Am I making a horrible mistake?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 14 5.7%
  • YES!

    Votes: 233 94.3%

  • Total voters
Better prepare yourselves, because after I am done watching Warcraft. I am going to be cooking up another round of spoiler pasta. It will be related to something on the previous page.
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Hash's Pasta 15
Tonight's midnight AFS Spoiler Pasta will be brought to you by......

Or in other words, why it is a VERY, VERY, VERY bad idea to give Shigure any reason to kill you.

We're jumping into Chapter 30, during the latter half of the Battle of Mobile. The action takes place in the town of Evergreen, Alabama, north of Mobile, where Mobile's forces have set up their northern defense line. Supplementing Mobile's forces defending this line are Damon and Amagi (he's piloting the HC-3 Merlin, she's shooting out from cargo bay), along with Haruna and 4 Shiratsuyu-class destroyers on the ground with the defenders. The first serving of Pasta will show why Shigure is being reluctant to fight. The second serving will show exactly what happens if she's pushed too far.

"Listen up, girls, I'ma go through this one more time! As soon as the boys in town give the signal, shell the fuck outta the freeway! Use your sensors to lock onto their position! Haruna and Amagi'll target the helis, you destroyers get the ground armor! If anyone gets through, gun 'em down, that's why y'all have guns too!"

Yuudachi tugs at her 12.7cm turrets. "It's kinda hard to move around with these out, poi," Yuudachi says awkwardly, finding it difficult to wield her shotgun effectively. "It sucks that we can't move around as fast as we can on water while on land, poi..." She notices Shigure, who is also leaning against the same truck wreck for cover, sitting and gazing down at her rifle, her front bangs covering her eyes. "Shigure, what's wrong, poi? We're 'bout to get into a fight, you know, poi!"

Shigure does not reply to Yuudachi, so Yuudachi kneels down and gently shakes her ship sister's shoulder. "Shigure? Shigure, hey, what's wrong, poi? Are you hurt somewhere? Hey - "

"Yuudachi," Shigure says quietly, "you know that I don't like fighting."

Yuudachi bites her lower lip. " isn't the time for this, poi. We have a job to do, and besides, you're helping to protect the people in that city, poi! I mean, sure, we might not know them personally and we only know through our shared memories, but still, poi!"

"I'm not talking about that!" Shigure sharply exclaims, turning suddenly to Yuudachi. "I understand that we're here to protect those people! It's just - it's just that, I don't want to have to kill people to do it...!"

Yuudachi simply gapes at Shigure. "What the hell are you talkin' about, Shigure, poi? Of course we have to kill them, poi! It's not like an enemy's just going to go away if we tell them to, poi! We have to do something 'bout it, and that's our job - "

"Yes, but we were constructed as ships, not soldiers!" Shigure cries. "We were built to fight other ships out at sea, not to fight and kill other people!"

Samidare, hearing Shigure's words nearby, peeks around her nearby cover to listen.

"Well, what's the difference, poi!?" Yuudachi argues back, trying to get her ship sister focused back on the fight. "Either way, we're gonna end up killing people, poi! Why are you bein' so immature, Shigure, why, poi!? Don't you realize that even if we were fighting out at sea, we'd still end up killing the people who're on the enemy ships, poi?! Stop being so mushy-mushy right no, poi!"

"A-At least - " Shigure clenches her teeth, tears starting to well up in her eyes, "at least, at the very least, if we were fighting at sea, we wouldn't have to see the people we'd have to kill! I don't want to have to see the people I shoot die in front of me! I don't want that! I don't want to do this! I don't want to have to get used to the feeling of murder!"

Samidare ducks back behind her cover, having a mixed bag of feelings inflating inside her chest. She, too, does not know what to feel. She had browsed through their shared memories that all the ship girls now have, and she had seen the images and playbacks of people that the other ship girls had killed. The sight was disturbing, far from the movie-esque explosions and long-range, carefully calculated sea battles that they were meant to perform. Samidare herself was never comfortable with the fact that she and her comrades would have to kill people as part of the job. But at the same time, they, at the end of the day, were ultimately soldiers following their Admiral's orders. Never mind the fact that they were defending a town that probably wouldn't survive without their help, they needed to act professional.

Yuudachi opens her lips repeatedly, trying to interrupt Shigure, but she cannot find the words necessary to convince Shigure otherwise. Shigure, glaring back at Yuudachi, now letting her tears flow and drip down her cheeks, continues her angry frustration.

"I don't want to get used to that, Yuudachi, why don't you understand - "

Yuudachi screams, and grabbing Shigure's right shoulder, she smacks her ship sister across the left cheek. "I do get it, everyone does! But goddamn it, stop being so fucking selfish! This shit's not all about you, you, you! Everyone's gotta kill people, everyone's probably thinking the same thing! But do you see anyone else being a bitch about it? No! Why should you be too? Why now, of all times, when we're just 'bout to get into a battle do you have to do this, huh!? At least wait until everything's done and we've done our job to blow off about that!" Yuudachi snatches Shigure's Tavor-21, which is laying on its side on the ground beside Shigure, and shoves it into Shigure's arms. "Think of it this way, Shigure, if it's anything that I can say to convince you to fight right now! You're gonna feel a lot worse after knowing you let a whole bunch more people who aren't soldiers die 'cause of you not fighting, poi! Now c'mon, they're coming, poi!"

Well, things are about to get bad........and worse. A renewed offensive by Atlantan forces attacking the northern defense line, with M1 tanks taking the charge, have effectively allowed their lighter vehicles to encircle the 4 destroyers. Samidare and Suzukaze are almost instantaneously taken out of the fight by concentrated small arms fire, Yuudachi quickly follows, and this is where Shigure gets pushed to the breaking point. I'll rewind first to where Yuudachi has a gorey moment.

"We got 'em! They're those ship girls that these fuckin' redneck bastards down here in Mobile's got!" another mercenary exclaims. "These fucking bitches...they're the ones that fucked up our convoy? Tch..." he tries to grab and lift up Yuudachi by the hair, but as soon as he tries to, Yuudachi bites into his throat so hard that she crushes his Adam's apple and esophagus with one bite. The other soldiers immediately light Yuudachi up, and she goes down screaming once more.

"You fucking whore - pretendin' to be down 'n all!" three soldiers rush up to her and, at point blank range, unload the magazines of their assault rifles into her. Only the gunshots are able to drown out Yuudachi's screams, and Suzukaze and Samidare suffer the same fates as they, too, try to resist for as long as they can. Only Shigure, who is on her knees, holding her left arm painfully, is not doing much of anything.

"At least this one's quiet when she knows they've lost," one mercenary snarls nastily, and he kicks Shigure right in the face and knocks her down. Yelping at the sudden blow, Shigure looks up to see the mercenary crush his boot onto her throat and grind it there, choking her. "O'Reilly better fucking give me at least a 300% percent raise in my salary for this...losing all this shit just for these fucking things..." He glances down at Shigure, who is closing her eyes with her hands on his ankle. She seems to be whispering something. "Hey, you bitch, if you got something to say, say it, I may or may not shoot you in the head once, seeing how you freaks can don't seem to get hurt at all from getting shot."

Shigure murmurs, "Restrictions lifted. Running Guilt Protocol."

The mercenary watches as Shigure opens her eyes again. What used to be dull blue eyes are now replaced by pure red ones, the same color of blood.

Shigure has already ripped off the leg that he is using to step on her throat by the time he realizes what kind of color her eyes are, and Shigure, swinging his leg, slams his own foot into his own throat so hard that when he falls over, he slowly chokes to death from a crushed trachea. As Shigure is slowly getting back up to her feet, the other mercenaries around her, seeing what she has done to one of their comrades, all unload their weapons at her, but all the bullets simply stop in midair just before they can hit her, as if they are recreating a scene from the Matrix. Terrified and in awe at what they are seeing, the mercenaries back away from the ship girls, afraid that they may suffer the same fate as the guy on the ground without his leg, choking to death.

"So you finally decided to use it, poi?" Yuudachi groans as she, too, gets to her feet, wiping blood off her mouth. "That's the Shigure I know, poi."

"These are evil people," Shigure replies slowly. Even her tone of voice has changed drastically. "They were hurting my sisters. They all deserve to die."

"My thoughts exactly, poi," Yuudachi agrees, looking around them with livid eyes and a wild, crazy grin. "Nightmare Protocol!"

Yuudachi disappears, and with her disappearance, four soldiers immediately find their throats slashed out and drop to their knees, clutching at their necks and struggling to breathe. Shigure, her body resonating with the power of the navitasium cube, slowly and methodically moves about like a ballet dancer, and with every ornate move that she makes with her arms, raising them and flicking them about in the manner of an orchestra conductor, the mercenaries who surround her, one by one, mysteriously suffer horrible lacerations, and in some cases, dismembered limbs and heads. The manner in which Shigure is coldly murdering these men is such that she is splattering blood everywhere, almost as though she is making it rain blood. Samidare and Suzukaze, once they realize that their older ship sisters are fighting back, stare in awe and terror at the spectacle of the sheer massacre, and drops of blood pelt everything and everyone. While Yuudachi's victims are screaming or choking noisily to death, none of Shigure's victims make any such noise and simply drop lifeless when they are hit, and just like that, every one of the mercenaries who attacked them are lying on the freeway, their bodies and parts of their bodies strewn about, very much so dead. Yuudachi returns to Shigure's side, still with that crazy, wild grin of hers.

