[DEAD] (IC)The Outer Dimension Offensive


Staring in awe as War Forger finished the construction of the base along with the golems that popped up, she followed the others into the base, making sure to avoid the dead corpses that were scattered all around...
"C'mon! It's time to get to work."
"Wew, we'd have loved to have you around back in 'Halla." Miriam said with an amused chuff, the baleful lights shining from her helm fading away as she started to power down her spell, same as the coarse patina subtly darkening her armor, flaking away like so much snakeskin.

She'd been told a few times her magic was edgy. She had yet to get an explanation as to what that meant, given she wasn't exactly covering herself in cutting edges with the spell. It was just like a layer of friendly rust helping her soak up the power of stuff she hit.

Eliza wiped the blood on her brow off with her jacket, only managed to smear it more as her jacket was equally splattered.
Ah, whoops, the others were a bit splattered. Don't go so fast, spell, there was some work for you after all. She didn't get anything actually noticeable from things already dead (not unless she'd been the one to kill them, then she got treated to seeing them implode as the magic slurped them up like a cup of noodles), but that didn't matter when a simple pat on the back helped get a friend squeaky clean of blood and viscera. Really did wonders for morale back in the sieges.

She could even apply it at range! It just took throwing pebbles at people and they didn't appreciate that nowhere near as much as a friendly bump. Still, it cost her nothing to go each of her painted allies and give them a helping hand like that. So she did!

"Oi, bosswoman, can you get some golems on task hauling the corpses while I set this thing up?" Miriam asked as she went back to the bounty system to see about getting it going. She'd let others decide what needed to be fabbed while she did that. "Best to feed them to the bounty system fresh as can be."

Sacrifice was best live and failing that still warm. Only things that got better with age when it came to bang for your buck in burning them up were some magical thingamagigs.
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"Oi, bosswoman, can you get some golems on task hauling the corpses while I set this thing up?" Miriam asked as she went back to the bounty system to see about getting it going. She'd let others decide what needed to be fabbed while she did that. "Best to feed them to the bounty system fresh as can be."

Sacrifice was best live and failing that still warm. Only things that got better with age when it came to bang for your buck in burning them up were some magical thingamagigs.

War Forger stops just inside the structure's door and looks back.
"Good idea. You heard her boys, get to it." The magical girl then walks inside as the constructs begin gathering the demon bodies into a pile next to the Bounty system.
...Well, no sense in staying on the shipping container all day, though getting the MADPAWS down would have been rather inconvenient without teleportation. A device is fired from the MADPAWS in a high arc; it's clearly not a bullet, and when it drifts to the ground near the entryway, Rinnia and the MADPAWS vanish from the container and appear there, at which point Rinnia grabs the teleportation anchor, and wheels the MADPAWS into their new base as she reloads the anchor. She spares a moment's consideration towards setting up one of the drones, but...

Well, she's not on scouting duty right now, and it seems as though Rift Diver wants them all to follow her inside, so Rinnia shrugs. The constructs are going to be as much warning as the drone if they're attacked again anyways.
Upon entering the double doored entrance of the Command Center, the first thing that would catch everyone's senses is the heat of a fire, and the smell of something cooking. The interior of the Command Center looks like something out of a medieval fantasy movie. A firepit surrounded by a foot and a half of stone sits in the center of the main room, with a metal grate and large iron pot held above it side by side. There's a cabinet next to the pit with wooden bowls, plates, cups, and utensils joined against a tub of water. The floor of the main room is wooden like the rest of the structure, though rugs cover most of it. The main exceptions being a pair of tables, one on the right side on the room spanning most of the length with benches on either side, and another with War Forger leaning over it covered in a map, various measuring implements, three large books, and a few tokens.

