You are nought but a tiny larva, slowly emerging from the safety of your cocoon.
With a mighty tug, you wrench yourself fully from the earth's clutches, sprawling lazily by the side of your old burrow. It'd been a long winter, but at last you are able to explore the surface world!
Wiggling slightly in exuberance, you flop about the floor of your new domain, in a show of dominance over acquired territory - You may be functionally blind at this point, but that won't stop you from dancing like a larva possessed!
However, your spasms are not just for show. Already, your primitive tactile mandibles have analysed the ground you stand on, determining that it is in fact...
[] Soft, fluffy and fertile soil. (Grassland biome)
[] Pale, dry and sandy soil. (Island biome)
[] Dark, moist and spongy soil. (Jungle biome)
...To be honest, you aren't sure what to make of that information - Can you eat it?
A quick test of this hypothesis shows that no, soil is inedible... Nevertheless, you will ensure to keep your eye out for any edible dirt in the future. You can never have too many food sources after all!
Unfortunately, before you can even attempt to analyse your surroundings further, you are hit by a strange feeling; A wondrous smell like no other you've sampled in your short lifespan, calling to you from the west. It tugs on instincts you never knew you had, beckoning you to follow in it's wake. Already, you can feel your underdeveloped leg muscles twitch in anticipation.
Could it be food?!
[] Follow the scent. You're a hungry larva!
[] No, go somewhere else. (Write-in direction)
[] Tunnel back into your burrow. This world is way too scary for such a young larva!
[] Write-in.
Welcome to Death World creature quest, an art-based adventure in which you try to adapt and survive for as long as possible, until you become the 'king of the jungle' yourself!
There are many threats on this planet to be afraid of, such as venomous plants, large angry insects or even bizarre, nearly Lovecraftian horrors against nature as we know it. However, there's no need to despair! You happen to be in possession of powerful adaptive abilities; Ones that let steal aspects of the creature you eat and evolve towards the top of the food chain.
Good luck and have fun whilst you're here, it's gonna be a wild ride.
Basic game mechanics
Investigation votes:
Votes to Investigate something allow you to look in closer detail at and examine a part of your surroundings. For example, if you spy a suspicious object in one of the pictures i post, you can vote to examine that object in the next update. doing so will provide you with a description of the object and zoomed in (As well as more clearly drawn) piece of artwork from a first person perspective. You can choose to investigate anything you want to, including your surroundings in a random direction that has not yet been shown (Such as northward-facing foliage, or the sky). You can investigate multiple objects, as well as complete an action on each turn. That way, it acts more like you look about whilst doing something else, like how an animal would naturally act.
Noise/conspicuousness checks:
Noise - At the end of every update that involves movement from the main character, you will be required to make a noise check. To do so, you simply roll a d20 dice and try to overcome your noise stat numerically, factoring in buffs and debuffs provided by your surroundings. failing to overcome this DC will summon a creature to investigate from your own size tier (A tier three creature faling a noise check will summon a tier three creature to hunt it). However, if you roll a crit-fail, you must instead make a roll on the d100 enemy investigation chart (Noise version).
Conspicuousness - At the end of an update where something has line of sight with your creature, you must roll a conspicuousness check. To do so, simply roll a d20 dice and try to overcome your conspicuousness stat numerically, factoring in buffs and debuffs prvided by your surroundings.
Enemy investigation chart:
Scavenge - If a fight has just occurred and a carcass (Or parts of one) is left to rot, immediately roll on this scavenge chart. (1-49 = Nothing, 50-89 = One creature in the tier below what was killed, 90-99 = Two creatures of tier below what is killed, 100 = A creature of equal tier to what was killed)
Noise - If you have rolled a crit-fail on your d20 noise check, roll again on this investigation chart. (1-9 = Three creatures from the tier below you, 10-49 = one creature from your tier, 50-89 = two creatures from your tier, 90-99 = three creatures from your tier, 100 = A creature from the tier above you.)
Conspicuousness - How visible the creature is when in line of sight of another creature. Hiding in cover grants a -1 debuf to this stat. Calculated by adding one point to the stat for every adaption listed.
Noise - The amount of noise this creature produces when moving or interacting with it's surroundings. hiding underground or underwater provides a -1 debuf to this stat. Calculated by adding one point to the stat for every noise causing adaptation listed.
Speed - How fast a creature can travel, measured in feet per second. moving through rough terrain (For that creature) grants a -1 debuf.
Strength - How strong this creature is. Buffs close combat actions by the numerical total listed. (A creature with 3 strength will use it's normal attack value +3)
Armour - Simply acts as a DC against your opponents attack, equal to your armour plus speed.
Health - the amount of life remaining in the creature. once this stat reaches zero, the creature dies.
Hunger - This stat tracks how much a creature has eaten and goes up by 5% for every day without food. Once the creature reaches 100%, they die.
Thirst - This stat tracks how much a creature has drank and goes up by 20% for every day without food. Once the creature reaches 100%, they die.
Status effects:
Hungry – Activates at 50% hunger. Hungry creature has a -1 debuff to all rolls.
Wounded – Activates at half health or lower. Wounded creature has a -2 debuff to all rolls.
Surprised – Activates when a creature in close proximity to you leaves stealth and attacks. Provides a -1 debuff to passive defence stat.
