny death." Oh so tiny! "Well, what about after the first time? Think I heard you do a bunch of simulations in your head as training? Even during school?"

"Okay, first off, fuck you too." Nanoha replied. "Second, image training or whatever it's called is done by Raising Heart and I just got this device forty minutes ago why the hell do you think I had it during school!?"

Ooh, that's mad. Am I thinking of the wrong person?

"Huh? But….oh, wait, you're Daze, not Nanoha. Forgot." I blame the appearance. "Not used to thinking of you as a little girl, in all honesty, although age-wise I don't think there's any change for you."

Before I could blink, Nano- Daze's fist came slamming down on top of my head.

"Oh my god, you fucking goldfish." She sighs. "Next thing I know you'd be thinking you're still in Australia."

"No, I know this is Japan. Checked with Fu." Plus, uhh, that billboard over there is nothing but kanji, which is a big hint. "And if I was in Australia it'd be warmer. By like ten degrees celsius. Blasted desert summers..."

Ooh, there's an idea. Need to find out if Reinforce can keep me cool and such, like my own personal air conditioner. Or heater, depending on climate.

Nanoha just sighs before her right hand goes on her forehead.

"You OK? Do you have a headache? Can...uhh...can spells cure headaches?" Do we even know any healing spells? I wanna be the white mage if we do! Ah, wait, I can bombard so red fits me better. "We can ask for medicine from Yuna and friends once Alicia's done, if you do."

Nanoha remains silent.

"Ahh, you're not responding." I look her over carefully, but she remains in the same position. Thus, I do what anyone sensible would do and poke her. "Hey. Hey. You fine? Not fine? I can't help you if you don't tell~ me~"

"...Liam," She responds after a while. "You are a birdbrain with the memory of a goldfish and the libido of a fallen angel."

"I disagree with the last part!" Not~ gonna deny the memory thing, that's something I'm well aware is a problem. Particularly when I need to take exams or other knowledge tests. "How would one even know the libido of angels, fallen or not?"

"Most angels fell because of sex." Nanoha says bluntly.

"I thought it was because they sided with Saten when he rebelled? Satan? However you pronounce it." Why would they fall from sex, of all things. Weird. "And I can't have that libido, anyway, I haven't even experienced it before. In any of the myriad ways one can."

Admittedly, if we're talking about sex in the gender sense it might apply now, but then Nanoha and Alicia would also be fallen. Should I check for tiny wings in the bathroom as well?

"Say that to Azrael." Nanoha grumbled, before turning back to Alicia. "I think she's almost done."

Said girl had started walking back over to us, with a smile like the cat that got the canary. "One month. And my demands. Got it?"

Evidently whatever she did, it went well. "All good, Alicia? End up achieving whatever you were after? ...What was that, again? I've forgotten."

"Keys for a house, unlimited cash, and a promise not to try and kill me for at least a month." She stretched, fingers interlaced above her head. "Was a good deal."

"Ah, right, housing. Glad you thought of that, didn't even occur to me till now." And now, I guess we're all set for– "Wait, killing you?"

"It's an evil, menacing, manipulative organization from what I can tell." Nanoha comments. "Think seal."

"...I fail to see how the sea animals kill people." Little fluffy bundles of blubber eat fish, not humans. "Particularly when Alicia can fly, and thus can't be reached by them."

Alicia cut in before the train of thought could get any further. "Stop giving the Clefairy things to fall over, Daze. I need to give Miss Girl-Power back her phone and then a driver should show up to take us to whatever house they are giving us."

"I'm coming with you." Nanoha says seriously. "I can feel a shitstorm waiting to happen if I leave you alone with those girls." Alicia shoots her a look, but doesn't argue with the statement.

"I'm...um…" Hmm, do I wanna go with or wait for the car? "I'm not sure. What're you doing besides phone delivery? Oh, wait, got an idea – need to thank Fū for keeping us alive. Me alive. Nanoha didn't help till the end."

Nanoha sighs before in a flash of light transforms into normal civilian clothes. "Let's go."


Alicia led the way to the club room, having also shifted into a more civilian-looking attire, barring the cloak she's wearing over them and some gloves. I haven't bothered, partly because I don't know how and partly because I suspect lugging a heavy book about is a tad more annoying than the staff I'm carrying thus far.

Surprisingly, we found them quickly, Alicia leading us directly to this little classroom without even pausing once. That went for entering the room as well, just pulling the door open and stepping inside.

Things would've been awkward~ if it was the wrong spot, but judging by the familiar faces that swivelled to look at us that confidence Alicia had thus far paid off. Or she's got a really good poker face and great luck.

"Fū, thanks for the lend of the phone." She tossed it towards the leader of the group, who caught it with a panicked look. "Eh! Oh.. you're welcome?"

Speaking of the group, I noticed Fū, her sister and Yuna looked different to before. Presumably what they were wearing presently was their normal clothes, like what Nanoha and Alicia turned into a few minutes prior. It looks a bit familiar actually, so...think they've been wearing that since the roof, and I only just realized.


However long ago it was, the outfit they all wore now was composed of a grey shirt descending to the waist, alongside white skirts. The shirt was split in two down the middle, a red ribbon tying the two halves together, while white cufflinks and collar finished off the image. In the case of Fu, she wore a grey jumper over the half-shirt, though (winter wear?).

"Speaking of welcome," I interject, taking the opportunity this provides, "thanks for helping out against big swordy back there. I...wasn't having much luck on my own, even with Reinforce to help out."

You mean only with, Master. Being controlled akin to puppetry doesn't give one claim to credit.

We lived, and that's the important thing. Now keep quiet so I can listen to her response, Reinforce!