"Hehehe, that was fun, poi~" Yuudachi giggles, licking her fingers clean of blood. "I bet it won't be everyday that we can have such an amazin' party like this, poi. Better enjoy it while we can, poi."

"I would rather not," Shigure murmurs. She, too, reaches up to her hair, and when she looks at her left hand, it is dripping with blood. "This is...a disgusting rain. I abhor it."

"Aw, c'mon, Shigure, not every rain's gonna be nice, you know that already, poi."

And now you know why you don't push Shigure past her breaking point unless you want to receive a manhandling, murder-mode mutilation, courtesy of Shigugu.
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"Hey, you bitch, if you got something to say, say it, I may or may not shoot you in the head once, seeing how you freaks can don't seem to get hurt at all from getting shot."
If this was true, then why were you just able to gun three of them down? If you can't hurt them with the weapons you and your group have and you know it then why haven't you run the fuck away you stupid idiot? And why was Yuudachi screaming when she was shot, if she doesn't get hurt by it?
Side LR update, featuring salty Whiskey.
(Side Update for ya, something very stupid.)

Hello all! It's D-Dog, back again in fic apocalyptia! Ain't life grand?

Jimbo: We reading more Ambience or are we doing Lady Liberty?

Well my wolfy friend, the Doc name is Side LR, so you tell me!

Breakaway25: and yet another shitty KC fic appears. This fannon seems to spawn these like cockroaches.

Greek: welp, here we go!

Greek: Pretty sure it's the cockroaches that write these.

Jimbo: Nuking these roaches won't do diddly squat. That's why we're here, saying cryptic things.

Tavish:Tavish present.

Break, call yaself Break, it'll save typing time.

Break: I am, that was just once to avoid confusion

Jimbo: I'm pretty much the only notable "Jimbo" on SB and SV, so…

Greek: I just copy and pasta my name. Makes it so much faster

Now, tell me, what *are* we reading today boys and girls?

Tavish: Lady Liberty. A fanfic written by F-14 Tomcat Lover.

Greek: we're reading something about 'murican kongous, written by some guy who hates Whiskey Golf.

Break: This guy PMed me on about this some six months ago. Ignored it out of hand though.

Tavish: But Whiskey Golf is such a nice guy! Why the hate?! D:

Jimbo: Bongou bongou bongou I don't wanna leave the Kongou, oh no, no, no, no~.

Tavish: Note to self: Tell de3ta to replace what jimbo typed above with the actual link to the music.

Greek: well, lets get on with it!

CORRECT! Lady Liberty, written by F-14 Tomcat Lover! 4k words, published back in march. We have the mercy of a short fic this time.

Greek: what the fuck kind of username is that. Is he sexually attracted to F-14s or something?

Jimbo: >F-14 Tomcat Lover


Tavish: People usually either fuck a boat or a Apache attack helicopter these days. Also Fox two.

Jimbo: I get that.

Break; We're too close, going to guns.

Says the boatfuckers.

Greek: :V

Break: I just realized how appropriate it is that I have the Top Gun soundtrack playing right now.

NOW ONTO CHAPTER ONE…...without a title, because at the time it's the only chapter.

Greek: we're going to read this as it happens aren't we?

Jimbo: Oh god…


(aaaaaaaaaaand you gave him a fucking idea!)

God help us all

Tavish: Just go and begin the first paragraph, i have a shipgirls i need to turn to monsters.

Greek: …

Jimbo: AWACS. You need help.


WG: He once accused me of being a draft dodger and being a woman. Now the idea of girl whiskey isn't inherently bad since i could totes be like my mom or jie jie but eeeehhhh the context was pejorative.

WG: He also accused me of being a gay suck up trying to sleep my way to the top. *shrug*

Break: just get this on with so I can get this out of my system.

*Daze observes silently*


WG: Hello de3ta. Actually i suppose he might have some point, my current PSO2 is a pretty waifu instead of a righteous gundam of justice metal hero lol. :p Will drop in and out.



Daze: Give us the summary at least.

Jimbo: American! Kongou. Basically a ripoff of Sky's *Indestructible Spirit*.

Greek: From what I know, this going to be another Ambiance-like clusterfuck.



Lady Liberty


Ring the Bell of Liberty

Daze: Freedom me likey~


Greek: oh god, even the chapter names are bad.

WG: at least it's just one chapter, Greek.

Break: He went full Murica, never go full Murica.

Jimbo: Then again, you must be, Break. Otherwise you wouldn't have joined the Navy and instead went Pro Ball.

Break: Wait, what?

Jimbo: You never played Metal Gear Rising?

Break: I've never played any of the Metal Gear games.

Jimbo: Neither have I, but I know enough to know they're goddamn classics.

Tavish: …. Played College Ball. Don't FUCK WITH THEM SENATOR

This is why Rabbit KC fans hate us.

Tavish: Fuck the Kelinci! Fuck her!

WG: Break, the big bad of Metal Gear Rising was captain of the football team at UT. He then went Navy after college instead of pro ball, went into the SEALs. Then politics after the Navy. Fights raiden to a standstill.

Also no fuck rabbits. Rabbits are food of peasants and should be eaten in stew or roasted over a fire with english herbs.

Jimbo: Wait? This means that I've now turned Break into one of the most AWESOME villains ever. So… when do the nanomachine injections start?

Summary: USS Liberty, BC-1 was the first United States Navy Battlecruiser. Purchased from Britain at request of Naval officers who believed that Battlecruisers could act as fast response ships for America's small colonial empire, she was originally laid down for the Dai Nippon Teikoku for service in the Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kiagun. The vessel's original name was supposed to be Kongou, namesake of a class of Battlecruisers, instead she became the namesake of American Battlecruisers and fought to the death for her adopted land. Then, nearly 100 years later, she is summoned back to battle… Only she wakes up to find herself in the land that had abandoned her and later gave her name to another ship of what was supposed to be her class of ships.

The Premise ladies, Gentlemen, and warships of all ages!

"she was originally laid down for the Dai Nippon Teikoku "

I hate it already…...

Daze: Well. I mean...

Greek: It makes no sense.

Break: Let me start the list: 1 USN doesn't use battlecruisers. They don't fit our doctrine. 2. USN doesn't buy ships built by foreign powers, we have enough ports to make that a terrible idea. 3. The hull code for battlecruisers is CC not BC, a point that I made with this blowhole. 4. Liberty is an idea, something that we don't name ships after. Battlecruisers were supposed to be battles, ie. Lexington, Saratoga…

WG: He mentions Shiloh-class battlecruisers later though, Break.


Daze: Eh, I'm out. Sayonara!

Greek: See ya Daze

Not even the fic proper, and we already lost someone. This will be gooooood.

Tavish: Basically, if the USN decided to buy ships from foreign nation/power, then it's not longer america anymore and you had fucked up the plot and timeline.

Wg: Tav, US doesn't buy foreign ships, foreign buys US ships. :V

Greek: yep.

Tavish: tl;dr F-14 Tomcat Lover decided to begin his fic with a Henderson scale of Plot something.

Jimbo: A paragraph in and we already lost one. Damn.

Break: I'll try to keep the pontificating to a minimum, but damn, research dude, research. I know you've read my stuff, and I make it a habit to research the crap out of everything.


Greek: the stupid in this fic is so bad. Its an actual physical pain I can feel.


Solomons Strait off the the coast of San Jorge, Solomon Islands

December 6th, 1942



Use Italics, they look better.

WG: eh that's style. I like using bold for timestamps. I blame JAG for that.

Jimbo: Obligatory "poi~".

Tavish: Just to mention this, I will record this after we done with a bonus on recording of Sheo's review. And suddenly that Kongou bongou song appeared on my playlist. Fun.

Break: wait, Solomons, Solomon Islands? Welcome to the redundant department of redundancy. And I agree with WG on the timestamps thing.

WG: Tav i will record MY review in cold british fury! That originated from a malaysian jungle

Greek: I want to sleep, but I also want to see this.

I finally got Whiskey-Sempai to record my LR! I need to capitalize on his hatred more often!

Wg: and my attempts to break into profession

She felt the shudder as her armor was hit by enemy shells. They were high explosives rather than armor piercing. A sign the enemy was either running out of Armor Piercing, made a mistake in loading, or was trying to light her fire or incapacitate her.

Not that she would let them have her.

She would rather gladly burn otherwise.

Behind her, Apache is valiantly keeping pace with Freedom. The three ships maneuvered their column to continue to bombard the enemy. Forming up in front of them, screening them from harm, their Cruiser and Destroyer escorts steamed, taking shots at the enemy fleet in a layered fighting formation they are new too. Further away, the enemy, the hated enemy, had begun to form the same style now that the sun was beginning to rise.

First off, these are some lazy fuckin' names.

Jimbo: …


Tavish: "I sexually attracted to Apache Battl- NO NO NO" TAVISH DON'T YOU DARE.

Jimbo: As Break said. Naval combat is a lot more intricate than "Load shell, aim towards enemy and blow them to hell".

Greek: someone is going to have to explain common shells to me.

Break: Wait, naming a ship after an Native American tribe? It's like this guy took the naming conventions, tore them to shreds, then ate them for good measure.

Tavish: IIRC, USN used city names and states for their ships names, right?

Break: Cruisers were cities, Battlecruisers were battles, and "Large" Cruisers were territories.

