[DEAD] (IC)The Outer Dimension Offensive

Solus paused for a moment, trying to go through what Strand said once more. That was certainly new.

He was not quite certain whether to believe such claims, especially when greater minds apparently decided the woman before him was delusional. But at the same time, it did not matter much for as long as her passion burned. So he simply nodded at her.

"Yes, thank you."

Then his gaze wandered over the arrayed group once more. "It seems we have our bases covered: scouts, frontline fighters, a solid backline, and healers. That is promising."
"If I may, Specialist Strand: Nobody mentioned that another Magical Girl will join us. Not to mention that you seem... rather more mature than I heard they can be."
"Classification issues..." -snip-
Rinnia quietly huffs. "If you want to be taken seriously, you've gotta live up to the heights Magical Girls can reach. A flashy transformation and a bit of magic won't make you one. Indeed, any deluded illusionist could do that much. Calling yourself a Magical Girl and failing to live up to that reputation is just an insult to them, 'specially the ones who gave their lives so people like us can even survive long enough to participate in missions like this."
Almost as though the world itself is in agreement with Rinnia, a blue glow appears on the other side of the shipping container. A few seconds later the glow disappears and a pair of young women walk into the group's line of sight.

Rift Diver is instantly recognizable, so process of elimination makes the other girl War Forger.

War Forger and Rift Diver both have duffle bags slung over their shoulders, and Forger drops hers next to the shipping container as she walks past it while Diver hangs back and leans against the container. Rather than walking over to the mostly assembled squad though, Forger instead heads for Rinnia.

"Excuse me ma'am do you... Rinnia? You're alive!?" Forger starts to go in for a hug, though she quickly stops and switches to a handshake before stopping again. She looks at Rinnia awkwardly for a second before stepping back and scratching the back of her neck nervously.

"Uh... Um..." For her part, Diver just sighs and shakes her head, though anyone bothering to look would see a light smirk form.


Rift Diver met! Gain 1xp.
War Forger met! Gain 1xp.
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"Excuse me ma'am do you... Rinnia? You're alive!?"
"...I'd make a joke, but I feel it's more prudent to remind you that if we've met while you weren't transformed, I'm not going to recognize who you are while you're transformed. Though..." Rinnia sighs and her voice becomes a bit mellower. "If you're referring to that disaster of a mission... of my former squad, only Mac and I survived. Cat Trick's officially missing in action, but... Frankly, if she had any lives left, she would've shown up by now."
"...I'd make a joke, but I feel it's more prudent to remind you that if we've met while you weren't transformed, I'm not going to recognize who you are while you're transformed. Though..." Rinnia sighs and her voice becomes a bit mellower. "If you're referring to that disaster of a mission... of my former squad, only Mac and I survived. Cat Trick's officially missing in action, but... Frankly, if she had any lives left, she would've shown up by now."

Forger wilts at hearing about that mission.

"Y-yeah I know. Um... so we've never met but before I got powers, Cat Trick saved my life. I got in contact with her a while back and we started talking, schedule's never lined up to meet in- Point is, she talked about you, well the whole team really, and she said you were good people so... it's good to have you watching my back ma'am." Forger gives a smile to Rinnia before turning and walking over to the rest of the group. "Sorry about that, name's War Forger and uh, you all know Diver so... who's in charge?"
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The remainder of the gathered group shaped up to a diverse group, both in stated battlefield role and personality. Especially the 'Magical Girl', who seemed... well, the others said it better. Gladys nodded slightly in agreement at the comments from Niriam, Solus and Rinnia. And then, the VIP herself joined the room along with Rift Diver.
"Excuse me ma'am do you... Rinnia? You're alive!?" Forger starts to go in for a hug, though she quickly stops and switches to a handshake before stopping again. She looks at Rinnia awkwardly for a second before stepping back and scratching the back of her neck nervously.
"...I'd make a joke, but I feel it's more prudent to remind you that if we've met while you weren't transformed, I'm not going to recognize who you are while you're transformed. Though..." Rinnia sighs and her voice becomes a bit mellower. "If you're referring to that disaster of a mission... of my former squad, only Mac and I survived. Cat Trick's officially missing in action, but... Frankly, if she had any lives left, she would've shown up by now."
Forger wilts at hearing about that mission.

