Discard, Draw, Three of a Kind? [Multi-SI/Nanoha/Yu-Yu]

Or its that thing that tv shows, movies, and video games do, where they first submit something intentionally super out of line for review by the ratings boards or executives, so that when they later submit what they actually wanted to use, it looks tame in comparison.

That's how we got stuff like a lot of the outfits and shadows in ATLA's Beach Episode and lots of adult humor in E rated video games.
That kinda doesn't work when someone talks about the plan within metaphorical earshot of the ratings board members.

Good job, Justinkal, you ruined the plan. :V
Or its that thing that tv shows, movies, and video games do, where they first submit something intentionally super out of line for review by the ratings boards or executives, so that when they later submit what they actually wanted to use, it looks tame in comparison.

That's how we got stuff like a lot of the outfits and shadows in ATLA's Beach Episode and lots of adult humor in E rated video games.

That kinda doesn't work when someone talks about the plan within metaphorical earshot of the ratings board members.

Good job, Justinkal, you ruined the plan. :V

Yeah Justin, way to go. :V
The long and short of it is that Daze could have a successful career as a smut author, so long as his hours are midnight to 4am and someone supplies him with energy drinks.

EDIT: Also, to refute the his earlier statements, I thought we might need to rewrite, but thought we may as well get a mod check first.
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The long and short of it is that Daze could have a successful career as a smut author, so long as his hours are midnight to 4am and someone supplies him with energy drinks.
I don't think that pays very well unless you go the Patreon route, and I don't think many people want to have credit card charges tied to smut................nor does it look good when you try to get a job later and the employer finds that stuff when searching for your name (with the obvious exception of stuff like doujin artists getting hired by otaku targeted industries).
Who says that they'll actually look at the thread itself :V
Who says they won't?
Maybe one of the Mods has a thing for Magical Girl SI stories and is an avid fan of this fic. All they'd need to do is log out and we'd be none the wiser.

Why, they might be among us right now.


The long and short of it is that Daze could have a successful career as a smut author, so long as his hours are midnight to 4am and someone supplies him with energy drinks.

EDIT: Also, to refute the his earlier statements, I thought we might need to rewrite, but thought we may as well get a mod check first.
Every time you talk about that chapter it sounds even funnier than before.
... Are you sure you don't want to post it on QQ?
The long and short of it is that Daze could have a successful career as a smut author, so long as his hours are midnight to 4am and someone supplies him with energy drinks.

I think me and energy drinks are a combination nobody wants.

Fanfiction author by day, erotica author by night!

So basically the same thing :V

Fuck now I have the Sailor Moon theme song stuck in my head when I tried to come up with a joke for this.

Why, they might be among us right now.

I see you @shadenight123
... Are you sure you don't want to post it on QQ?
I'm fine doing it, honestly, but seeing as we aren't intentionally aiming to write smut alongside normal content it'd likely be the only scene ever posted. The bath one might join it, I suppose, but Ford said that one was fine and wouldn't give him nightmares.

Basically, it comes down to laziness. And as my update speeds for stories show, I'm a lazy fellow :V
I'm fine doing it, honestly, but seeing as we aren't intentionally aiming to write smut alongside normal content it'd likely be the only scene ever posted. The bath one might join it, I suppose, but Ford said that one was fine and wouldn't give him nightmares.

Basically, it comes down to laziness. And as my update speeds for stories show, I'm a lazy fellow :V
IIRC they are rather less skittish about questionable content, even in the SFW areas of that forum, so a crosspost might not be a bad idea if you keep writing those kinds of scenes, even if only by accident. Or "accident".
SoundStage 1.1: Clothes Shopping
Sound Stage: 1.1

"...Mizu, why exactly do we need to buy clothes? Like, it's not our money so I don't care on that front, but we have Barrier Jackets that can tank missiles while being more comfy than PJ's. I'm only not wearing mine now cause Bardiche needs the power for simulations." Not exactly true, my gloves are from the Jacket, but those barely cost anything to keep running.