"Ah, you're welcome. Helping people is what the Hero Club does, even if you were mostly helping us as it turned out." She smiled towards me, her exuberant personality coming back as she shifted attention away from Alicia. Considering how blunt the girl's been to this group thus far, I suppose some nervousness is to be expected.

"So, the hero club helps people? Is that in the sense of 'transforming and stopping criminals using your powers', or 'pick up the trash'?" Do secret identities exist here? It's a trope of the magical girl genre, but who knows how it works in reality. Isn't a thing for Nanoha-verse, for example.

Yuna decided to speak up, "The Hero Club does whatever it can to help people! The magical girl thing is new though." Judging by what I saw, can't say I'm surprised it's new in her situation, but what about the blonde siblings? They sure seemed to know what they were doing.

Well, Fū did.

"I have no regrets, this is the only path huh?" Nanoha comments from off to the side. I have no clue what she's on about. Daze being chuunibyou, perhaps?

"Really? Shirou? Eh, I suppose the fake janitor would fit in with this group. Huh, arm thing fits too I guess." Alicia added onto her comment.

"We seem to be quoting anime a lot." I drawl, shaking my head as I do. "I vote we ignore them. OK, you said the hero thing was new, but going by behavior at least Fū's been doing it for a while. Am I correct?"

The girl in question looks a bit like a deer in headlights. "Er, I've used the transformation before, but that was the first time I've actually fought Vertex."

"Mm, understood. Why didn't your...is she sister, or twin? Well, anyway, how come only you knew how to seal the Vertex? Did you just toss your family into the fray without any training whatsoever? Heck, why was wheelchair girl – sorry, don't know your name – even there? She's disabled." Fū's face fell, and Yuna's cheer seemed to vanish.

...I may have been offensive with that last remark. Oops. "Snrk." I think Alicia is choking or something.

"Hey, calm down there." Nanoha interrupts. "Did you forget? Big, menacing organization pulling the strings behind everything? Heck, when your club's name is the Hero Club something is bound to go down."

"Daze. Can it with the mentions of the Taisha, that's dangerously close to screwing up my deal with them and we need to at least acclimate before declaring war on the only ones with access to the Shinju."

"Oh really? Fuck."

"And I claim that's silly." I retort, catching up on the mental chatting a moment later and throwing my next line in. "Life isn't a conspiracy novel, Nanoha, even when you add magic to the mix."

"Hey! How many people can walk in the Hero Club? Three! How many people in the Hero Club in total? Four! Three times four equals twelve and how many blonds are there? Two! Twelve divided by two equals six! How many people just walked in? Three! Three six's." Nanoha throws her hands up in the air. "Illuminati confirmed!"

I just stare at Nanoha for a bit as she rants, mental gears clunking as they try and follow whatever strange logic she's using. "...Right, conspiracy theorist. Ignore her."

"Oh thank Mab, the car is here. Time to go, nice meeting you all, kinda, not really, bye bye!" And then Alicia is dragging me and Nanoha out of the room, regardless of our objections. Which sucks, as I kinda want to get an answer to those questions.

Or just the sealing formula for Reinforce. Either works.
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Chapter 2 - Daze POV
Chapter 2 – InfiniteDaze POV

There's a feeling.

You know that one? The one you get when you're in the middle of doing something and then you go "This is a really bad idea".

That's the one I was currently feeling, only five times worse and the damage was already dealt.

You'd think from my earlier rampage that I'd be all sunshine and firepower, always joking to lighten up the mood.

I'm not. It's all just an act. An act so good that it's even fooled me.

Then again, I'm not a creature of logic, I'm a creature of reaction. Who's to say I wasn't a jokester. And now that the Rush was gone….

But this had gone on long enough. Now, a blond grim reaper had appeared and asked me and the fallen angel who the hell we are because she had deduced that we weren't the ones we appeared to be.

So I responded in kind through the mental link she gave me.

"No shit Sherlock."

"Excellent." She purred out in a heavily British accent through the chat. "I have a cunning plan."

Plans, plans, fuck plans. Too many factors involved, too many ways for them to go wrong. Better to wing everything by ear then expect things to go your way.

Selfish jerks. No plan survives contact with the enemy.

"Would you mind informing us, your greatness?" I shot back, trying to see how much bullshit the girl in front of me was about to spew.

"But of course, Watson. Just follow my lead," She informs me. Fuckimg brits, of course they'd bring out Watson after the Sherlock comment. "I'm playing this half by the ear and half by pressing every button Miss Girl Power has, which may or may not exist."

Miss Girl Power….?

Who's that?

Must be one of the school girls, maybe it's the redhead? She seemed nice and bombastic, pretty fun if you ask me.

However one part stood out to me, her plan was basically to antagonize one of the girls who just helped me and Hayate for…. What?

It was a plan to rupture a blood vessel in a sane person's mind. She was definitely the same as me and Hayate, a person who was just holding the body of Fate and she definitely knew something about the girls and because of it was just going into this all guns blazing.

Essentially, she was gonna act like a SI protagonist who was gonna abuse the shit out of the meta knowledge they knew from a piece of fiction.

The fool.

"I don't know why but I'm hating you almost as much as I do Hayate at the moment." I answered. That was a lie, but I couldn't just up and spit in her face. "Speak your piece."

If I could, Raising Heart would be at her throat in a blink of an eye but I couldn't start a fight, not here.

I am Armed and Ready Master.

"Hey!" Hayate complained. "Why the hate, Nanoha? Was it the scolding? As if so, you should've gotten there faster!"

You're annoying.

"Focus! YuYu's to extort here, we can sort out the stellar interactions of you two so far afterwards." The Fate copy sighed, rubbing her head.