"Y-yeah I know. Um... so we've never met but before I got powers, Cat Trick saved my life. I got in contact with her a while back and we started talking, schedule's never lined up to meet in- Point is, she talked about you, well the whole team really, and she said you were good people so... it's good to have you watching my back ma'am." Forger gives a smile to Rinnia before turning and walking over to the rest of the group. "Sorry about that, name's War Forger and uh, you all know Diver so... who's in charge?"
Gladys winces at the implications left unsaid. To lose squad members in action, and especially a commander who you were intended to support, would be harrowing. To continue on speaks of a strength of character in Rinnia, and given her mention of an artillery role, a strength of discipline as well. Regardless, she gives a salute to War Forger after the her introduction. "Legionnaire Graum, ma'am. We do not have a formal command structure in place yet. However, standard Unified Light doctrine suggests that you and Rift Diver would be the de facto commanders once deployed. This is the first time it's come up in my experience; I simply haven't deployed alongside a Magical Girl in such close capacity before, much less two."
"Sorry about that, name's War Forger and uh, you all know Diver so... who's in charge?"
"Solus Warwick," he introduced himself once more with a respectful salute, then nodded toward Gladys. "And as Legionnaire Graum says, we were informed that overall command falls to you. In terms of rank, I or one other not yet present would be in charge, but the officer holding the meeting advised us to make such decisions as befitting the situation."

He could not help but frown a little, wondering why the last member of their merry group was held up.
Almost as though the world itself is in agreement with Rinnia, a blue glow appears on the other side of the shipping container. A few seconds later the glow disappears and a pair of young women walk into the group's line of sight.

Eliza flinched as the flicker of portal magic pulsed in the corner of her vision. There were no enemies here, her rational mind reminded her. She tried to flick the safety of her sidearm back on and missed the notch. She looked down at it. Right. It was the experimental thing she'd been handed with healing bullets. It couldn't even kill people anyways.

"The spooks don't keep good records of magical girls. Any allergies, pre-existing conditions, or altered biology that may impact treatment?" She asked, studiously not looking at Specialist Strand. Eliza did not linger on the steady, inevitable decline of the Counter Force, as much as she was constantly reminded of it.
"Solus Warwick," he introduced himself once more with a respectful salute, then nodded toward Gladys. "And as Legionnaire Graum says, we were informed that overall command falls to you. In terms of rank, I or one other not yet present would be in charge, but the officer holding the meeting advised us to make such decisions as befitting the situation."

He could not help but frown a little, wondering why the last member of their merry group was held up.

Forger nods.
"Right, yeah that was what I asked him to say. Sorry if it's putting a hole in anyone's image of me but I'm kinda new to this whole fieldwork thing, andIwaskindashitatROTC." Forger finishes under her breath.

"Plus I can't really move much after setup so... leading from the back is kind of an oxymoron, check?"

Eliza flinched as the flicker of portal magic pulsed in the corner of her vision. There were no enemies here, her rational mind reminded her. She tried to flick the safety of her sidearm back on and missed the notch. She looked down at it. Right. It was the experimental thing she'd been handed with healing bullets. It couldn't even kill people anyways.

"The spooks don't keep good records of magical girls. Any allergies, pre-existing conditions, or altered biology that may impact treatment?" She asked, studiously not looking at Specialist Strand. Eliza did not linger on the steady, inevitable decline of the Counter Force, as much as she was constantly reminded of it.

"Uh... no, not that I'm aware of. I've got seasonal allergies but that's about it as far as the labcoats could find. Diver's allergic to peanuts though."

"Walnuts Tat, I'm allergic to walnuts." The teleporter corrects. "More importantly though, my real left arm is gone below the elbow."
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"Right, yeah that was what I asked him to say. Sorry if it's putting a hole in anyone's image of me but I'm kinda new to this whole fieldwork thing, andIwaskindashitatROTC." Forger finishes under her breath.

"Plus I can't really move much after setup so... leading from the back is kind of an oxymoron, check?"
Solus simply nodded, allowing the conversation to continue of its own. It was good to clear these things ahead of time, if just to not receive nasty surprises in the field. For now he decided to wait for departure on the subject; a group as small as theirs could function without a full chain of command. They could always decide who was in charge of what in the field, once everyone got an idea of the area.

Then again, he also hoped to be the one to take forward command. Leading humans into battle would be new, but Solus thought he could deal well with unorthodox situations. Otherwise he would not be alive after all. But talent needed harnessing and there may always be another unshaped ore to be found, much like himself.
"Maybe the Captain decided to get herself assigned elsewhere. I wouldn't mind if she did, some CF officers are more paper pusher and bean counter than squad leader." Strand said.

She hoped her voice didn't give off any twinges. These were not the circumstances she wanted to introduce herself to a Magical Girl in. Giving Rinnia a piece of her mind would need to be postponed until after she's proved herself in action.
"Maybe the Captain decided to get herself assigned elsewhere. I wouldn't mind if she did, some CF officers are more paper pusher and bean counter than squad leader." Strand said.

She hoped her voice didn't give off any twinges. These were not the circumstances she wanted to introduce herself to a Magical Girl in. Giving Rinnia a piece of her mind would need to be postponed until after she's proved herself in action.
"This was a purely voluntary mission. It'd be rather odd for someone to volunteer and then chicken out at the last moment." Rinnia remarks dryly.
"This was a purely voluntary mission. It'd be rather odd for someone to volunteer and then chicken out at the last moment." Rinnia remarks dryly.
"I've known some odd people." Strand said, "Maybe between volunteering and being read in she had to weigh her ego against her duties? Think about how much backlog Elite officers would have."
On Our Own

- [Ω] -

"I've known some odd people." Strand said, "Maybe between volunteering and being read in she had to weigh her ego against her duties? Think about how much backlog Elite officers would have."