The walls are bare wood for the most part, though a few furs are hung up and two windows dot each of the exterior walls. Two doorways stand on the walls straight across from, and to the left of the entrance, though closed doors keep what's behind them a secret for now. Above, the peaked roof is likewise bare wood, though from the inside it can be seen that the peak is stood off from the rest of the roof, ensuring that smoke from the fire won't fill and suffocate the room. Rift Diver grabs a bowl and fills it from the pot before walking over to War Forger.


"What?" The teleporter asks as she sips from the bowl.

"We haven't even caught anything yet, it's just starch water right now."


"Gaia give me the..." Forger sighs and looks to the rest of the group. "Alright so here's how things are gonna work. We've got this area secure for now, but we're not gonna be safe until we get some depth. I hope you guys haven't had your fill of fighting today, because I need you to go clear out that encampment to the south while I get our base set up."
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Upon entering the double doored entrance of the Command Center, the first thing that would catch everyone's senses is the heat of a fire, and the smell of something cooking. The interior of the Command Center looks like something out of a medieval fantasy movie. A firepit surrounded by a foot and a half of stone sits in the center of the main room, with a metal grate and large iron pot held above it side by side. There's a cabinet next to the pit with wooden bowls, plates, cups, and utensils joined against a tub of water. The floor of the main room is wooden like the rest of the structure, though rugs cover most of it. The main exceptions being a pair of tables, one on the right side on the room spanning most of the length with benches on either side, and another with War Forger leaning over it covered in a map, various measuring implements, and tokens.

The walls are bare wood for the most part, though a few furs are hung up and two windows dot each of the exterior walls. Two doorways stand on the walls straight across from, and to the left of the entrance, though closed doors keep what's behind them a secret for now. Above, the peaked roof is likewise bare wood, though from the inside it can be seen that the peak is stood off from the rest of the roof, ensuring that smoke from the fire won't fill and suffocate the room.
Though the interior of the command center was old fashioned, it was apparently quite functional. The maps laid out on the table, and the instruments, were presumably as up to date as War Forger's information was. Communication to keep that information up to date would be quite helpful, even if the equipment for such hadn't been set up yet.
"Gaia give me the..." Forger sighs and looks to the rest of the group. "Alright so here's how things are gonna work. We've got this area secure for now, but we're not gonna be safe until we get some depth. I hope you guys haven't had your fill of fighting today, because I need you to go clear out that encampment to the south while I get our base set up."
"Understood. Will your golems be remaining behind to help establish the base, or accompanying us? The map showed to us pre-deployment suggests it being relatively small." Gladys looks at the map, running back over the meeting mentally. "The indication was around thirty enemies, most of them small fry, if I am recalling correctly." With a march ahead of them, it was better to act before the daylight began to wane. The element of surprise would not remain forever either, and an early march could help preserve it.
Entering the base is a pleasant surprise for Solus. The heat welcomes him like an old friend, fire calling to his nature as always. It felt like stepping into a piece of history, not quite on par with current Elven trends but not too far off, either.

Following War Forger's order to march, he filled a bowl of water for himself and stepped up to the map.
"Understood. Will your golems be remaining behind to help establish the base, or accompanying us? The map showed to us pre-deployment suggests it being relatively small." Gladys looks at the map, running back over the meeting mentally. "The indication was around thirty enemies, most of them small fry, if I am recalling correctly."
"Quite," he added once his fellow Legionnaire finished. "Though we also target a lightly forested area. A smaller force may be able to remain hidden under cover of trees. If we send the scouts ahead to find them, we may be able to set up an ambush."
A phantom itch runs up Strand's leg when she sees the furs decorating the command center's walls. She puts it out of her mind, along with the winded feeling from her earlier transformation.

Need to focus on the important things. Like getting out of the minimum safe distance of the bootleg Bounty System-- on the mission!

"Quite," he added once his fellow Legionnaire finished. "Though we also target a lightly forested area. A smaller force may be able to remain hidden under cover of trees. If we send the scouts ahead to find them, we may be able to set up an ambush."
"Good idea. Figuring out ahead of time if they have commanders or lookouts would pay off when we smash the place.