The blackmailing bitch! You know all of their weaknesses and they know none of yours! They're not 'waifus' they're real girls!

….What? I had my humanity, unlike this bitch. Probably lost it with her soul.

"I hate all of you." I growled out through the chat. "'Cept Red- holy crap her hair is red. Like, really, is that natural?"

"Red's natural, yep." Hayate answered. "Comes in lots of different shades, too."

Pretty sure genetics don't work like that.

"Yeah but is it seriously that dark? Looked like she dyed her hair in blood and sold her eyes to Satan." I criticized, fairly certain a bunch of evangelist just put me on their hit list. " ...Which isn't the best comparison, I know."

"Sweet Lady Maeve. Right, you two… debate, or whatever you are doing. Is it flirting?" Fate's voice cut in.

I'm pretty sure every interaction Nanoha has with a female is flirting to the opposite party but hey, that's what you get when you have a raging fandom of 20 year old men who like lesbian pairings.

Some day, Eva will make his final stand!

….I'd totally play that game.

"Pissing you off Reaper-chan~" I teased in my best cutesy voice, not that there was much of a change any more.

"Mitts off my new body til it's at least somewhat legal, Nano-chan." She replied as she walked towards the girls with a clearly fake smile, scythe vanishing as she did so.

I wasn't even legal mentally.

"Right then, you lot are the Hero Club right?" She asked the group of friends. Whom, Hero Club. Why do I feel I know that- "Oh, translation! Best Device is Best Device! Mab's name I sound like whoever the hell her voice actor was."

So does the real Fate. Too bad I'll never find out who my voice actor is, though I'm kinda glad she won't have to voice my lines with my potty mouth like it's Panty and Stockings 2: Quantum Boogaloo.

"Umm, yes, that's us, Miss…?" Red said, courageously stepping forward.

I chose this moment to throw the Reaper off her rails.

"You left the link on." I commented offhand, smirking slightly as I dropped that bomb.

"...You heard nothing. Bardiche, take the helm."

Ha! White Devil one, Reaper-bitch none!

"You can call me Alicia for now." She introduced herself, words silencing me until I spoke out in the most eloquent way possible.


When in doubt, always head back to the basics.

"Call me Nero if that works better, isn't a girls name but that hardly matters in the end. Either way, stop distracting me." She replied.

And then everything clicked like a puzzle as it all started to fit together as one thing entered my mind.

I know this guy.

He- now she I guess- was a friend of mine from back in my old life who also went by the name of Nero on the Internet, and just so happens to also swear like a Dresden.
However, none of that matters. I knew this guy.


Most people go hang out with friends, I tend to avoid them. A lot.

My eyes glanced over to the Hayate replica. If Nero was here then by the Law of Chance Meeting this girl must be Mizu and I'll eat my Kaiser damn face if it wasn't true.
And if it was I was going to curse the world for being so cliche as to do this to me. Like, seriously, why are the cliches acting up now of all times?

"...I'm shutting up now." I answered, watching the scene silently.

I really need to calm before things go wrong-

"Fū, you're the contact for the Taisha in this group of 'heroes', right?" Fate mocked, the word hero coming off as a parent scolding a child.

Alright bitch that's enough.

"Hey!" Yuna justifiably shouted, rising to the group's defense.

Atta girl. I really do like her out of all the people on the roof.

But I can smell a shitstorm in progress and it's fairly bad so I'm gonna have to step in for once. I can't just be on the sidelines and watch it happen this time.

I don't get paid enough for this crap.

"Okay everyone, that's enough." I interrupt, waving my hand in an odd gesture. "Well… I'm not good at explaining, never have been and probably never will be, but I can already tell that this is becoming a clusterfuck of epic proportions so I might as well throw in my two cents before you girls have a catfight."

Fate yells something at me but I ignore it as I step in between the two groups.

Go fuck yourself Nero.

Now, how to convey this to a group of Japanese middle schoolers? Wait! Those name things! Got it!

"Testarossa-san is the same as me and Hayate, and I suspect that like me she's tired as well." I explain, throwing around my hands in weird movements. "We've been friends for…. a bit. Even if she does dress like a dark magical girl who has a stripper problem, well, you shouldn't judge people with whom they are on the outside. Now if you excuse me, I think I'm just… gonna.. go."

In hindsight, I should have used Alicia-chan to express more familiarity but I have a feeling that wouldn't work here.

Now I only need to do one thing…

Raising Heart, open telepathic channels with all four girls, and make sure to block out the current one.

Yes my Master.

Good, there's a few things I need to make clear.

"One, yes this is telepathy. Two, don't react." I whisper off the line. "You might not believe me but Alicia does know your worst secrets and is not afraid to use them against you. She also knows your personality as well, and all your triggers."

"But that doesn't make her a bad person." I sighed over the line. "Like I said, we're all tired and, well, none of us are from Japan. I'm from Hawaii, actually, if you can believe that."

"Look just keep calm, and it will all be fine." I warned, before deciding to fuck with Nero one more time. "Oh, and her name isn't Alicia, it's Fate. Fate Testarossa Harlaown. Alicia's the name of her sister. Oh! But don't tell her I told you guys that otherwise she'll get mad at me.

I closed the line and stepped away from the girls, telling Raising Heart to reopen the line.

"Who's Hayate? Is this another name for me, Nanoha?" Mizu asks. "First it was Olly, now this?"


"I called you Hayate during the fight, you goldfish." I respond in the middle of Fate who was about to say something probably unimportant.

….Oh hey, she resumed her scythe.

"Wait. Goldfish? ...horribly offensive, multiple names, oh in the name of Maeve's ever-perky tits." Fate swears in a fond manner.