Probably should have expected this to be honest, Mizu always did like that magical girl CYOA. To be fair, so did I.

"Bardiche, run the calculations in file C-7, keep enough power available to fire up a Defensor if the Taishi chose today to decide they don't like taking orders."

Yes Sir.

My trusty Device chimed, before slipping into his slot on my glove, a screen of code opening and minimizing in the corner of my eye.

"I want something besides what I got when I spawned, and haven't figured out exactly...how...to get the cosplay function working yet." Mizu admits, scratching her head as she looks down in embarrassment. "Beyond the general transform I do when I Unison, anyway. Thus, clothing!"

"You really need to learn how to do this stuff without relying on Rein." I sigh, idly flipping my hair back over my shoulder. "But sure, let's go clothes shopping while I try and figure out if I'm going to need brain bleach or not for looking at this body." Showering is awkward.

Mizu blinks at me, then looks down at herself. "You guys are having trouble? I've been fine. Heck, not having to shave alone's a great improvement, even if it comes with the drawback of being a tad shorter." She pauses for a moment, scrunching her forehead in thought. "Wonder if that's why Nanoha's getting all embarrassed and hiding her chest now? She did that when we went to an onsen earlier."

This statement is followed by a wince as she pokes at her eyepatch, something she decided to wear after said incident. The bandage on one arm was apparently for the same theme, considering both areas were rather heavily bruised at the time. I would be more irritated that she landed the regen abilities, but to be honest she probably needs them more. Provoking Daze (and being a ditz) are probably going to add up to a few inconvenient injuries.

"...You know, I'm not sure if the fact that you don't have an issue with it means you are doing better or worse than me." For all that Daze calls her 'The Worst', the neo-Hayate is surprisingly less of a perv in person. Pseudo person, considering ahahahaha we are lolis.

Less of a perv other than the transvestite issue. Excluding that minute of my life that Bardiche refuses to burn from my brain. How in Mab's frigid name did she end up thinking Daze-Nanoha was-

No. Not thinking about it, moving on.

"No clue." Mizu is completely oblivious to my thoughts, something which is occasionally helpful. Like now. I really don't want a repeat of that…. I refuse to call it logic, but what Mizu thought was logic.

"Anyway, are we, uh, looking for anything in particular? Because I'm going to be completely honest, my plan was to use a Barrier Jacket forever." They are comfy, and the clothes we spawned in work for PJ's.

"And mine's to find something I think looks neat." Mizu announces, puffing her chest out as she does. "Which can also be cute, cool, colourful or blue respectively, depending on item. Kinda want to try on skirts, just to see what wearing stuff besides this dress is like. They're very...breezy."

...Barrier Jackets can be all those things. But whatever, seems like an interesting way to spend an afternoon.

"Sure. We could grab some stuff for training as well, the Jackets tank too much damage to use them for it and I lost count of how many times that dress of yours got in the way once we dropped them." Okay, maybe there is something Jackets can't do. Seriously though, I have never seen someone fall over that many times in half an hour.

Training also confirmed that this body, while being most of a decade younger, is hilariously in shape compared to my old one. Half an hour of light sparring was enough for a sweat, nothing more. Hayate's body on the other hand… Well, she was mainly a stationary artillery piece in canon. Shame Mizu is lacking the minions to pull that style off as well. At least until Reinforce manages to get me up to full Knight-Class.

"I got Reinforce to count once it surpassed ten." Mizu admits, unashamed by this announcement. "Current number's somewhere in the fifties, going by memory, so I agree clothing which isn't a skirt is a good plan. And while stripping to undies is also an option, I somehow doubt you'd wanna spar with me then."

"Comments like that are why I don't argue when Daze calls you The Worst."

"It's only words." Mizu shrugs. "Not like it's gone to anything physical. Beyond tickling, but that's...well...tickling! It can't harm anyone!" Welp, that explains Daze's ranting when the pair got home earlier. Do I want to know if this was in the actual bath?