WG: Tribes seem a very Canadian and British thing. Tribal-DDs, HMCS Iroquios…

They had received word of the enemy fleet sailing down the slot. They had been called upon to intercept it before it could reach the Army and Marines on the southern island of Guadalcanal.

They had raced ahead of everyone else, just as they were designed to do, only their fastest escorts keeping pace until fuel began to become a problem and they began to hit some rough waters.

Slowing down and angry about failing to make the intercept, they glumly waited until supply ships arrived with the slower ships and soon were refueled.

The slow down proved to be advantageous. A Carrier Escort Group had discovered a couple of Japanese Submarines along their path. At the rate they had been moving, they could have run straight into a trap. Fortunately, the Jeep Carrier and her escorts had cleared the Japanese or kept them so far down as to be neutralized long enough to let the ships pass unmolested and unnoticed.

It also allowed Intelligence to finally figure out exactly who they would be up against.

It was with no small amount of shock and anger that, that, THAT thief was found in the enemy fleet!

Double use of "They" and "It" one after the other. *Ding*

Jimbo: Oh god, the pronoun game.

First Commandment of the De3ta Bible, don't do that shit. Mix it up a little so it looks better.

Tavish:Tell me with the truth, him and my attempt at writing, which one is better?

Jimbo: While somewhat disturbing, your writing is leagues better, AWACS.

Break: There were no CVE groups in the Pacific during 1942.

Greek: at this point I'm waiting for him to use CVNs.

WG: Helium powered CVNs, he thinks fission reactors run off helium.

Yes, she is proud of her service to her current people. They lionized her, loved her, honored her.

She had lived up to their expectations and earned their loyalty with loyalty. She had become one of the symbols of their strength and courage. They especially loved to call her by that nickname that had some of the other ships jealous, not that she blamed them.

Among her achievements was the capture of Apache, just behind her.

Taken by her brave crew in the Battle of the Baltic, the former enemy ship is now a good friend and companion as the two often found each other in service together. Now, Apache is dropping back, a raging fire on Freedom slowing her down and Apache was going to provide protection as the crew valiantly fought to their ships from out of control flames.


Jimbo: Der fuck?

Tavish: Who is Apache? Before she was Apache?

Greek: that paragraph made literally no sense.


Jimbo: And even if you get close, they're loaded with angry dudes and AA guns that can easily be turned on boarding parties.

Greek: obligatory WITNESS ME!

Tavish: Tell me guys, the US Navy never went into the european front, or did they?

Erupting geysers of water, some with colored dyes in them, others unmistakeable live rounds, began to splash around Freedom.

As someone with no boat knowledge, I find this silly and inaccurate.

Jimbo: Live rounds used dye to begin with, that way ships could track their shot placement and land the next salvo more accurately.

Break: that part makes sense at least, but Freedom? Dude the naming conventions are on on frikking wikipedia.

Not on her watch. She is not going to let her sister be sunk. Her admiral in agreement as he orders her to come to a new heading and pour on all the speed she can make to try and cross the enemy 'T.' Something that doesn't need to be told to her twice as she makes a sharp right turn to starboard and pushes her engines to deliver even greater power to make the dash.


"Her admiral in agreement" *DING*

Break: Wait.. Is she somehow controlling her hull? I think this is supposed to be ship combat, not shipgirls.

Wg: I think he's trying to do what I've been doing with Montana, and Sheo did with Nagato and Willie - the shpirit of the ship feels whats happening.

Greek: Think I'm gonna get off, having trouble staying awake.

Jimbo: Teitoku-sexuality intensifies?

Two down, four to go.

Tavish: I hope there's no the 3rd one that fell over and leaving.

The enemy fleet spots the maneuver and attempts to block the attempt, but the Cruisers and Destroyers suddenly swing about and begin charging directly for the enemy lines. Startled and knowing that there are more ships and, more frighteningly, aircraft on the way, the enemy commander decides to tackle the smaller ships first and simply charge past the enemy ship.

A tactical mistake with strategic implications. None of them good for the hated enemy. All the better.

They still need to pay for sinking so many friends.

Jimbo: Someone's salty as hell.

*Grabs Ice Tea* This is gonna be a long chapter. *Ding*

Break: This guy has 0 idea how naval combat works. None.

Jimbo: I don't think DDs and CLs would YOLO rush like that, even in desperation. O'Bannon and Laffey the First notwithstanding.

Break: Those attacks happened because the DDs got cut off from their fleets in the darkness.

"A tactical mistake with strategic implications. None of them good for the hated enemy"

Sounds like shit dialogue from a Godzilla film translated by your cousin earl in his van.

Break: Or something from Ambiance.


Tavish: Let's not try to remember that piece of shit, we still have another piece of shit to read.

Everyone! Prepare your drink of choice, here's the list of sunk girls!

Houston, that Galloping Ghost that refused to die until utterly surrounded and bombarded by larger, more powerful ships.

The academic Langley, peacefully serving out her career after years of loyal service and experiments.

That annoying rival from the Southwest that she still respects, Arizona.

The three sisters that went down together, the Astoria, Quincy, and Vincennes.

The little missing Destroyer, Blue.

And there was the old veteran girl who sat as a machine shop until scuttled, the proud and machine savvy Rochester.

Langley bullying, someone get the cat repellant. I hear it does things to people's eyes.

Break: At least this part is sort of right. Langley and Houston went down at Java sea, Quincy, Astoria, and Vincennes went down at Savo island.

Jimbo: Did he imply that Arizona made it out of Pearl only to be sunk later?

Tavish: Blue?

Okay so is this *During* the War, is she referring *to* the war…..

Break: USS Blue DD-387, sunk during the first battle of Guadalcanal.

I suppose that's why she's "Missing" to her.

Tavish: Thanks for the info, Break.

Break: Don't understand the missing though, she was scuttled by friendly forces due to damage.

They were just a few among many. Such as the girls of Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron 3, who were all lost when the Philippines were lost. A submarine lost at Cavite when a bomb hit her as well.

Then there was one Destroyer, so badly damaged by enemy fire was then inadequately supported for drydock and tumbled onto her side suffering more damage before being both scuttled where she lay and hit by an enemy aircraft bomb. Then the drydock she was in was also scuttled, finally taking her to her fate.

So many were being lost. Not just the troops and planes ashore, but ships at sea with men and planes aboard.

Stiiiiiiill going.

Tavish Torpedo Boats shipgirls? Or what?

Wg: no shipgirls yet tav, this is the spirit of the ship reflecting on lost ships. Probably.

Break: The sub was the USS Sealion BTW, and I think the DD he's talking about is USS Stewart.

Jimbo: >who were all lost when the Philippines were lost.

This, grammatically, makes no sense to me.

She had been built for war, but she had much enjoyed her last 20 peaceful years. She had seen enough carnage in the Battle of the Baltic when a fog had suddenly rolled in resulting in desperate single ship battles and even friendly fire among all involved. She had been very glad when the war ended and she didn't have to go back into battle, losing more good men and seeing other good men die as well when their ships gave their final agonizing death cries.

But now…


You see this….


Is dumb.I might forgive it in a better fic, but this so far has been both dull and a stupid read.

Jimbo: But wait, there's more?


Jimbo: Even if we had been involved in the First World War earlier, I doubt we would've been at Jutland, as interesting as that could've been. Nevermind Germany's backyard.

Wg: surprisingly enough proto Malaysia was at Jutlan. HMS Malaya.

Break: Is he referring to an alternate WWI? Without context?

Jimbo: Probably. And it probably resembled the new Battlefield game, too.

She dodged a clever Destroyer's torpedo spread and her secondaries had the ship in their sights at the near limit of their range. They let loose with a ferocious salvo that quickly began to rip into the smaller ship. The Destroyer screamed as she was pounded by more powerful guns designed to fend off old Cruisers. Bleeding fuel oil and burning, she managed to escape the withering fire and flee, weakly and limping, past her fellows and get out of the battle.

But she didn't have time to savor. No. The battle was still ongoing. A desperate fight between the two fleets.

And there she is. At the head of the column. The one ship she never wished to fight. That one ship that should have been her companion.

Taking bet's, who the hell do you think this is!

Wg: Hiei.

Tavish: HIE~

Dammit Whiskey that's cheating and you know it!

WG: if you ain't cheating you ain't trying bro.

Jimbo: Oh boy…

Tavish: De3ta, just let it happen. Spoiling this is better.

Her supposed to be younger sister… Hiei.

Jimbo: I'm not terribly fond of Hiei as a character, but this is probably gonna be too much.

Break: you know any fight like this would be damn near BVR, right? Or at least have several dozen miles between the fleets.

Wg: no he does not, break. On the other hand i write jersey being able to see Montana dying from 20 miles out, but then jersey was also holding a Rover… Oops spoiler. Ah well.

But this is war. So with a heavy heart, but discipline and loyalty, she attacks the head of the enemy column. She attacks Hiei who suddenly is very much startled by the aggressiveness she displays.

The heart wrenching feeling they both have as war created by men so far removed from the battlefield tears their bonds of sisterhood apart for their own games.

Though delayed, Hiei responded with a barrage of her own guns. They weren't enough. The dashing Battlecruiser has succeeded. The 'T' has been crossed. So the guns roar with concussive force as armor piercing shells land with destructive hits. Hiei responds with panicked fire from Secondary Batteries.

Another broadside and Hiei's Number Two turret detonates as it finishes aligning for the shot.