Lookie here, the dumbass finally got it.

She turns to me hesitantly before opening her mouth."Team Ados, represent?"


This was a new life wasn't it? Stuck with a meta-abusing Reaper and a clueless Fallen Angel.

Fuck my life.

"ADOS?" Hayate asks, interrupting my rant. "What's ADOS? Is it some military code thing the TSAB made up?"

I'm sorry, can someone confirm that she really just said that.

She did.


Right right, I'm guessing we're invoking the clueless idiot SI here? The one we'd have to explain everything to. I know the team name is officially 'Attention Deficit- Oh! Shiny!' But how could one person forget this much?

Oh right, Goldfish.

Now where was I before going off on a rant? Aha! Invoking the I am surrounded by idiots trope.

Fate says something but I ignore her as my hand reaches towards Hayate's neck in a practiced motion. As soon as I get a good grip I immediately tightened my hand and began pushing downwards.

It wasn't choking per say, more like pushing pressure points, but it got the job done.

I leaned forward, up close to Hayate's face before growling out my next words immediately.


I'm fairly certain one of the School Girls asked what I was doing but Fate decided to be useful for once and brushed them off.

...It occurs to me that this look of agony Hayate is giving is fun, I quickly slapped that part of me and had her weeping about Battle Lust.

"W-Why do you want me to.. no, what are they doing?" Another girl asked. I quickly turned my head around and gave her a look telling her she didn't want to know.

"Oh for Mab's sake! Bardiche, Thunder Bind!" Fate yelled, seemingly done with our crap as a bunch of gold ropes restrained me in the sky above Mizu. "Daze. Stop molesting Mizu. Mizu. Stop being a bloody goldfish. Fū. Make the bloody phone call."

The binds disappear as I land with a thud on the floor. I quickly pulled myself up before raising one eyebrow at the blond.

Seriously? Molesting? I've had worse thrown up against me and I had more to throw up against her.

If she was gonna throw down with an american teenager she better prepare herself.

"I wasn't molesting her, just what the hell do you take me for?" I asked. "Hayate's The Worst."

There's some part of me that isn't surprised Mizu is now Hayate because seriously, the guy was a pervert. Like, not Issei Hyoudou levels of perversion but the guy was definitely a pervert on par with Hayate.

He once told me it was due to him being a "Healthy Adult Male" but hah! Look at you now! You don't have the excuse of Testosterone to back you up!

"...Moving on, before we end up traumatizing the midget over there." Fate said, pointing to a small blond girl who promptly looked at an older blond, probably her sister. "Call the Taisha, I need to talk to them about your god, the Vertex, and the so-called 'Hero' System."

This is way too early in the story to be revealing all the plot twists Nero!

"Only one god? What happened to Shinto's millions?" Hayate asked, cutting in through the mental chat.

Fairly certain it's only 600.

"It ate them all." Fate replied bluntly. "Like it tried to eat me. Well, it ate most of them, the others tried to eat humanity, you shot one of those ones. Gods gotta eat, apparently. And they like little girls. Strangely, it's worse than it sounds."

So, a god who can eat other gods and is also a pedophile.

This is just great.

Also, how the hell is that even possible? Didn't the Shinto gods pull a Greece and become Buddhist… whatever they are? Did that mean the tree actually ate Buddha?!

….Is the Monkey King free?

Also, what about the other gods and, well, God?

Wait, Gods do not form to humanity's rules. I better stop thinking about this.

And suddenly an idea came to me.

"Finally, I can achieve my lifelong dream." I replied with passion. "I'm gonna burn that tree, no matter how much Napalm it takes."

"I….highly recommend against destroying a population's god. That tends to get people angry." Hayate informs me hesitantly. "Can we try talking first? Or beating the ones threatening humans?"

Silly Mizu, that's not how it works. ALL MUST BURN.

"Fuck Gods, burn all to the ground. It might as well end in flames but from the ashes we will rise. HUMANITY BABY!!!" I roared through the chat, mentally doing a fist pump.

I am armed and ready.

Raising Heart, you are the best Device a guy- er, girl could ask for.

"Hello? Yes, it's Inubōzaki. There's a girl who- Well there are three girls who showed up in the fight with the Vertex." The older blond says into her phone. "One of them wants to speak with you about the Vertex, and the Hero System?"

Nobody makes a move, everyone is silent as they wait for a response from the organization Blond was calling.

...Everyone except Nero apparently, as she quickly walked up to the blond and snatched the phone from her.

"Ao, Taisha person? This is one Alicia, I woke up in your Tree." She speaks into the phone impatiently. "I've got some information you are going to want, it has to do with Nogi and Washio. I somehow doubt you want me letting your new batch of minions in on the secret?"

I think calling them minions out loud might throw someone off, if any of them was genre savvy enough to get it.

Because really? She was talking to a secret organization that apparently recruited young girls into fighting monsters and she had literally called them minions. That's enough to make anyone be wary about the organization because goddammit this is starting to sound like a bad fanfictio-

"Minions? Magical girls are minions now?" Hayate asked in confusion, stopping my rant just when it was coming to a climax. "And does anyone besides Alicia even know where we are? Beyond 'somewhere in Japan'?"

...I suppressed the urge to groan. Of course she wouldn't get it, she was half audience surrogate as it was.

Kaizer, my life was starting to sound even more like an anime by the minute. I swear to god if this school has cherry blossom trees I will…

...Not do anything because they will probably be much more pleasing to the eye then my old school's flower trees.

Ugh, during the spring it's like a hundred of those things fall every minute. It's a goddamn miracle that they never actually land on anyone.

