Am I making a horrible mistake?

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    Votes: 14 5.7%
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    Votes: 233 94.3%

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Hash's Pasta 2
Actually, if she really is Japanese Destroyer Murakumo (1928) in some way that would make perfect sense, since she was sunk early in the war.

It probably makes significantly less sense with whatever she is here.

Spoilers ahoy, and they gonna make her statement make less sense.

The Fleet Logs kind of contradict this, as they reveal that all of the ship girls were activated for final QC tests prior to transport to the US, and a good majority of them read up on the Pacific War and the nukings of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At least two of the girls, Ikazuchi and Hatsushimo, were even taken to their captain's final resting place (the former), or to a hospital/medical facility that their captain had set up after retiring from the IJN after the war (the latter).

Also, Mutsuki notes down in her log that while she and a whole bunch of other girls were in the custody of the post-war US government, she found out that Tokyo got nuked during the US-Iranian war. I'd have to re-read her log to get the full details.

EDIT: Maybe not. Sanford, in I think chapter 19 or so, pretty much tells Murakumo, Shimakaze, and Kaga that Tokyo got nuked.
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He says yet gets very defensive when confronted for any issues in the fic, and stopped posting it on SV because it wasn't the only KC game in town and he wasn't getting his ego sucked by every poor schmuck who just wanted to have more Kancolle in their life because it was something they enjoyed.

Remember "experimental story" and "skeleton of a fic"

These are keywords.
"I wanna save the dank and depression world!"

Even tough said world is saving itself, and your own personal army of Android slaves will only makes things worse.

By destroying it!

"Grr I hate everyones" but I actually donts. Lol.

New drinking game, take a shot every time it's shown how little time has passed since the bombs dropped.

Kind of like how Voyager constantly called things from 20th/21st century earth "Ancient"
Hash's Pasta 3
Another person on our side. This is from his review of Ch200.
The Last Gunner said:
I was always kinda weary about this fic and after reading up a bit, I kinda wish my 13 year old self had found this piece. I'm sure he would have enjoyed it. A badass protagonist giving no shit about rules and smacking down everyone... now, a lot of years and fanfics later. it is a struggle to get past the initial chapters.

I will give you something, you have the drive and passion for writing and I don't think anyone can put up this much words in such a small period of time. However, that is pretty much the only positive thing I can say.

After reading about 5 chapters, your overpowered 'protagonist' Damon reads as a blend of a Mad Max villain and a deranged psychopath. I mean who the hell greats someone with a knife to the head?! And the less said about chapter 2, the better.

Also geopolitics don't work like that. Iran somehow nukes US in 2010(!), and every other country with nuclear capabilities suddenly go bananas and nuke everything?! And 20 years later, the world somehow clears radiation from 2 continents and more? What, did they found a janitorial office belonging to a long dead precursor race like Forerunners? Tom Clancy is spinning in his grave...

Anyway this story has glaring issues in the starting chapters and I'm pretty sure the rest isn't free of them, but I'm not going to talk about that.

As I've already said, you have an amazing drive to write that I'm quite enviable about, but what is the point of writing so many words if the number of people reading this is minuscule. Basically what I want to say, you are never going to hit your 'golden age' (as you call it) again if you don't improve. What is the point of writing, say 200.000 words if you have 20 people wanting to read them. Sure, some might be satisfied with a small following like that, but going by your A/N in chapter 200, you are itching for more and if you want that, you have to improve. And to improve, you have to acknowledge your mistakes.

Yeah it hurts to have your work ripped apart by some random bastard like myself after you have toiled and worked on it for hours. I've experienced it, but bloody hell those bastard sure are right sometimes. There is no easy road to success and greatness, and sometimes you have to swallow your pride and accept criticism. I'm sure some people pointed out the flaws of this story, not to mock you, but to help you, especially the guys on those forums you mentioned in your A/N.

Right now, you have two choices, remain on the path you are now on. It is the easy road, but that road leads nowhere and greater fics will come and overshadow you, not to forget those which have already done that like Greatest Generation, Belated Battleship, etc. And you will be remembered as that Kancolle fic you wouldn't want on your worst enemy (these are your words).

Or you can tone down your pride, accept some advice and criticism and get on a road to recovery. Maybe your golden days will follow, maybe they won't, but as a great AC/DC song goes, it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll. You have the potential, but on the other hand, you are your worst enemy.

And this review has gotten way too long, if you have read it all, thank you. If you take my advice or not, it is up to you, nevertheless, I wish you the best of luck, regardless of your choice.
I posted my half-thought-out review on it because why not!

..yeah, I used to follow this thing. And I used to enjoy it. Deal with it, SV. :V

Twei said:
Okay so I missed the big wave of criticism, but I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring. Mind you, the last thing I read was around Operation Berlin, and it's been quite a while.