I reach out and snag the other neo-girl by the shoulder, tugging her towards the first clothing store I see. "Right, clothes shopping." I can't read the name, but it's not worth interrupting Bardiche for visual translation.

Garment Emporium, for those with discerning taste. Sir.

"Love you 'Diche~" Best Device, seriously.

Switching my attention back to goldfish, "So, any ideas for clothes, or are you just going to try on half the store?"

"This looks nice!" And she's gone, already reaching for something visible on one of the hangers within. A white button-up hooded jacket, by the looks of it, and a pair of blue jeans so pale they're almost the same shade. A black t-shirt quickly joins the pair balancing on Mizu's tiny arms, wobbling ominously as she dashes to another section of the store and the changing booths located therein.

Huh, less… not sure what I expected, but those are reasonable. I was almost expecting sudden cosplay I think.

I wait a few seconds, before realizing that she is probably going to be a while. Should probably grab some myself…

"Bardiche, do you know fashion?" A negative result confirms my fears. I am mostly alone in a clothing store and my standard strategy of buying the same thing I already have isn't going to work.

"Sorry Miss, you look a little lost, do you need any help?"

Well, that's convenient. Minion get.
"I have an unlimited budget, my parents aren't here and I only own the clothes I am wearing."

I think I actually heard the cha-ching in her head.


Why is fashion so complicated? All I wanted was comfy clothes that don't offend my eyes!

I gaze in askance at the pile of outfits the far too cheerful sales assistance dumped on me. Over half of these don't even have pockets, why would anyone ever want to wear these?!
Anything that looks like a school uniform is joining them in the discard pile.

Okay, the combats I snagged while being dragged through the store are nice, so I can just get like ten pairs of those and that's that solved I guess.

Definitely not buying those damaged jeans. Oh, they call them 'fashionably worn' but I know the truth, they just want to sell half the material for full price and make my legs cold. I'm not falling for it, no matter how much like Kyoko's they look.

"Alicia~" I hear from behind me, just as a moving pile of clothing appears and runs me over. "Help! I can't find my way out and everything's too big! Which direction is the neck hole in?!"

I blink, looking down at the bundle of fabric currently laying ontop of me.

"How in name of Maeve's perky nipples did you manage to screw up getting dressed? This is a new level even for you, Goldfish." Snagging the bottom of the jumper she seems to be drowning in, I yank it down, the brown-haired head popping out from the neck hole with a befuddled expression.

"Light! Air! Freedom!" She cries dramatically, hugging me tightly now she can see. "I'm never trying on stuff bigger than me again! Never! Not without companions!"

I sigh, rubbing the bridge of my nose. "You are a danger to yourself, and the fact that you are paired with Reinforce actually terrifies me on some level." Standing up and pulling her to her feet with me, I look over the clothes she was trying on.

"You went for your old sizes, didn't you?"

"That'd require me to know my old sizes!" She exclaims, still hugging tightly to my chest. "Dearest friend, I know nothing of clothing size, beyond that bra are terribly inaccurate in measuring one's bust. And speaking of, we probably wanna get some of those."

The scary thing is that I'm the blonde. I sigh into her incorrectly colored hair, contemplating trying to hire a minion to keep an eye on the ditz.

"Was putting that off, but yeah, probably." I think it over for a moment. "Or I could just abuse a weak Barrier Jacket and never have to think about underwear, ever." That seems like a logical thing to do. What do you mean I'm avoiding the issue?

"But...but…" She cries, releasing herself from my waist and diving into her clothing pile for a second. "But I found the fabled striped blue panties! How can I find the matching bra without aid? Well, one that fits."

...Daze, I don't often agree with you. "The Worst. Why do you even care? Wait, why are they even fabled to begin with?" This is something from QQ, isn't it?