I whipped my head around in a random direction while everyone was focused on Fate and gave a glare.

Fuck you audience.

Oh god you're starting up with the fake fourth wall joke aga-


I quickly whipped my head back to the blond and pretended that did not just happen.

"Yep. Uh huh. No. For a price, maybe. I know exactly what the system does, don't even start that bullshit, I have had a long fucking day." Fate continues, probably not even realizing what she's saying.

That totally confirms my suspicions.

What if they have a good reason? Does that still make them bad people?

...Shut up.

My fist clenches up in response to the doubt and my teeth begin to press together. I can feel my nails denting my skin but I ignore the pain.

I'm just common sense.

You're not common sense shut up.

….Dammit, it happened again.

Self mockery. I know it's a bad habit, that I might go insane, but I might have been insane when I started talking to myself back when I was… nine…

Heh, funny coincidence.

The sound of phones going off snap me out of my trance and put me in a more relaxed state.

"Umm, it says to leave them on the roof for a bit?" Red reads in confusion turning to the older blond.

I spared a glance at Fate who was pacing around phone in hand with a cat-like grin on her face, causing shivers to crawl up my spine.

I don't know why but I just get the feeling that the expression she's making doesn't belong on her face.

...It must run in the family.

"Red, I think Alicia just blackmailed a cult." I say out loud, careful not to call Nero Fate before realizing something. "...Speaking of, I don't know your name. Mine's Takamachi Nanoha, what's yours?"

The name rolled off my tongue as smoothly as my old one did. Then again, I barely even bothered to remember my name seven eighths of the time and only relied on instincts to do so.

"What happened to 'Daze'? Decided on a new moniker like Alicia?" Hayate asked through the link.

Oh for Kaiser's…

"Well, I can't go around calling myself Infinite Daze now can I?" I replied. "That's dumb, you're dumb."

Seriously, every SI who can even get away with calling themselves Shade or Poe and what not most severely underestimate how smart people coul- wait no someone called Poe out on it didn't they?


"I can use mine!" Hayate cheered. "Mizu's gender-neutral. And if not, there's always 'Mizuki'."

"And your last name?" I countered, feeling like I had won the argume-

"I need one why again?"

….Did she just…. Did she just ask why a last name was important?!



I'm so glad the other girls know her as Hayate because otherwise this could end in disaster.

"...I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer."

"I'm Yuki Yuna, member of the Hero Club." The redhead replied, grabbing my attention from the amount of brain cells I might have just lost talking to this goldfish.

She gives a few glances around towards me and the rest of the aces before grabbing the handlebars of the wheelchair one of the other girls was sitting in.

"We'll be in the club room, okay?" She says as she and the other girls leave the roof.

I sigh. Raising Heart?

Connection reopened.

"I really wish this could've been different." I told Yuki through the connection. "But what can you do? Murphy's law states that what can go wrong will go wrong and I have a feeling that will be in full effect here."

"...It was nice meeting you."

I quickly shut down the connection before waving her goodbye with Hayate before turning to face Nero.

"So, Alicia huh?" I smirked, knowing just how to disprove that. "You know you still have Fū's phone in your hand right?"

She just shot me a look that told me she gave zero fucks before returning to her conversation with the creepy government-cult (Cultment?).

Fair enough. Raising Heart.

Status: Still Armed and Ready.


I hope you guys realize Plans Never survive contact with the enemy.

"I don't think she's gonna respond to you." Mizu says, stating the obvious. "Chatting to two different people at once is kinda hard, especially when it involves phones."

Thank you.

"Yeah, no shit." I respond, not taking my eyes off Nero. "Look, let's just wait for her to be finished. Not like anything else is going to happen.

If anything did- oh shit did I seriously just do that? Have I never learned the lesson of tempting Fate? Or in simpler terms…


OH SHIT WHAT THE HELL HAVE I DONE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

….You done yet?


"So, what delayed you? I never got an answer, and due to you piddling about taking your time almost got munched on by old swordy. Even after the teamup with Fū and her sister." Hayate asks, interrupting my internal panic.

Right, okay Nanoha, keep your cool. Keep your cool…

"I had to do a rush job tutorial lesson on how to aerial combat as well as shooting." I reply as calm as I can manage, leaning on Raising Heart for added effect. "Not like I have a Unison Device from Ancient Belka to do it for me you cheat sheet."

Right, cool. Mockery to have her focus on something else and-

Status: I am not meant to be leaned on.

Look, can you please just let me have this for a moment. Please?


Thanks Raising Heart, you're the best.

"Ancient?" Hayate asks in confusion. "Reinforce just called the book writing Belkan. I mean, she did also say it was several thousand years old, so I suppose it could be multiple iterations of the language…"

Dammit Rein! Why am I the one who has to give a lecture instead of you! You're the Lost Logia from Belka!

"The Belka civilization fell years ago Mizu." I respond in a casual manner, in no attempt to make it look like this is common knowledge- stop looking at me like that viewer. Fuck you too. "I think it might be something to do with war and how their leaders turned their bodies into the ultimate weapon or something like that. Anyways, from the ashes of Belka came Mid-Mid-... fuck, I can't pronounce it."

Note to self: Learn how to pronounce shit.


Fuck off.

"Mid-Childa? Mid-Childra?" Hayate guesses, also appearing to struggle with the name. "I vaguely recall the TSAB's organization being from something like that."

"Yeah, that one." I reply, snapping my fingers and pointing at her.

I love being able to snap.

"...Which one, exactly? You said yes to both." Hayate asked, before shrugging her shoulders. "Eh, not like it matters. What're the differences between Unison and whatever Device type Raising Heart is? Or was that Raging Heart?"

….I thought this was obvious.