Then another broadside as Hiei attempts to turn and present her flank, allowing her stern guns to come into play. But that move is risky and dangerous. The American Cruisers and Destroyers are

To Hiei's port and to her starboard is San Jorge Island and her older sister blocks the safe route to avoid running aground.

If Hiei turns to port, it will be right into the American line and between ships armed with torpedos.

The direction to starboard only brings a grounding and destruction by air attack.

Another salvo and Hiei's Number One turret belatedly fires in response before a gun barrel is severed in two and a Secondary Turret is smashed open and destroyed.

Fires rage across Hiei's bow. She's on fire amidships as well. Half of her anti-aircraft guns are out of action. Her funnel was shot through, causing a reduction of speed immediately and her mast is laid out across the decks in several pieces.

At this rate, Hiei is done for as her supposed to be elder sister silently, but painfully begins to put her on the bottom.

If Hiei get's mentioned like Hiei one more time then I'm going to shove a Hiei in your Hiei.

Jimbo: I think Hiei is this guy's waifu. He's so far in denial that he hit Lake Victoria.

Tavish: Still not enough to satisfy his lust with F-14. Hiei is just another doll for testing purposes.

Break: So graphic...

WG: this doesn't really work for me. Is this supposed to farm whiskey tears and BB tears? Sheo does it better. Hell I do it better. :V

But then she appears.

Rounding from behind the Hiei, leaving her place in the line of battle, Kongou charges. She is attempting to cross her 'T,' but she will not have it. She will not let the thief take anymore than she alreadyhas.

Forgot a space. *Ding*





Tavish: Sheo Darren called, he want his Eternity back.

Break: So we try to shove in another surprise reveal? IT'S A TWOFER!

Wait I'm confused, I thought they stole Kongou or bought her or whatever, then made their own FBB's from that?

Jimbo: The IJN built a new one.

Wg: TWO NEW KONGOUS. ALL Y WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EVEN ECONOMICS. Also de3ta fast bb and bb are just BB, same hull code.

Aaaand there's the migraine….*Ding*

Break: But Kongou was never Kongou at all, she was Liberty. THIS MAKES NO GODDAMNED SENSE


Break: that was in 1921, Kongou was laid down before then.

Jimbo: Washington Naval Treaty. Pretty much axed a lot of peoples' plans for their fleets.

Turning hard to port to make a wide circle and come back around to fight, she maneuvers to engage the thief in direct combat.

Apache has taken leadership of the American line of battle. Freedom is hurt, but still in the fight, though she's avoiding the Japanese Battleships, letting Apache and the other Battlecruisers engage them.

They all know this isn't their type of battle. They are not Battleships like their opponents. They lack the armor to slug it out. They are meant to make slashing attacks, like Army Cavalry. Not stand and take it like Army Infantry. Speed is their strength and life. But here they have to duke it out because half of the Battleship Force is still on Pearl's bottom and what's left is largely deployed to the Atlantic to fight the Nazis and Fascists.

I really, *really* hate these fight scenes. And they've benn the entiere fucikn chapter!

Break: If the supposed battlecruisers aren't suited for they type of fight, WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY HERE?

Jimbo: CCs in a close-range slugging match? Isn't this how the Brits lost like, three or four at Jutland?

Tavish: I though Close Combat are DD things? Or not all all?

This battle is asking them to commit to a Jutland. To end up like three British Battlecruisers. Sunk one after the other in mere minutes to magazine detonation. Only because the US Navy was concerned after a serious accident with one Battleship, did they have stronger magazine protection and thicker hull armor, as was expected of their original use.

Break, talk to me. The fuck is this.

Break: He's talking about the fact that the armor has been upgraded to prevent a Royal Navy style mag det. I think the serious accident is referring to Mutsu. Jeez this guy is bad at context.

Jimbo: Well then…

Jimbo: Then again, I don't think we built her to RN standards with authentic hidden flaws.

WG: Look peps, jutland was also because the brits said, "i say old beN, what good is safety, we must have a more ferocious rate of fire! Leave all the doors open, chop chop, we have shells to fire!" And then bam. Brit damcon wasn't as good as us or german damcon.

The only reason they survived the chaotic Battle of the Baltic.

You keep mentioning this like I'm supposed to give a fuck. I don't, this means nothing to me.

Tavish: Dude! Just say it like "That Battle" or something like that, It's TIRING TO SEE BALTIC AGAIN AND AGAIN!

Break: Yeah, this guy does not understand context at all.


WG: much of his writing that i've seen has been faux historical nonsense and mecha profiles and things.mi'm a little surprised he actuslly wrote this - i've seen lots of vaporware from him as long as ive known him.

Apache and her sisters, though, lack that kind of protection. Sure, the Navy had rebuilt them with stronger magazine and armor protection while improving their speed and firepower, but they are still lesser in that department than they are.

Literally repeating yourself. *Ding*

Break: What department?

I have no idea. Maybe the normal BBs or something.

Jimbo: Again, the fuck?

Wg: you cant exactly uparmor gamazines tho, since thats all in the inside.

If only the Shiloh and her sisters hadn't been converted into Aircraft Carriers. They were the most powerful Battlecruisers in the fleet! Yet, now that fell on them and they had to stand up to plate.

And yet, here is her chance. Her chance at revenge!

Break: Does this person understand USN Doctrine, at all?

Jimbo, we gotta do the thing. One three….







Tavish: Don't you dare making my vocal cord ripped out. Please.


Break: Go look up Mahan dude, then try to push this shit off on me.

Wg: also he forgets or ignores that lex and sara were converted before thry were complete as CCs. It makes nk sense to convert completed CCs as CVs. Hell the US would have scrapped Liberty! That makes more sense!

Never it let it be said that she hasn't been loyal to the United States of America. Quite the opposite,

America gave her a home and a good life. Her largely peaceful sails of the 20 years had been some of the happiest times of her life. She also found use as a ship that helped people, like when her captain had her used to power a small section of a dock after a disaster once. Another time, she rescued people from pirates simply by her intimidating appearance and the roar of her big guns. Then that time when she charged through howling gale and rescued a merchantman.

Again and again, her homeland welcomed her home. Her loyal combat service had kept her and her sisters from the breakers and to be modernized twice. She was always a welcome sight in her old stations. She got important missions and carried important people.

And when she needed a break, she got a comfortable berth, loving yard apes, and copious amounts of care and affection. Even during the hard times that had hit the whole Navy.

People sang her praises when she appeared through the gloom of despair, her lights shining out as beacons of hope.

A village in need of vital medical supplies and pirates and bandits blocking the routes or stealing were soon aware that she was there to make them stop and provide that medicine.

She loves America. She loves more than her own life. The people there are free to go about their lives peacefully. The children would run across fields and beaches to watch her and she would in turn watch them play baseball and football. Running about mud and grass with smiles on their faces.

She watched people with hopes and dreams pursue them with strength and vigor.

All in all, she was an immigrant to America, and yet she was welcomed as one of its own. She was welcomed as an American. Given all that she went through, America gave her a great life. Both peaceful and happy…

Jesus H christ on a pikestaff this makes ME hate America.

Tavish: Is this the wonders of brainwashing? Turning a British/Japanese into a full Murican? Scary.


Jimbo: *Guitar riff* Amer~i~caaa~… *riff* Amer~i~caaaa~…

WG: dear god. I write yamato/ montana as someone who embraced america but she was still conflicted about that at the start.

Tavish: This is just like she was already ordered, no, compelled to do so, to act like an american and embraced it like a slave to it's master.

Break: we remember that this isn't a girl yet, but a pure spirit. It's not like she knew anything else but America.

If not for war and this thief before her.

That is one thing she'll never forgive. Being replaced. Her sisters were meant to be her's and her's alone. Not the thief's. She will be have her revenge. She will!





Break: Why do you care about ships you never knew/had a connection to?

WG: just because they had your name? This feels rather strange to me. And this is ripped from Eternity, but swapped. There it's Kongou II who resents Indestructible because she's in her shadow, and Hiei-tachi always want Kongou-oneesama first, kongou-chan second.

At least Kongou II has Goto's love for her. Even if that love ends with them running a dagashi shop in the boonjes lol.

Both ships have come about and fire broadsides. Both have damage and are still going at it. The battle will be decided by the one that is sunk first. The one that goes home will have earned that right.

And they can have the matter settled.

Settled with the thief on the bottom, rusting and forgotten. Feeling the pain of abandonment as she

did all those years ago. That she still feels today!

Both ships fire away, intending to end this battle. This will be the last time they will meet!

"Torpedoes astern!"


I know that Feel. **World of Warships Flashbacks**

Break: It's surprise buttsex time. Someone call Jingles.

Jingles: Howdy Folks! (Just joking. IRL Jingles too busy with his TOG 2 and his Garupans figurines)

Imuya dammit! I told you to stop doing this shit to people I like…**Remembers what this is**...Carry on.

Also, doesn't Jingles have a Kirishima to mic check?

Break: his comp background is a pic of Kirishima, you decide.

The exploding pain as she is hit from behind. Another blinding explosion on her decks. Then another and another!

The zoom of aircraft engines powering up from their attacks in order to increase speed and regain altitude.

No, no, no, NO!

This is not how this was supposed to end.

Everyone is being attacked. Apache takes a bomb hit on her bridge, Freedom is being worked over again. She can see Sioux trying desperately to evade along with Comanche. Rights is also trying not be hit, again, with a pair of torpedo holes in her flank and three bomb hits that have struck along her length.