"I'm not so bullish on remaining undetected. The welcoming party had a lot of small and quick members, too easy to miss a demon within earshot."
"Well, I'm hardly going to complain about it. What do we think our chances are of getting a pincer ambush to work after a sneak attack? Have a bunch of troops waiting in the woods as discussed, have whoever does the scouting, probably including me, take out as many as they can before drawing whatever survivors follow into the ambush, maybe have a group of constructs or whatever attack the encampment to pick off whatever demons didn't follow, or proceed as backup if they ALL went into the ambush? It'd spread our forces pretty thin, though, so there is a risk that the scout, ambush, or pincer groups just can't cope with the groups of demons we'd be splintering off like this."
After a moment of consideration for the proposal, Solus shakes his head. "While a productive idea, our limited forces make this a dangerous plan. Perhaps it is more viable for a human force and their ranged capabilities, though." He pauses to mull over the application of human firearms. "In that case, it may be more suitable for us Elves to form a solid core that hammers into the enemy while those ill suited to close combat pick off what survives. Although I do not like our chances in case anything actually dangerous appears, hence the scouting."
"From the estimates, we'll be outnumbered around three to one. It'll be dangerous regardless, and frankly, my method lets us shave down the enemy forces with multiple alpha strikes, reducing the ratio to a more favorable one. Of course, whoever's on the scouting team would be at the most risk, since we'll be the ones baiting the enemy into an ambush, and yes, I am including myself in that for reasons that are hopefully obvious given my own skillset, but as long as we can outpace the enemies without getting so far ahead that the demons give up, the overall risk seems less than just trying to fight them ten vs thirty, even with an initial sneak attack."
"Hence why I want to scout them out first," Solus retorts with some heat. Discipline suppresses most of it, but he starts to wonder if humans are all that lax. Maybe it is a difference in doctrine.

He slowly taps the table with one finger, eyes more on the map than those around him. "The correct response to superior numbers is not to split your forces, it is to split theirs. A pincer maneuver is too much of a risk with our numbers. Not to mention that unless our foe coincidentally does not field more of these Husks or hounds, your plan to outpace them is doomed to failure. Even then, Demons are not mindless or stupid. They will form up to overrun us if we give up the element of surprise."

It feels like a cavalcade of previous misconceptions he and his comrades paid dearly for. Especially that idea Demons are stupid. Their penchant for brutal violence and the numbers advantage just makes them seem dumber than they are.

"No, I still believe our best bet is to send the scouts to do their duty, then link up to hit our enemies as hard as we can before they even know we are there. In the best case we can strike at a smaller group without the rest noticing. Either way, with an Elven vanguard covered by human rifles, we will break whatever formation they may be able to form after being surprised. Then you and your firearms will clean up whatever stragglers attempt to flee."

He should not be arguing with a soldier he technically outranks, but Solus has been one of the rank and file not too long ago. More than that, he is not just working with other Elves; these are humans with their own, sometimes incomprehensible ideas. So he lays out his argument and casts a probing gaze around to see what others think of the situation. Perhaps there is indeed something here he can not see.
"I'd agree that, if feasible, it'd be better to split the opponent's forces without splitting our own. However, insofar as I am aware, we don't have a reliable method of splitting them up without bait. The other correct response to superior numbers is to shave them down as far as possible before entering into direct confrontation, which is what my plan aims to do."

"I should point out, however, that my plan does not exclude scouting, and it does mostly regroup us in time for the direct confrontation, though I will concede the point about the enemies potentially outpacing us. Frankly, if we had all the time in the world, I'd suggest just... sending me to whittle them down via hit-and-run sneak attacks, but we're not getting all thirty or so in one night like that, which risks reinforcements and a manhunt, among other things."
"Hence why I want to scout them out first," Solus retorts with some heat. Discipline suppresses most of it, but he starts to wonder if humans are all that lax. Maybe it is a difference in doctrine.