"Eh, they just feature in so many anime it's become cliche, is all." The undies go flying back into the pile without a thought, and she climbs to her feet seconds later. "Was joking about, anyway. We really do want bra, for future development if nothing else, but they can be whatever as long as they fit. Magic versions…" She pauses, tapping her chin for a second. "Could~ work, but run into issues if we need all our juice for fighting or something."

"We already use bodysuits as part of the Jacket setup. Would be pointless to have mere cloth when you can use something that can laugh a sword off."

"Well, by all means, wear Barrier Jacket wherever you go." Mizu retorts, gesturing with both arms as she continues. "Supreme comfort, whatever appearance you want, all at the low, low cost of vanishing into thin air when the power disappears. Which'd make you nude, in case this isn't getting across."

I narrow my eyes at her, wondering for a second if the red makes my glares more effective, before pointing to my 'keep' pile of clothes.

"I'm buying these for that. Combats, t-shirts and I need to find a nice jacket. Maybe some hoodies if Bardiche can handle temperature control like a Lantern ring."

"And the undies?" Mizu prompts. "Anything there? That's important too, after all, considering what our outfits tend to look like. Or can look like, more accurately, after taking enough damage."

I have clothes! I just rejected way more that were useless. Seriously, this place calls itself a clothing store, but I wouldn't wear most of the crap here. That might be because fashion might as well be moonrunes, but still. Pockets people!

"Boxer shorts. Like thirty pairs. Don't really need anything for the chest area yet."

"Boxer shorts?" Mizu makes a 'bleh' face. "Not my thing, but if it works. I'm getting sports bra for the top, personally, and even managed to find a nice blue one. Also swimwear, which was neat." She frowns. "Do frills make you float more? Lots of them had frills. And occasionally netting."

"I.. don't think so? Wouldn't that just increase drag?" I'm fairly sure it's just decorative, but I can't honestly say I ever checked.

"Anyway, you find anything yet? I'm sorted except for those jackets and shoes and I don't like any here." Looking at her mishmash of a pile, I'm kinda proud of my little stacks of clothes. Nice and simple, only like five different items. Though I do need to find some combat boots or something in addition to a coat.

"I'm set for all the different seasons! Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter!" She brags, puffing her chest out once more. "Also beaches, deserts and rainforest, surprisingly enough, but those last two are just boots and scarves."

"You do remember the fact that only this island actually exists, right?" The hell does she need rainforest gear for? Following her finger to where she is pointing in the pile… Yeah, she just grabbed green clothes. Somehow, I'm not surprised.

I'm also not surprised she forgot to grab anything for Rein. Not entirely sure my new teacher needs clothes, but the other Wolkenritter did when they were about.
A few sets of stuff similar to what I remember Signum and Shamal wearing are sitting next to my own choices. Least I can do after all the help she's giving me in getting up to effective combat status.

"And islands have very varied weather systems upon them. It rained yesterday, for example, and snowed three before! Nothing else, but that's because I think we're in winter presently." She looks about, like she's about to tell a great secret. "And you know how often it snowed back home? Never! Unless you went to a mountain. I'm being all prepared-for-anything!"

"Fine. Let's pay and hit the store across the way, I want at least two jackets that are way too big." I give the pile of clothes that looks more like an igloo than a wardrobe a look.

"Also, I'm not carrying that."

"It's fine, it's fine!" Mizu chirps happily, scooping them all into her arms once more. "I can just get Reinforce to store them once...we...crap."

"How do you keep forgetting to bring your magic granting Device and Guardian with you? Doesn't Rein feel neglected?" Note to self, see if Rein wants to jump ship and become glorious overpowered bullshit with me and 'Diche. Probably not, but I can always dream. Even if it would probably mean more training.

"It's a special talent." She droops. "Also the reason for my fishy nickname. Aww, carrying this home's gonna suck so much."

She looks really pitiful. I really shouldn't encourage her, but… Fuck it.

"Minion!" … "Err, Satsu?" I call out for the sales assistant, who pops up fast enough that Maeve I need to figure out if she has teleport powers.