The other ships are also dodging, putting up a hellstorm of anti-aircraft fire. Enemy planes fall from the sky, but they press their attack, doing damage. If this keeps up, they won't survive!

Where did the Japanese planes come from?! Where was their own air cover?!

Another torpedo attack, her gunners get all but one of the planes before it releases its torpedo.

Men desperately pour gunfire into the water, hoping to hit the torpedo and destroy before it hits her. But it is a vain attempt, until one man gets lucky with a hand grenade at the last second.

The blast rocks the ship and electrical systems, struggling already, begin to fail.

The enemy planes seem to be getting beaten back now. They appear to have expended their bombs and torpedos. Now they can retreat. It is the only option. If she can just get herself moving again…

Oh no.

There, at higher altitudes, Betties are lining up with even more single engine enemy planes. Her engineering spaces are flooding, her propellers are damaged. She's on fire, her electrical systems failing, her hull already battered. She won't make it. She won't!

And then a Betty explodes as American fighters power through from above. Others catch fire and begin to lose altitude, unable to press their attacks. The fighters high above pressing their attacks on their surprised enemy.

American Bombers and Torpedo planes then break through the enemy's anti-aircraft fire. With single minded determination, the crews press their attacks. If this is what it looked like when those Carriers were sent to the bottom back at Midway, then she is all for them wrecking them.

Her power grid is fixed suddenly. She has electrical energy flowing through her, powering her systems once more. She now knows how South Dakota felt.

Then her engineering personnel get her engines back online and her rudders freed. She is mobile now, able to at least make some headway. The slowness is a sure killer alone for the usually faster Battlecruiser. But she will take what she can right now.

She can also see her opponent, the thief.

The Fast Battleship Kongou is burning much like her. Both of them have been hit hard and prepare for another go.

But it is not meant to be.

A Japanese pilot suicides right down her smoke funnel and the explosion tears her boilers apart. Her hull bulges and jagged seams open as she screams in absolute agonizing pain. She's deformed at her middle as water rushes in, flooding her and drowning her interiors. She's barely being held together by armor and wiring. She's adrift and dying, she knows that.

Is it just me or has this fight taken a slightly sexual bent.

Jimbo: How did an entire plane shove itself down her smokestacks?

Tavish: Accuracy, but that's BS.

Wg: well when a carrier wants to lewd a bc she sends a plane and makes sure it goes in. :V

Break: We do realize that kamikaze attacks didn't begin until 1944, right?

WG: Break, this is a guy who was amazed that i could find out a hidden secret data… Offroad speed of a T-80. Which was like 10 seconds of google, wikipedia and FAS.

Tavish: At this point, Japan still have enough Ace Pilots and Pilots reserves, and planes.

Jimbo: I believe it was 1944, at the Battle of the Philippine Sea.

Break: It was in the aftermath of Samar, the first ships hit were the Taffy 3 survivors. St. Lo was the first ship sunk.

Jimbo: Another reason why Wikipedia sucks.

Break: Well Samar was a part of Philippine Sea

Jimbo: Point.

And there's the thief, approaching.

No… she seems to be struggling to make any headway. She's more like drifting and as she gets closer, a clearly visible list is now noticeable. It also growing as well.

Her crew is already abandoning ship. Much like her own crew is right now. The best the two can do is just stand up and stay afloat as best they can for however long they can.

This is the end of them both.

As men and boats leave… She can't help, but think back to the day she was picked up by America.

Given a warm and loving home. Even if she wasn't the big time war hero, she had been loyally loved and cared for. She had been fitted out as one of the most powerful vessels afloat. So much that she had outdone her sisters in the Hiei-class as Battlecruisers.

Suddenly, Kongou is leaning on her. Having made what headway she could to get to her. Now together, for a moment in time and space, alone...

And in that moment, Kongou is trying to tell her something…

Something important that is hard to hear through the raging flames and the indescribable amount of pain.

The end is near and yet, she can't hear Kongou. What is she trying to say? What does she want?

How could she let this happen?

Her thoughts turned, as she wonders why she let her crew down. Why did she fail so badly after such a good and loyal career?

What is the thief saying?

I imagine this as a final "fuck you," to this whiney little bugger from Dess.

Break: Again, why do these ships have a connection at all? At least in Sky's fic, he sets it after they come back and creates a believable connection.


Jimbo: It's like Yamato/Enterprise because they were the respective symbols of their nations' naval forces. Or Saratoga/Nagato because they were nuked together.

But fire has begun to reach her powder and ammunition magazines. The protective armor is cracked and broken in several places. A few hatches had been left open or had been torn open by the fatal blast. The fires reaching in and eventually…

Igniting her powder magazines just as Kongou's words reach her...

'Onee-sama, did I serve my nation well? Are you proud of me? Liberty onee-sama?'

Before Liberty can process what she is being asked, she is plunged into darkness, full of regret and sorrow as a titanic blast rips her apart and destroys Kongou…

Just as she always wanted.

Okay, what.

Break: Duuuude, that just went to a dark place.

Tavish: Uh.

Jimbo: Yandere Kongou? Yeah, fuck this, I'm out. *Commits Sudoku*



Tavish: UH

Thankfully this is a line break, so what are your thoughts so far all?

Tavish: Here's my thoughts about it: Uh. Yes. Uh.

Jimbo: An absolute shitfest. Horribly inaccurate. Even Hideous no Fuckyou is better than this. And I can't believe I'm saying that.

Break: I did not think it was possible to do less research than Fuckyou, I was wrong.

I like how you two agree.

Tavish: To be fair, Hackyuu can be a good writer, if he can just not focus on stale gun porn and actually just set the story normally. Atleast for the AFS.



Endless darkness...


'Help us…'


She does not know anything but that. The eternal darkness that swallowed her in death.


'Help us…'


She recalls that final battle.


'Help us…'

She had become so fixated on Kongo, she failed to spot the Japanese planes.


'We beseech you to hear our call…'


She allowed good men to die because of her own feelings of abandonment. The feeling magnified by the naming of a Hiei-class as Kongo.


'We are in need, our greatest need…'

The others? Did they warn her? Or did they blindly follow her?


'We call upon you to lend us your strength…'


Did she lead them to their deaths as well? What had she done?


'We call upon you, oh spirit of iron and smoke…'


She failed, didn't she? She failed. She failed her sisters, her friends, her country, and more

importantly, she failed herself.


'Please come forth oh sword of the sea, hear our prayers and answer…'


Raise your hand if you're sick of the Dinging and the ringing. *Ding*


Tavish: You are not a magus, text. You are not gonna summon a servant.

Break: And yet someone else copies the drumbeat thing Sasahara wrote a long time ago.

Jimbo: Over a year and GG's legacy still lives on. Sasahara left us his great -isms.

Tavish: And i can't help but wonder if that's a good thing or not.

Break: Kinda hated when all the writers did was try to copy him or write GG omakes. We had no real new KC content for over a year because of it.

Add it to the list of "Memes that need to die," then. *Ding*

What is that? Is that someone speaking? If so... Who is that speaking?


'We humbly call upon you once more to defend, to serve with honor and courage in our time of great struggle against a powerful foe…


Is someone calling her? But who? A powerful foe? People in need?


'Great warrior of the seas, what is thy answer to our prayers?'


A memory of a village medicine man dancing and placing a blessing upon her. Telling her that she will always be protected, so long as she remains a true protector. He smiles to her, that toothy grin and promises her that she will always be needed. That she will always have a purpose to fulfill.


'Great warrior of the seas, of the vast oceans, what is thy answer to our prayers?'


And always have a good life…


'Great warrior, what is thy answer?'


Then, suddenly, there is a song. A familiar song to anyone that lived in that time. When the Army would be beat on the field or the enemy felled by their mighty guns…

'Please answer oh great warrior, what is thy answer?'

Jimbo: I think that's a ship's telegraph.

Break: No, it's the goddamned Liberty Bell.

Jimbo: Welp… I'm sure the theft of the Declaration of Independence factors into this somehow. That, and a Mason treasure.

$20 it's actually that, taking bets now.

Break: Because the whole reason he named her Liberty was to use that joke.

Tavish: My ears hurt. Maybe because i am not a murican, and so i can't listen to the great bell of UNITED STATES OF FUCKING AMERICA. Is it true that only the true patriotic of american that can only hear the sound of the bells of Liberty?

Stand Navy down the field, sail set to the sky;

We'll never change our course, So Army you steer shy-y-y-y.

Roll up the score Navy, anchors aweigh!

Sail Navy down the field and sink the army, sink the army grey!

Get underway, Navy, Decks cleared for the fray;

We'll hoist true Navy Blue, So Army down your Grey-y-y-y;

Full speed ahead, Navy; Army heave to;

Furl Black and Grey and Gold, And hoist the Navy, hoist the Navy Blue!

Blue of the Mighty Deep; Gold of God's Sun

Let these colors be till all of time be done, done, done,

On seven seas we learn Navy's stern call:

Faith, Courage, Service true, with Honor, Over Honor, Over All

'Great warrior of the blue seas and distant swells, what is your answer to our prayer?'

Anchors Aweigh, my boys,

Anchors Aweigh.

Farewell to foreign shores,

We sail at break of day-ay-ay-ay.

Through our last night ashore,

Drink to the foam,

Until we meet once more.

Here's wishing you a happy voyage home.

Stand Navy out to sea,

Fight our battle cry;

We'll never change our course,

So vicious foe steer shy-y-y-y.