This is not the worst story I've ever read. It may, however, be the worst story I've enjoyed nearly this much.

And I do mean both of those things. I enjoyed it for quite a while, and even after coming to the conclusion that it wasn't actually good I still kept reading for a while. I think I was even caught up once. I mean, I did have it on follow.

It's worth noting, by the way, that you're not hated because you're bad. Think of Twilight, or Nickelback. Lots of fiction is terrible, and people ignore it. People hate Twilight, or Ambience, because they're bad /and popular/.

With that said, let's start with: What's good about the fic?

You have lots of meaty, entertaining description. The actual moment-to-moment prose-style is pretty good, even if the content tends to be on the ham-handed side.

The plot rapidly descends into total what the hell is going on past Little Rock, but I still followed it because, no matter how ridiculous it got, I wanted to hear more of it. I wanted to see what happened next, no matter how much I ended up disliking it.

Even if the setting's details may not make sense, the setting is an interesting premise!

You write like a lunatic possessed by a devil.

The bad stuff:

There are so many things that don't stand up to logical scrutiny in plots and setting and what the hell ever. But honestly? I think you know that, and you're way too busy writing furiously to care.

You killed Damon because LOL IT'D BE FUN. I'm not even mad that you killed Damon. Character death can be done well, and I might argue that it worked out well in the end for his character arc (more on that in a bit), but it is not the thing you should do on a whim. If you want characters to suffer, you can do that just as well (and often more renewably) by keeping them alive. And then you [REDACTED BUT PRETTY OBVIOUS] and I'll need to read up before giving my thoughts on THAT subject but it sounds about as ridiculous as everything about Damon.

Generally speaking, the OCs were nothing memorable.

The Fleet Logs were completely skipped over because I only cared about the plot at that point, IIRC.

A lot of the villains are just ridiculously horrible blobs of evil, as far as I remember. If they had good characterization, well, I really can't remember it.

The complicated: Damon.

Damon Damon Damon, you edgelord son of a bitch. You remind me of Gilgamesh from Fate/stay Night, although the differences are very significant. If I had to say one thing, the problem with Damon is that he's the protagonist. See, he's not blatantly villainous. Jerkish, yes. Edgy as fuck, yes. He's definitely not EVIL. But...As far as I can remember, he's really never 'heroic'. Not even anti-heroic. He throws himself in the way of danger, like a badass protagonist, seemingly because he thinks too highly of himself, or because he's gotta do everything himself, or something along those lines. Pride or arrogance or stubbornness, whatever. I only ever remember him getting righteously furious at evil in front of him, but that's not the same as actively doing nice things. (Correct me if I'm wrong and he goes out of his way to make the world a better place sometime. :V) His stated goals? To take over the world, a world that, if the beginning lore suggests much, is doing pretty decently without him, all things considered. He's not evil, but... he's not very sympathetic. In fact, I think this is the main reason why the villains seem so cartoonishly evil. Damon HAS to go up against raw evil for us to root for him. It works, I did root for him, but now I feel I was mostly just rooting AGAINST the other guy. And the other guy is not interesting, just grimdark. So very grimdark.

Also he was kind of weird in general. Like, candy cigarettes?

tl;dr: the story is actually pretty fun as long as you don't think about it too closely. But when you start thinking about it, it falls apart a bit. At least in the beginning.

Remember: There's no shame in going back and fixing things up.
Of all the fics I wish rewrite hell upon, this would be it.

Because fics never survive the author rewriting the early bird when htthe story isn't done. I've seen it first hand and it is f**king sad.

Never do rewrites, finish the fic. If your muse is tired maybe do chapter one of a chapter you didn't like but then stop.

It will eat your soul. (I've made this ni up, by it *might* still happen....)
Keep going De3ta. Keep going til the end. Maybe we'll get stockholm syndrome and we'll love this fic once we're mindbroken enough.

Don't listen to the voices but follow your heart.
Well, look on the bright side...maybe it becomes a bit better as it progresses. The fact that Murakumo is calling the protag on his shit's a start.

Maybe you'll be able to walk away feeling nonplussed, rather than revolted, once you get further in?

D3ta, you are an unsung hero. Because you have bravely cast your light of criticism upon the absolute darkness that is Ambience in search of some mythical nugget of precious material that can be salvaged from that ruined city, I've decided to claim Murakumo (A:AFS) as my fourth Kumo.

I continue to wish you luck. Hang in there.
I mean Abyysals are limited to the oceans and correct me if I'm wrong, Huston isn't a coastal city.
...bit belated, but as a native of my beloved tropical concrete swamp, I can affirm that we are, in fact, technically a coastal city.

Pulled most of it off wikipedia or top of my head. xD.