Ah well, she said the magic Or word.

"First, yes." I begin, pulling my free hand up in a finger motion before beginning to wave it side to side, pushing my hips out a bit. "It's Raising Heart. Something about how the japanese pronounce si as ji or something. Though it was officially Raging Heart in English before they fixed it."


Denied on a Need-to-know basis.

"And Device differences?" Hayate asks, not giving up on the question.

I'm going to be totally honest, I don't know how to put it in words.

And that's why I'm going to try it in the simplest way possible!

"Staff." I declare, lifting up Raising Heart before pointing at Hayate. "Not staff."

She held a staff up in her hands yes, but the actual magic was going through Reinforce or something. I'm fairly certain that the staff is more of an aiming/channeling device than anything else.

Besides, I could redesign Raising Heart later. Nanoha was the one who came up with the original design after all.

Affirmative. Master came up with current device resignation deploy mode.

Human speak Raising Heart.

...Yes, you can.

"Eh, looks like a staff. Even if it isn't, Alicia uses a scythe-thing which is also a gold triangle, so Device come in many appearances." Hayate interrupts, looking at her staff. "Does Raising Heart have a human form, Nanoha?"

No dumbass that's what Unison Devices are for. It can fly on it's own in standby mode I think but-



Movement in Standby mode is not possible.


"No, that's only Unison Devices." I answer, not totally convinced Mizu was in a sane state of mind if she was asking me all these questions when she had an actual Unison Device that she was currently merged with. "I believe they're something of a Belka invention that is hard to recreate today or something. That's why you'd see so few of them around or we'd all be going Starforce."

Ah yes, Megaman Starforce. One of the first Megaman games I ever played and I fucking love it. I would actually pay money (Read: Worthless Internet Currency) to see that kind of world.

Though I was pretty sure I was already out of Worthless Internet Currency after the Bozo inflation of July or something. Plus with Salt Tokens pretty much being rendered moot and wpoints not being used any more after the government's downfall…

Oh? What? You want me to explain?

Well fuck you.

If you're done talking to the invisible, and not to mention fake audience, then get back to work.

"Starforce?" Hayate asks in confusion. "What do you mean by 'going Starforce'? Only thing by that name I know's the Megaman DS series."

Bingo. Give the girl a prize.

"Yeah that's the one I'm talking about." I answer, before an idea comes to mind. My legs spread apart before I begin pointing my hand to the sky. "EM Wave Change! Takamachi Nanoha, ON AIR!!!"

I hold the pose for a few more seconds as nothing happens. Either because I'm already transformed or because that was a fucking joke.

….It's not the-

"Was...that meant to do something?" Hayate asks. "As if so, it didn't work."

"....That was a joke." I replied, quitting the silly pose. "Though if I change Takamachi Nanoha to Raising Heart and on air to set up…. hm…."

Shortcut saved.

Wha? Dammit Raising Heart!

"I didn't need to say anything for my own transformation." Hayate comments with a wince. "Admittedly, still don't know exactly what Unison'ing is, barring fusion with Reinforce. Don't suppose you do?"

Aw come on! Dammit! No chant!

Eh, I pretty much had the whole chant memorized to heart for no reason.

"Lucky. I had to remember this whole chant thing while falling from the fucking sky." I reply. "Also go ask Reinforce."

I was not really in the mood to admit that I didn't know all the functions of what a Unison is considering the fact that Unison didn't exist an hour ago.

Uwah! Why does she keep asking me!? She knows that I'm the same as her!


Shut up!

I think it would be best for everyone involved if you cut this train of thought off right now.

Right right.

"Hey, how did you first learn magic again?" Huh? Where did that come from? "Wasn't it in the midst of combat against a monster? Alongside the first time you transformed?"

...It just happened you goldfish.

Oh who the fuck am I kidding, this is Mizu we're talking about here. Plus, the void made her worse. I wouldn't be surprised if she actually forgot what just happened.

Ah well, might as well fill Mrs. Audience Surrogate in for what I did, though I doubt anyone watching didn't already know.

...Yeah yeah, I know. Stopping that trainwreck there.

"I spammed the most basic spell which requires no calculation at all while waiting for Raising Heart to calculate a Divine Buster." I admit with a shrug of my shoulders. "I essentially just shot the bullet."

Hey, I didn't say it would be good.

"...My view of you as a combat genius just died a horrible, tiny death." Oh come on! "Well, what about after the first time? Think I heard you do a bunch of simulations in your head as training? Even during school?"

...What? Raising Heart do you have any idea what she's talking about?


Yeah I thought so.

"Okay, first off, fuck you too." I replied. Who was the one who came up with half the battle plan less than an hour ago?! "Second, image training or whatever it's called is done by Raising Heart and I just got this device forty minutes ago why the hell do you think I had it during school!?"

Wait. Wait no. Please don't tell me that she actually-

"Huh? But….oh, wait, you're Daze, not Nanoha. Forgot." She did. "Not used to thinking of you as a little girl, in all honesty, although age-wise I don't think there's any change for you."

My hand instantly bopped her on the top of the head for the sheer idiocy of that.

Kaiser, hopefully that'll get the message across for once. If violence doesn't work, then you're clearly not using enough violence.

You could talk to them first yeah sure, but in my experience it doesn't usually work.

"Oh my god, you fucking goldfish." I sigh out. "Next thing I know you'd be thinking you're still in Australia."

"No, I know this is Japan. Checked with Fu." She points out. "And if I was in Australia it'd be warmer. By like ten degrees celsius. Blasted desert summers."

The Meaning did not get through. The meaning did not get through at all.