Poisoned – Poisoned creature loses one health per second for every point of venom/poison inflicted over the creature's defence stat, lasting for the total number of rounds rolled by the opponent on a d10 die. (Poison and venom damage)
Burning – Affected creature loses one health per second for every point of fire inflicted over the creature's defence stat, lasting for the total number of rounds rolled by the opponent on a d10 die. (Acid and fire damage)
Drowning/Suffocating - Activates when affected creature becomes subetrged in a substance or otherwise loses the capability to breath. Take the amount of damage specified by the relevant stats of your suffocation source, once for every round this effect applies to. (if you are drowning for a round within liquid that has suffocation 3, take 3 points of drowning damage. If this status persists for the next round, take another three points of damage)
Pinned/Grabbed - Activates when creature is physically unable to avoid an attack, due to restrictions form either the environment or nearby creatures. Remove speed bonus to defensive DC, forcing the creature to rely on just it's armour stat.
Grabbing - you are using an appendage to keep a creature pinned. You cannot use this appendage to do any damage other than piercing or crushing. Furthermore, you cannot target other creatures with this appendage, else you release the grab. All attacks using a grab will do half damage.
Combat buffs
Silence - Reduce noise produced by the numerical total shown.
Deflection - Reduce damage from the types of physical attack described inside brackets by the numerical total shown. (Deflection 1 (Piercing) would reduce damage gained from piercing attacks by 1 point)
Protection - Reduce damage from the types of chemical attack described inside brackets by the numerical total shown. (Protection 2 (Acid) would reduce damage gained from acid attacks by 2)
Poison - When your health is reduced by an opponent that makes mouth contact, Take your poison stat and then reduce it by your opponent's defence DC. Next, take this result and damage the opponent with it repeatedly for a number of rounds calculated by a d10 die roll.
Regeneration - For every round after the first, heal a number of health points equal to your regeneration stat.
Travel - When taking part in an action listed under your travel stat (Aquatic, for example), substitute your speed stat for the number specified.
Depending on how you choose to attack, multiple Weapon buffs can be applied to one roll.
Piercing - Attacking in this way increases your attack modifier by the numerical value shown under your piercing stat.
Slicing - Attacking in this way increases your attack modifier by the numerical value shown under your slicing stat.
Crushing - Attacking in this way increases your attack modifier by the numerical value shown under your crushing stat.
Ranged - Attacking in this way increases your attack modifier by the numerical value shown under your crushing stat, however you cannot use your strength or speed stats as modifiers.
Venom - Take your venom stat and then reduce it by your opponent's defence DC. Next, take this result and damage the opponent by it repeatedly for a number of rounds calculated by a d10 die roll.
Acid - Take your acid stat and then reduce it by your opponent's defence DC. Next, take this result and damage the opponent by it repeatedly for a number of rounds calculated by a d10 die roll.
Fire - Take your fire stat and then reduce it by your opponent's defence DC. Next, take this result and damage the opponent by it repeatedly for a number of rounds calculated by a d10 die roll.
Grab - Activates when attempting a grabbing action against the opponent. Increase your attack modifier for this action by the numerical value shown.
Np been looking for a new quest this one seems really interesting. so a few questions about it 1. are the drawn images gonna be a part of this for each thread or here and there because there pretty cool. 2. whats our purpose or is it gonna be make it up as we go.
sorry about the question i do it when ever i join a new thread to get a feel for whats going to be happening.
Np been looking for a new quest this one seems really interesting. so a few questions about it 1. are the drawn images gonna be a part of this for each thread or here and there because there pretty cool. 2. whats our purpose or is it gonna be make it up as we go.
sorry about the question i do it when ever i join a new thread to get a feel for whats going to be happening.
Pictures are here to stay, this quest is gonna be primarily art-based, because i feel i can reliably pump out that stuff compared to writing, which i struggle at sometimes.
The purpose of this quest is to survive as long as possible in a hilariously lethal Death World environment, until you achieve kaiju status or something. I will explain more about the rules and everything in reserved.
[X] Pale, dry and sandy soil. (Island biome)
[X] Follow the scent. You're a hungry larva!
-but keep an ?eye? Out for anything that might want to eat you.
[X] Dark, moist and spongy soil. (Jungle biome)
[X] Follow the scent. You're a hungry larva!
-[X] keep using that nose of yours to check if there are any new smells that get close to you in a faster rate than you can move
Currently that's how far your vision spans, cause you're half blind. Once you adapt sight by eating something with eyes, the circle will expand. I will explain in more detail about that in the future.
[X] Dark, moist and spongy soil. (Jungle biome)
[X] Follow the scent. You're a hungry larva!
-[X] keep using that nose of yours to check if there are any new smells that get close to you in a faster rate than you can move
@matthew badger
you said that primal-zerg-esque adaption will be happening. is there anyway we could say evolve into a hive mind like queen and have our own brood and evetually take over the world. pls
Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on Jun 21, 2017 at 12:09 AM, finished with 25 posts and 15 votes.
[X] Dark, moist and spongy soil. (Jungle biome) [x] Follow the scent. You're a hungry larva!
[X] Dark, moist and spongy soil. (Jungle biome) [x] Follow the scent. You're a hungry larva! -[X] keep using that nose of yours to check if there are any new smells that get close to you in a faster rate than you can move
[x] Follow the scent. You're a hungry larva! -[X] keep using that nose of yours to check if there are any new smells that get close to you in a faster rate than you can move
[X] Follow the scent. You're a hungry larva!
-[X] keep using that nose of yours to check if there are any new smells that get close to you in a faster rate than you can move