See, Houston decided that they needed more water (and pollution, apparently) in their lives, so back in 1836 we went and dug a big ass channel to allow for ship traffic to the coast to sell stuff, and Houston has periodically kept on digging it out and dredging it deeper to keep up with ship traffic until it started outperforming the natural coastal harbors in Galveston and Texas City.

Currently, we're up to a channel that's about 530 feet wide, 45 feet deep, and 50 miles long leading inland. Given how Houston and Harris county sprawls, the area around it is pretty heavily built up with shipping and petrochemical industry as well. So, given that a naval gun from WWII has a range of what, 20 miles (Total guesstimates there)...yeah, Abyssals meandering up the Houston Ship Channel would be able to shell a pretty good chunk of Houston (possibly Downtown itself, aka, the actual center of the city. It's abouuuut 20-30ish miles from coastal waters) and blow up some pretty heavy industry.

Bit North of the Channel we also have the New York-Class Battleship Texas at rest as well. She's been through World War I & World War II, and was the first US battleship to: Have a permanent marine contingent, mount anti-aircraft guns, direct fire via directors and range keepers, launch an aircraft, become a permanent museum ship, and also be declared a US Historic Landmark.

She's moored 22 miles east of Houston, so, y'know, if the author wasn't a TERRIBLE PERSON he could have easily used the ol' girl's big guns to fight Abyssals or something and bam, interesting plot that doesn't make me hate humanity and think the Abyssals might have a point about wiping people out. >_> *shudder* *resumes reading thread*

So, y'know, even if I'm far too sober to read the terrible SAN-devouring prose you're subjecting yourself to, you poor damned soul, it's actually one of the less objectionable decisions to make for Kancolle, as far as I can tell, given that Houston is, technically, via engineering, a coastal seaport and does, in fact, have a historical battleship hanging around.

This has been more information than you require! ^_^

Now, to catch up on the hilarity of you destroying yourself reading this. :D

Edit: ...didn't even make it through your reading of Chapter 1 before my head started hurting. ._. You poor madman, how could you inflict this on yourself?!

Edit 2: my eye's started twitching nonstop reading you read this. What the hell i think I just took an actual SAN Check.
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...bit belated, but as a native of my beloved tropical concrete swamp, I can affirm that we are, in fact, technically a coastal city.

Pulled most of it off wikipedia or top of my head. xD.

See, Houston decided that they needed more water (and pollution, apparently) in their lives, so back in 1836 we went and dug a big ass channel to allow for ship traffic to the coast to sell stuff, and Houston has periodically kept on digging it out and dredging it deeper to keep up with ship traffic until it started outperforming the natural coastal harbors in Galveston and Texas City.

Currently, we're up to a channel that's about 530 feet wide, 45 feet deep, and 50 miles long leading inland. Given how Houston and Harris county sprawls, the area around it is pretty heavily built up with shipping and petrochemical industry as well. So, given that a naval gun from WWII has a range of what, 20 miles (Total guesstimates there)...yeah, Abyssals meandering up the ship channel would be able to shell a pretty good chunk of Houston (possibly Downtown itself, aka, the actual center of the city. It's abouuuut 20-30ish miles from coastal waters) and blow up some pretty heavy industry.

Bit North of the Channel we also have the New York-Class Battleship Texas at rest as well. She's been through World War I & World War II, and was the first US battleship to: Have a permanent marine contingent, mount anti-aircraft guns, direct fire via directors and range keepers, launch an aircraft, become a permanent museum ship, and also be declared a US Historic Landmark.

She's moored 22 miles east of Houston, so, y'know, if the author wasn't a TERRIBLE PERSON he could have easily used the ol' girl's big guns to fight Abyssals or something and bam, interesting plot that doesn't make me hate humanity and think the Abyssals might have a point about wiping people out. >_> *shudder* *resumes reading thread*

So, y'know, even if I'm far too sober to read the terrible SAN-devouring prose you're subjecting yourself to, you poor damned soul, it's actually one of the less objectionable decisions to make for Kancolle, as far as I can tell, given that Houston is, technically, via engineering, a coastal seaport and does, in fact, have a historical battleship hanging around.

This has been more information than you require! ^_^

Now, to catch up on the hilarity of you destroying yourself reading this. :D

Edit: ...didn't even make it through your reading of Chapter 1 before my head started hurting. ._. You poor madman, how could you inflict this on yourself?!

Edit 2: my eye's started twitching nonstop reading you read this. What the hell i think I just took an actual SAN Check.

Oh I didn't make it through chapter one either! Part of me died when I lost the original draft of that!

It came back to life through sheer rage when that occurred a second time! :p

I also have the urge to write about the USS Texas arriving to fight off said abyssal attack. *Writes down*