My hand instantly went up to my face and covered it as much as my now slender hands could. My eyes closed slowly and I could only see darkness as I began to contemplate how fucked I was if I just shot off Mizu's head right there.

Sure, I didn't want to actually kill her, maybe, but I could tell that I was going to have to spend a long time with this girl. It was obvious as day to me, along with the fact that Nero was joining us for the ride.

Which, was frankly, bullshit. The odds of me meeting the two of them in the body of Nanoha while they were in the bodies of Fate and Hayate were so astronomically slim that it'd be much more likely for them to be Fate and Hayate with the personality of Nero and Mizu respectively.

Though in all honestly, that situation has been already crossed off because they also have the memoires of Mizu and Nero, and they don't either of the girls. Just like I don't have memories from Nanoha barring things that were on camera.

Which raises an interesting question, if memories are connected to the brain, and this is the body of Nanoha, then how did these memories get there? Along with my personality?

Bah. Look at me, asking weird questions.

"You OK? Do you have a headache? Can...uhh...can spells cure headaches?" Hayate asked in concern. "We can ask for medicine from Yuna and friends once Alicia's done, if you do."

….Fuck this, not even gonna deal with it.

"Ahh, you're not responding." No shit. "Hey. Hey. You fine? Not fine? I can't help you if you don't tell~ me~"

And then she poked me causing me to flinch back a bit and my eye to twitch under my hand.

My left hand clenched around Raising Heart and- wait I'm left handed?



"...Liam," I called out. "You are a birdbrain with the memory of a goldfish and the libido of a fallen angel."

….That actually brought a quite a scary image to mind. Almost like Six Ball but without the Libido part.

My shoulders shudder at the thought of having to go adventuring with someone like that.


"I disagree with the last part!" Hayate interrupted. "How would one even know the libido of angels, fallen or not?"

"Most angels fell because of sex." I said bluntly, not even one hundred percent sure on that.

Okay so that could be false, sue me. You think this is easy? Think again.

"I thought it was because they sided with Saten when he rebelled? Satan? However you pronounce it." Hayate countered. "And I can't have that libido, anyway, I haven't even experienced it before. In any of the myriad ways one can."


Fuck it, you win this time.

"Say that to Azrael." I grumble, closing the argument. Bastard fell because he fell in love with a women or something. He also gave humanity, or well, women in general, jewelry and shit making him the enemy of all males everywhere. My eyes gave a quick glance over to Fate who seemed to have amped the smugness by ten percent. "I think she's almost done."

"One month. And my demands. Got it?" She says, concerning my suspicions before walking on over to the two of us.

"All good, Alicia? End up achieving whatever you were after? ...What was that, again? I've forgotten." Hayate asks.

"Keys for a house, unlimited cash, and a promise not to try and kill me for at least a month." Fate responds, grin still wide on her face. "Was a good deal."

Understatement of the fucking century.

There's the pretty obvious downside of only having a month before assassination attempts because, aha, fuck death.

You know what? I'll rant about death later. Job to do.

"Ah, right, housing. Glad you thought of that, didn't even occur to me till now." Unfortunately, I'm going to have to agree with the goldfish. I'm…Not that much of a responsible person. "Wait, killing you?"

Dammit Mizu get a hint.

"It's an evil, menacing, manipulative organization from what I can tell." I answer, trying to think of an evil organization off the top of my head. "Think SEELE."

"...I fail to see how the sea animals kill people." Mizu comments. "Particularly when Alicia can fly, and thus can't be reached by them."

Oh come on! That's not even recent how the fuck did you not get it?!

I'm surrounded by idiots aren't I? Fuck…

Adults, even if they share similarities, are still adults.

Fuck 'em.

"Stop giving the Clefairy things to fall over, Daze." Fate interrupts. "I need to give Miss Girl-Power back her phone and then a driver should show up to take us to whatever house they are giving us."

A shiver crawls down my spine and the orb that I call feelings starts pulling as I instantly go on high alert as my shitstorm sensors blare.

"I'm coming with you." I declare. "I can feel a shitstorm waiting to happen if I leave you alone with those girls."

Fate glares but no argument is given. Good.

"I'm...um…" Hayate draws out. "I'm not sure. What're you doing besides phone delivery? Oh, wait, got an idea – need to thank Fū for keeping us alive. Me alive. Nanoha didn't help till the end."

Looks like we're all in agreement then. Now where were they again…. Ah right, the Hero Club so probably inside the building. Raising Heart?

Deactivating barrier jacket.

There's a flash of light before I'm standing in the clothes I arrived in, not that I know what they look like.

"Let's go." I declare, waiting for the others to also deactivate only to find Nero doing the same, leaving Hayate in her cosplay outfit.

Oh for Kaiser's sake you're going to be going inside a school why would you wear your barrier jack-

And it was at that moment that a breeze hit my arms and I suddenly felt very naked.

I need a jacket. Stat.


These 'civilian clothes' were dumb. Plain and simple.

You ever been a Boy Scout? Let me explain.

The class A uniform or the official uniform you see on ads and stuff mainly consisted of a plain green pair of pants with a very floppy piece of vest over a Class B shirt (the troops official shirt) tucked in and held together with an official Boy Scout belt.

It was essentially that but make the pants rounder and the belt thing into some sort of blouse. Also I could feel, um, straps every time I moved my arms but let's not talk about that.

I only got glimpses of it in the mirror that we occasionally passed by as we stealthy passed through the hallways to the Hero Club and let me give you my second assessment.

It made me look fat.

If you're wondering why I don't want to look fat….

You can blame my dad's side of the family, specifically my grandparents. Apparently both my dad and cousin were fat little boys and I broke the norm by being skinny and dad's always going on about how there's no escaping about being just like him and- argh!