"Yes young Miss?" She's giving me that look that people always do when you first refer to them as minions. Usually takes a few days for them to adjust, but I don't really care.

"We want to buy all of this," I gesture to Mizu's igloo of clothes and to my neater piles. "I'll pay double if you can deliver it to an address for us. And switch hers to her actual size." Double is probably overkill, but it isn't my money now is it?

I can hear that damn cha-ching again but the clothes, aside from a pair of combats and t-shirt that I pull on, are being delivered express.

"The thought occurs to me," Mizu mutters, as she assists Satsu in stuffing the various outfits into bags, "that we didn't get anything for Nanoha. Should we?"

"...She's the reason you're wearing an eye patch. Do you really care? Anyway, she would just accuse us of trying to get her to wear skimpy outfits, call you The Worst and glare at me." I'm not dealing with her attitude today.

"Nu-uh." Mizu denies, shaking her head rapidly. "I'm wearing the eyepatch because it's cool, same as the bandage. Admittedly, she's the reason for the bruised eye beneath said patch, but you didn't say that."

Goldfish. "It was implied. You want to go see if they have any nice jackets?" I nod towards the shop across the way.

"What's wrong with the ones here? Didn't you get some in your piles?"

"Only a couple hoodies, they didn't have anything nice and swishy. Might grab a kimono or something to throw on top, can probably get away with that in this body."

"I believe yukata are the daily wear, actually." Mizu corrects, squinting at the next shop as she does. "Kimono are more for festivals and special occasions, although the terms tend to get used interchangeably in anime half the time. The main difference is cloth thickness and embroidery, if I'm remembering right."

I turn that over in my head. "Bah, I'll grab the most expensive one."

It was a fun trip in the end, even if I get the feeling the Taishi are going to try and crucify me for the bill. No kimono due to the things being impossible to run in, but I got some nice knee-length jackets. And those combat boots, oh yes, I would have worn them in my original body, even kneehigh as they are.

I had spotted the store the day before while shopping with Mizu, but didn't really think about it at the time.

This morning when I woke up I did. My nonagram is gone. I wore it non-stop before, the pendant only left my neck when I slept.

In a way, it had represented something to me. Sappy as hell, but I miss the bloody thing and want to hold onto it when everything else has changed.

And I don't have it here. I already added the nine-pointed star to my Barrier Jacket, on the bottom corner of my cloak and stenciled onto the left stomach area of the undershirt in gold, but it's not the same.

Running a hand through my hair and flicking it out to calm myself, I approach the counter.
"Hi. I heard you do custom pieces?"

I leave the shop two hours later with a new silver pendant bouncing on my chest, just below the neckline. It helps, I think.

I'm smiling anyway.

AN: And now we start the SoundStages. Consider these scenes that take place between chapters 5 and 6, running the gamut of genres as our lolified SI's adjust.
The hotsprings noodle incident is very amusing. Was it part of the chapter eaten by the Mods?

Onto more important matters, I don't think Fate!Nero's obsession with Barrier Jackets and having defenses up all the time is healthy. And her fashion sense sucks, big time.

You're a cute anime girl and what do you choose to dress up in? Cargo pants. And combat boots. Absolutely disgusting. :V
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Damn you Mods! :mad:

Well no, no it isn't. Fate's the worst off of us three in the oarania sense here.
Not sure what oarania sense is, but Fate has made some very hasty, if immediately effective decisions and I can't help but wonder how much of that is the stress of the situation she's in and how much is her simply acting how she normally would.

Bullying the Taisha, for example was indeed very effective in getting them all housing and money, but also painted a target the size of Manhattan on your heads, which is now making her paranoid as hell. That's the kind of situation that isn't going to work out well in the long run.
Not sure what oarania sense is, but Fate has made some very hasty, if immediately effective decisions and I can't help but wonder how much of that is the stress of the situation she's in and how much is her simply acting how she normally would.

