[DEAD] (IC)The Outer Dimension Offensive

The commander looks at the assembled men and women one after another, then looks to his watch before standing up.

"I think we've covered all of the vital information, if you don't have any more questions then make your way to the armory and get ready. Oh and one last thing. The Magical girls may be the highest priority, but that doesn't make any of you expendable. Come back alive, in one piece, and with a body count worth bragging about, understood?"
"Yes sir!" Gladys nods, casting her mind towards what the Counter Force had used during previous joint operations she participated in. What could the armory provide to help her contribute more... Ah! Heading to the Armory with the others, Gladys looked around for a Brandcraft manual. While a Phalanx could ideally march up to and over any target they might face, terrain or circumstances could render that difficult. In the case of an entrenched foe a burst of light and sound termed a 'flash-bang' could make the difference between a Phalanx enduring a great deal of fire and being able to approach unimpeded. Surely, there was a brand-craft formula to create such a burst...
And there it was. Alongside the racks of equipment and requisition notes, was a small supply of Brandcraft manuals. Her knowledge of brand-craft from Legion training meant it wouldn't be free of cost, no magic was, but the formula to create such a burst of light and sound was in fact kept in supply. Not as handy perhaps as just acquiring the damaging version and needing to resupply later, but Brandcraft formulae can be learned. Perhaps among the humans was a Practitioner of an appropriate affinity or inclination to learn it? In any case... Flash-Bang Brand-Craft formula acquired and secured.

Flashbang Brandcraft
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Usage Limit: 3
Abilities: Stun | Dazzle
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Once the final words had left the Commanders mouth, the practitioner known as Akira ended up nodding as she replied with a "Yes sir", standing up from her seat as she followed the group towards the Armory, her mind thinking about what she would surely need in her missions. As she was lost in her thoughts, she quickly noticed that she was in the Armory already, and started looking around.

Looking through the equipment that was scattered around the armory, she quickly noticed a box of Grenades that were inside of it. Reading the label, it said that they were "Cyro Grenades". She grabbed a bunch of them, and prepared to head out...

Cyro Grenade
Level: n/a
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Usage Limit: 8
Abilities: Chill/Detonate
"I think we've covered all of the vital information, if you don't have any more questions then make your way to the armory and get ready. Oh and one last thing. The Magical girls may be the highest priority, but that doesn't make any of you expendable. Come back alive, in one piece, and with a body count worth bragging about, understood?"
"Understood," Solus answered firmly, if with a faint grin. He offered a crisp salute before turning to leave the room; others had already marched off toward the armory, where he too found himself before long.

Humans certainly possessed a number of interesting little toys, he could not help but notice. Solus spent a few minutes mulling over what to take; he checked what he could see of his companions taking along as well, brow furrowed in thought. To possess a limited resource for rainy days was prudent, but one could swiftly become reliant on it. Though these incendiary grenades tempted him greatly.

But fire he had access to, if nothing else. What interested him even more was a pack of Featherlight Charms; four carefully inscribed metal plates no wider than a hand, automatically attaching to whatever they touch when activated. They would reduce the weight of whatever they were in contact with to basically nothing, which would be a blessing when evacuating incapacitated allies and moving heavy crates of resources. They reminded him of the anti-gravity roads at home, if on a far smaller scale.

After mulling it over a moment longer, Solus grabbed the charms and made ready.
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"Aye aye, sir." She replied cheerfully, and with that she was off.

Blessedly, she didn't have to ponder what to grab for long, her eyes and magic zeroing in on a familiar beaut. A bounty system prototype. They'd had them in Valhalla for field testing and wooo lordy they were a gift from on high, alright.

Having all the ammo and simple supplies they could wish for without having to rely on the 'guca and the logistics lads would pay dividends. Redundancies were important and so were stockpiles. Two is one and one is none, after all.