No Ye Ye, I'm full! I don't want anymore food, stop pestering me to eat more! And you have the gals to make me eat less food every time we go to my favorite Chinese restaurant?! Overeating?! Shut up!

Well look at me now, I'm now a Japanese girl that looks nothing like any of you! Except the fact that I now have blue eyes like mom.


Before I knew it, we had arrived at the room in question, forcing me to snap back into reality. The only thing that told me this was the place was that sign that read a Hero-

Fate slammed the door open and walked into the room, phone in hand. I blinked for a bit, letting myself register what had just happened before stepping inside to be greeted by the familiar hair- Imeanfaces of the Hero Club.

I swear I've heard that name from somewhere before….

"Fū, thanks for the lend of the phone." Fate says before tossing the phone at the startled blond. She panics for a bit before catching the phone.

"Eh! Oh.. you're welcome?" She yelps, atmosphere dropping dead at the end of her sentence. You'd swear you could've heard a pin drop, and I fidgeted for a bit before walking inside. I need something to break the ice-

"Speaking of welcome," Oh Mizu thank the Kaiser you're my hero. "thanks for helping out against big swordy back there. I...wasn't having much luck on my own, even with Reinforce to help out."

And with that the atmosphere becomes much more softer now that the Heroes don't have to deal with the bitch that is Nero.

I knew she was bad but this is seriously not making a good impression. At all.

"Ah, you're welcome. Helping people is what the Hero Club does, even if you were mostly helping us as it turned out." Fu thanks cheerfully, a much more energetic personality coming into play.

So, the hero club helps people? Is that in the sense of 'transforming and stopping criminals using your powers', or 'pick up the trash'?" Mizu questions, apparently not knowing the limits of common sense.

"The Hero Club does whatever it can to help people!" Yuna answers, fist pumping in the air before calming down. "The magical girl thing is new though.".

Though she's taking this whole thing rather well. Then again, I haven't gone on a mass destruction spree so I guess I'm also taking it rather well.

Guess as long as she can be a hero she's fine huh?

"I have no regrets, this is the only path huh?" I answer, mind going back to the story of a boy who was suddenly dragged into a world of magic with desire to be a hero.

Remarkably alike-

"Really? Shirou?" Fate interrupts. "Eh, I suppose the fake janitor would fit in with this group. Huh, arm thing fits too I guess."


Ha, I'm not even going to bother to explain it.

"We seem to be quoting anime a lot." And Hayate has ruined it forever. Nah, it was ruined the moment it got responded to. "I vote we ignore them. OK, you said the hero thing was new, but going by behavior at least Fū's been doing it for a while. Am I correct?"

Oh, really? Huh.

"Er, I've used the transformation before, but that was the first time I've actually fought Vertex." Fu answered nervously, not looking anyone in the eye.

What's the story behind that? Was it the cult? I bet it was the cult.

"Mm, understood. Why didn't your...is she sister, or twin? Well, anyway, how come only you knew how to seal the Vertex? Did you just toss your family into the fray without any training whatsoever? Heck, why was wheelchair girl – sorry, don't know your name – even there? She's disabled." Mizu rants, outright murdering the atmosphere.

Wow. Okay, that came out of nowhere.

What a bitch.

Please show me where the fuck that rant came from because once again, what a bitch.

"...snrk." Fuck Nero too.

Okay, okay, calm the shit storms down. I can do this.

"Hey, calm down there." I interrupt quickly. "Did you forget? Big, menacing organization pulling the strings behind everything? Heck, when your club's name is the Hero Club something is bound to go down."

Correction: I can not calm the shit storm down.

That was like, absolutely terrible-

"Daze. Can it with the mentions of the Taisha, that's dangerously close to screwing up my deal with them and we need to at least acclimate before declaring war on the only ones with access to the Shinju." Nero informs me through the chat.

"Oh really? Fuck."

"And I claim that's silly." Mizu interjects. "Life isn't a conspiracy novel, Nanoha, even when you add magic to the mix."

No, it's an anime the moment you add magical girls to the mic. But ignoring all that
I needed to come up with a cover before I get shot through the heart.

Think! Think!

"Hey! How many people can walk in the Hero Club? Three! How many people in the Hero Club in total? Four! Three times four equals twelve and how many blonds are there? Two! Twelve divided by two equals six! How many people just walked in? Three! Three six's."I quickly yelled, using my most valued skill of bullshitting out of my ass while waving my hands around. "Illuminati confirmed!"

...Welp, I'm done for. Plan's fucked. Hasta la vista motherfuckers-

The sound of Nero's face meeting with her hand caused me to look around and realize something.

Everyone took me seriously, or as seriously as they'd take an idiot.

What the actual fuck.

I gave the Hero Club the biggest look of disappointment I had ever made in my life.

"...Right, conspiracy theorist. Ignore her." Screw Mizu. Where's my knife? Do I have a knife? I wanna stab her through the heart!

"Oh thank Mab, the car is here. Time to go, nice meeting you all, kinda, not really, bye bye!" Fate interrupts, grabbing me and Hayate's arms and- Ow! Ow! That hurts!

The entire time we were leaving I didn't once let up the look of disappointment on my face.

If anyone was fluent in adultneese then they would obviously know the message I was trying to send across.

Failures, all of you.
It's alive! IT'S ALIVE!!

Overdramatics aside, I'm very happy to see this update :)
It's been alive for a good while. We just haven't had everyone finish ch2 enough to post it till recently. We've got a bunch of omake Slice of Life scenes ready to plunk down soon, too, as soon as we've got chapters 3 through...I dunno, four and five done. Need to get through some plot points before we can include SoL filler.