Roll out the TNT,

Anchors Aweigh.

Sail on to victory

And sink their bones to Davy Jones, hooray!

Anchors Aweigh, my boys,

Anchors Aweigh.

Farewell to foreign shores,

We sail at break of day-ay-ay-ay.

Through our last night ashore,

Drink to the foam,

Until we meet once more.

Here's wishing you a happy voyage home

Is he just copying actualy Navy songs at this point?

Break: OH WHAT THE FUCK. HE'S STEALING MY IDEAS. That was a plotpoint from Battlecry. Hell it was the reason I named that fic Fight our Battlecry.

I will take that as a maybe.

Jimbo: Also, I think he's butchering the lyrics and using that to make a bad interservice rivalry joke.

Break: Considering they're out of order… and copied directly from Wikipedia

'Please answer us, oh great warrior, we beseech thee!'


Two good songs and reminders of happier times. Times of peace and enjoyment. When she sailed the God's great blue oceans and enjoyed being in dock with her friends and sisters for a bit of good natured fun and ribbing. Jokes abound and the past was yesterday, tomorrow always the mystery, and the today the gift that people always called the present.


'Oh great warrior of the sea, oceans, stars, sun, and moon, what is your answer to our prayers?'


Then there is an almost hidden and muted ring of a bell. A bell much like that found at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The one that she shares a name with. A sound she heard once when it was carefully rung at her commissioning ceremony. The second time it had been rung in its history, rung since the crack in its side formed.


'What is your answer to our prayers oh great warrior of the boundless and bottomless oceans?'


The answer is simply buddy…

Fuck it, for the remainder of the fic the sound of me drinking will be Dess. *DESS*

Jimbo: Wait? Buddy? Is he still alive?

Break: What did I tell you? What did I fucking tell you? It's the damn Liberty Bell.


*Pats* Here, this should help. *Hands Aspirin and ice tea*

Tavish: Fasting. FASTING.

…..dear god ya shoulda told me! I'd have waiting until morning!

Jimbo: If I remember correctly, fasting in a religious sense is meant to purify. And we're reading something far from purifying.

Tavish: Yes. Yet i press on. Trying futilely to see something worth purified from this pile of shit.

"USS Liberty, BC-1, reporting for duty!" she shouts crisply as she struggles to remain upright and holding a proper salute before the startled women and handful of men as the world spins and she begins to capsize only to realize in that brief moment of remaining clarity…

'They're all Japanese?!'

And once more she is unconscious, but before she loses her vision, she could swear she fell on wooden planks of some kind inside of a rather small building and that… a lithe, feminine arm appeared in her vision with the rarely seen pith helmet of the Tropical Dress Uniform of the United States Navy on its side with her old symbol, the Liberty Bell with crossed swords and cannons with tropical leaves and a lone tree behind them, placed upon its front.

And yet... Somewhere nearby she hears Anchors Aweigh once more that comforts her into the darkness.

Oh dear god it's like that one "Kongou stays British" Fic that Sheo did. But worse. Check out @Sheo Darren on Fanfiction.Net. *Plug*

Break: That was Sky's fic BTW.

Jimbo: What. The. Fuck?

Break: Pith helmet… PITH HELMET? WHAT THE HELL?

Was it? Somone @ Sky for me I cannot recall his SV name. Swear I read *something* similar from Sheo though….

Jimbk: @Skywalker_T-65

Tavish: Skywalker T-65. Or what Jimbo said.


Somewhere nearby…


That's one X away from being Lewd, adn two away from resembling my eyes while reading this.

Jimbo: And we have our antagonist?

Break: It's just nearby, doesn't matter where, just nearby.

"Geez sir, can you put an end to that?" one man groans as he hears the song again. Not that he really blames him, but come on! A fella can only hear his service song so many times before it gets on his nerves.

"Sorry sailor," the officer doesn't turn it off, "This is the last time, then I wrote play it for a spell."

The sailor sighs, "Well, shucks sir, I know you miss home as much as I do and the next guy, but you're supposed to be leading us. Is there something wrong?"

With a sigh, the officer nods with a bit of a droop in his shoulders, "The wife is expecting soon and we still haven't recovered Wake Island, let alone opened a door to Alaska."

An old sea dog of a NCO lifts up his reinstated and much preferred Navy ballcap before he speaks up, "And you want your first born to be born on good ole American soil, right sir?"

The officer gives another sigh, "Right Chief," he responds sadly, "Me and a whole lot of other guys and gals too."


Another Enlisted Rating sums up everyone's collective thoughts as he toys with a scale replica of the Liberty Bell, "Fucking war, fucking Abyssals."

"Amen," comes from a round of other sailors just lounging near some shrine with a good view of the harbor below and down among those ships, in the side part of the yard, is their battered ship waiting, possibly in vain, for repairs that might not happen due to a shortage of everything, but the damn Abyssals.


"Will you knock that off already!?"

*Hugs Tav*

Tavish: I swear to gott, if they add one MORE of that schiesse ding fucking ring again….

Jimbo: A toy? REALLY!?

It's not cute to point out how annoying that was, it's just irritating. You bastard.

Jimbo: I'm off to preserve what's left of my sanity. I can already see black tea at the edges of my vision like any first-person shooter.

Tavish: Bye, Jimbo.


Tavish: yey

Break: just post this so I can go to bed.



Tavish: De3ta no

Break: Let me guess a long winded author's note that is all preening and turns everyone off to your actual story?




Yes… This story is inspired by SkywalkerT-65 and his story, Indestructible Spirit.


Jimbo: Read: massive ripoff.

Tavish: You forget a part of Eternity. Sheo called and wanted it back.

Break: Read: I have no original ideas, or life.

And yes. I gave him advance warning I wanted to do this story. So I have. But remember here folks, this is my story and not his story. Here, Kongo is an American Battlecruiser named Liberty and not a British Battlecruiser/Battleship named Indestructible.


Jimbo: So she's basically fucking Sonichu? Oh god… oh god…

Break: Your advanced warning was a PM that he promptly ignored/laughed at, and you sent one to me, one in which I critiqued yoru research fails. Which you promptly ignored.

Tavish: Sonichu remarks is actually reserved for Hackyuu though. But whatever. For me, hackyuu is KC! Sonichu.

Now, moving on.

I gave Liberty a ship seal of her own. The design is supposed to indicate that she operates in the

Pacific and is a fast, cavalry like presence there. She saw extensive service with both the Asiatic and Pacific Fleets. Her uniform also represents that she rarely sails anyone particularly cold. It is the old Tropical White Uniform, which did come with an exceptionally rarely used pith helmet.

Being a fast Battlecruiser, I think using any other head cover that was standard would be lost in later chapters with frequent regularity, so I chose the Pith Helmet instead.


Break: Yeah USN never used them. At all.

For those wondering what the Tropical White Uniform looks like, it has since become known as the 'Captain Steubing Uniform' from the character from the TV series, The Love Boat.

That sounds like a Porno, he stole this from a Porno.



Break: Nah it's an old sitcom

Other uniform additions will be revealed later on in the next chapter. Largely because while part of the uniform is the Tropical White Uniform, this is a fictional series and the character will have a uniform that reflects her deployments. True, she did serve at one point in the Baltic, a cold place, she didn't stick around for long as her purpose had her use in the Pacific.

More on that in future chapters.



Break: Why are you revealing characters before they're introduced? WHY?

We also get a fictional Kongo as well. This is the fifth sister of the Hiei Sisters and the youngest as well. Despite carrying Liberty's original name, she is shown as only wanting Liberty's acceptance.

The one time she gets to actually talk to her oldest sister, is when they both can barely stay afloat and then are lost when Liberty blows up.


Tavish: So, Mini-kongou or basically Urakaze with brown hair and Kongou hairstyle and FBB rigging.

Break: LIBERTY WAS NEVER NAMED KONGOU IN YOUR DUMB UNIVERSE. If you make an alt!history, at least remember your damn alt!history.

Of course, Kongou is already summoned. And once she finds out, she will want to find out what her big sister thinks of her service record thus far. She only wants to impress and to make Liberty proud of her. So there will be a bit of an issue or four dozen to come.


Kind of hard to feel loving when Liberty has spent a lot of time feeling abandoned and then replaced.

Also, Fifth Sister of the Hiei Sisters is not a mistake. There will be more on that as well. I had to find a replacement for Hiei who was actually lost after fighting the USS South Dakota and USS

Washington. Plus leave Hiei and Kongou afloat to fight against Liberty in their last battle together during the Second World War.

Tavish: ….

Break: Don't tell us in the damn author's notes, tell us in the story.


Tavish: God bless my voice.


Break: He went full Murica, never go full Murica.
Belated Battleships says otherwise. You can go full Murica, but only if you really go full murica. And use a proper battlewagon, not a Dess-knock off.
Jimbo: I think Hiei is this guy's waifu. He's so far in denial that he hit Lake Victoria.
Jersey: As apparently the word's expert in denial of the romantical nature... fucking yes.
Jingles: Howdy Folks! (Just joking. IRL Jingles too busy with his TOG 2 and his Garupans figurines)
Doesn't he have a Kiritashima to bother?
Dangit, Sky, look what you've done.