Beyond that, eh, a crate of AP rounds never hurt nobody. Well, except the demons, but fuck 'em.
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Blessedly, she didn't have to ponder what to grab for long, her eyes and magic zeroing in on a familiar beaut. A bounty system prototype. They'd had them in Valhalla for field testing and wooo lordy they were a gift from on high, alright.
Strand caught herself before saying anything about the lunatic selecting a dangerous necromatic system. Practiced hands double checking the contents of her own selection, a set of tools and magic foci for emergency field treatments, even while a chill went down her back.

With the temptation to look in the experimental section well and truly quashed Strand decided to get a double loadout of 40mm grenades for her carbine. But not without a glance at the sword section of the armory. Best to stick with the items she was practiced with instead of a hobby weapon.
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Slipping into the armory, Antolia beelined for the section with specialty ammo, having known ahead of time what her first priority to pick up would be. A short scan of the rack located an 8-round magazine with two hazard yellow stripes marking the bottom, and a label reading "SPLATTER". Sadly only a single magazine, but she supposed they were somewhat unpopular compared to things like the Thermite Sabots. Still, when one absolutely needs the enemy to not have organs anymore, it's hard to go wrong with a good Splatter round. Armor Piercing Hollow-points for the win.

Having acquired her combat gear, she swung by the auxiliary section to grab a remote quadcopter drone for field recon, then slipped back out of the room so as to stay out of the way of the others.
Elsewhere in the armory, Gladys looked over the other options for requisition. Certainly humanity had provided the Unified Light with an incredible amount of technology, but there was simply a large amount of it that Gladys didn't know how to use and didn't trust herself to learn it quickly. However, after seeing the ATVs and the other items requisitioned by her fellow squad members for the foreseeable future, she found the remote control quadcopters. And after a moment of looking over the operations manual, she nodded. This was something she could use, or even hand off to someone else. Reconnaissance was always a welcome addition, and though demons weren't exactly quiet when in motion, advance warning or exploration would aid in offensive or defensive operations a great deal.

Flight (Quadcopter)
Level X
-Quadcopter can fly at 10*(X-1) miles per hour.

Some other stuff?
Clara glanced around the armory, unsure what any of the strange human contraptions do.

Eventually her eyes settled on a device that supposedly absorbed ambient mana and then could inject it into someone to boost their magical output. More magic is always good, right?
Rinnia doesn't spend much time choosing her equipment. Since they'll be getting night vision stuff anyways, flashbangs and some Quadcopters are all she really needs...
Eliza bee-lined past the rows of guns and specialty ammo, honing in on the garage, where the real prize was: the ATV. She ran a reverent hand along the sleek metal body, admiring the loving polish on the machine. She eyed the runes carved into its sides, remembering a time where the space would've been occupied by neon decals that'd inevitably get splattered in dirt by the end of the day. Vehicles like this one were all over back then, given how new developments would spring up faster than the roads could be built to them. Eliza had spent many a day off on a bike just like this, just driving off into the unknown. There was no better way to de-stress.

Better times, then. She reached for a smoke, aborting the motion halfway through as she remembered where she was.

While she reminisced, her feet carried her over to the auxiliary equipment, stopping in front of a set of grenades stamped with a cross. She grabbed the box, tossing it onto the back of the ATV. When push came to shove, bullets wouldn't slow down a demon charge. Demonslayer grenades would at least buy a few seconds.
When everyone has geared up and made their equipment choices, a pair of soldiers that until now had managed to fade into the background make themselves known and lead the squad into a nearby hangar. The hangar has been emptied of aircraft and maintenance equipment, so the only things currently inside are a full size shipping container and some benches, though the Bounty System, ATV, and Rinnia's MADPAWS are hauled in soon after the squad enters.
Solus follows the human soldiers without complaint, instinctively falling into step with his fellow Elves. Once they reach their destination, he spends a moment curiously examining the hangar; it is less spacious than he is used to. One can not store any larger number of airships in a place this small. But then again, human aircraft is smaller and their tanks require a place to be stored as well. The construction paradigms are only subtly different, if at all.