Fatero has a stick up her ass as big as the Empire State Building, I'm 90% sure of this.
Soundstage 1.2: Heaven's Door
What is magic?

It's a question that many people ask and for me the answer is surprisingly simple. For some, it's enforcing their reality on the world, for others, it's a natural process.

I belong to the latter but it goes a bit deeper than that.

Nanoha magic is... Well compared to you know, magic you see in fiction it's... It's...

Well it's crap to be honest. I don't know if it's Massaki going all scifi or Kung Fu Space Jesus on the series but what it all boils down to is harassing energy from the world and using that energy through a series of fucking immense calculations to get the intended result and it fucking blows because goddamn it it's still not magic.

Like, I could probably use the mana in my body filtered through a calculation to speed up the molecules in the air to create fire (or however the science behind that works) but that would hardly be practical as A) The amount of time spent calculating that would be tremendous from a real time perspective and B) at best it can be used for parlor tricks unless you spend serious time devoting yourself to that one subsection of magic.

And then, there were people like this girl in front of me who can biologically change mana into lightning in seconds because fuck you, magic.

Damn these writers can't keep anything consistent can they.

"Hm. Still not entirely convinced Precia didn't use some kind of Device passively to handle her telekinesis. You having any luck spinning things Daze?"

I stared at her, mindlessly floating a book around the living room- Hey isn't that my book?!

"Not really," I replied, holding up a plastic cup. "Spinning pure magic? Easy. Spinning objects with that magic? Well..."

I turned all my attention to the cup, feeling the magic inside me pour into the thing like a river before it could no longer take the increase in pressurized force and exploded in my hands.

"...It requires immense concentration."

Alicia sighs, the book coming to rest in her hands. "Are you still using pure mana, or have you tried the actual TK equations?"

"Really takes me out of the flow of things to use equations, that's Raising Heart's job." I shrugged, picking up another cup out of the stack. "It's like... Think of being in the middle of writing something before some asshole burst down the door, forces you to do something, before leaving without a word of thanks. You can get back to writing, but you won't have the same flow as you did before."

That and I've had calculations stabbed into my head, that hurt. I'm not thinking about them ever again.

"I sort of get what you mean, but that's how this stuff works for the most part. I think it's meant to become second nature at some point, like changing gears or measuring how hard to hit brakes." She shrugs, the book floating up again to eye level.

"Fuck second nature, I'll do it my way just to show that I can." I pause, placing the cup down on the table. "...We suck at using magic don't we? At least, the standards of using magic."

The blonde laughs. "Oh yeah. The real Fate and Nanoha probably wouldn't even need Devices to kick our arses as we are now. Reinforce is fixing that to some extent, but it's going to be awhile till we are close to matching them as they were at the end of season one, let alone the versions we.. copied? Borrowed? Bah, till we can match the notes in our Devices, let's put it like that."

"I dunno man, it just feels.... Wrong. I could let out, no wait let me rephrase that. This body could let out so much destructive power that well... Everything goes boom. You've seen it, I've seen it, about a hundred Yuri fans have seen it..." I fumble around with the cup before it explodes again. "And yet it all boils down to math. I suck at math, matters of literacy and imagination are more my forte and it just feels like there's a block between what I know I can do and what I can actually do. Like looking at yourself seven years in the future."


...She's got that look in her eyes again, like a cat who just found a new toy to play with.

"What if you used stories instead? Mnemonics to represent the equations and just learn them like the spelling of words or sentences? Probably wouldn't reach equivalence with pure math, but if you can get something to represent the equation, then it shouldn't be too much of a jump to use that to direct the mana with an impulse-"

She cut herself off, looking from me to the still hovering book, and flicked her fingers.

The book slowly started to spin as she grinned like a cat that caught the canary.

"Well that's interesting." Nero looks away from the book, leaving it spinning. "Moving on from that, because it needs equations to pull off..."

....I need an example here, this idea sounds stupid and contrived without one.