He slowly taps the table with one finger, eyes more on the map than those around him. "The correct response to superior numbers is not to split your forces, it is to split theirs. A pincer maneuver is too much of a risk with our numbers. Not to mention that unless our foe coincidentally does not field more of these Husks or hounds, your plan to outpace them is doomed to failure. Even then, Demons are not mindless or stupid. They will form up to overrun us if we give up the element of surprise."

It feels like a cavalcade of previous misconceptions he and his comrades paid dearly for. Especially that idea Demons are stupid. Their penchant for brutal violence and the numbers advantage just makes them seem dumber than they are.

"No, I still believe our best bet is to send the scouts to do their duty, then link up to hit our enemies as hard as we can before they even know we are there. In the best case we can strike at a smaller group without the rest noticing. Either way, with an Elven vanguard covered by human rifles, we will break whatever formation they may be able to form after being surprised. Then you and your firearms will clean up whatever stragglers attempt to flee."

He should not be arguing with a soldier he technically outranks, but Solus has been one of the rank and file not too long ago. More than that, he is not just working with other Elves; these are humans with their own, sometimes incomprehensible ideas. So he lays out his argument and casts a probing gaze around to see what others think of the situation. Perhaps there is indeed something here he can not see.
Gladys follows the back and forth, looking to Solus first. Heat molded steel, and his heated words did have merit."This is a situation where the Counter Force squad and the Elven Legion's Phalanx tactics could both apply as you say. Should we implement a split, then an even division of force is not impossible. I have previously been part of a Phalanx of sorts that was not solely Elven Legionnaires, and the lot of us fared better against the fear aspect of a Husk's scream. It was perhaps not as strong of sword or durable of shield, but the combination could swing the tide in favor of even a smaller vanguard."
"I'd agree that, if feasible, it'd be better to split the opponent's forces without splitting our own. However, insofar as I am aware, we don't have a reliable method of splitting them up without bait. The other correct response to superior numbers is to shave them down as far as possible before entering into direct confrontation, which is what my plan aims to do."

"I should point out, however, that my plan does not exclude scouting, and it does mostly regroup us in time for the direct confrontation, though I will concede the point about the enemies potentially outpacing us. Frankly, if we had all the time in the world, I'd suggest just... sending me to whittle them down via hit-and-run sneak attacks, but we're not getting all thirty or so in one night like that, which risks reinforcements and a manhunt, among other things."
Looking over Rinnia then, Gladys gestured towards the MADPAWS. The human's artillery piece certainly didn't make any sound as it descended from the cargo container outside. If she had that capability on demand, then her preference did make more sense. "Your artillery piece has some form of mobility beyond the cart wheels? Perhaps we do not require bait so much then, as we do a distraction. Your weapon was devastating in surprise, and if you go with the scouting force, then even a single silent shot would serve as a more than ample distraction."
She looked over to the human captain... Masson, that was it, as well as Anatolia with her Counter Force training. "Demons, even Foot Soldiers, are not fools. Violent, yes, perhaps not as swift, but they are cunning in it's application. Would a split of vanguard and scouting forces require a great deal of distance in such lightly forested terrain, and how much of a distraction would a scouting group be capable of making without preparation?"
Eliza was, generally speaking, completely fine with leaving planning to the bigwigs who most certainly didn't just throw bodies into the meat grinder were trained to do this sort of strategic or tactical planning. But as the elven commander got heated (heh, cause he was fiery, get it?) she figured it was a decent time to speak up. To get them to clarify, if nothing else.

"I don't see how the plans are different?" She asks lightly. "Scouts do scout things, the rest of us hit the demons after, and the Big Gun cleans up. Seems the same to me."
"I'm on board for doing scout things," Antolia chimes in, leaning against the wall where she can keep an eye on all occupants of the room. "I'm also down to play bait, if they aren't sporting any fliers or the like. I'm confident in my ability to run circles around anything restricted to un-enhanced foot-speed."
"There might be another option if you let me do a bit of bookkeeping first." The magical girl grabs a large book from the edge of the table and pulls it to her. She opens the book to a completely blank page.