Soon enough, Solus' gaze returns to the group he will be a part of. Ten trusted soldiers; four Elves, six humans. He can work with that.

"A pleasure to work with all of you," he breaks the silence as they wait, one hand placed above his heart in salute. An introduction is always a good start. "I am Solus Warwick, Decanus of the Legion."
Following after the soldiers, Gladys falls into step her fellow elves first. Though the exact interior of human military bases are not new, the differences between the Counter Force and elves in base construction are far from a completely explored topic in her mind. Humanity's smaller overall vehicles for their capacity, air and land based alike, simply allow for smaller hangars to carry the same number of vehicles. The container presumably contains the groups requisitions, and as the ATV and MADPAWS are brought in, she looks around at the rest of the group. It would be somewhat awkward to introduce herself again, but presumably all of them were there.
Soon enough, Solus' gaze returns to the group he will be a part of. Ten trusted soldiers; four Elves, six humans. He can work with that.

"A pleasure to work with all of you," he breaks the silence as they wait, one hand placed above his heart in salute. An introduction is always a good start. "I am Solus Warwick, Decanus of the Legion."
Working with a Decanus on roughly equal footing would be a new experience; Even in joint operations, she had never sought out or been in a formal position of leadership. Gladys places her hand above her heart in a salute of her own. "Gladys Graum, Legionnaire, recently of Joint Operations."
Strand stops glancing at the miniaturized Bounty System, which she had been inching away from, to acknowledge the Elves introducing themselves. She copies the Elven salute by placing an armored hand against her breastplate.

"Specialist Strand, on hand! I have some training in magic-based medic procedures and recently earned recognition as an elite."

Strand takes her right hand off her breastplate and holds it loosely open at head height. Flickers of vibrant pink appear and grow into strands of magic wrapping around her armor and weapon, a phantom hairstyle of shoulder length pink hair floats from her helmet as though it were underwater. Her rifle, undersized for human Super-Heavy armor, shines brightly from multiple runes as the almost alive strands of pink magic flow through the weapon.

"If I have a moment to focus I can draw upon the power of my Magical Girl form! Becoming Harmony makes me strong enough to catch a demon's axe with my bare hands. Someone caught a video, but it got restricted."

Strand lets the energies around her fade away.
Finally out in the open, Eliza fished a cigarette out of the inside liner of her jacket. She turned a lazy eye on the rest gathered here as she brought the death stick's best friend from the opposite pocket to light it up. They were an eclectic bunch, that was for sure: Half career climbers and half oddball washouts. An optimist would say it was because a diverse set of backgrounds would give the team the necessary adaptability to succeed in the mission they signed up for.

Eliza Cadaret was not an optimist. She took a deeper draw than necessary, to feel the burn in her lungs.

"Specialist Eliza Cadaret," She introduced herself with a wave. "Resident heal-person, at your service."
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"Specialist Antolia Illaoi," Antolia chimed in, since it was apparently introductions time. "I do forward ops and scouting, mostly."
"Specialist Miriam Watzmannsdorf." The giant woman offers with a sloppy but hearty salute. Not much room for fomality in Valhalla, came with the territory of living in each other's pockets while under constant siege. Having gotten promoted to a wacky woohoo special forces person had been a godsend, alright, letting her keep the attitude. She could've gone back to the 'sir, yes sir!' routine if she absolutely had to, but she much preferred this.

"'m the big dumb meatshield for y'all." She explained casual as a summer breeze, nothing in her expression and tone but good-natured earnestness, "Don't go getting concerned if I get a lil mangled out there, I can patch myself up. And lend some spare pep to prop the lot of you up, besides."

"If I have a moment to focus I can draw upon the power of my Magical Girl form! Becoming Harmony makes me strong enough to catch a demon's axe with my bare hands. Someone caught a video, but it got restricted."
"That all fancy shmancy magic or have I found myself a workout buddy?" Miriam asked eagerly. She thought she'd left her fellow training maniacs behind at Valhalla, but she may just wind up proven wrong. If nothing else, it'd be a barrel of laughs to spar with a lass able to ape a 'guca.