"How? Any specific, I dunno, method to this? 'Stories' sounds a bit out there."

"Figure out the steps you need the equation for, and then just represent the separate… hmm, you're…" Pausing, she tilts her head. "Quick question, what part of the math are you struggling with? Remembering the actual equations and running through them, or the actual, I need to solve this math to know what to do next?"

"...The latter I think," If I really thought about this... "Fuck speed, I'm just not capable of doing mental calculations without putting them on paper or some other stupid trick like counting on my fingers. Let alone the bullshit a basic spell pushing an object requires."

"Ah. Then the mnemonics will only help with static spells, which isn't much use for combat or anything fast. And you can always just have Raising Heart handle it when you don't need it fast…" The book drops to the ground. "Honestly, it seems like you need to just go do a few math courses. Look up one of those project math sites or, hell, go back to school for a bit and try and focus on math."

School huh...?

"You're vastly overestimating how much one can learn in a short amount of time." Okay so how to put this... "Look, I get it, I need to study because at the moment I'm like an adult who didn't get a diploma, full of potential but never able to get a job due to not knowing enough. But, well, the math this involves requires years of studying in order to catch up with you. Hell, that's actually the case. You're a college grad, I'm a kid who's barely passing algebra one. If you could call the last few weeks teaching of that class teaching... Anyways, you've had years of studying beforehand, I haven't."

"Well…" She stops herself, tapping the couch. "Real talk Daze, what do you plan to do? Like, you haven't finished school yet. I can help with the math if you can stay focused, but a tutor I am not. Reinforce probably can't cover it either, though she would likely do a better job than me. Are you planning on going back to school in whatever world we end up in after this one? Or just going hard on magic that needs math to work, and try and make something out of that for the rest of your life?" Alicia looks… almost concerned?

"...It's always this fucking question isn't it?" I mumbled bitterly, "I have never, ever, had a dream job or goal for the future. You know, I used to put down astronaut because it started with the letter A and it was the easiest one I can think of.

Perhaps that's why I could emphasize with Nanoha right at the get go. She was lost, didn't know what to do with her life while everyone just blabbed on and on about the future. Only difference here is that she found an answer, I still haven't."

High school, College, grades, jobs, yadayadayada I'm fucking sick of listening to everyone bitch and moan to me about the future. Like it doesn't matter what I do now because it all has to be in the long term.

If there was one question I utterly loathe with all my being... It's what do you want to do in the future.

She nodded slowly. "Fair enough Daze. Not like you have to find the answer now, or even in the next decade. When I say that the laws barely apply because of these powers I meant it. Worse comes to worse, we can always say fuck it and just go on a world tour or something once we get out of YuYu land, whether that be home or another random world. Odds are no one will be able to stop us, and I'll just do what I did to the Taishi here to grab us some funds." The lightning user stretches out, falling back into the couch. "Best part about this I guess. Future is open, the old rules don't apply."

"And ain't that a relief." I handed her a plastic cup before grabbing my own. "Cheers, to not having to bow down to society any longer."

"Cheers." The blonde declares, hitting her cup to the side of mine before looking into it. "...Daze, this cup is empty."

"Yeah, see, we're kind of out of drinks... Well fuck, time to go shopping."

AN: Well hey, never thought you'd see us again huh? Okay so you probably did, we have a habit of disappearing for months. Actually we've had this written months ago and it's only now that we're posting it. I don't even remember what's on it beyond the general of what happened and what I'm currently feeling now. Basically: FUCK MATH WITH A PASSION :rage:

...Hey wait, @Nero200 never threadmarked the first Soundstage. GET YOUR BLONDE ASS OVER HERE NOW!
Oh hey, this isn't dead. Still looks a bit like a revenant, but it's still not quite dead so I'll take it.

Nice Soundstage, Daze. And I agree, fuck math, that shit can be more arcane than actual sorcery.

Now, hopefully you three will remember this exists for more than a couple months next time and actually update more often. :V