Break: Yeah USN never used them. At all.
Um... actually....
Wikipedia Article "Uniforms of the United States Navy said:
The rarely seen Tropical White Uniform (also referred to as Tropical White Short) was similar to the Summer White Service uniform, except white knee shorts and knee socks were worn. It was colloquially known as the "Captain Steubing" uniform, after the character on The Love Boat TV show. Exceptionally rarely worn, though authorized with this uniform, was a pith helmet, with a Naval Officer's insignia at the front, above the brim.
That sounds like a Porno, he stole this from a Porno.



Break: Nah it's an old sitcom
See above.
Are you sure it wasn't just because she's loud?
No, she was thwarting shitty admiral's attempts to have his way with the shipgirls. He used troll logic to argue she was a british citizen and illegal alien in japan and needed to be deported. :/

Shitty admiral later died in an abyssal attack. I suspect he was fragged. :V
@Breakaway25 The Philippine Sea was the Turkey Shoot, actually. Samar was part of Leste Gulf.
I...I love you guys.

*doubles over from laughter*

Break: This guy has 0 idea how naval combat works. None.
*feels so much better*

Jimbo: >F-14 Tomcat Lover


USN doesn't use battlecruisers. They don't fit our doctrine
Huh, why did the USN build the Lexington-Class hulls then, if they didn't like the concept?

Anyways, @De3ta, are you going to do random fics from now on?

Thank god I'm too obscure to ever get a lets read
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Murphy won't apply to me here :V- at least 4 people on various sites promised me a comprehensive review of AC, but I seen none appear. Besides, that project is now on indefinite hold.

It is also mediocre, thus not fun enough for a LR

So I'm absolutely, 100% confident that no one will ever touch that :V
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Huh, why did the USN build the Lexington-Class hulls then, if they didn't like the concept?
As I understand it the Lexingtons were essentially experiments, though I'm sure @Skywalker_T-65 has a better understanding of what went on and can correct me.

Also, F-14 Tomcat Lover writes that the US actually completed the ficticious Shiloh-class battlecruisers, and then converted them to aircraft carriers. Ehhhhhhh nope, not gonna happen. You're better off scrapping the battlecruiser and building a new CV from the hull up. Lexington and Saratoga's conversions happened because they weren't fully complete and were basically just hulls, they hadn't gotten their guns and superstructure installed.
Mr Sky's History Lecture

Joking aside, I will now hop in for once- since I'm busy and couldn't hope to participate in an LR as it goes on -with my Indy work, the context to a lot of this direct from the original request, and well...

Actual thought out history and economics.

To start, I'll pull quotes from the commentary:

This battle is asking them to commit to a Jutland. To end up like three British Battlecruisers. Sunk one after the other in mere minutes to magazine detonation. Only because the US Navy was concerned after a serious accident with one Battleship, did they have stronger magazine protection and thicker hull armor, as was expected of their original use.

To start, this is wrong. HMS Indefatigable was the first Brit lost at Jutland. She was lost at- forgive the military time, but sources are sources -at sometime around 16:02. HMS Queen Mary, the second of the three, was sunk around 16:25. This is important, because even the two closest sinkings are a good twenty minutes apart. Not 'mere minutes'.

And the last one? HMS Invincible, Indy's momboat? 18:30. Two hours after Queen Mary, two and a half after Indefatigable. This is hardly something hidden, to bloody Wikipedia. It's also one of the minor historical quibbles here.

Break: He's talking about the fact that the armor has been upgraded to prevent a Royal Navy style mag det. I think the serious accident is referring to Mutsu. Jeez this guy is bad at context.

Jimbo: Then again, I don't think we built her to RN standards with authentic hidden flaws.

WG: Look peps, jutland was also because the brits said, "i say old beN, what good is safety, we must have a more ferocious rate of fire! Leave all the doors open, chop chop, we have shells to fire!" And then bam. Brit damcon wasn't as good as us or german damcon.

To be fair, Liberty- I'm not going to leave off the italics here. This is a badly done ship, not a character -would have had the original Kongou design. Complete with Brit-style magazine placement. Which is not as big an issue as it may seem because as WG said...Jutland was a combination of Beatty being an idiot and ignoring Brit CC doctrine- use your speed and range to avoid enemy fire -and charging in like a madman. He had something like ten minutes to shoot the Germans outside their range and...


That and Brit powder handling, which can be summed up as 'WANKERS who cares about SAFTEY we need to shoot FAST FAST FAST". Powder in the turrets. Safety doors left deliberately open, all that fun stuff.

I bring this up because upgrading Liberty's armor scheme isn't going to do much to change fundamental issues with it...issues that weren't even why the Brits lost ships at Jutland.

To crib from our thread master:


Not even basic historical research, check.



Break: that was in 1921, Kongou was laid down before then.

Jimbo: Washington Naval Treaty. Pretty much axed a lot of peoples' plans for their fleets.

Y'know, I'm going into more detail with this in regards to the infamous PM, but it's not just two Kongous. This story takes the WNT and bends it over a table, to excuse the LEWWWDDD imagery. And the London Naval Treaty for that matter.

And, as Whiskey said, Economics in general. In many, many horrible ways. And I'm not even an economist, I'm a historian.


You don't even capture ships in World War One, which is where this came up. Again, will explain below.

Wg: also he forgets or ignores that lex and sara were converted before thry were complete as CCs. It makes nk sense to convert completed CCs as CVs. Hell the US would have scrapped Liberty! That makes more sense!

Technically speaking, conversions from CCs to CVs have happened and are possible. And I do mean complete ones.

Courageous and Glorious say hi.

This said, if you have the ability to build proper carriers, and are already making the London Naval Treaty a non-starter, why convert complete CCs? Just build more Yorktowns. Or Essex early. Or...well, anything but conversions. Lex and Sara are special cases.

Break: Why do you care about ships you never knew/had a connection to?

Because it's ripping off Indy, I presume. I had Indy caring about Hiei without ever meeting her, but it was very much an idealized thing. She loved them without knowing them, and never wanted to fight them. And I tried to be careful and logical about it.

Break: We do realize that kamikaze attacks didn't begin until 1944, right?

Well, actually, organized Kamikazes did. Hornet, to use an example, got rammed by two planes in her final battle. One in her stacks, ironically, likely where this came from. Both of them were planes already damaged and going to crash though, so very much an act of desperation.

Come to think of it, Big Sister Enterprise also had that happen, when a land-based bomber tried ramming her earlier in the war.

Jimbo: It's like Yamato/Enterprise because they were the respective symbols of their nations' naval forces. Or Saratoga/Nagato because they were nuked together.

I've really reached the point of 'oh god stop with Yamaprise' honestly, so yeah. It's like that.

Don't even get me started on Sara/Nagato. UGH

Oh dear god it's like that one "Kongou stays British" Fic that Sheo did. But worse. Check out @Sheo Darren on Fanfiction.Net. *Plug*

Break: That was Sky's fic BTW.

Was it? Somone @ Sky for me I cannot recall his SV name. Swear I read *something* similar from Sheo though….

Jimbk: @Skywalker_T-65

Tavish: Skywalker T-65. Or what Jimbo said.


Anyway, yeah, this is a direct ripoff of Indy. Which I sincerely hope is much better plotted and researched. With the amount of research that goes into it and Destiny, I could probably write a dissertation.

And I'm not joking.


Jimbo: So she's basically fucking Sonichu? Oh god… oh god…

Break: Your advanced warning was a PM that he promptly ignored/laughed at, and you sent one to me, one in which I critiqued yoru research fails. Which you promptly ignored.

I could have. I thought I did.

As Break said, I just ignored it. Not so much laughed as blue-screened at sheer braindead historical and economic idiocy, but ignored. Because I fully hoped that ignoring it would make it clear I did not endorse the idea. Jesus, I could never endorse something that twists history into a pretzel, then twists it again and again and again and again...

*Sky.exe resets*

Ahem. Anyway, commentary done, time for the request and the hilariously bad historical and economic breaking. Imma putting only chunks of it and under spoiler tags though. And also not quoting word for word.

Kongou is bought by MURICA, specifically as part of a- and I quote -'Fast Attack Force' for use in the Pacific. To get to the Philippines quickly in the event of a war with Japan. And she got four sister ships built.

Now, the issue with this should be fairly clear to anyone with a modicum of understanding in USN doctrine of the time. While there was some interest in a battlecruiser concept, the USN of 1912/1913 was not particularly inclined to build one. Oh sure, we had done design studies when Kongou was built. Because the Navy wanted something to counter those ships, likely where the 'FAF' came from. The issue though, is that the climate in those specific years? When a delayed Kongou could actually be bought?

The USN was more concerned with getting as many battleships as we could. More than anything else. The Lexingtons, the result of these studies, would not be approved until after Jutland. Getting the USN to not only buy Kongou- we don't buy from other nations -and then build her four sisters? Not bloody likely, if not because of the USN itself than because of Congress which didn't even want to approve battleship construction at the time.

Also, the text in the message implies that the USN built those four ships before WW1. Y'know, in the one year they would have had- if that -after finishing DESS.

EDIT as I am typing due to ninja:

Huh, why did the USN build the Lexington-Class hulls then, if they didn't like the concept?

As per above, we built them partially to counter Kongou, partially because during WW1 the USN realize 'hey guys, maybe we should have some battlecruisers'. The Lex sisters were the only ones we ever planned on though. Even then, more of a scouting force than actual line warships.

The ships would then be moved to the Atlantic during WW1. Whereupon they would fight the Battle of the Baltic that Break kept raging about. A battle between the USN and the Kaiserliche Marine, in the Baltic. After the USN managed to break past all the defenses in the Heliogoland Bight, through the Denmark Strait, and past Wilhemshaven, Hamburg, and Kiel. Without being seen. And managing to sink two battleships at their moorings.