"Resident heal-person, at your service."
Ah, goodie. She COULD patch people up, but it wasn't exactly her specialty. Just a way to prop up a flagging linchpin in the formation so everything didn't go to hell in a handbasket. Having a proper healer was a mighty weight off her shoulders.

She'd have to see about doing something nice for the lass. It'd be a bit difficult, what with being jammed far up the demons' collective backdoor, but she'd figure something out.
"I'm Clara. I specialize in defending the group from enemy spells. Also, if any of you happen to have any offensive spells of your own, I can help you synchronize them with each other."
"Corporal Rinnia, if we're choosing now to do introductions. Sniper, technically. Used to belong to a sabotage and decapitation squad, but..."
Her voice trails off, as she walks over to the MADPAWS and starts checking it over, to make sure it's in tip-top shape. "Well, let's just say even the ambushers get ambushed sometimes. You can also consider me something of an artillerist, considering this bulky piece of work, and it's pretty mobile too, so I can help with scouting to some degree."
"Pleasure to meet ya, name's Akira. I specialize in healing and support" she said, seeing that it was her turn to give introductions to the group.
"That all fancy shmancy magic or have I found myself a workout buddy?" Miriam asked eagerly. She thought she'd left her fellow training maniacs behind at Valhalla, but she may just wind up proven wrong. If nothing else, it'd be a barrel of laughs to spar with a lass able to ape a 'guca.
"It is almost all magic, in the most frustrating of ways." Strand answered flatly.

Workout buddy sounded both unpleasant and like one of those unconventional challenges she was supposed to seek out for magic growth. Still, how bad could it be?

"I'm Clara. I specialize in defending the group from enemy spells. Also, if any of you happen to have any offensive spells of your own, I can help you synchronize them with each other."
Spell synchronization? Diane mentally cheered jackpot to herself.

"I have an offensive spell! A short ranged pulse of light that harms foes and heals friends." Strand said after a moment to control her enthusiasm, "Matching elements to magical light was always tricky. Does your method work with light?"

Diane made a mental note to try and get treated by Akira rather than Cadaret if possible. The latter reminded her of dead-eyed medical instructors.
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Solus waited patiently for everyone to get a turn, but it seemed not everyone was so inclined. He let the others talk among each other before interjecting at an opportune time to make an inquiry.
"If I have a moment to focus I can draw upon the power of my Magical Girl form! Becoming Harmony makes me strong enough to catch a demon's axe with my bare hands. Someone caught a video, but it got restricted."
"If I may, Specialist Strand: Nobody mentioned that another Magical Girl will join us. Not to mention that you seem... rather more mature than I heard they can be."

It was difficult to be diplomatic about this. He highly doubted that a seasoned veteran MG would be added to their little expedition. Perhaps he just made a wrong guess about her age, though.
"I have an offensive spell! A short ranged pulse of light that harms foes and heals friends." Strand said after a moment to control her enthusiasm, "Matching elements to magical light was always tricky. Does your method well with light?"
"I can create a floating lens that combines and amplifies whatever spells hit it. Kind of like a giant magnifying glass. So yes, that should work great with it."
"If I may, Specialist Strand: Nobody mentioned that another Magical Girl will join us. Not to mention that you seem... rather more mature than I heard they can be."
"Classification issues..." Strand paused for a moment, "When I was younger I forced my transformation and glitched it somehow. In their infinite wisdom some eggheads decided I was a deluded illusionist and made me train to be a nurse. Recent events proved I had some power and if I do well here I can get more resources for fixing my transformation. Does that clear things up centu- uh, Decade Warwick?"

Diane hoped her voice hadn't gotten too far out of level there. She gave a thumbs up to Clara, a lens sounded like a great focus for her magic.