"Near as I can tell this is my tech tree. It's pretty bare at the moment, but I'm guessing it'll fill out more as we unlock stuff. Speaking of which..." War Forger puts a finger to a spot near the top of the page and holds it there, after a few seconds she looks around wide eyed.

"What in the he- Oh that's new." The magical girl's confusion is swept away by curiosity as she looks at the group.

"I need a volunteer."
"I'll do it!" Strand blurts out half a heartbeat after War Forger mentions a volunteer.

Proving herself to a Magical Girl would be worth braving danger or enduring drudgery.

War Forger walks over to Stand and grabs her hand.

"I'm probably supposed to say something inspiring here but we need to get the show on the road. Will you accept a Commission?"
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"I, Diane Strand, accept this Commission."

Diane feels a surge of magical power for an instant as a connection forms between her and War Forger. When the surge ends Diane doesn't feel any different, but she's got a small sliver shield pinned to her uniform like an insignia.

"Welcome t-" War Forger is interrupted by a disembodied voice that sounds like it's coming from above.

[New officer commissioned.]

"Oh yeah, that's gonna get old fast." The magical girl sighs. "Head outside and talk to one of the squads, you should be able to take control of it now."
"Your artillery piece has some form of mobility beyond the cart wheels? Perhaps we do not require bait so much then, as we do a distraction. Your weapon was devastating in surprise, and if you go with the scouting force, then even a single silent shot would serve as a more than ample distraction."
"To keep it simple, it can teleport, and take me along with it. There are some limitations; the teleportation isn't instant, and I have to launch an anchor of sorts to teleport to, which means I can only teleport a kilometer or so, can't teleport anywhere the anchor can't be launched, that kinda thing. It's a bit more useful in urban situations or flat plains than a forest, to be honest, given the risk of the teleportation anchor hitting a tree branch or a bird or something, but it's nothing I haven't dealt with before. The silent shots do make for excellent sneak attacks, but it also makes it harder to serve as bait or a distraction, given that the opponents can't hear it."

"I don't see how the plans are different?" She asks lightly. "Scouts do scout things, the rest of us hit the demons after, and the Big Gun cleans up. Seems the same to me."
"Different formations, different allocation of troops, different risks. Scouts do scout things, but then it becomes a question of whether we all dogpile the encampment at once, or whether we bait the demons into situations where we can make multiple smaller sneak attacks to whittle 'em down first."

"Head outside and talk to one of the squads, you should be able to take control of it now."
"Well, that seems useful. If nothing else, it'll help even the odds a bit, regardless of what plan we use..."
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Watching the events and listening to what others have to say, Solus forces his temper under control. Losing it here is not acceptable. He still wonders what sort of discipline the Counter Force teaches its soldiers. The alpha strike plan suggested by Legionnaire Graum has merit, which he lets her know with an appreciative nod once she has finished.

War Forger's offer is tempting, though he would not take it even if Specialist Strand had not been lightning fast. Solus knows he wants to reach higher on his own merit. The flames in his heart roar brighter in response to that thought.
(Upgraded Volcano's Embrace from level 1 to 3)
But even then, he keeps his calm.
"I don't see how the plans are different?" She asks lightly. "Scouts do scout things, the rest of us hit the demons after, and the Big Gun cleans up. Seems the same to me."
Seeing that others were distracted, Solus turns to Eliza. It is a belated answer, but he feels it can be forgiven. "The main difference is distribution of forces. I rather keep our group together to support each other once the time for the assault comes. Perhaps humans feel different, but splitting ten people into three groups does not appeal to me. Likewise for risking our scouts on baiting what may be a force far faster than them."

At this point he is also fishing for information. It sounds harebrained to him, but none of the other humans has actually disagreed with their comrade yet.