The Captain took that moment to enter the scene. Equipment clattering, she stepped in behind Strand as she spoke. A smile spread across her lips as she processed the Specialist's words, her first words light in tone:

"Specialist: Can you clarify what you meant by that?"

She didn't wait for her answer. As she walked forward, she felt eyes pierce her soul as she revealed herself to the group, her tardiness obvious.

"I was on the line with SHAPE, trying to figure out if they've sorted out the coalition's COC situation yet," Her smile didn't budge. "The answer to that question is no. I put in a request to Administrative to figure out what this unit's Ad-Hoc command structure was going to look like, only to get a half-assed shrug and an apology."

Hands now on her hips, she continued. "So basically, we're truly on our own. Can't say it's unexpected."

She spent a second before turning towards Warwick. "You're the elf Decanus, right? Let's figure this out now before it becomes a problem later."
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Solus is not particularly impressed with their final member's arrival, but manages not to let it show on his face.
"You're the elf Decanus, right? Let's figure this out now before it becomes a problem later."
Of course they had to have this conversation in front of the rank and file. Even if they are all specialists or elite of some sort. Solus bears it somehow, though some disapproval may slip out in his posture.

"That is correct. Solus Warwick, Decanus of the Legion," he introduces himself with another salute for the new arrival's benefit. If nothing else, he at least has certainty about who is more suited to take charge now. "And while I understand that the composition of our small force is skewed toward humans, I believe I shall be the better choice for the lead. I earned my credentials in an irregular situation with a group of similar size, losing not a single soldier."

He has many more words on his expectations after the lady's entrance, but bites down on them. Time and place.
"We can handle that once we're planet side, you ready Tat?" Diver asks.

"As I'll ever be." Forger responds

"Let's do it then, get ready boys and girls. No telling if we're going in hot or not." At the magical girl's declaration a blue portal begins to form in front of the shipping container, while War Forger draws a handgun and grabs her bag.
A smile spread across her lips as she processed the Specialist's words, her first words light in tone:

"Specialist: Can you clarify what you meant by that?"
Stand lets out a soft 'ugh' before pivoting on her foot and sorting herself into a practiced salute.

"Yes ma'am!"

Strand felt a bit of relief that the captain gave a quick nod her way and resumed addressing the group. Apparently her head was to remain unbitten, at least for the moment. Strand drops out of the salute while Masson speaks the group as a whole.

Metaphorical fingers crossed that she hasn't annoyed another officer.
"We can handle that once we're planet side, you ready Tat?" Diver asks.

"As I'll ever be." Forger responds

"Let's do it then, get ready boys and girls. No telling if we're going in hot or not." At the magical girl's declaration a blue portal begins to form in front of the shipping container, while War Forger draws a handgun and grabs her bag.
"I... very well."

And of course they are interrupted the moment he tries to adapt to the new situation. This if expected in the field, but not on base. Solus still does as a soldier should and adapts to the new circumstances. His brows twitch nonetheless while he places a Featherlight Charm on the container next to their shipping crate. Then he picks it up and falls in line, following right after War Forger.
The portal stabilizes and expands as Void Diver finishes channeling. The magical girl then makes a fist and steps back, pulling her arm like she's winding up for an overchoreographed punch. In response, the portal surges forward, swallowing the shipping container and stopping just in front of where it's summoner stands. War Forger then runs through while Diver starts waving for the rest of the group to follow her.

"Grab your shit and go, I can't hold this open forever!"
Seeing the portal open up and expand towards Void Diver, Akira stepped through the portal after War Forger and the others, keeping her gun at the ready for any nasties that might be on the other side.
Strand catches herself before rushing the portal. She runs over the thought of activating Harmony before discarding the idea, better to get in motion and that's best done right after double-checking the area. Which has?

"Are we driving this through or carrying it!?" Strand asks while running to the ATV that had been delivered.
Rinnia, in the MADPAWS, wheels it through the portal as well, guns prepared for both short range shots and teleportation anchor shots as the case may be... Though, if they do end up hot, finding a place to warp might be rather troublesome...

Well, No Time For That

- [Ω] -​
The Captain held back a sigh. A glance at her wristwatch made for grim reading: Insertion time crept up on them with a differential measured in seconds, and faces hardened as others realized the same. "Strange doesn't even begin to describe this situation. But, we're about to be behind on schedule."

She nodded towards the Magical Girls. A rift between one place and another opened, an open wound on the fabric of reality; wrong on the eyes and blinding with sapphire blues. She walked forward with a cautious gait; and with one step, the environment shifted.


This is going to be a long OP.
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