Again, issues here should be fairly obvious. First though:

Tavish: Tell me guys, the US Navy never went into the european front, or did they?

We did. Battleship Division Nine, only ever four or five of our older coal-fired dreadnoughts, though. Because the Brits didn't have enough oil to supply their newer ships and our newer ships, but plenty of coal.

Tangent aside, the idiocy here is mindboggling. The approach to Wilhemshaven is one of the most heavily mined approaches in the world during the Great War. Furthermore, getting past German scouts (and the occasional sympathetic Dane) and through the Denmark Strait? Right past bloody Copenhagen? That wouldn't happen. It just wouldn't.

The Brits did a distant blockade of Germany during WW1 for good reason. They knew getting closer would mean a lot of mine explosions and risking the High Seas Fleet sortieing against them. The USN, who lacks the RN's experience, is sure as hell not pulling that off.

It's also more America-wank, since they win everything here and the Germans- who, y'know, typically sank more than they had sunk outside a couple cases -lost everything.

Furthermore, this is where Apache came from. SMS Teiwaz- more butchering of naming schemes, this time the German one -was the first of her class, captured by the Americans. And y'know what, let's do another spoiler tag:

Here, it is mentioned that Germany built not just one, but five Kongou clones. The Teiwaz class. Furthermore, these are built on stolen plans from the Japanese, and because the Brits supposedly were doing the same. Which they did, the Reliant-class. A further five Kongou-clones.

Honestly, this is where economics starts to come into play, along with more doctrinal errors. Neither Germany nor the UK had the dockyards or resources to build five extra CCs each. Not a chance in hell. I had to go through major bloody contortions to justify Irresistible and Implacable (Indy's sister ships) being built. Irresistible, for example, wasn't finished until right before Jutland. And the Brits had to pull a lot of tricks to get just two extra ships. Leave alone five. When they would have just built more Tiger-class CCs in this case.

The Germans? They already were hurting their Army just funding what they historically built. Not only with the German Army sure as hell veto any ludicrous attempts to build five extra capital ships, the Kaiserliche Marine would never build Kongou clones. Even were they able to get the funding and somehow have complete plans to Kongou- never going to happen in either case -they wouldn't. Because Kongou, and Brit designs in general, are completely and totally counter to German CC doctrine. I like pointing out that SMS Seydlitz took a beating (21 main caliber hits, none smaller than 12in) that would sink many battleships at Jutland. You know why?

German CCs were built differently. Instead of sacrificing armor for speed, like everyone else from the Brits to the Japanese to the Americans (yes, Lex is here), they sacrificed gun caliber and a relatively minor amount of armor. Their ships were built tough, despite losing some firepower, so they could stand in the line of battle if needed.

Kongou is the exact opposite of German design and doctrine. She's a fast hunter, not designed to fight in the line of battle, but to hunt fast raiders and other battlecruisers. She would be completely out of place in the Kaiserliche Marine, and if they built extra ships to counter extra Brit ships, it would be either sisters to Seydlitz or more Derfflingers.

Moving on:

As per above, the Washington Naval Treaty is torn apart. The USN keeps Teiwaz, and eventually gets her four sister ships that were sold to other nations (the Nordics most prominently). For some reason. They are then sold to the USN, who doesn't want to fund an expensive CC building spree- despite building three of the Lex sisters as battlecruisers, and then the even larger and stronger Shiloh class. Because...yeah. This is also where the naming thing comes in. The captured German ships are named after Native American tribes- for some reason -and it's even acknowledged as 'unusual'.

At any rate, the USN goes into WW2 with sixteen battlecruisers. While BB and CV strength is pretty much the same.

More economic and history twisting! As I said before, this is where the WNT is told to go out back and bend over. The USN would not get to build six battlecruisers, no sir. I had to twist history hilariously just to justify them getting CC Sara in Indy. Leave alone five more. The Brits would not let them, the Japanese would not let them. No one in their right mind would let them.

Furthermore, the German ships wouldn't have survived Scapa. And even if they did, they would have gone to the Brits, Italians, USN, French, and Japanese. Who would promptly use them as targets, scrap them, or something along those lines. Like they actually did with the ex-Imp German ships. They wouldn't go to Sweden and friends, who have zero use for a battlecruiser.

Nor would America buy them after this twisting of history, because why would we need four more ex-German ships? Why indeed.

It's also yet more MURICA F*** YEAH because the other nations in the WNT? Brits only get to keep a few extra 'modernized battleships' (what battleships, the Iron Dukes?) an extra Admiral-class CC, and their Kongou clones. The Japanese? Two more Hiei-class, as mentioned in the chapter above. Amagi completed as a battlecruiser- this thing twists history so much the Great Kanto Earthquake didn't happen -along with three modified versions of existing BBs. Not Tosa, so presumably modified Nagato-class ships? Who knows.

But compare the USN getting six new-built CCs, plus their already existing five Kongou-clones, and five ex-German Kongou clones. Sixteen battlecruisers, while the RN gets some old battleships, and six extra CCs. And Japan gets three, with three battleships. Fair eh?

OH! Wait, there's more!

MURICA also gets three modified (smaller) SoDak 1920s. And completed USS Washington (BB-47). So add that.

Yet, the WNT survived enough to make Lex and Sara still be conversions? Eh? That doesn't work that way. And the London Naval Treaty clearly never happened, because we didn't scrap any of these ships like we should have. Also, the original request mentions converting the three extra Lexingtons (Constellations) to CVs, not the Shilohs. So that might have changed, dunno. Continued below...

Finally, another late edit since this is getting hilariously long:

As I understand it the Lexingtons were essentially experiments, though I'm sure @Skywalker_T-65 has a better understanding of what went on and can correct me.

Also, F-14 Tomcat Lover writes that the US actually completed the ficticious Shiloh-class battlecruisers, and then converted them to aircraft carriers. Ehhhhhhh nope, not gonna happen. You're better off scrapping the battlecruiser and building a new CV from the hull up. Lexington and Saratoga's conversions happened because they weren't fully complete and were basically just hulls, they hadn't gotten their guns and superstructure installed.

Not to mention that converted CV's suffered in performance compared to their built-to-order counterparts.

I explained the Lexingtons above, and also mentioned the Brits did convert fully complete CCs to CVs. It's possible. Just not economical, and frankly, if you're going to take the London Naval Treaty and shoot it in the head, why convert CCs? Just build more Yorktowns for the love of god.

Also, while as a general rule converted CVs suffered, Lex and Sara are the exception. They had some minor issues with their hangar space since they weren't designed as carriers, and thus, weren't as efficient as a purpose designed ship that size. However, they were otherwise very excellent carriers that in the form of Sara remained fully useful and competitive right up to the end of the WW2.


I wrote a history lecture. I wrote an honest-to-god history lecture.

passes out

Also, this story has a grand total of 20 Kongous running around. Think about that.

Passes out again*
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Well, actually, organized Kamikazes did. Hornet, to use an example, got rammed by two planes in her final battle. One in her stacks, ironically, likely where this came from. Both of them were planes already damaged and going to crash though, so very much an act of desperation.

Come to think of it, Big Sister Enterprise also had that happen, when a land-based bomber tried ramming her earlier in the war.

This behavior of impromptu ramming is not even that unique to the IJN and IJA. Akagi herself was about to be rammed by a B-26. If it had hit then it would have impacted Akagi's island, which might have killed Nagumo and his staff members right there. (Shattered Sword, 152)

The authors speculated that the B-26 may have been rendered unnavigable or the crew wanted to sell themselves dearly. To the relief of Nagumo and crew, it missed and landed into the ocean.

You don't even capture ships in World War One, which is where this came up. Again, will explain below.

There were several ships that exchanged hands during the Russian Revolution IIRC and of course during WW2 there were the ABDA and Asiatic ships that got recommissioned into the IJN. However, it involved ground forces overrunning the area before the crew could scuttle their ships and in the latter case relied on the ships being near the coast in salvageable condition.

The only open ocean captures during the 20th century I could think of involved either merchant ships with limited/no armament and the u-boats. The latter cases were pretty much luck of the draw and extremely hard to replicate. Other than that the main method of exchanging services for ships was as war prizes or being sold off.
But @Whiskey Golf, that would require him to do research. This is. The old AP HE crap from WoWS
Actually in a PM reply to me review, he brought up HE in a huff (which I was confused about because I'd never mentioned HE, so maybe he's already seen this thread, unless he was trying to preempt me), and very defensively said it was because Hiei and Kongou II were loaded with HE in anticipation of bombarding Henderson field.

2) The High Explosives were really the shot that was supposed to be used on Henderson Field. Liberty didn't know that and simply applied it as she thought. The Japanese were surprised in quite the same way as the ill-fated USS Atlanta and her group did in history to a group of Japanese ships, including a Battleship. Unable to switch the rounds in time, they were forced to fire the specialized ammunition until Armor-Piercing was available.

To which I was all "Uh yeah I didn't bring up HE as an issue, why are you making it an issue? BTW all APC rounds have dye marker." I mean let's be fair, poor choice of wording aside, that's not exactly something implausible. Recall Soviet tank doctrine: Always keep HEAT loaded as the ready ammo, because even if it's suboptimal, HEAT will still do some damage to whatever you shoot it at.

Dear god, why am I being the reasonable one here? :/